blob: b1866b4c1670666d11905488d03513b56e28b63e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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using System;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using NUnit.Framework;
using LuceneTestCase = Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
public class TestPositionBasedTermVectorMapper:LuceneTestCase
protected internal System.String[] tokens;
protected internal int[][] thePositions;
protected internal TermVectorOffsetInfo[][] offsets;
protected internal int numPositions;
public TestPositionBasedTermVectorMapper(System.String s):base(s)
public TestPositionBasedTermVectorMapper() : base("")
public override void SetUp()
tokens = new System.String[]{"here", "is", "some", "text", "to", "test", "extra"};
thePositions = new int[tokens.Length][];
offsets = new TermVectorOffsetInfo[tokens.Length][];
numPositions = 0;
//save off the last one so we can add it with the same positions as some of the others, but in a predictable way
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length - 1; i++)
thePositions[i] = new int[2 * i + 1]; //give 'em all some positions
for (int j = 0; j < thePositions[i].Length; j++)
thePositions[i][j] = numPositions++;
offsets[i] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo[thePositions[i].Length];
for (int j = 0; j < offsets[i].Length; j++)
offsets[i][j] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo(j, j + 1); //the actual value here doesn't much matter
thePositions[tokens.Length - 1] = new int[1];
thePositions[tokens.Length - 1][0] = 0; //put this at the same position as "here"
offsets[tokens.Length - 1] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo[1];
offsets[tokens.Length - 1][0] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo(0, 1);
public virtual void Test()
PositionBasedTermVectorMapper mapper = new PositionBasedTermVectorMapper();
mapper.SetExpectations("test", tokens.Length, true, true);
//Test single position
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
System.String token = tokens[i];
mapper.Map(token, 1, null, thePositions[i]);
var map = mapper.FieldToTerms;
Assert.IsTrue(map != null, "map is null and it shouldn't be");
Assert.IsTrue(map.Count == 1, "map Size: " + map.Count + " is not: " + 1);
var positions = map["test"];
Assert.IsNotNull(positions, "thePositions is null and it shouldn't be");
Assert.AreEqual(numPositions, positions.Count, "thePositions Size: " + positions.Count + " is not: " + numPositions);
System.Collections.BitArray bits = new System.Collections.BitArray((numPositions % 64 == 0?numPositions / 64:numPositions / 64 + 1) * 64);
for (var iterator = positions.GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext(); )
var entry = iterator.Current;
PositionBasedTermVectorMapper.TVPositionInfo info = entry.Value;
Assert.IsTrue(info != null, "info is null and it shouldn't be");
int pos = (int)entry.Key;
bits.Set(pos, true);
Assert.IsTrue(info.Position == pos, info.Position + " does not equal: " + pos);
Assert.IsTrue(info.Offsets != null, "info.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be");
if (pos == 0)
Assert.IsTrue(info.Terms.Count == 2, "info.getTerms() Size: " + info.Terms.Count + " is not: " + 2); //need a test for multiple terms at one pos
Assert.IsTrue(info.Offsets.Count == 2, "info.getOffsets() Size: " + info.Offsets.Count + " is not: " + 2);
Assert.IsTrue(info.Terms.Count == 1, "info.getTerms() Size: " + info.Terms.Count + " is not: " + 1); //need a test for multiple terms at one pos
Assert.IsTrue(info.Offsets.Count == 1, "info.getOffsets() Size: " + info.Offsets.Count + " is not: " + 1);
Assert.IsTrue(BitSetSupport.Cardinality(bits) == numPositions, "Bits are not all on");