blob: 0fee3294540d4b76dc73acc805c3aeda43a6e34d [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N;
using J2N.Text;
using J2N.Threading;
using J2N.Threading.Atomic;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using Analyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer;
using BytesRef = Lucene.Net.Util.BytesRef;
using Codec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Codec;
using CompoundFileDirectory = Lucene.Net.Store.CompoundFileDirectory;
using Constants = Lucene.Net.Util.Constants;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using FieldNumbers = Lucene.Net.Index.FieldInfos.FieldNumbers;
using IBits = Lucene.Net.Util.IBits;
using InfoStream = Lucene.Net.Util.InfoStream;
using IOContext = Lucene.Net.Store.IOContext;
using IOUtils = Lucene.Net.Util.IOUtils;
using Lock = Lucene.Net.Store.Lock;
using LockObtainFailedException = Lucene.Net.Store.LockObtainFailedException;
using Lucene3xCodec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene3x.Lucene3xCodec;
using Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene3x.Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat;
using MergeInfo = Lucene.Net.Store.MergeInfo;
using Query = Lucene.Net.Search.Query;
using TrackingDirectoryWrapper = Lucene.Net.Store.TrackingDirectoryWrapper;
/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="IndexWriter"/> creates and maintains an index.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>The <see cref="OpenMode"/> option on
/// <see cref="IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode"/> determines
/// whether a new index is created, or whether an existing index is
/// opened. Note that you can open an index with <see cref="OpenMode.CREATE"/>
/// even while readers are using the index. The old readers will
/// continue to search the "point in time" snapshot they had opened,
/// and won't see the newly created index until they re-open. If
/// <see cref="OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND"/> is used <see cref="IndexWriter"/> will create a
/// new index if there is not already an index at the provided path
/// and otherwise open the existing index.</para>
/// <para>In either case, documents are added with <see cref="AddDocument(IEnumerable{IIndexableField})"/>
/// and removed with <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Term)"/> or
/// <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Query)"/>. A document can be updated with
/// <see cref="UpdateDocument(Term, IEnumerable{IIndexableField})"/> (which just deletes
/// and then adds the entire document). When finished adding, deleting
/// and updating documents, <see cref="Dispose()"/> should be called.</para>
/// <a name="flush"></a>
/// <para>These changes are buffered in memory and periodically
/// flushed to the <see cref="Store.Directory"/> (during the above method
/// calls). A flush is triggered when there are enough added documents
/// since the last flush. Flushing is triggered either by RAM usage of the
/// documents (see <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig.RAMBufferSizeMB"/>) or the
/// number of added documents (see <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig.MaxBufferedDocs"/>).
/// The default is to flush when RAM usage hits
/// <see cref="IndexWriterConfig.DEFAULT_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB"/> MB. For
/// best indexing speed you should flush by RAM usage with a
/// large RAM buffer. Additionally, if <see cref="IndexWriter"/> reaches the configured number of
/// buffered deletes (see <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig.MaxBufferedDeleteTerms"/>)
/// the deleted terms and queries are flushed and applied to existing segments.
/// In contrast to the other flush options <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig.RAMBufferSizeMB"/> and
/// <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig.MaxBufferedDocs"/>, deleted terms
/// won't trigger a segment flush. Note that flushing just moves the
/// internal buffered state in <see cref="IndexWriter"/> into the index, but
/// these changes are not visible to <see cref="IndexReader"/> until either
/// <see cref="Commit()"/> or <see cref="Dispose()"/> is called. A flush may
/// also trigger one or more segment merges which by default
/// run with a background thread so as not to block the
/// addDocument calls (see <a href="#mergePolicy">below</a>
/// for changing the <see cref="mergeScheduler"/>).</para>
/// <para>Opening an <see cref="IndexWriter"/> creates a lock file for the directory in use. Trying to open
/// another <see cref="IndexWriter"/> on the same directory will lead to a
/// <see cref="LockObtainFailedException"/>. The <see cref="LockObtainFailedException"/>
/// is also thrown if an <see cref="IndexReader"/> on the same directory is used to delete documents
/// from the index.</para>
/// <a name="deletionPolicy"></a>
/// <para>Expert: <see cref="IndexWriter"/> allows an optional
/// <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy"/> implementation to be
/// specified. You can use this to control when prior commits
/// are deleted from the index. The default policy is
/// <see cref="KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy"/> which removes all prior
/// commits as soon as a new commit is done (this matches
/// behavior before 2.2). Creating your own policy can allow
/// you to explicitly keep previous "point in time" commits
/// alive in the index for some time, to allow readers to
/// refresh to the new commit without having the old commit
/// deleted out from under them. This is necessary on
/// filesystems like NFS that do not support "delete on last
/// close" semantics, which Lucene's "point in time" search
/// normally relies on. </para>
/// <a name="mergePolicy"></a> <para>Expert:
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> allows you to separately change
/// the <see cref="mergePolicy"/> and the <see cref="mergeScheduler"/>.
/// The <see cref="mergePolicy"/> is invoked whenever there are
/// changes to the segments in the index. Its role is to
/// select which merges to do, if any, and return a
/// <see cref="MergePolicy.MergeSpecification"/> describing the merges.
/// The default is <see cref="LogByteSizeMergePolicy"/>. Then, the
/// <see cref="MergeScheduler"/> is invoked with the requested merges and
/// it decides when and how to run the merges. The default is
/// <see cref="ConcurrentMergeScheduler"/>. </para>
/// <a name="OOME"></a><para><b>NOTE</b>: if you hit an
/// <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/> then <see cref="IndexWriter"/> will quietly record this
/// fact and block all future segment commits. This is a
/// defensive measure in case any internal state (buffered
/// documents and deletions) were corrupted. Any subsequent
/// calls to <see cref="Commit()"/> will throw an
/// <see cref="InvalidOperationException"/>. The only course of action is to
/// call <see cref="Dispose()"/>, which internally will call
/// <see cref="Rollback()"/>, to undo any changes to the index since the
/// last commit. You can also just call <see cref="Rollback()"/>
/// directly.</para>
/// <a name="thread-safety"></a><para><b>NOTE</b>:
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instances are completely thread
/// safe, meaning multiple threads can call any of its
/// methods, concurrently. If your application requires
/// external synchronization, you should <b>not</b>
/// synchronize on the <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instance as
/// this may cause deadlock; use your own (non-Lucene) objects
/// instead. </para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: If you call
/// <see cref="Thread.Interrupt()"/> on a thread that's within
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/>, <see cref="IndexWriter"/> will try to catch this (eg, if
/// it's in a Wait() or <see cref="Thread.Sleep(int)"/>), and will then throw
/// the unchecked exception <see cref="ThreadInterruptedException"/>
/// and <b>clear</b> the interrupt status on the thread.</para>
/// </remarks>
* Clarification: Check Points (and commits)
* IndexWriter writes new index files to the directory without writing a new segments_N
* file which references these new files. It also means that the state of
* the in memory SegmentInfos object is different than the most recent
* segments_N file written to the directory.
* Each time the SegmentInfos is changed, and matches the (possibly
* modified) directory files, we have a new "check point".
* If the modified/new SegmentInfos is written to disk - as a new
* (generation of) segments_N file - this check point is also an
* IndexCommit.
* A new checkpoint always replaces the previous checkpoint and
* becomes the new "front" of the index. this allows the IndexFileDeleter
* to delete files that are referenced only by stale checkpoints.
* (files that were created since the last commit, but are no longer
* referenced by the "front" of the index). For this, IndexFileDeleter
* keeps track of the last non commit checkpoint.
public class IndexWriter : IDisposable, ITwoPhaseCommit
private const int UNBOUNDED_MAX_MERGE_SEGMENTS = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Name of the write lock in the index.
/// </summary>
public static readonly string WRITE_LOCK_NAME = "write.lock";
/// <summary>
/// Key for the source of a segment in the <see cref="SegmentInfo.Diagnostics"/>. </summary>
public static readonly string SOURCE = "source";
/// <summary>
/// Source of a segment which results from a merge of other segments. </summary>
public static readonly string SOURCE_MERGE = "merge";
/// <summary>
/// Source of a segment which results from a flush. </summary>
public static readonly string SOURCE_FLUSH = "flush";
/// <summary>
/// Source of a segment which results from a call to <see cref="AddIndexes(IndexReader[])"/>. </summary>
public static readonly string SOURCE_ADDINDEXES_READERS = "AddIndexes(params IndexReader[] readers)";
/// <summary>
/// Absolute hard maximum length for a term, in bytes once
/// encoded as UTF8. If a term arrives from the analyzer
/// longer than this length, an
/// <see cref="ArgumentException"/> is thrown
/// and a message is printed to <see cref="infoStream"/>, if set (see
/// <see cref="IndexWriterConfig.SetInfoStream(InfoStream)"/>).
