blob: 7bbf8f41577d2ab7961453422bc57433f4931022 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Lucene.Net History
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.2 build 001 "Beta"
- Port: Lucene core and test code
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.1 build 002 "Final"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.1 build 001 "Beta"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.0 build 001 "Alpha"
- Port: Test code
- Note: Not all test are passing, this is just a port release
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.0 build 000 "Alpha"
- Port: Core Lucene code and demo code
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 build 002 "Final"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.3.1 build 003 "Final"
- Fix: LUCENENET-106 (Lucene.NET is leaking memory)
- Fix: LUCENENET-116: Ambiguous name "text" in term class when in VB.NET
- Fix: LUCENENET-117: Bug in Lucene.Net.Index.DocumentsWriter.AppendPostings when compiled in release-mode
- Fix: LUCENENET-121: StopFilter tries to access the i'th item of a hashtable as item[i] where i is not a key.
- Fix: LUCENENET-122: Bug in function "SupportClass.Number.ToString(long number)"
- Fix: LUCENENET-128: 2 bugs in BooleanScorer2
- Fix: LUCENENET-129 "Test case TestDateSort.TestReverseDateSort fails"
- Fix: LUCENENET-130 "bug in unit test helper class Lucene.Net.Search.CheckHits"
- Fix: LUCENENET-131 "bugs in TestIndexWriter test cases"
- Fix: LUCENENET-132 "bug in DocumentsWriter.BalanceRAM()"
- Fix: LUCENENET-133 "bug in IndexWriter.RegisterMerge()"
- Fix: LUCENENET-134 "broken test cases in unit test class TestIndexWriterDelete.cs"
- Fix: LUCENENET-138 "IndexReader.IndexExists() always returns false"
- Fix: LUCENENET-139 "Bugs in test codes (remote searching) stemming from opening the same port twice or registering an already registered http channel"
- Fix: LUCENENET-140 "System.Single.Parse --> SupportClass.Single.Parse"
- Fix: TestStressIndexing2.patch of LUCENENET-143 (NUnit test for Index/TestStressIndexing2)
- Fix: LUCENENET-146 (BUG in segmenttermpositionvector.cs (similar to LUCENENET-145))
- Fix: LUCENENET-150 (DocumentsWriter.ReusableStringReader does not implement some methods of StringReader)
- Fix: LUCENENET-151 (Bug in Lucene.Net.Search.MultiPhraseQuery.ExtractTerms(System.Collections.Hashtable terms))
- Fix: LUCENENET-152 (Nunit test for TestStressIndexAndSearching & TestStressLocks)
- Fix: LUCENENET-154 (Lucene.Net.Index.TestIndexWriterLockRelease: Unit test fails in tear down if directory does not exist)
- Fix: LUCENENET-155 (SetUp bug in 3 unit tests)
- Fix: LUCENENET-157 (SegmentMerger.AddIndexed expects *Reader.GetFieldNames to return a 1-dimensional ICollection)
- Fix: LUCENENET-158 (TestSpanNearOrdered02 - TestSpanNearOrdered05 fail)
- Fix: LUCENENET-159 (Lucene.Net.Search.Spans.SpanOrQuery)
- Fix: LUCENENET-160 (A small performance improvement in ExtendedFieldCacheImpl)
- Fix: LUCENENET-163 (Platform dependent path handling)
- Fix: LUCENENET-168 Sporadic failures in TestRemoteSearchable.cs
- Fix: LUCENENET-170 (BooleanClause serialization fails owing to issues with serializing Occur object)
- Fix: LUCENENET-174 RAMDirectory Not Correctly Serializing
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.3.1 build 002 "Beta"
- Port: Ported the "Test" code from Java to C#.
- Fix: A number of issues in Lucene.Net Core code -- Thanks to Doug Sale
- Fix: A number of issues in Lucene.Net Test code -- Thanks to Doug Sale
- Dev Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.3.1 build 001 "Alpha"
- Port: Prted the "Core" and "Demo" code from Java to C#.
- Issues: Test code is not released yet.
- Note: Requires Visual Studio 2005 or later and .NET 2.0 or later.
- Note: There is no 2.3.0 or 2.2 release (to correspond with the Java Lucene release).
