blob: 359061a1ba2c213589db4b58d22f447769d361c9 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Assert = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Assert;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Search
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using DateTools = DateTools;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using Document = Documents.Document;
using Field = Field;
using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader;
using LuceneTestCase = Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase;
using RandomIndexWriter = Lucene.Net.Index.RandomIndexWriter;
using Term = Lucene.Net.Index.Term;
/// <summary>
/// Unit test for sorting code. </summary>
public class TestCustomSearcherSort : LuceneTestCase
private Directory index = null;
private IndexReader reader;
private Query query = null;
// reduced from 20000 to 2000 to speed up test...
private int INDEX_SIZE;
/// <summary>
/// Create index and query for test cases.
/// </summary>
public override void SetUp()
INDEX_SIZE = AtLeast(2000);
index = NewDirectory();
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(
LuceneTestCase.Random, index);
RandomGen random = new RandomGen(this, Random);
for (int i = 0; i < INDEX_SIZE; ++i) // don't decrease; if to low the
// problem doesn't show up
Document doc = new Document();
if ((i % 5) != 0) // some documents must not have an entry in the first
// sort field
doc.Add(NewStringField("publicationDate_", random.LuceneDate, Field.Store.YES));
if ((i % 7) == 0) // some documents to match the query (see below)
doc.Add(NewTextField("content", "test", Field.Store.YES));
// every document has a defined 'mandant' field
doc.Add(NewStringField("mandant", Convert.ToString(i % 3), Field.Store.YES));
reader = writer.GetReader();
query = new TermQuery(new Term("content", "test"));
public override void TearDown()
/// <summary>
/// Run the test using two CustomSearcher instances.
/// </summary>
public virtual void TestFieldSortCustomSearcher()
// log("Run testFieldSortCustomSearcher");
// define the sort criteria
Sort custSort = new Sort(new SortField("publicationDate_", SortFieldType.STRING), SortField.FIELD_SCORE);
IndexSearcher searcher = new CustomSearcher(this, reader, 2);
// search and check hits
MatchHits(searcher, custSort);
/// <summary>
/// Run the test using one CustomSearcher wrapped by a MultiSearcher.
/// </summary>
public virtual void TestFieldSortSingleSearcher()
// log("Run testFieldSortSingleSearcher");
// define the sort criteria
Sort custSort = new Sort(new SortField("publicationDate_", SortFieldType.STRING), SortField.FIELD_SCORE);
IndexSearcher searcher = new CustomSearcher(this, reader, 2);
// search and check hits
MatchHits(searcher, custSort);
// make sure the documents returned by the search match the expected list
private void MatchHits(IndexSearcher searcher, Sort sort)
// make a query without sorting first
ScoreDoc[] hitsByRank = searcher.Search(query, null, int.MaxValue).ScoreDocs;
CheckHits(hitsByRank, "Sort by rank: "); // check for duplicates
IDictionary<int?, int?> resultMap = new JCG.SortedDictionary<int?, int?>();
// store hits in TreeMap - TreeMap does not allow duplicates; existing
// entries are silently overwritten
for (int hitid = 0; hitid < hitsByRank.Length; ++hitid)
resultMap[Convert.ToInt32(hitsByRank[hitid].Doc)] = Convert.ToInt32(hitid); // Value: Hits-Objekt Index - Key: Lucene
// Document ID
// now make a query using the sort criteria
ScoreDoc[] resultSort = searcher.Search(query, null, int.MaxValue, sort).ScoreDocs;
CheckHits(resultSort, "Sort by custom criteria: "); // check for duplicates
// besides the sorting both sets of hits must be identical
for (int hitid = 0; hitid < resultSort.Length; ++hitid)
int? idHitDate = Convert.ToInt32(resultSort[hitid].Doc); // document ID
// from sorted
// search
if (!resultMap.ContainsKey(idHitDate))
Log("ID " + idHitDate + " not found. Possibliy a duplicate.");
Assert.IsTrue(resultMap.ContainsKey(idHitDate)); // same ID must be in the
// Map from the rank-sorted
// search
// every hit must appear once in both result sets --> remove it from the
// Map.
// At the end the Map must be empty!
if (resultMap.Count == 0)
// log("All hits matched");
Log("Couldn't match " + resultMap.Count + " hits.");
Assert.AreEqual(resultMap.Count, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Check the hits for duplicates.
/// </summary>
private void CheckHits(ScoreDoc[] hits, string prefix)
if (hits != null)
IDictionary<int?, int?> idMap = new JCG.SortedDictionary<int?, int?>();
for (int docnum = 0; docnum < hits.Length; ++docnum)
int? luceneId = null;
luceneId = Convert.ToInt32(hits[docnum].Doc);
if (idMap.TryGetValue(luceneId, out int? value))
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(prefix);
message.Append("Duplicate key for hit index = ");
message.Append(", previous index = ");
message.Append(", Lucene ID = ");
idMap[luceneId] = Convert.ToInt32(docnum);
// Simply write to console - choosen to be independant of log4j etc
private void Log(string message)
if (Verbose)
public class CustomSearcher : IndexSearcher
private readonly TestCustomSearcherSort outerInstance;
internal int switcher;
public CustomSearcher(TestCustomSearcherSort outerInstance, IndexReader r, int switcher)
: base(r)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.switcher = switcher;
public override TopFieldDocs Search(Query query, Filter filter, int nDocs, Sort sort)
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
bq.Add(query, Occur.MUST);
bq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("mandant", Convert.ToString(switcher))), Occur.MUST);
return base.Search(bq, filter, nDocs, sort);
public override TopDocs Search(Query query, Filter filter, int nDocs)
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
bq.Add(query, Occur.MUST);
bq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("mandant", Convert.ToString(switcher))), Occur.MUST);
return base.Search(bq, filter, nDocs);
private class RandomGen
private readonly TestCustomSearcherSort outerInstance;
internal RandomGen(TestCustomSearcherSort outerInstance, Random random)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.random = random;
@base = new DateTime(1980, 1, 1);
internal Random random;
// we use the default Locale/TZ since LuceneTestCase randomizes it
internal DateTime @base;
// Just to generate some different Lucene Date strings
internal virtual string LuceneDate
=> DateTools.TimeToString((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) + random.Next() - int.MinValue, DateTools.Resolution.DAY);