/// </summary>
public static readonly int MAX_TERM_LENGTH = DocumentsWriterPerThread.MAX_TERM_LENGTH_UTF8;
private volatile bool hitOOM;
private readonly Directory directory; // where this index resides
private readonly Analyzer analyzer; // how to analyze text
private long changeCount; // increments every time a change is completed
private long lastCommitChangeCount; // last changeCount that was committed
private IList<SegmentCommitInfo> rollbackSegments; // list of segmentInfo we will fallback to if the commit fails
internal volatile SegmentInfos pendingCommit; // set when a commit is pending (after prepareCommit() & before commit())
internal long pendingCommitChangeCount;
private ICollection<string> filesToCommit;
internal readonly SegmentInfos segmentInfos; // the segments
internal readonly FieldNumbers globalFieldNumberMap;
private readonly DocumentsWriter docWriter;
private readonly ConcurrentQueue<IEvent> eventQueue;
internal readonly IndexFileDeleter deleter;
// used by forceMerge to note those needing merging
private readonly IDictionary<SegmentCommitInfo, bool?> segmentsToMerge = new Dictionary<SegmentCommitInfo, bool?>();
private int mergeMaxNumSegments;
private Lock writeLock;
private volatile bool closed;
private volatile bool closing;
// Holds all SegmentInfo instances currently involved in
// merges
private readonly JCG.HashSet<SegmentCommitInfo> mergingSegments = new JCG.HashSet<SegmentCommitInfo>();
private readonly MergePolicy mergePolicy;
private readonly IMergeScheduler mergeScheduler;
private readonly Queue<MergePolicy.OneMerge> pendingMerges = new Queue<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
private readonly JCG.HashSet<MergePolicy.OneMerge> runningMerges = new JCG.HashSet<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
private IList<MergePolicy.OneMerge> mergeExceptions = new List<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
private long mergeGen;
private bool stopMerges;
internal readonly AtomicInt32 flushCount = new AtomicInt32();
internal readonly AtomicInt32 flushDeletesCount = new AtomicInt32();
internal ReaderPool readerPool;
internal readonly BufferedUpdatesStream bufferedUpdatesStream;
// this is a "write once" variable (like the organic dye
// on a DVD-R that may or may not be heated by a laser and
// then cooled to permanently record the event): it's
// false, until getReader() is called for the first time,
// at which point it's switched to true and never changes
// back to false. Once this is true, we hold open and
// reuse SegmentReader instances internally for applying
// deletes, doing merges, and reopening near real-time
// readers.
private volatile bool poolReaders;
// The instance that was passed to the constructor. It is saved only in order
// to allow users to query an IndexWriter settings.
private readonly LiveIndexWriterConfig config;
internal virtual DirectoryReader GetReader()
return GetReader(true);
/// <summary>
/// Expert: returns a readonly reader, covering all
/// committed as well as un-committed changes to the index.
/// this provides "near real-time" searching, in that
/// changes made during an <see cref="IndexWriter"/> session can be
/// quickly made available for searching without closing
/// the writer nor calling <see cref="Commit()"/>.
/// <para>Note that this is functionally equivalent to calling
/// Flush() and then opening a new reader. But the turnaround time of this
/// method should be faster since it avoids the potentially
/// costly <see cref="Commit()"/>.</para>
/// <para>You must close the <see cref="IndexReader"/> returned by
/// this method once you are done using it.</para>
/// <para>It's <i>near</i> real-time because there is no hard
/// guarantee on how quickly you can get a new reader after
/// making changes with <see cref="IndexWriter"/>. You'll have to
/// experiment in your situation to determine if it's
/// fast enough. As this is a new and experimental
/// feature, please report back on your findings so we can
/// learn, improve and iterate.</para>
/// <para>The resulting reader supports
/// <see cref="DirectoryReader.DoOpenIfChanged()"/>, but that call will simply forward
/// back to this method (though this may change in the
/// future).</para>
/// <para>The very first time this method is called, this
/// writer instance will make every effort to pool the
/// readers that it opens for doing merges, applying
/// deletes, etc. This means additional resources (RAM,
/// file descriptors, CPU time) will be consumed.</para>
/// <para>For lower latency on reopening a reader, you should
/// set <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig.MergedSegmentWarmer"/> to
/// pre-warm a newly merged segment before it's committed
/// to the index. This is important for minimizing
/// index-to-search delay after a large merge. </para>
/// <para>If an AddIndexes* call is running in another thread,
/// then this reader will only search those segments from
/// the foreign index that have been successfully copied
/// over, so far.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: Once the writer is disposed, any
/// outstanding readers may continue to be used. However,
/// if you attempt to reopen any of those readers, you'll
/// hit an <see cref="ObjectDisposedException"/>.</para>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
/// <returns> <see cref="IndexReader"/> that covers entire index plus all
/// changes made so far by this <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instance
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> If there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public virtual DirectoryReader GetReader(bool applyAllDeletes)
long tStart = Environment.TickCount;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "flush at getReader");
// Do this up front before flushing so that the readers
// obtained during this flush are pooled, the first time
// this method is called:
poolReaders = true;
DirectoryReader r = null;
bool anySegmentFlushed = false;
* for releasing a NRT reader we must ensure that
* DW doesn't add any segments or deletes until we are
* done with creating the NRT DirectoryReader.
* We release the two stage full flush after we are done opening the
* directory reader!
bool success2 = false;
lock (fullFlushLock)
bool success = false;
anySegmentFlushed = docWriter.FlushAllThreads(this);
if (!anySegmentFlushed)
// prevent double increment since docWriter#doFlush increments the flushcount
// if we flushed anything.
success = true;
// Prevent segmentInfos from changing while opening the
// reader; in theory we could instead do similar retry logic,
// just like we do when loading segments_N
lock (this)
r = StandardDirectoryReader.Open(this, segmentInfos, applyAllDeletes);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "return reader version=" + r.Version + " reader=" + r);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "getReader");
// never reached but javac disagrees:
return null;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception during NRT reader");
// Done: finish the full flush!
ProcessEvents(false, true);
if (anySegmentFlushed)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "getReader took " + (Environment.TickCount - tStart) + " msec");
success2 = true;
if (!success2)
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Holds shared <see cref="SegmentReader"/> instances. <see cref="IndexWriter"/> uses
/// <see cref="SegmentReader"/>s for 1) applying deletes, 2) doing
/// merges, 3) handing out a real-time reader. This pool
/// reuses instances of the <see cref="SegmentReader"/>s in all these
/// places if it is in "near real-time mode" (<see cref="GetReader()"/>
/// has been called on this instance).
/// </summary>
internal class ReaderPool : IDisposable
private readonly IndexWriter outerInstance;
public ReaderPool(IndexWriter outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
private readonly IDictionary<SegmentCommitInfo, ReadersAndUpdates> readerMap = new Dictionary<SegmentCommitInfo, ReadersAndUpdates>();
// used only by asserts
public virtual bool InfoIsLive(SegmentCommitInfo info)
lock (this)
int idx = outerInstance.segmentInfos.IndexOf(info);
Debugging.Assert(idx != -1, "info={0} isn't live", info);
Debugging.Assert(outerInstance.segmentInfos.Info(idx) == info, "info={0} doesn't match live info in segmentInfos", info);
return true;
public virtual void Drop(SegmentCommitInfo info)
lock (this)
ReadersAndUpdates rld;
readerMap.TryGetValue(info, out rld);
if (rld != null)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(info == rld.Info);
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] ReaderPool.drop: " + info);
public virtual bool AnyPendingDeletes()
lock (this)
foreach (ReadersAndUpdates rld in readerMap.Values)
if (rld.PendingDeleteCount != 0)
return true;
return false;
public virtual void Release(ReadersAndUpdates rld)
lock (this)
Release(rld, true);
public virtual void Release(ReadersAndUpdates rld, bool assertInfoLive)
lock (this)
// Matches incRef in get:
// Pool still holds a ref:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(rld.RefCount() >= 1);
if (!outerInstance.poolReaders && rld.RefCount() == 1)
// this is the last ref to this RLD, and we're not
// pooling, so remove it:
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] ReaderPool.release: " +;
if (rld.WriteLiveDocs(
// Make sure we only write del docs for a live segment:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(assertInfoLive == false || InfoIsLive(rld.Info));
// Must checkpoint because we just
// created new _X_N.del and field updates files;
// don't call IW.checkpoint because that also
// increments SIS.version, which we do not want to
// do here: it was done previously (after we
// invoked BDS.applyDeletes), whereas here all we
// did was move the state to disk:
//System.out.println("IW: done writeLiveDocs for info=" +;
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] ReaderPool.release: drop readers " +;
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Remove all our references to readers, and commits
/// any pending changes.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void DropAll(bool doSave)
lock (this)
Exception priorE = null;
// LUCENENET specific - Since an enumerator doesn't allow you to delete
// immediately, keep track of which elements we have iterated over so
// we can delete them immediately before throwing exceptions or at the
// end of the block.
IList<KeyValuePair<SegmentCommitInfo, ReadersAndUpdates>> toDelete = new List<KeyValuePair<SegmentCommitInfo, ReadersAndUpdates>>();
foreach (var pair in readerMap)
ReadersAndUpdates rld = pair.Value;
if (doSave && rld.WriteLiveDocs( // Throws IOException
// Make sure we only write del docs and field updates for a live segment:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(InfoIsLive(rld.Info));
// Must checkpoint because we just
// created new _X_N.del and field updates files;
// don't call IW.checkpoint because that also
// increments SIS.version, which we do not want to
// do here: it was done previously (after we
// invoked BDS.applyDeletes), whereas here all we
// did was move the state to disk:
outerInstance.CheckpointNoSIS(); // Throws IOException
catch (Exception t)
if (doSave)
// LUCENENET specific: remove all of the
// elements we have iterated over so far
// before throwing an exception.
throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details (
else if (priorE == null)
priorE = t;
// Important to remove as-we-go, not with .clear()
// in the end, in case we hit an exception;
// otherwise we could over-decref if close() is
// called again:
// LUCENENET specific - we cannot delete immediately,
// so we store the elements that are iterated over and
// delete as soon as we are done iterating (whether
// that is because of an exception or not).