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.1 build 003 "Release Candidate"
- Fix: LUCENENET-55 "Documents.DateTools has issue creating a Date in StringToDate()"
- Fix: LUCENENET-56 "Incorrect file in TestLockFactory.RmDir()"
- Fix: LUCENENET-57 "DocHelper in Tests not creating UTF8 Cleanly"
- Fix: LUCENENET-58 "Issue in CheckHits c# doesn't perform an Assert against a hashtable"
- Fix: LUCENENET-59 "QueryUtils has some invalid Asserts"
- Fix: LUCENENET-61 "Issue testing Backwards Compatibility"
- Fix: LUCENENET-62 "IndexReader.IndexExists() Fails if directory doesn't exists."
- Fix: LUCENENET-63 "FieldCacheImpl tries to parse a float in f format"
- Fix: LUCENENET-64 "TestDateFilter incorrectly gets total milliseconds"
- Fix: LUCENENET-65 "Test case "TestSerializable" uses the stream after closing"
- Fix: LUCENENET-66 "TestMergeAfterCopy fails in IndexFileDeleter"
- Fix: LUCENENET-67 "Bug in TestIndexWriter.TestAddIndexOnDiskFull"
- Fix: LUCENENET-68 "Bug in TestIndexWriterDelete.TestOperationsOnDiskFull"
- Fix: LUCENENET-69 "FSIndexInput.isFDValid() not ported correctly"
- Fix: LUCENENET-70 "TestParallelReader.TestDocument fails because of bug in "ParallelReader.Document(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector)" method"
- Fix: LUCENENET-71 "TestParallelTermEnum.Test1 fails because of bug in "ParallelReader.Next" method"
- Fix: LUCENENET-72 "TestIndexReader bugs"
- Fix: LUCENENET-73 "TestDoc.cs --> access to a closed stream"
- Fix: LUCENENET-74 "SimpleFSLockFactory can not obtain lock correctly."
- Fix: LUCENENET-75 "FSDirectory does not correctly handle directory cache "DIRECTORIES""
- Fix: LUCENENET-76 "DisjunctionMaxQuery has unnecessary clone which causes it to fail unit tests"
- Fix: LUCENENET-77 "Bug in TestBinaryDocument.cs"
- Fix: LUCENENET-81 "TestTermVectorsWriter.cs bug"
- Fix: LUCENENET-82 "NUnite test for TestSimpleExplanations"
- Fix: LUCENENET-83 "NUnite test for TestComplexExplanations"
- Fix: LUCENENET-84 "Nunit test for TestMultiFieldQueryParser"
- Fix: LUCENENET-85 "SupportClass.Parse and System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator"
- Fix: LUCENENET-87 "NUnite test for TestQueryParser"
- Fix: LUCENENET-88 "NUnit test for TestQueryParser -2"
- Fix: LUCENENET-89 "NUnit test for TestQueryParser -3"
- Fix: LUCENENET-90 "Nunit test for TestIndexModifier.TestIndex"
- Fix: LUCENENET-91 "NUnit test for TestQueryParser.TestStarParsing"
- Fix: LUCENENET-92 "NUnite test for QueryParser.TestMultiAnalyzer."
- Fix: LUCENENET-93 "NUnite test for Search.TestRemoteSearchable"
- Fix: LUCENENET-94 "NUnit test for Search.TestSort (RemoteSearchable issues)" (only TestSort.patch applied)
- Fix: LUCENENET-96 "NUnit test for Lucene.Net.Store.TestLockFactory.TestLockClassProperty"
- Fix: LUCENENET-101 "Using incorrect base when opening index"
- Fix: LUCENENET-100 "Problem with remoting of IComparable[] in FieldDoc.cs"
- Fix: LUCENENET-104 "Name of first index segment is empty string"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.1 build 002 "Beta"
- Port: Ported the "Test" code from Java to C#
- Fix: LUCENENET-47: "Make up for Constansts.cs"
- Fix: LUCENENET-48 "Clone method of SegmentInfos.cs does'nt copy local fields/variables."
- Fix: LUCENENET-50 "Improvement for FSDirectory."
