blob: 1baedfba5ffaf2c0b59c448e97375b7e2b3fddba [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic.Language;
using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Util;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public class TestPhoneticFilterFactory : BaseTokenStreamTestCase
* Case: default
public void TestFactoryDefaults()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.ENCODER, "Metaphone");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
assertTrue(factory.GetEncoder() is Metaphone);
assertTrue(factory.inject); // default
public void TestInjectFalse()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.ENCODER, "Metaphone");
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.INJECT, "false");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
public void TestMaxCodeLength()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.ENCODER, "Metaphone");
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.MAX_CODE_LENGTH, "2");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
assertEquals(2, ((Metaphone)factory.GetEncoder()).MaxCodeLen);
* Case: Failures and Exceptions
public void TestMissingEncoder()
new PhoneticFilterFactory(new Dictionary<String, String>());
catch (ArgumentException expected)
assertTrue(expected.Message.Contains("Configuration Error: missing parameter 'encoder'"));
public void TestUnknownEncoder()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put("encoder", "XXX");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
catch (ArgumentException expected)
assertTrue(expected.Message.Contains("Error loading encoder"));
public void TestUnknownEncoderReflection()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put("encoder", "org.apache.commons.codec.language.NonExistence");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
catch (ArgumentException expected)
assertTrue(expected.Message.Contains("Error loading encoder"));
* Case: Reflection
public void TestFactoryReflection()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.ENCODER, "Metaphone");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
assertTrue(factory.GetEncoder() is Metaphone);
assertTrue(factory.inject); // default
* we use "Caverphone2" as it is registered in the REGISTRY as Caverphone,
* so this effectively tests reflection without package name
public void TestFactoryReflectionCaverphone2()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.ENCODER, "Caverphone2");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
assertTrue(factory.GetEncoder() is Caverphone2);
assertTrue(factory.inject); // default
public void TestFactoryReflectionCaverphone()
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put(PhoneticFilterFactory.ENCODER, "Caverphone");
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
assertTrue(factory.GetEncoder() is Caverphone2);
assertTrue(factory.inject); // default
public void TestAlgorithms()
assertAlgorithm("Metaphone", "true", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A", "aaa", "B", "bbb", "KKK", "ccc", "ESKS", "easgasg" });
assertAlgorithm("Metaphone", "false", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A", "B", "KKK", "ESKS" });
assertAlgorithm("DoubleMetaphone", "true", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A", "aaa", "PP", "bbb", "KK", "ccc", "ASKS", "easgasg" });
assertAlgorithm("DoubleMetaphone", "false", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A", "PP", "KK", "ASKS" });
assertAlgorithm("Soundex", "true", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A000", "aaa", "B000", "bbb", "C000", "ccc", "E220", "easgasg" });
assertAlgorithm("Soundex", "false", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A000", "B000", "C000", "E220" });
assertAlgorithm("RefinedSoundex", "true", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A0", "aaa", "B1", "bbb", "C3", "ccc", "E034034", "easgasg" });
assertAlgorithm("RefinedSoundex", "false", "aaa bbb ccc easgasg",
new String[] { "A0", "B1", "C3", "E034034" });
assertAlgorithm("Caverphone", "true", "Darda Karleen Datha Carlene",
new String[] { "TTA1111111", "Darda", "KLN1111111", "Karleen",
"TTA1111111", "Datha", "KLN1111111", "Carlene" });
assertAlgorithm("Caverphone", "false", "Darda Karleen Datha Carlene",
new String[] { "TTA1111111", "KLN1111111", "TTA1111111", "KLN1111111" });
assertAlgorithm("ColognePhonetic", "true", "Meier Schmitt Meir Schmidt",
new String[] { "67", "Meier", "862", "Schmitt",
"67", "Meir", "862", "Schmidt" });
assertAlgorithm("ColognePhonetic", "false", "Meier Schmitt Meir Schmidt",
new String[] { "67", "862", "67", "862" });
/** Test that bogus arguments result in exception */
public void TestBogusArguments()
new PhoneticFilterFactory(new Dictionary<String, String>() {
{ "encoder", "Metaphone" },
{ "bogusArg", "bogusValue" }
catch (ArgumentException expected)
assertTrue(expected.Message.Contains("Unknown parameters"));
internal static void assertAlgorithm(String algName, String inject, String input,
String[] expected)
Tokenizer tokenizer = new MockTokenizer(new StringReader(input), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);
IDictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<String, String>();
args.Put("encoder", algName);
args.Put("inject", inject);
PhoneticFilterFactory factory = new PhoneticFilterFactory(args);
factory.Inform(new ClasspathResourceLoader(factory.GetType()));
TokenStream stream = factory.Create(tokenizer);
AssertTokenStreamContents(stream, expected);