// NOTE: it is allowed that these decRefs do not
// actually close the SRs; this happens when a
// near real-time reader is kept open after the
// IndexWriter instance is closed:
rld.DropReaders(); // Throws IOException
catch (Exception t)
if (doSave)
// LUCENENET specific: remove all of the
// elements we have iterated over so far
// before throwing an exception.
throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details (
else if (priorE == null)
priorE = t;
// LUCENENET specific: remove all of the
// elements we have iterated over so far
// before possibly throwing an exception.
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(readerMap.Count == 0);
/// <summary>
/// Commit live docs changes for the segment readers for
/// the provided infos.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> If there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public virtual void Commit(SegmentInfos infos)
lock (this)
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in infos.Segments)
ReadersAndUpdates rld;
if (readerMap.TryGetValue(info, out rld))
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(rld.Info == info);
if (rld.WriteLiveDocs(
// Make sure we only write del docs for a live segment:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(InfoIsLive(info));
// Must checkpoint because we just
// created new _X_N.del and field updates files;
// don't call IW.checkpoint because that also
// increments SIS.version, which we do not want to
// do here: it was done previously (after we
// invoked BDS.applyDeletes), whereas here all we
// did was move the state to disk:
/// <summary>
/// Obtain a <see cref="ReadersAndUpdates"/> instance from the
/// readerPool. If <paramref name="create"/> is <c>true</c>, you must later call
/// <see cref="Release(ReadersAndUpdates)"/>.
/// </summary>
public virtual ReadersAndUpdates Get(SegmentCommitInfo info, bool create)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(info.Info.Dir ==,"info.dir={0} vs {1}", info.Info.Dir,;
ReadersAndUpdates rld;
readerMap.TryGetValue(info, out rld);
if (rld == null)
if (!create)
return null;
rld = new ReadersAndUpdates(outerInstance, info);
// Steal initial reference:
readerMap[info] = rld;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled && !(rld.Info == info))
throw new AssertionException(string.Format("{0} info={1} isLive?={2} vs {3}", rld.Info, info, InfoIsLive(rld.Info),InfoIsLive(info)));
if (create)
// Return ref to caller:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(NoDups());
return rld;
/// <summary>
/// Make sure that every segment appears only once in the
/// pool:
/// </summary>
private bool NoDups()
JCG.HashSet<string> seen = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in readerMap.Keys)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!seen.Contains(info.Info.Name));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Obtain the number of deleted docs for a pooled reader.
/// If the reader isn't being pooled, the segmentInfo's
/// delCount is returned.
/// </summary>
public virtual int NumDeletedDocs(SegmentCommitInfo info)
int delCount = info.DelCount;
ReadersAndUpdates rld = readerPool.Get(info, false);
if (rld != null)
delCount += rld.PendingDeleteCount;
return delCount;
/// <summary>
/// Used internally to throw an <see cref="ObjectDisposedException"/> if this
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> has been disposed or is in the process of diposing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="failIfDisposing">
/// if <c>true</c>, also fail when <see cref="IndexWriter"/> is in the process of
/// disposing (<c>closing=true</c>) but not yet done disposing (
/// <c>closed=false</c>) </param>
/// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">
/// if this IndexWriter is closed or in the process of closing </exception>
protected internal void EnsureOpen(bool failIfDisposing)
if (closed || (failIfDisposing && closing))
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName, "this IndexWriter is closed");
/// <summary>
/// Used internally to throw an
/// <see cref="ObjectDisposedException"/> if this <see cref="IndexWriter"/> has been
/// disposed (<c>closed=true</c>) or is in the process of
/// disposing (<c>closing=true</c>).
/// <para/>
/// Calls <see cref="EnsureOpen(bool)"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException"> if this <see cref="IndexWriter"/> is disposed </exception>
protected internal void EnsureOpen()
internal readonly Codec codec; // for writing new segments
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new <see cref="IndexWriter"/> per the settings given in <paramref name="conf"/>.
/// If you want to make "live" changes to this writer instance, use
/// <see cref="Config"/>.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> after ths writer is created, the given configuration instance
/// cannot be passed to another writer. If you intend to do so, you should
/// <see cref="IndexWriterConfig.Clone()"/> it beforehand.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">
/// the index directory. The index is either created or appended
/// according <see cref="IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode"/>. </param>
/// <param name="conf">
/// the configuration settings according to which <see cref="IndexWriter"/> should
/// be initialized. </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException">
/// if the directory cannot be read/written to, or if it does not
/// exist and <see cref="IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode"/> is
/// <see cref="OpenMode.APPEND"/> or if there is any other low-level
/// IO error </exception>
public IndexWriter(Directory d, IndexWriterConfig conf)
readerPool = new ReaderPool(this);
conf.SetIndexWriter(this); // prevent reuse by other instances
config = new LiveIndexWriterConfig(conf);
directory = d;
analyzer = config.Analyzer;
infoStream = config.InfoStream;
mergePolicy = config.MergePolicy;
mergeScheduler = config.MergeScheduler;
codec = config.Codec;
bufferedUpdatesStream = new BufferedUpdatesStream(infoStream);
poolReaders = config.UseReaderPooling;
writeLock = directory.MakeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME);
if (!writeLock.Obtain(config.WriteLockTimeout)) // obtain write lock
throw new LockObtainFailedException("Index locked for write: " + writeLock);
bool success = false;
OpenMode? mode = config.OpenMode;
bool create;
if (mode == OpenMode.CREATE)
create = true;
else if (mode == OpenMode.APPEND)
create = false;
// CREATE_OR_APPEND - create only if an index does not exist
create = !DirectoryReader.IndexExists(directory);
// If index is too old, reading the segments will throw
// IndexFormatTooOldException.
segmentInfos = new SegmentInfos();
bool initialIndexExists = true;
if (create)
// Try to read first. this is to allow create
// against an index that's currently open for
// searching. In this case we write the next
// segments_N file with no segments:
catch (IOException)
// Likely this means it's a fresh directory
initialIndexExists = false;
// Record that we have a change (zero out all
// segments) pending:
IndexCommit commit = config.IndexCommit;
if (commit != null)
// Swap out all segments, but, keep metadata in
// SegmentInfos, like version & generation, to
// preserve write-once. this is important if
// readers are open against the future commit
// points.
if (commit.Directory != directory)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("IndexCommit's directory doesn't match my directory (mine: {0}, commit's: {1})", directory, commit.Directory));
SegmentInfos oldInfos = new SegmentInfos();
oldInfos.Read(directory, commit.SegmentsFileName);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "init: loaded commit \"" + commit.SegmentsFileName + "\"");
rollbackSegments = segmentInfos.CreateBackupSegmentInfos();
// start with previous field numbers, but new FieldInfos
globalFieldNumberMap = FieldNumberMap;
docWriter = new DocumentsWriter(this, config, directory);
eventQueue = docWriter.EventQueue;
// Default deleter (for backwards compatibility) is
// KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter:
lock (this)
deleter = new IndexFileDeleter(directory, config.IndexDeletionPolicy, segmentInfos, infoStream, this, initialIndexExists);
if (deleter.startingCommitDeleted)
// Deletion policy deleted the "head" commit point.
// We have to mark ourself as changed so that if we
// are closed w/o any further changes we write a new
// segments_N file.
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "init: create=" + create);
success = true;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "init: hit exception on init; releasing write lock");
writeLock = null;
/// <summary>
/// Loads or returns the already loaded the global field number map for <see cref="segmentInfos"/>.
/// If <see cref="segmentInfos"/> has no global field number map the returned instance is empty
/// </summary>
private FieldNumbers FieldNumberMap
FieldNumbers map = new FieldNumbers();
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in segmentInfos.Segments)
foreach (FieldInfo fi in SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(info))
map.AddOrGet(fi.Name, fi.Number, fi.DocValuesType);
return map;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="LiveIndexWriterConfig"/>, which can be used to query the <see cref="IndexWriter"/>
/// current settings, as well as modify "live" ones.
/// </summary>
public virtual LiveIndexWriterConfig Config
return config;
private void MessageState()
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "\ndir=" + directory + "\n" + "index=" + SegString() + "\n" + "version=" + Constants.LUCENE_VERSION + "\n" + config.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Commits all changes to an index, waits for pending merges
/// to complete, and closes all associated files.
/// <para/>
/// This is a "slow graceful shutdown" which may take a long time
/// especially if a big merge is pending: If you only want to close
/// resources use <see cref="Rollback()"/>. If you only want to commit
/// pending changes and close resources see <see cref="Dispose(bool)"/>.
/// <para/>
/// Note that this may be a costly
/// operation, so, try to re-use a single writer instead of
/// closing and opening a new one. See <see cref="Commit()"/> for
/// caveats about write caching done by some IO devices.
/// <para> If an <see cref="Exception"/> is hit during close, eg due to disk
/// full or some other reason, then both the on-disk index
/// and the internal state of the <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instance will
/// be consistent. However, the close will not be complete
/// even though part of it (flushing buffered documents)
/// may have succeeded, so the write lock will still be
/// held.</para>
/// <para> If you can correct the underlying cause (eg free up
/// some disk space) then you can call <see cref="Dispose()"/> again.