- Fix: LUCENENET-52 "IndexFileDeleter in svn trunk"
- Fix: LUCENENET-53 "SegmentsInfos.GetCurrentSegmentGeneration works incorrectly"
- Issues: A number of NUnit tests are failing.
- Dev Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.1 build 001 "early-Alpha"
- Issues: Optimizing an index will cause an exception.
- Issues: The "Test" code has not yet be ported for this release.
- Issues: Code in "contrib" have not been validated to work with this release.
- Patch: Apache Lucene.Net.2.0 build 005 "Final"
- Fix: LUCENENET-37 "Exception while search in Lucene.Net and Index prepared by Lucene Java"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.0 build 004 "Final"
- Fix: LUCENENET-36 "Countries using "," as decimal separator gets an exception in QueryParser.cs with a query like color~0.5"
- Fix: LUCENENET-35 "Tokenizer.Close should check if input is null"
- Fix: LUCENENET-33 "Frequent exceptions at Single Parse(String s)"
- Fix: LUCENENET-32 "Check hashtable in PhraseQuery.ExtractTerms for existing keys"
- Fix: LUCENENET-31 "elimate exception when casting TermFreqVector"
- Fix: LUCENENET-30 "Unnecessary boxing of bytes"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.0 build 003 "Final"
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.TestSort.TestInternationalMultiSearcherSort -- NUnit test now passes
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.TestSort.TestInternationalSort -- NUnit test now passes
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.0 build 002 "Beta"
- Lucene.Net.Demo.SearchFiles.cs -- ported new code
- Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentReader.Get() -- changed Exception to SystemException
- Lucene.Net.Search.StringIndex.cs -- added a Close() method (to fix sort memory leak defect)
- Lucene.Net.Search.FieldCacheImpl.cs -- added a Close() method (to fix sort memory leak defect)
- Lucene.Net.Search.FieldSortHitQueue.cs -- added a Close() method (to fix sort memory leak defect)
- Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher.cs -- added a Close() method (to fix sort memory leak defect)
- Lucene.Net.Search.MatchAllDocsQuery.Clone() -- removed this unused methods
- Lucene.Net.Search.MultiPhraseQuery.Clone() -- removed this unused methods
- Lucene.Net.Search.PrefixQuery.Clone() -- removed this unused methods
- Lucene.Net.Search.RangeQuery.Clone() -- removed this unused methods
- Lucene.Net.Index.FieldInfos.FieldName()/FieldInfo() -- avoid the use of exception throwing
- Issues: Lucene.Net.Search.TestSort.TestInternationalMultiSearcherSort -- NUnit test FAILS
- Issues: Lucene.Net.Search.TestSort.TestInternationalSort -- NUnit test FAILS
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.2.0 build 001 "Alpha"
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.1.9.1 build 001
- Port: Lucene.Net.Documents.TimeToString() -- re-based with the Java version
- Port: Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.SetMaxBufferedDocs() -- re-based with the Java version
- Port: Lucene.Net.Store.BufferedIndexOutput.WriteBytes() -- re-based with the Java version
- Port: Lucene.Net.Store.RAMOutputStream.FlushBuffer() -- re-based with the Java version
- Port: Lucene.Net.Demo.* -- re-based with the Java version
- Port: Test.Lucene.Net.Index.TestCompoundFile.TestLargeWrites() -- new test case added
- Port: Test.Lucene.Net.StoreTest.Test() -- re-based with the Java version
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.1.9 RC1 build 005 "Final"
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.MultiPhraseQuery.ToString() -- was skipping one too many item during the iteration
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.ParallelReader.GetFieldNames() -- was adding the object instead of the dictionary value
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.ParallelReader.Add() -- was adding the object instead of the dictionary value
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Store.Obtain() -- changed name from obtain() to Obtain() (lower case to upper case)
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentReader.~SegmentReader() -- removed: System.Threading.Thread.SetData()
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.TermInfosReader.~TermInfosReader() -- removed: System.Threading.Thread.SetData()
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Documents.DateField.DATE_LEN -- must use SupportClass.Number.ToString() to get the length
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Util.ToStringUtils.Boost() -- wasn't adding ".0" when the value doesn't have a remainder
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentReader.CreateFakeNorms() -- was returning the wrong data member
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Documents.NumberTools -- value of MIN_STRING_VALUE and MAX_STRING_VALUE were wrong
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Analysis.TestISOLatin1AccentFilter.TestU() -- file was not saved as unicode; thanks to Ben Tregenna
