blob: 83a1dd325132d5598b8f6bcfed7ae571b1a79a5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Lucene.Net.Analysis;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Randomized.Generators;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
using Lucene.Net.Store;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Lucene.Net.Classification
* Base class for testing <see cref="IClassifier{T}"/>s
public abstract class ClassificationTestBase<T> : Util.LuceneTestCase
public readonly static String POLITICS_INPUT = "Here are some interesting questions and answers about Mitt Romney.. " +
"If you don't know the answer to the question about Mitt Romney, then simply click on the answer below the question section.";
public static readonly BytesRef POLITICS_RESULT = new BytesRef("politics");
public static readonly String TECHNOLOGY_INPUT = "Much is made of what the likes of Facebook, Google and Apple know about users." +
" Truth is, Amazon may know more.";
public static readonly BytesRef TECHNOLOGY_RESULT = new BytesRef("technology");
private RandomIndexWriter indexWriter;
private Directory dir;
private FieldType ft;
protected String textFieldName;
protected String categoryFieldName;
String booleanFieldName;
public override void SetUp()
dir = NewDirectory();
indexWriter = new RandomIndexWriter(
Random, dir);
textFieldName = "text";
categoryFieldName = "cat";
booleanFieldName = "bool";
ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
ft.StoreTermVectors = true;
ft.StoreTermVectorOffsets = true;
ft.StoreTermVectorPositions = true;
public override void TearDown()
protected void CheckCorrectClassification(IClassifier<T> classifier, String inputDoc, T expectedResult, Analyzer analyzer, String textFieldName, String classFieldName)
CheckCorrectClassification(classifier, inputDoc, expectedResult, analyzer, textFieldName, classFieldName, null);
protected void CheckCorrectClassification(IClassifier<T> classifier, String inputDoc, T expectedResult, Analyzer analyzer, String textFieldName, String classFieldName, Query query)
AtomicReader atomicReader = null;
atomicReader = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.Wrap(indexWriter.GetReader());
classifier.Train(atomicReader, textFieldName, classFieldName, analyzer, query);
ClassificationResult<T> classificationResult = classifier.AssignClass(inputDoc);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, classificationResult.AssignedClass, "got an assigned class of " + classificationResult.AssignedClass);
Assert.IsTrue(classificationResult.Score > 0, "got a not positive score " + classificationResult.Score);
if (atomicReader != null)
protected void CheckOnlineClassification(IClassifier<T> classifier, String inputDoc, T expectedResult, Analyzer analyzer, String textFieldName, String classFieldName)
CheckOnlineClassification(classifier, inputDoc, expectedResult, analyzer, textFieldName, classFieldName, null);
protected void CheckOnlineClassification(IClassifier<T> classifier, String inputDoc, T expectedResult, Analyzer analyzer, String textFieldName, String classFieldName, Query query)
AtomicReader atomicReader = null;
atomicReader = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.Wrap(indexWriter.GetReader());
classifier.Train(atomicReader, textFieldName, classFieldName, analyzer, query);
ClassificationResult<T> classificationResult = classifier.AssignClass(inputDoc);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, classificationResult.AssignedClass, "got an assigned class of " + classificationResult.AssignedClass);
Assert.IsTrue(classificationResult.Score > 0, "got a not positive score " + classificationResult.Score);
ClassificationResult<T> secondClassificationResult = classifier.AssignClass(inputDoc);
Equals(classificationResult.AssignedClass, secondClassificationResult.AssignedClass);
Equals(classificationResult.Score, secondClassificationResult.Score);
if (atomicReader != null)
private void PopulateSampleIndex(Analyzer analyzer)
String text;
Document doc = new Document();
text = "The traveling press secretary for Mitt Romney lost his cool and cursed at reporters " +
"who attempted to ask questions of the Republican presidential candidate in a public plaza near the Tomb of " +
"the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw Tuesday.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Mitt Romney seeks to assure Israel and Iran, as well as Jewish voters in the United" +
" States, that he will be tougher against Iran's nuclear ambitions than President Barack Obama.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "And there's a threshold question that he has to answer for the American people and " +
"that's whether he is prepared to be commander-in-chief,\" she continued. \"As we look to the past events, we " +
"know that this raises some questions about his preparedness and we'll see how the rest of his trip goes.\"";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Still, when it comes to gun policy, many congressional Democrats have \"decided to " +
"keep quiet and not go there,\" said Alan Lizotte, dean and professor at the State University of New York at " +
"Albany's School of Criminal Justice.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Standing amongst the thousands of people at the state Capitol, Jorstad, director of " +
"technology at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, documented the historic moment and shared it with the " +
"world through the Internet.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "technology", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "false", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "So, about all those experts and analysts who've spent the past year or so saying " +
"Facebook was going to make a phone. A new expert has stepped forward to say it's not going to happen.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "technology", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "false", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "More than 400 million people trust Google with their e-mail, and 50 million store files" +
" in the cloud using the Dropbox service. People manage their bank accounts, pay bills, trade stocks and " +
"generally transfer or store huge volumes of personal data online.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "technology", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "false", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "unlabeled doc";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
protected void CheckPerformance(IClassifier<T> classifier, Analyzer analyzer, String classFieldName)
AtomicReader atomicReader = null;
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
atomicReader = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.Wrap(indexWriter.GetReader());
classifier.Train(atomicReader, textFieldName, classFieldName, analyzer);
long trainTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Assert.IsTrue(trainTime < 120000, "training took more than 2 mins : " + trainTime / 1000 + "s");
if (atomicReader != null)
private void PopulatePerformanceIndex(Analyzer analyzer)
FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
ft.StoreTermVectors = true;
ft.StoreTermVectorOffsets = true;
ft.StoreTermVectorPositions = true;
int docs = 1000;
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < docs; i++)
Boolean b = random.NextBoolean();
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, createRandomString(random), ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, b ? "technology" : "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, b.ToString(), ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
private String createRandomString(Random random)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
builder.Append(TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(random, 5));
builder.Append(" ");
return builder.ToString();
private void UpdateSampleIndex(Analyzer analyzer)
String text;
Document doc = new Document();
text = "Warren Bennis says John F. Kennedy grasped a key lesson about the presidency that few have followed.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Julian Zelizer says Bill Clinton is still trying to shape his party, years after the White House, while George W. Bush opts for a much more passive role.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Crossfire: Sen. Tim Scott passes on Sen. Lindsey Graham endorsement";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Illinois becomes 16th state to allow same-sex marriage.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "politics", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "true", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Apple is developing iPhones with curved-glass screens and enhanced sensors that detect different levels of pressure, according to a new report.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "technology", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "false", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "The Xbox One is Microsoft's first new gaming console in eight years. It's a quality piece of hardware but it's also noteworthy because Microsoft is using it to make a statement.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "technology", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "false", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "Google says it will replace a Google Maps image after a California father complained it shows the body of his teen-age son, who was shot to death in 2009.";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
doc.Add(new Field(categoryFieldName, "technology", ft));
doc.Add(new Field(booleanFieldName, "false", ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
doc = new Document();
text = "second unlabeled doc";
doc.Add(new Field(textFieldName, text, ft));
indexWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);