/// Failing that, if you want to force the write lock to be
/// released (dangerous, because you may then lose buffered
/// docs in the <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instance) then you can do
/// something like this:</para>
/// <code>
/// try
/// {
/// writer.Dispose();
/// }
/// finally
/// {
/// if (IndexWriter.IsLocked(directory))
/// {
/// IndexWriter.Unlock(directory);
/// }
/// }
/// </code>
/// after which, you must be certain not to use the writer
/// instance anymore.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer, again. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Closes the index with or without waiting for currently
/// running merges to finish. This is only meaningful when
/// using a <see cref="MergeScheduler"/> that runs merges in background
/// threads.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer, again. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: it is dangerous to always call
/// <c>Dispose(false)</c>, especially when <see cref="IndexWriter"/> is not open
/// for very long, because this can result in "merge
/// starvation" whereby long merges will never have a
/// chance to finish. This will cause too many segments in
/// your index over time.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="waitForMerges"> if <c>true</c>, this call will block
/// until all merges complete; else, it will ask all
/// running merges to abort, wait until those merges have
/// finished (which should be at most a few seconds), and
/// then return. </param>
public virtual void Dispose(bool waitForMerges) // LUCENENET TODO: API - mark protected
// Ensure that only one thread actually gets to do the
// closing, and make sure no commit is also in progress:
lock (commitLock)
if (ShouldClose())
// If any methods have hit OutOfMemoryError, then abort
// on close, in case the internal state of IndexWriter
// or DocumentsWriter is corrupt
if (hitOOM)
CloseInternal(waitForMerges, true);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(AssertEventQueueAfterClose());
private bool AssertEventQueueAfterClose()
if (eventQueue.Count == 0)
return true;
foreach (IEvent e in eventQueue)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(e is DocumentsWriter.MergePendingEvent, "{0}", e);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns <c>true</c> if this thread should attempt to close, or
/// false if IndexWriter is now closed; else, waits until
/// another thread finishes closing
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldClose()
lock (this)
while (true)
if (!closed)
if (!closing)
closing = true;
return true;
// Another thread is presently trying to close;
// wait until it finishes one way (closes
// successfully) or another (fails to close)
return false;
private void CloseInternal(bool waitForMerges, bool doFlush)
bool interrupted = false;
if (pendingCommit != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot close: prepareCommit was already called with no corresponding call to commit");
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "now flush at close waitForMerges=" + waitForMerges);
// Only allow a new merge to be triggered if we are
// going to wait for merges:
if (doFlush)
Flush(waitForMerges, true);
docWriter.Abort(this); // already closed -- never sync on IW
// clean up merge scheduler in all cases, although flushing may have failed:
interrupted = ThreadJob.Interrupted();
if (waitForMerges)
// Give merge scheduler last chance to run, in case
// any pending merges are waiting:
mergeScheduler.Merge(this, MergeTrigger.CLOSING, false);
catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
// ignore any interruption, does not matter
interrupted = true;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "interrupted while waiting for final merges");
lock (this)
for (; ; )
FinishMerges(waitForMerges && !interrupted);
catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
// by setting the interrupted status, the
// next call to finishMerges will pass false,
// so it will not wait
interrupted = true;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "interrupted while waiting for merges to finish");
stopMerges = true;
// shutdown policy, scheduler and all threads (this call is not interruptible):
IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(mergePolicy, mergeScheduler);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "now call final commit()");
if (doFlush)
ProcessEvents(false, true);
lock (this)
// commitInternal calls ReaderPool.commit, which
// writes any pending liveDocs from ReaderPool, so
// it's safe to drop all readers now:
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "at close: " + SegString());
if (writeLock != null)
writeLock.Dispose(); // release write lock
writeLock = null;
lock (this)
closed = true;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
// LUCENENET specific - store the number of states so we don't have to call this method twice
int numDeactivatedThreadStates = docWriter.perThreadPool.NumDeactivatedThreadStates();
Debugging.Assert(numDeactivatedThreadStates == docWriter.perThreadPool.MaxThreadStates, "{0} {1}", numDeactivatedThreadStates, docWriter.perThreadPool.MaxThreadStates);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "closeInternal");
lock (this)
closing = false;
if (!closed)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception while closing");
// finally, restore interrupt status:
if (interrupted)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="Store.Directory"/> used by this index. </summary>
public virtual Directory Directory => directory;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the analyzer used by this index. </summary>
public virtual Analyzer Analyzer
return analyzer;
/// <summary>
/// Gets total number of docs in this index, including
/// docs not yet flushed (still in the RAM buffer),
/// not counting deletions.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="NumDocs"/>
public virtual int MaxDoc
lock (this)
return docWriter.NumDocs + segmentInfos.TotalDocCount;
/// <summary>
/// Gets total number of docs in this index, including
/// docs not yet flushed (still in the RAM buffer), and
/// including deletions. <b>NOTE:</b> buffered deletions
/// are not counted. If you really need these to be
/// counted you should call <see cref="Commit()"/> first.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="MaxDoc"/>
public virtual int NumDocs // LUCENENET NOTE: This is not a great candidate for a property, but changing because IndexReader has a property with the same name
lock (this)
int count = docWriter.NumDocs;
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in segmentInfos)
count += info.Info.DocCount - NumDeletedDocs(info);
return count;
/// <summary>
/// Returns <c>true</c> if this index has deletions (including
/// buffered deletions). Note that this will return <c>true</c>
/// if there are buffered Term/Query deletions, even if it
/// turns out those buffered deletions don't match any
/// documents. Also, if a merge kicked off as a result of flushing a
/// </summary>
public virtual bool HasDeletions()
lock (this)
if (bufferedUpdatesStream.Any())
return true;
if (docWriter.AnyDeletions())
return true;
if (readerPool.AnyPendingDeletes())
return true;
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in segmentInfos.Segments)
if (info.HasDeletions)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a document to this index.
/// <para> Note that if an <see cref="Exception"/> is hit (for example disk full)
/// then the index will be consistent, but this document
/// may not have been added. Furthermore, it's possible
/// the index will have one segment in non-compound format
/// even when using compound files (when a merge has
/// partially succeeded).</para>
/// <para>This method periodically flushes pending documents
/// to the <see cref="Directory"/> (see <see cref="IndexWriter"/>), and
/// also periodically triggers segment merges in the index
/// according to the <see cref="MergePolicy"/> in use.</para>
/// <para>Merges temporarily consume space in the
/// directory. The amount of space required is up to 1X the
/// size of all segments being merged, when no
/// readers/searchers are open against the index, and up to
/// 2X the size of all segments being merged when
/// readers/searchers are open against the index (see
/// <see cref="ForceMerge(int)"/> for details). The sequence of
/// primitive merge operations performed is governed by the
/// merge policy.</para>
/// <para>Note that each term in the document can be no longer
/// than <see cref="MAX_TERM_LENGTH"/> in bytes, otherwise an
/// <see cref="ArgumentException"/> will be thrown.</para>
/// <para>Note that it's possible to create an invalid Unicode
/// string in java if a UTF16 surrogate pair is malformed.
/// In this case, the invalid characters are silently
/// replaced with the Unicode replacement character
/// U+FFFD.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void AddDocument(IEnumerable<IIndexableField> doc)
AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a document to this index, using the provided <paramref name="analyzer"/> instead of the
/// value of <see cref="Analyzer"/>.
/// <para>See <see cref="AddDocument(IEnumerable{IIndexableField})"/> for details on
/// index and <see cref="IndexWriter"/> state after an <see cref="Exception"/>, and
/// flushing/merging temporary free space requirements.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void AddDocument(IEnumerable<IIndexableField> doc, Analyzer analyzer)
UpdateDocument(null, doc, analyzer);
/// <summary>
/// Atomically adds a block of documents with sequentially
/// assigned document IDs, such that an external reader
/// will see all or none of the documents.