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.TestSearchForDuplicates.TestRun() -- wasn't using MemoryStream correctly
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.TestSearch.TestSearch_Renamed_Method() -- wasn't using MemoryStream correctly
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.* -- replaced "[TestFixtureSetUp]" to "[SetUp]" and "[FixtureTearDown]" to "[TearDown]"
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Index.TestParallelReader -- was comparing objects instead of the dictionary value
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Index.TestSegmentReader -- was comparing objects instead of the dictionary value
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Index.TestTermVectorWriter -- was not calling InitBloc()
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Analysis.Setup() -- was adding to the hash without checking if the key already exist
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Index.TestMultiReader/TestSegmentReader/TestSegmentTermDoc.cs -- all those needed their class member variables re-initialized
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.1.9 RC1 build 004 Beta
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.FieldCacheImpl.GetFloats() -- must remove 'f" or "F" for System.Single.Parse() to work
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.GetFieldnames() -- was storing the object instead the value in the object
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Index.CollectionContains() -- need to compare strings, not objects
- Fix: Test.Lucene.Net.Serch.TestKnownSetOfDocuments() -- don't fail if an item doesn't exist
- Release: Apache Lucene.Net.1.9 RC1 build 003 Alpha
- Note: This is the first release of Lucene.Net 1.9 to SVN
- Note: Added ZIP compression support via reflection. Thanks to Eyal Post
- Note: Fixed bugs in the code which were expose via the NUnit "Test" code
- Note: NUnit "Test" code has been ported to Lucene.Net. Out of 307 tests 58 are failing
- Note: There are still some remaining port work to be done; look for the text "Aroush" in the code
- Issue: There are still some code not fully ported; search for "Aroush" to find those codes
- Issue: The NUnit test code has not been ported yet
- Issue: Demo.IndexHtml won't work due to some bug in the area of in-memory stream porting
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.9 RC1 build 002 Alpha
- Note: This release is based on the current Java code release of 1.9 RC1
- Note: This release contains all the fixes currently implemented for 1.4.3 build 004
- Note: There are still some remaining port work to be done; look for the text "Aroush" in the code
- Issue: The NUnit test code has not been ported yet
- Issue: Demo.IndexHtml won't work due to some bug in the area of in-memory stream porting
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.9 RC1 build 001 Alpha
- Issue: There are still some code not fully ported; search for "Aroush" to find those codes.
- Issue: The NUnit test code has not been ported yet (the current code is still based on 1.4.3 final)
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 004 to the Apache incubator site
- Clean-up: VS.Net project settings.
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 004
- Fix: Fixed System.Object cast in Lucene.Net.Search.RangeQuery and Lucene.Net.Analysis.PorterStemFilter -- Thanks to Jason
- Note: Moved project to Apache at:
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 003
- Fix: Memory leak -- Thanks to Marcus.
- Fix: Remoting class and other misused of System.Object cast -- Thanks to Jason
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.9 RC1 build 001 Alpha
- Issue: There are still some code not fully ported; search for "Aroush" to find those codes.
- Issue: The NUnit test code has not been ported yet (the current code is still based on 1.4.3 final)
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 002
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.MultiReader.cs -- fixed GetIndexedFieldNames()
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 001
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.TermQuery.Clone() -- was returning null, so removed it.
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.cs -- replaced StreamReader() to TextReader()
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.RemoteSearchable.cs -- added InitializeLifetimeService()
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Document.DateField.cs -- fixed StringToDate()
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Store.RAMDirectory.cs -- fixed RAMDirectory()
- Issue: Demo.IndexHtml won't work due to some bug in the area of in-memory stream porting
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 RC2 build 001
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.Query.MergeBooleanQueries(); cast type was wrong.
- Fix: Demo.IndexHtml; can index now but searching on the index file won't work, yet.
