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<title>IndexWriter Constructor (String, Analyzer, Boolean)</title>
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<td class="runninghead">Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API</td>
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<h1 class="dtH1">IndexWriter Constructor (String, Analyzer, Boolean)</h1>
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<B>NOTE: This constructor is now obsolete.</B>
<B>This constructor will be removed in the 3.0 release. Use IndexWriter(string, Analyzer, bool, MaxFieldLength) instead, and call Commit() when needed</B>
<HR /> Constructs an IndexWriter for the index in <pre class="code">path</pre>. Text will be analyzed with <pre class="code">a</pre>. If <pre class="code">create</pre> is true, then a new, empty index will be created in <pre class="code">path</pre>, replacing the index already there, if any. <p>Throws CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt</p>
<p>Throws LockObtainFailedException if another writer has this index open (<pre class="code">write.lock</pre> could not be obtained)</p>
<p>Throws System.IO.IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or if it does not exist and <pre class="code">create</pre> is <pre class="code">false</pre> or if there is any other low-level IO error</p>
<div class="syntax">public IndexWriter(<br />   <a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1/cpref/html/frlrfSystemStringClassTopic.htm">string</a> <i>path</i>,<br />   <a href="Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer.html">Analyzer</a> <i>a</i>,<br />   <a href="ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1/cpref/html/frlrfSystemBooleanClassTopic.htm">bool</a> <i>create</i><br />);</div><h4 class="dtH4">Parameters</h4><dl><dt><i>path</i></dt><dd>the path to the index directory</dd><dt><i>a</i></dt><dd>the analyzer to use</dd><dt><i>create</i></dt><dd><pre class="code">true</pre> to create the index or overwrite the existing one; <pre class="code">false</pre> to append to the existing index</dd></dl><h4 class="dtH4">See Also</h4><p><a href="Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.html">IndexWriter Class</a> | <a href="Lucene.Net.Index.html">Lucene.Net.Index Namespace</a> | <a href="Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriterConstructor.html">IndexWriter Constructor Overload List</a></p><hr /><div id="footer"><p></p><p>Generated from assembly Lucene.Net []</p></div></div>