/// <para><b>WARNING</b>: the index does not currently record
/// which documents were added as a block. Today this is
/// fine, because merging will preserve a block. The order of
/// documents within a segment will be preserved, even when child
/// documents within a block are deleted. Most search features
/// (like result grouping and block joining) require you to
/// mark documents; when these documents are deleted these
/// search features will not work as expected. Obviously adding
/// documents to an existing block will require you the reindex
/// the entire block.</para>
/// <para>However it's possible that in the future Lucene may
/// merge more aggressively re-order documents (for example,
/// perhaps to obtain better index compression), in which case
/// you may need to fully re-index your documents at that time.</para>
/// <para>See <see cref="AddDocument(IEnumerable{IIndexableField})"/> for details on
/// index and <see cref="IndexWriter"/> state after an <see cref="Exception"/>, and
/// flushing/merging temporary free space requirements.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: tools that do offline splitting of an index
/// (for example, IndexSplitter in Lucene.Net.Misc) or
/// re-sorting of documents (for example, IndexSorter in
/// contrib) are not aware of these atomically added documents
/// and will likely break them up. Use such tools at your
/// own risk!</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void AddDocuments(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<IIndexableField>> docs)
AddDocuments(docs, analyzer);
/// <summary>
/// Atomically adds a block of documents, analyzed using the
/// provided <paramref name="analyzer"/>, with sequentially assigned document
/// IDs, such that an external reader will see all or none
/// of the documents.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void AddDocuments(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<IIndexableField>> docs, Analyzer analyzer)
UpdateDocuments(null, docs, analyzer);
/// <summary>
/// Atomically deletes documents matching the provided
/// <paramref name="delTerm"/> and adds a block of documents with sequentially
/// assigned document IDs, such that an external reader
/// will see all or none of the documents.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
/// <seealso cref="AddDocuments(IEnumerable{IEnumerable{IIndexableField}})"/>
public virtual void UpdateDocuments(Term delTerm, IEnumerable<IEnumerable<IIndexableField>> docs)
UpdateDocuments(delTerm, docs, analyzer);
/// <summary>
/// Atomically deletes documents matching the provided
/// <paramref name="delTerm"/> and adds a block of documents, analyzed using
/// the provided <paramref name="analyzer"/>, with sequentially
/// assigned document IDs, such that an external reader
/// will see all or none of the documents.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
/// <seealso cref="AddDocuments(IEnumerable{IEnumerable{IIndexableField}})"/>
public virtual void UpdateDocuments(Term delTerm, IEnumerable<IEnumerable<IIndexableField>> docs, Analyzer analyzer)
bool success = false;
if (docWriter.UpdateDocuments(docs, analyzer, delTerm))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
success = true;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception updating document");
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "updateDocuments");
/// <summary>
/// Deletes the document(s) containing <paramref name="term"/>.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="term"> the term to identify the documents to be deleted </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void DeleteDocuments(Term term)
if (docWriter.DeleteTerms(term))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "deleteDocuments(Term)");
/// <summary>
/// Expert: attempts to delete by document ID, as long as
/// the provided <paramref name="readerIn"/> is a near-real-time reader (from
/// <see cref="DirectoryReader.Open(IndexWriter, bool)"/>. If the
/// provided <paramref name="readerIn"/> is an NRT reader obtained from this
/// writer, and its segment has not been merged away, then
/// the delete succeeds and this method returns <c>true</c>; else, it
/// returns <c>false</c> the caller must then separately delete by
/// Term or Query.
/// <b>NOTE</b>: this method can only delete documents
/// visible to the currently open NRT reader. If you need
/// to delete documents indexed after opening the NRT
/// reader you must use the other DeleteDocument() methods
/// (e.g., <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Term)"/>).
/// </summary>
public virtual bool TryDeleteDocument(IndexReader readerIn, int docID)
lock (this)
AtomicReader reader;
if (readerIn is AtomicReader)
// Reader is already atomic: use the incoming docID:
reader = (AtomicReader)readerIn;
// Composite reader: lookup sub-reader and re-base docID:
IList<AtomicReaderContext> leaves = readerIn.Leaves;
int subIndex = ReaderUtil.SubIndex(docID, leaves);
reader = leaves[subIndex].AtomicReader;
docID -= leaves[subIndex].DocBase;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(docID >= 0);
Debugging.Assert(docID < reader.MaxDoc);
if (!(reader is SegmentReader))
throw new ArgumentException("the reader must be a SegmentReader or composite reader containing only SegmentReaders");
SegmentCommitInfo info = ((SegmentReader)reader).SegmentInfo;
// TODO: this is a slow linear search, but, number of
// segments should be contained unless something is
// seriously wrong w/ the index, so it should be a minor
// cost:
if (segmentInfos.IndexOf(info) != -1)
ReadersAndUpdates rld = readerPool.Get(info, false);
if (rld != null)
lock (bufferedUpdatesStream)
if (rld.Delete(docID))
int fullDelCount = rld.Info.DelCount + rld.PendingDeleteCount;
if (fullDelCount == rld.Info.Info.DocCount)
// If a merge has already registered for this
// segment, we leave it in the readerPool; the
// merge will skip merging it and will then drop
// it once it's done:
if (!mergingSegments.Contains(rld.Info))
// Must bump changeCount so if no other changes
// happened, we still commit this change:
//System.out.println(" yes " + + " " + docID);
return true;
//System.out.println(" no rld " + + " " + docID);
//System.out.println(" no seg " + + " " + docID);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Deletes the document(s) containing any of the
/// terms. All given deletes are applied and flushed atomically
/// at the same time.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="terms"> array of terms to identify the documents
/// to be deleted </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void DeleteDocuments(params Term[] terms)
if (docWriter.DeleteTerms(terms))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "deleteDocuments(Term..)");
/// <summary>
/// Deletes the document(s) matching the provided query.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query"> the query to identify the documents to be deleted </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void DeleteDocuments(Query query)
if (docWriter.DeleteQueries(query))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "deleteDocuments(Query)");
/// <summary>
/// Deletes the document(s) matching any of the provided queries.
/// All given deletes are applied and flushed atomically at the same time.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="queries"> array of queries to identify the documents
/// to be deleted </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void DeleteDocuments(params Query[] queries)
if (docWriter.DeleteQueries(queries))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "deleteDocuments(Query..)");
/// <summary>
/// Updates a document by first deleting the document(s)
/// containing <paramref name="term"/> and then adding the new
/// document. The delete and then add are atomic as seen
/// by a reader on the same index (flush may happen only after
/// the add).
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="term"> the term to identify the document(s) to be
/// deleted </param>
/// <param name="doc"> the document to be added </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void UpdateDocument(Term term, IEnumerable<IIndexableField> doc)
UpdateDocument(term, doc, analyzer);
/// <summary>
/// Updates a document by first deleting the document(s)
/// containing <paramref name="term"/> and then adding the new
/// document. The delete and then add are atomic as seen
/// by a reader on the same index (flush may happen only after
/// the add).
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="term"> the term to identify the document(s) to be
/// deleted </param>
/// <param name="doc"> the document to be added </param>
/// <param name="analyzer"> the analyzer to use when analyzing the document </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void UpdateDocument(Term term, IEnumerable<IIndexableField> doc, Analyzer analyzer)
bool success = false;
if (docWriter.UpdateDocument(doc, analyzer, term))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
success = true;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception updating document");
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "updateDocument");
/// <summary>
/// Updates a document's <see cref="NumericDocValues"/> for <paramref name="field"/> to the
/// given <paramref name="value"/>. This method can be used to 'unset' a document's
/// value by passing <c>null</c> as the new <paramref name="value"/>. Also, you can only update
/// fields that already exist in the index, not add new fields through this
/// method.
/// <para>
/// <b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/> you should immediately
/// dispose the writer. See <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="term">
/// the term to identify the document(s) to be updated </param>
/// <param name="field">
/// field name of the <see cref="NumericDocValues"/> field </param>
/// <param name="value">
/// new value for the field </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException">
/// if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException">
/// if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void UpdateNumericDocValue(Term term, string field, long? value)
if (!globalFieldNumberMap.Contains(field, DocValuesType.NUMERIC))
throw new ArgumentException("can only update existing numeric-docvalues fields!");
if (docWriter.UpdateNumericDocValue(term, field, value))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "updateNumericDocValue");
/// <summary>
/// Updates a document's <see cref="BinaryDocValues"/> for <paramref name="field"/> to the
/// given <paramref name="value"/>. this method can be used to 'unset' a document's
/// value by passing <c>null</c> as the new <paramref name="value"/>. Also, you can only update
/// fields that already exist in the index, not add new fields through this
/// method.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> this method currently replaces the existing value of all
/// affected documents with the new value.
/// <para>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/> you should immediately
/// dispose the writer. See <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="term">
/// the term to identify the document(s) to be updated </param>
/// <param name="field">
/// field name of the <see cref="BinaryDocValues"/> field </param>
/// <param name="value">
/// new value for the field </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException">
/// if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException">
/// if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void UpdateBinaryDocValue(Term term, string field, BytesRef value)
if (!globalFieldNumberMap.Contains(field, DocValuesType.BINARY))
throw new ArgumentException("can only update existing binary-docvalues fields!");
if (docWriter.UpdateBinaryDocValue(term, field, value))
ProcessEvents(true, false);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "updateBinaryDocValue");
// for test purpose
internal int SegmentCount
lock (this)
return segmentInfos.Count;
// for test purpose
internal int NumBufferedDocuments
lock (this)
return docWriter.NumDocs;
// for test purpose
internal ICollection<string> IndexFileNames
lock (this)
return segmentInfos.GetFiles(directory, true);
// for test purpose
internal int GetDocCount(int i)
lock (this)
if (i >= 0 && i < segmentInfos.Count)
return segmentInfos.Info(i).Info.DocCount;
return -1;
// for test purpose
internal int FlushCount => flushCount;
// for test purpose
internal int FlushDeletesCount => flushDeletesCount;
internal string NewSegmentName()
// Cannot synchronize on IndexWriter because that causes
// deadlock
lock (segmentInfos)
// Important to increment changeCount so that the
// segmentInfos is written on close. Otherwise we
// could close, re-open and re-return the same segment
// name that was previously returned which can cause
// problems at least with ConcurrentMergeScheduler.
return "_" + (segmentInfos.Counter++).ToString(J2N.Character.MaxRadix);
/// <summary>
/// If non-null, information about merges will be printed to this.
/// </summary>
internal readonly InfoStream infoStream;
/// <summary>
/// Forces merge policy to merge segments until there are &lt;=
/// <paramref name="maxNumSegments"/>. The actual merges to be
/// executed are determined by the <see cref="MergePolicy"/>.