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 RC1 build 001
- Fix: Document.DateField.StringToTime() -- can't use System.Convert.ToInt64()
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 beta build 001
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.0 RC1 build 001
- Fix: Changed some data types from 'int' to 'long'
- Fix: changed some codes from base.Clone() to this.Clone()
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.0 beta build 002 (targeted for "final")
- Fix: Document.Fields() now returns an IEnumerable. Thanks to Marcus.
- Fix: Use SupportClass.Single.Parse() to parse numbers ending with 'f'
- Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.0 beta build 001
- Release Note: 159 test run, 7 failed due to non-existing remote-Lucene setup
- Failed Test:
- Search.TestRemoteSearchable.*
- Search.TestSort.TestNormalizedScores/TestRemoteCustomSort/TestRemoteSort
- Fix: Removed 'ref' keyword usage from DateTime.
- Port: TestQueryParser.cs -- done. thanks to Radu.
- Fix: TestQueryParser.cs -- date-range formatting issues.
- Fix: Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.GetRangeQuery() -- date-range formatting issues.
- Fix: Use: System.IO.Path.Combine("path-1", "path-2") instead of "path-1" + "\\" + "path-2"
- Port: Ported "test" out of ~160 tests, only ~14 fail.
- Port: SupportClass.Character.ForDigit() -- done. thanks to Monsur
- Port: Lucene.Net.Documents.DateField.cs -- done. thanks to Monsur
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanScorer
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.FilteredQuery
- Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.SortScorers
- Port: Ported "test" more than 2/3 of the NUnit test now pass
- Fix: Fixed query (ToString()) formatting issue ("2" -> "2.0") to pass NUnit test
- Fix: Field items iteration
- Fix: TermInfoReader.get_Renamed() -> TermInfoReader.Get()
- Fix: Searching now works
- Fix: Indexing now works; indexing with Lucene.Net and searching on the same index via Jakarta Lucene
- Fix: System.IO.TextReader.Read() returns 0 not -1 so check for '<= 0'
- Port: QueryTermVector.cs -- done. thanks to Monsur
- Port: SpanNearQuery.cs -- done. thanks to Radu
- Port: SpanOrQuery.cs -- done. thanks to Radu
- Port: FSDirectory.cs -- done. thanks to Seth & Bill
- Port: IndexReader.cs -- done. thanks to Bill
- Port: IndexWriter.cs -- done. thanks to Bill
13Oct04 Lucene.Net.1.4-alpha build 002
- Port: SpanNearQuery.cs & SpanOrQuery.cs -- thanks to Radu
- Fix: FSDirectory.cs, IndexReader.cs & IndexWriter.cs -- thanks to Seth and Bill
- Fix: FSDirectory.RenameFile()
13Oct04 Lucene.Net.1.4-alpha build 002
- Note: First effort to port Jakarta Lucene 1.4-final to C#
- Note: Ported emements are: "src" and "demo"
- Note: There are still outstanding un-ported code (12 in all) which are being looked at
- Note: The code compiles and runs as is, but you can't index or search
- Fix: PriorityQueue.Out() -> PriorityQueue.Put()
- Port: MultiReader.cs & Document.cs -- thanks to Radu
15Sep04 Lucene.Net.1.3-rc3 build 001
- Revival of Lucene by repackaging 1.3rc1-001 and 1.3rc3-001
29Sep04 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc3 build 001
- initial release of jakarta lucene 1.3-rc3
for changes:*checkout*/jakarta-lucene/CHANGES.txt?rev=1.58
- fix: DateToString bug
for more info:
18Apr04 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc2 build 002
- add: demos, web demos and tests
- fix: add FileAccess.Read key with FileMode.Open when open
file stream for read
- fix: name style updated
QueryParser.cs: GenerateParseException()
- new: Lucene.Net National Language Support Pack (Lucene.Net.NLS Pack)
support: Brazilian, CJK, Chinese, Czech, French and Dutch Analysers
20Dec03 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc2 build 001
- initial release for 1.3-rc2
only Lucene.Net without demo and tests
09Jan03 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc1 build 002
- update: documentation and comments
- bug fixed: wildcard search crash lucene - fixed
look TestQueryFSDirectory project for details
- bug fixed: all tests and demos work
08May03 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc1 build 001
- initial release