blob: 0010f97ff272d39dfb0dd6862be9f55433d89ddd [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Benchmarks.ByTask.Tasks;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
namespace Lucene.Net.Benchmarks.ByTask.Stats
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// Statistics for a task run.
/// <para/>
/// The same task can run more than once, but, if that task records statistics,
/// each run would create its own TaskStats.
/// </summary>
public class TaskStats
: System.ICloneable
/// <summary>Task for which data was collected.</summary>
private readonly PerfTask task; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
/// <summary>Round in which task run started.</summary>
private int round;
///// <summary>Task start time.</summary>
//private long start; // LUCENENET: Never read
/// <summary>Task elapsed time. elapsed >= 0 indicates run completion!</summary>
private long elapsed = -1;
/// <summary>Max tot mem during task.</summary>
private long maxTotMem;
/// <summary>Max used mem during task.</summary>
private long maxUsedMem;
/// <summary>Serial run number of this task run in the perf run.</summary>
private readonly int taskRunNum; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
/// <summary>Number of other tasks that started to run while this task was still running.</summary>
private int numParallelTasks;
/// <summary>
/// Number of work items done by this task.
/// For indexing that can be number of docs added.
/// For warming that can be number of scanned items, etc.
/// For repeating tasks, this is a sum over repetitions.
/// </summary>
private int count;
/// <summary>
/// Number of similar tasks aggregated into this record.
/// Used when summing up on few runs/instances of similar tasks.
/// </summary>
private int numRuns = 1;
/// <summary>
/// Create a run data for a task that is starting now.
/// To be called from Points.
/// </summary>
internal TaskStats(PerfTask task, int taskRunNum, int round)
this.task = task;
this.taskRunNum = taskRunNum;
this.round = round;
maxTotMem = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); //Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
maxUsedMem = maxTotMem; // - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); // LUCENENET TODO: available RAM
//start = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // LUCENENET: Never read
/// <summary>
/// Mark the end of a task.
/// </summary>
internal void MarkEnd(int numParallelTasks, int count)
elapsed = J2N.Time.CurrentTimeMilliseconds();
long totMem = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); //Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
if (totMem > maxTotMem)
maxTotMem = totMem;
long usedMem = totMem; //- Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); // LUCENENET TODO: available RAM
if (usedMem > maxUsedMem)
maxUsedMem = usedMem;
this.numParallelTasks = numParallelTasks;
this.count = count;
private int[] countsByTime;
private long countsByTimeStepMSec;
public virtual void SetCountsByTime(int[] counts, long msecStep)
countsByTime = counts;
countsByTimeStepMSec = msecStep;
public virtual int[] GetCountsByTime()
return countsByTime;
public virtual long CountsByTimeStepMSec => countsByTimeStepMSec;
/// <summary>Gets the taskRunNum.</summary>
public virtual int TaskRunNum => taskRunNum;
/// <seealso cref="object.ToString()"/>
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(task.GetName());
res.Append(" ");
res.Append(" ");
return res.ToString();
/// <summary>Gets the count.</summary>
public virtual int Count => count;
/// <summary>Gets elapsed time.</summary>
public virtual long Elapsed => elapsed;
/// <summary>Gets the maxTotMem.</summary>
public virtual long MaxTotMem => maxTotMem;
/// <summary>Gets the maxUsedMem.</summary>
public virtual long MaxUsedMem => maxUsedMem;
/// <summary>Gets the numParallelTasks.</summary>
public virtual int NumParallelTasks => numParallelTasks;
/// <summary>Gets the task.</summary>
public virtual PerfTask Task => task;
/// <summary>Gets the numRuns.</summary>
public virtual int NumRuns => numRuns;
/// <summary>
/// Add data from another stat, for aggregation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stat2">The added stat data.</param>
public virtual void Add(TaskStats stat2)
numRuns += stat2.NumRuns;
elapsed += stat2.Elapsed;
maxTotMem += stat2.MaxTotMem;
maxUsedMem += stat2.MaxUsedMem;
count += stat2.Count;
if (round != stat2.round)
round = -1; // no meaning if aggregating tasks of different round.
if (countsByTime != null && stat2.countsByTime != null)
if (countsByTimeStepMSec != stat2.countsByTimeStepMSec)
throw new InvalidOperationException("different by-time msec step");
if (countsByTime.Length != stat2.countsByTime.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("different by-time msec count");
for (int i = 0; i < stat2.countsByTime.Length; i++)
countsByTime[i] += stat2.countsByTime[i];
public virtual object Clone()
TaskStats c = (TaskStats)base.MemberwiseClone();
if (c.countsByTime != null)
c.countsByTime = (int[])c.countsByTime.Clone();
return c;
/// <summary>Gets the round number.</summary>
public virtual int Round => round;