/// <para>This is a horribly costly operation, especially when
/// you pass a small <paramref name="maxNumSegments"/>; usually you
/// should only call this if the index is static (will no
/// longer be changed).</para>
/// <para>Note that this requires up to 2X the index size free
/// space in your Directory (3X if you're using compound
/// file format). For example, if your index size is 10 MB
/// then you need up to 20 MB free for this to complete (30
/// MB if you're using compound file format). Also,
/// it's best to call <see cref="Commit()"/> afterwards,
/// to allow <see cref="IndexWriter"/> to free up disk space.</para>
/// <para>If some but not all readers re-open while merging
/// is underway, this will cause &gt; 2X temporary
/// space to be consumed as those new readers will then
/// hold open the temporary segments at that time. It is
/// best not to re-open readers while merging is running.</para>
/// <para>The actual temporary usage could be much less than
/// these figures (it depends on many factors).</para>
/// <para>In general, once this completes, the total size of the
/// index will be less than the size of the starting index.
/// It could be quite a bit smaller (if there were many
/// pending deletes) or just slightly smaller.</para>
/// <para>If an <see cref="Exception"/> is hit, for example
/// due to disk full, the index will not be corrupted and no
/// documents will be lost. However, it may have
/// been partially merged (some segments were merged but
/// not all), and it's possible that one of the segments in
/// the index will be in non-compound format even when
/// using compound file format. This will occur when the
/// <see cref="Exception"/> is hit during conversion of the segment into
/// compound format.</para>
/// <para>This call will merge those segments present in
/// the index when the call started. If other threads are
/// still adding documents and flushing segments, those
/// newly created segments will not be merged unless you
/// call <see cref="ForceMerge(int)"/> again.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if you call <see cref="Dispose(bool)"/>
/// with <c>false</c>, which aborts all running merges,
/// then any thread still running this method might hit a
/// <see cref="MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException"/>.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxNumSegments"> maximum number of segments left
/// in the index after merging finishes
/// </param>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
/// <seealso cref="MergePolicy.FindMerges(MergeTrigger, SegmentInfos)"/>
public virtual void ForceMerge(int maxNumSegments)
ForceMerge(maxNumSegments, true);
/// <summary>
/// Just like <see cref="ForceMerge(int)"/>, except you can
/// specify whether the call should block until
/// all merging completes. This is only meaningful with a
/// <see cref="mergeScheduler"/> that is able to run merges in
/// background threads.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
public virtual void ForceMerge(int maxNumSegments, bool doWait)
if (maxNumSegments < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("maxNumSegments must be >= 1; got " + maxNumSegments);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "forceMerge: index now " + SegString());
infoStream.Message("IW", "now flush at forceMerge");
Flush(true, true);
lock (this)
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in segmentInfos.Segments)
if (info != null) segmentsToMerge[info] = true;
mergeMaxNumSegments = maxNumSegments;
// Now mark all pending & running merges for forced
// merge:
foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in pendingMerges)
merge.MaxNumSegments = maxNumSegments;
if (merge.Info != null) segmentsToMerge[merge.Info] = true;
foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in runningMerges)
merge.MaxNumSegments = maxNumSegments;
if (merge.Info != null) segmentsToMerge[merge.Info] = true;
MaybeMerge(MergeTrigger.EXPLICIT, maxNumSegments);
if (doWait)
lock (this)
while (true)
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot complete forceMerge");
if (mergeExceptions.Count > 0)
// Forward any exceptions in background merge
// threads to the current thread:
int size = mergeExceptions.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = mergeExceptions[i];
if (merge.MaxNumSegments != -1)
string message = "background merge hit exception: " + merge.SegString(directory);
Exception t = merge.Exception;
if (t != null)
throw new IOException(message + t.ToString(), t);
//throw err;
throw new IOException(message);
if (MaxNumSegmentsMergesPending())
// If close is called while we are still
// running, throw an exception so the calling
// thread will know merging did not
// complete
// NOTE: in the ConcurrentMergeScheduler case, when
// doWait is false, we can return immediately while
// background threads accomplish the merging
/// <summary>
/// Returns <c>true</c> if any merges in <see cref="pendingMerges"/> or
/// <see cref="runningMerges"/> are <see cref="mergeMaxNumSegments"/> merges.
/// </summary>
private bool MaxNumSegmentsMergesPending()
lock (this)
foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in pendingMerges)
if (merge.MaxNumSegments != -1)
return true;
foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in runningMerges)
if (merge.MaxNumSegments != -1)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Just like <see cref="ForceMergeDeletes()"/>, except you can
/// specify whether the call should block until the
/// operation completes. This is only meaningful with a
/// <see cref="MergeScheduler"/> that is able to run merges in
/// background threads.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if you call <see cref="Dispose(bool)"/>
/// with <c>false</c>, which aborts all running merges,
/// then any thread still running this method might hit a
/// <see cref="MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException"/>.</para>
/// </summary>
public virtual void ForceMergeDeletes(bool doWait)
Flush(true, true);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "forceMergeDeletes: index now " + SegString());
MergePolicy.MergeSpecification spec;
bool newMergesFound = false;
lock (this)
spec = mergePolicy.FindForcedDeletesMerges(segmentInfos);
newMergesFound = spec != null;
if (newMergesFound)
int numMerges = spec.Merges.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
mergeScheduler.Merge(this, MergeTrigger.EXPLICIT, newMergesFound);
if (spec != null && doWait)
int numMerges = spec.Merges.Count;
lock (this)
bool running = true;
while (running)
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot complete forceMergeDeletes");
// Check each merge that MergePolicy asked us to
// do, to see if any of them are still running and
// if any of them have hit an exception.
running = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = spec.Merges[i];
if (pendingMerges.Contains(merge) || runningMerges.Contains(merge))
running = true;
Exception t = merge.Exception;
if (t != null)
throw new IOException("background merge hit exception: " + merge.SegString(directory), t);
// If any of our merges are still running, wait:
if (running)
// NOTE: in the ConcurrentMergeScheduler case, when
// doWait is false, we can return immediately while
// background threads accomplish the merging
/// <summary>
/// Forces merging of all segments that have deleted
/// documents. The actual merges to be executed are
/// determined by the <see cref="MergePolicy"/>. For example,
/// the default <see cref="TieredMergePolicy"/> will only
/// pick a segment if the percentage of
/// deleted docs is over 10%.
/// <para>This is often a horribly costly operation; rarely
/// is it warranted.</para>
/// <para>To see how
/// many deletions you have pending in your index, call
/// <see cref="IndexReader.NumDeletedDocs"/>.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: this method first flushes a new
/// segment (if there are indexed documents), and applies
/// all buffered deletes.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
public virtual void ForceMergeDeletes()
/// <summary>
/// Expert: asks the <see cref="mergePolicy"/> whether any merges are
/// necessary now and if so, runs the requested merges and
/// then iterate (test again if merges are needed) until no
/// more merges are returned by the <see cref="mergePolicy"/>.
/// <para/>
/// Explicit calls to <see cref="MaybeMerge()"/> are usually not
/// necessary. The most common case is when merge policy
/// parameters have changed.
/// <para/>
/// this method will call the <see cref="mergePolicy"/> with
/// <see cref="MergeTrigger.EXPLICIT"/>.
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
public void MaybeMerge()
private void MaybeMerge(MergeTrigger trigger, int maxNumSegments)
bool newMergesFound = UpdatePendingMerges(trigger, maxNumSegments);
mergeScheduler.Merge(this, trigger, newMergesFound);
private bool UpdatePendingMerges(MergeTrigger trigger, int maxNumSegments)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(maxNumSegments == -1 || maxNumSegments > 0);
//if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(trigger != null); // LUCENENET NOTE: Enum cannot be null in .NET
if (stopMerges)
return false;
// Do not start new merges if we've hit OOME
if (hitOOM)
return false;
bool newMergesFound = false;
MergePolicy.MergeSpecification spec;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(trigger == MergeTrigger.EXPLICIT || trigger == MergeTrigger.MERGE_FINISHED,"Expected EXPLICT or MERGE_FINISHED as trigger even with maxNumSegments set but was: {0}", trigger);
spec = mergePolicy.FindForcedMerges(segmentInfos, maxNumSegments, segmentsToMerge);
newMergesFound = spec != null;
if (newMergesFound)
int numMerges = spec.Merges.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = spec.Merges[i];
merge.MaxNumSegments = maxNumSegments;
spec = mergePolicy.FindMerges(trigger, segmentInfos);
newMergesFound = spec != null;
if (newMergesFound)
int numMerges = spec.Merges.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
return newMergesFound;
/// <summary>
/// Expert: to be used by a <see cref="MergePolicy"/> to avoid
/// selecting merges for segments already being merged.
/// The returned collection is not cloned, and thus is
/// only safe to access if you hold <see cref="IndexWriter"/>'s lock
/// (which you do when <see cref="IndexWriter"/> invokes the
/// <see cref="MergePolicy"/>).
/// <para/>
/// Do not alter the returned collection!
/// </summary>
public virtual ICollection<SegmentCommitInfo> MergingSegments
lock (this)
return mergingSegments;
/// <summary>
/// Expert: the <see cref="mergeScheduler"/> calls this method to retrieve the next
/// merge requested by the <see cref="MergePolicy"/>
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public virtual MergePolicy.OneMerge NextMerge()
lock (this)
if (pendingMerges.Count == 0)
return null;
// Advance the merge from pending to running
MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = pendingMerges.Dequeue();
return merge;
/// <summary>
/// Expert: returns true if there are merges waiting to be scheduled.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public virtual bool HasPendingMerges()
lock (this)
return pendingMerges.Count != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Close the <see cref="IndexWriter"/> without committing
/// any changes that have occurred since the last commit
/// (or since it was opened, if commit hasn't been called).
/// this removes any temporary files that had been created,
/// after which the state of the index will be the same as
/// it was when <see cref="Commit()"/> was last called or when this
/// writer was first opened. This also clears a previous
/// call to <see cref="PrepareCommit()"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void Rollback()
// don't call ensureOpen here: this acts like "close()" in closeable.
// Ensure that only one thread actually gets to do the
// closing, and make sure no commit is also in progress:
lock (commitLock)
if (ShouldClose())
private void RollbackInternal()
bool success = false;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "rollback");
lock (this)
stopMerges = true;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "rollback: done finish merges");
// Must pre-close these two, in case they increment
// changeCount so that we can then set it to false
// before calling closeInternal
docWriter.Dispose(); // mark it as closed first to prevent subsequent indexing actions/flushes
docWriter.Abort(this); // don't sync on IW here
lock (this)
if (pendingCommit != null)
pendingCommit = null;
// Don't bother saving any changes in our segmentInfos
// Keep the same segmentInfos instance but replace all
// of its SegmentInfo instances. this is so the next
// attempt to commit using this instance of IndexWriter
// will always write to a new generation ("write
// once").
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "rollback: infos=" + SegString(segmentInfos.Segments));
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("rollback before checkpoint"));
// Ask deleter to locate unreferenced files & remove
// them:
deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
lastCommitChangeCount = changeCount;
IOUtils.Dispose(writeLock); // release write lock
writeLock = null;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
// LUCENENET specific - store the number of states so we don't have to call this method twice
int numDeactivatedThreadStates = docWriter.perThreadPool.NumDeactivatedThreadStates();
Debugging.Assert(numDeactivatedThreadStates == docWriter.perThreadPool.MaxThreadStates, "{0} {1}", numDeactivatedThreadStates, docWriter.perThreadPool.MaxThreadStates);
success = true;
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "rollbackInternal");
if (!success)
// Must not hold IW's lock while closing
// mergePolicy/Scheduler: this can lead to deadlock,
// e.g. TestIW.testThreadInterruptDeadlock
IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(mergePolicy, mergeScheduler);
lock (this)
if (!success)
// we tried to be nice about it: do the minimum
// don't leak a segments_N file if there is a pending commit
if (pendingCommit != null)
catch (Exception)
// close all the closeables we can (but important is readerPool and writeLock to prevent leaks)
IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(readerPool, deleter, writeLock);
writeLock = null;
closed = true;
closing = false;
/// <summary>
/// Delete all documents in the index.
/// <para>This method will drop all buffered documents and will
/// remove all segments from the index. This change will not be
/// visible until a <see cref="Commit()"/> has been called. This method
/// can be rolled back using <see cref="Rollback()"/>.</para>
/// <para>NOTE: this method is much faster than using <c>DeleteDocuments(new MatchAllDocsQuery())</c>.
/// Yet, this method also has different semantics compared to <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Query)"/>
/// / <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Query[])"/> since internal data-structures are cleared as well
/// as all segment information is forcefully dropped anti-viral semantics like omitting norms
/// are reset or doc value types are cleared. Essentially a call to <see cref="DeleteAll()"/> is equivalent
/// to creating a new <see cref="IndexWriter"/> with <see cref="OpenMode.CREATE"/> which a delete query only marks
/// documents as deleted.</para>
/// <para>NOTE: this method will forcefully abort all merges
/// in progress. If other threads are running
/// <see cref="ForceMerge(int)"/>, <see cref="AddIndexes(IndexReader[])"/> or
/// <see cref="ForceMergeDeletes()"/> methods, they may receive
/// <see cref="MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException"/>s.</para>
/// </summary>
public virtual void DeleteAll()
// Remove any buffered docs
bool success = false;
/* hold the full flush lock to prevent concurrency commits / NRT reopens to
* get in our way and do unnecessary work. -- if we don't lock this here we might
* get in trouble if */
lock (fullFlushLock)
* We first abort and trash everything we have in-memory
* and keep the thread-states locked, the lockAndAbortAll operation
* also guarantees "point in time semantics" ie. the checkpoint that we need in terms
* of logical happens-before relationship in the DW. So we do
* abort all in memory structures
* We also drop global field numbering before during abort to make
* sure it's just like a fresh index.
ProcessEvents(false, true);
lock (this)
// Abort any running merges
// Remove all segments
// Ask deleter to locate unreferenced files & remove them:
deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
/* don't refresh the deleter here since there might
* be concurrent indexing requests coming in opening
* files on the directory after we called DW#abort()
* if we do so these indexing requests might hit FNF exceptions.
* We will remove the files incrementally as we go...
// Don't bother saving any changes in our segmentInfos
// Mark that the index has changed
success = true;
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "deleteAll");
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception during deleteAll");
private void FinishMerges(bool waitForMerges)
lock (this)
if (!waitForMerges)
stopMerges = true;
// Abort all pending & running merges:
foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in pendingMerges)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "now abort pending merge " + SegString(merge.Segments));
foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in runningMerges)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "now abort running merge " + SegString(merge.Segments));
// These merges periodically check whether they have
// been aborted, and stop if so. We wait here to make
// sure they all stop. It should not take very long
// because the merge threads periodically check if
// they are aborted.
while (runningMerges.Count > 0)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "now wait for " + runningMerges.Count + " running merge/s to abort");
stopMerges = false;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(0 == mergingSegments.Count);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "all running merges have aborted");
// waitForMerges() will ensure any running addIndexes finishes.
// It's fine if a new one attempts to start because from our
// caller above the call will see that we are in the
// process of closing, and will throw an
// ObjectDisposedException.
/// <summary>
/// Wait for any currently outstanding merges to finish.
/// <para>It is guaranteed that any merges started prior to calling this method
/// will have completed once this method completes.</para>
/// </summary>
public virtual void WaitForMerges()
lock (this)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "waitForMerges");
while (pendingMerges.Count > 0 || runningMerges.Count > 0)
// sanity check
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(0 == mergingSegments.Count);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "waitForMerges done");
/// <summary>
/// Called whenever the <see cref="SegmentInfos"/> has been updated and
/// the index files referenced exist (correctly) in the
/// index directory.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void Checkpoint()
lock (this)
deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
/// <summary>
/// Checkpoints with <see cref="IndexFileDeleter"/>, so it's aware of
/// new files, and increments <see cref="changeCount"/>, so on
/// close/commit we will write a new segments file, but
/// does NOT bump segmentInfos.version.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void CheckpointNoSIS()
lock (this)
deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
/// <summary>
/// Called internally if any index state has changed. </summary>
internal void Changed()
lock (this)
internal virtual void PublishFrozenUpdates(FrozenBufferedUpdates packet)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(packet != null && packet.Any());
lock (bufferedUpdatesStream)
/// <summary>
/// Atomically adds the segment private delete packet and publishes the flushed
/// segments <see cref="SegmentInfo"/> to the index writer.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void PublishFlushedSegment(SegmentCommitInfo newSegment, FrozenBufferedUpdates packet, FrozenBufferedUpdates globalPacket)
lock (this)
// Lock order IW -> BDS
lock (bufferedUpdatesStream)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "publishFlushedSegment");
if (globalPacket != null && globalPacket.Any())
// Publishing the segment must be synched on IW -> BDS to make the sure
// that no merge prunes away the seg. private delete packet
long nextGen;
if (packet != null && packet.Any())
nextGen = bufferedUpdatesStream.Push(packet);
// Since we don't have a delete packet to apply we can get a new
// generation right away
nextGen = bufferedUpdatesStream.GetNextGen();
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "publish sets newSegment delGen=" + nextGen + " seg=" + SegString(newSegment));
private void ResetMergeExceptions()
lock (this)
mergeExceptions = new List<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
private void NoDupDirs(params Directory[] dirs)
JCG.HashSet<Directory> dups = new JCG.HashSet<Directory>();
for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++)
if (dups.Contains(dirs[i]))
throw new ArgumentException("Directory " + dirs[i] + " appears more than once");
if (dirs[i] == directory)
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add directory to itself");
/// <summary>
/// Acquires write locks on all the directories; be sure
/// to match with a call to <see cref="IOUtils.Dispose(IEnumerable{IDisposable})"/> in a
/// finally clause.
/// </summary>
private IEnumerable<Lock> AcquireWriteLocks(params Directory[] dirs)
IList<Lock> locks = new List<Lock>();
for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++)
bool success = false;
Lock @lock = dirs[i].MakeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME);
success = true;
if (!success)
// Release all previously acquired locks:
return locks;
/// <summary>
/// Adds all segments from an array of indexes into this index.
/// <para/>This may be used to parallelize batch indexing. A large document
/// collection can be broken into sub-collections. Each sub-collection can be
/// indexed in parallel, on a different thread, process or machine. The
/// complete index can then be created by merging sub-collection indexes
/// with this method.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> this method acquires the write lock in
/// each directory, to ensure that no <see cref="IndexWriter"/>
/// is currently open or tries to open while this is
/// running.
/// <para/>This method is transactional in how <see cref="Exception"/>s are
/// handled: it does not commit a new segments_N file until
/// all indexes are added. this means if an <see cref="Exception"/>
/// occurs (for example disk full), then either no indexes
/// will have been added or they all will have been.
/// <para/>Note that this requires temporary free space in the
/// <see cref="Store.Directory"/> up to 2X the sum of all input indexes
/// (including the starting index). If readers/searchers
/// are open against the starting index, then temporary
/// free space required will be higher by the size of the
/// starting index (see <see cref="ForceMerge(int)"/> for details).
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> this method only copies the segments of the incoming indexes
/// and does not merge them. Therefore deleted documents are not removed and
/// the new segments are not merged with the existing ones.
/// <para/>This requires this index not be among those to be added.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
/// <exception cref="LockObtainFailedException"> if we were unable to
/// acquire the write lock in at least one directory </exception>
public virtual void AddIndexes(params Directory[] dirs)
IEnumerable<Lock> locks = AcquireWriteLocks(dirs);
bool successTop = false;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "flush at addIndexes(Directory...)");
Flush(false, true);
IList<SegmentCommitInfo> infos = new List<SegmentCommitInfo>();
bool success = false;
foreach (Directory dir in dirs)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "addIndexes: process directory " + dir);
SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos(); // read infos from dir
JCG.HashSet<string> dsFilesCopied = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
IDictionary<string, string> dsNames = new Dictionary<string, string>();
JCG.HashSet<string> copiedFiles = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in sis.Segments)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!infos.Contains(info),"dup info dir={0} name={1}", info.Info.Dir, info.Info.Name);
string newSegName = NewSegmentName();
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "addIndexes: process segment origName=" + info.Info.Name + " newName=" + newSegName + " info=" + info);
IOContext context = new IOContext(new MergeInfo(info.Info.DocCount, info.GetSizeInBytes(), true, -1));
foreach (FieldInfo fi in SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(info))
globalFieldNumberMap.AddOrGet(fi.Name, fi.Number, fi.DocValuesType);
infos.Add(CopySegmentAsIs(info, newSegName, dsNames, dsFilesCopied, context, copiedFiles));
success = true;
if (!success)
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo sipc in infos)
foreach (string file in sipc.GetFiles())
catch (Exception)
lock (this)
success = false;
success = true;
if (!success)
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo sipc in infos)
foreach (string file in sipc.GetFiles())
catch (Exception)
successTop = true;
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "addIndexes(Directory...)");
if (successTop)
/// <summary>
/// Merges the provided indexes into this index.
/// <para/>
/// The provided <see cref="IndexReader"/>s are not closed.
/// <para/>
/// See <see cref="AddIndexes(IndexReader[])"/> for details on transactional semantics, temporary
/// free space required in the <see cref="Store.Directory"/>, and non-CFS segments on an <see cref="Exception"/>.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/> you should immediately
/// dispose the writer. See <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> empty segments are dropped by this method and not added to this
/// index.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> this method merges all given <see cref="IndexReader"/>s in one
/// merge. If you intend to merge a large number of readers, it may be better
/// to call this method multiple times, each time with a small set of readers.
/// In principle, if you use a merge policy with a <c>mergeFactor</c> or
/// <c>maxMergeAtOnce</c> parameter, you should pass that many readers in one
/// call. Also, if the given readers are <see cref="DirectoryReader"/>s, they can be
/// opened with <c>termIndexInterval=-1</c> to save RAM, since during merge
/// the in-memory structure is not used. See
/// <see cref="DirectoryReader.Open(Directory, int)"/>.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE</b>: if you call <see cref="Dispose(bool)"/> with <c>false</c>, which
/// aborts all running merges, then any thread still running this method might
/// hit a <see cref="MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException">
/// if the index is corrupt </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException">
/// if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public virtual void AddIndexes(params IndexReader[] readers)
int numDocs = 0;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "flush at addIndexes(IndexReader...)");
Flush(false, true);
string mergedName = NewSegmentName();
IList<AtomicReader> mergeReaders = new List<AtomicReader>();
foreach (IndexReader indexReader in readers)
numDocs += indexReader.NumDocs;
foreach (AtomicReaderContext ctx in indexReader.Leaves)
IOContext context = new IOContext(new MergeInfo(numDocs, -1, true, -1));
// TODO: somehow we should fix this merge so it's
// abortable so that IW.close(false) is able to stop it
TrackingDirectoryWrapper trackingDir = new TrackingDirectoryWrapper(directory);
SegmentInfo info = new SegmentInfo(directory, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, mergedName, -1, false, codec, null);
SegmentMerger merger = new SegmentMerger(mergeReaders, info, infoStream, trackingDir, config.TermIndexInterval, CheckAbort.NONE, globalFieldNumberMap, context, config.CheckIntegrityAtMerge);
if (!merger.ShouldMerge)
MergeState mergeState;
bool success = false;
mergeState = merger.Merge(); // merge 'em
success = true;
if (!success)
lock (this)
SegmentCommitInfo infoPerCommit = new SegmentCommitInfo(info, 0, -1L, -1L);
info.SetFiles(new JCG.HashSet<string>(trackingDir.CreatedFiles));
bool useCompoundFile;
lock (this) // Guard segmentInfos
if (stopMerges)
useCompoundFile = mergePolicy.UseCompoundFile(segmentInfos, infoPerCommit);
// Now create the compound file if needed
if (useCompoundFile)
ICollection<string> filesToDelete = infoPerCommit.GetFiles();
CreateCompoundFile(infoStream, directory, CheckAbort.NONE, info, context);
// delete new non cfs files directly: they were never
// registered with IFD
lock (this)
info.UseCompoundFile = true;
// Have codec write SegmentInfo. Must do this after
// creating CFS so that 1) .si isn't slurped into CFS,
// and 2) .si reflects useCompoundFile=true change
// above:
success = false;
codec.SegmentInfoFormat.SegmentInfoWriter.Write(trackingDir, info, mergeState.FieldInfos, context);
success = true;
if (!success)
lock (this)
// Register the new segment
lock (this)
if (stopMerges)
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "addIndexes(IndexReader...)");
/// <summary>
/// Copies the segment files as-is into the <see cref="IndexWriter"/>'s directory. </summary>
private SegmentCommitInfo CopySegmentAsIs(SegmentCommitInfo info, string segName, IDictionary<string, string> dsNames, ISet<string> dsFilesCopied, IOContext context, ISet<string> copiedFiles)
// Determine if the doc store of this segment needs to be copied. It's
// only relevant for segments that share doc store with others,
// because the DS might have been copied already, in which case we
// just want to update the DS name of this SegmentInfo.
string dsName = Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat.GetDocStoreSegment(info.Info);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(dsName != null);
// LUCENENET: Eliminated extra lookup by using TryGetValue instead of ContainsKey
if (!dsNames.TryGetValue(dsName, out string newDsName))
dsNames[dsName] = segName;
newDsName = segName;
// note: we don't really need this fis (its copied), but we load it up
// so we don't pass a null value to the si writer
FieldInfos fis = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(info);
ISet<string> docStoreFiles3xOnly = Lucene3xCodec.GetDocStoreFiles(info.Info);
IDictionary<string, string> attributes;
// copy the attributes map, we might modify it below.
// also we need to ensure its read-write, since we will invoke the SIwriter (which might want to set something).
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (info.Info.Attributes == null)
attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(info.Info.Attributes);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
if (docStoreFiles3xOnly != null)
// only violate the codec this way if it's preflex &
// shares doc stores
// change docStoreSegment to newDsName
attributes[Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat.DS_NAME_KEY] = newDsName;
//System.out.println("copy seg=" + + " version=" +;
// Same SI as before but we change directory, name and docStoreSegment:
SegmentInfo newInfo = new SegmentInfo(directory, info.Info.Version, segName, info.Info.DocCount, info.Info.UseCompoundFile, info.Info.Codec, info.Info.Diagnostics, attributes);
SegmentCommitInfo newInfoPerCommit = new SegmentCommitInfo(newInfo, info.DelCount, info.DelGen, info.FieldInfosGen);
JCG.HashSet<string> segFiles = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
// Build up new segment's file names. Must do this
// before writing SegmentInfo:
foreach (string file in info.GetFiles())
string newFileName;
if (docStoreFiles3xOnly != null && docStoreFiles3xOnly.Contains(file))
newFileName = newDsName + Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.StripSegmentName(file);
newFileName = segName + Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.StripSegmentName(file);
// We must rewrite the SI file because it references
// segment name (its own name, if its 3.x, and doc
// store segment name):
TrackingDirectoryWrapper trackingDir = new TrackingDirectoryWrapper(directory);
Codec currentCodec = newInfo.Codec;
currentCodec.SegmentInfoFormat.SegmentInfoWriter.Write(trackingDir, newInfo, fis, context);
catch (NotSupportedException /*uoe*/)
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (currentCodec is Lucene3xCodec)
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
// OK: 3x codec cannot write a new SI file;
// SegmentInfos will write this on commit
throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details (
ICollection<string> siFiles = trackingDir.CreatedFiles;
bool success = false;
// Copy the segment's files
foreach (string file in info.GetFiles())
string newFileName;
if (docStoreFiles3xOnly != null && docStoreFiles3xOnly.Contains(file))
newFileName = newDsName + Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.StripSegmentName(file);
if (dsFilesCopied.Contains(newFileName))
newFileName = segName + Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.StripSegmentName(file);
if (siFiles.Contains(newFileName))
// We already rewrote this above
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(!SlowFileExists(directory, newFileName), "file \"{0}\" already exists; siFiles={1}", newFileName, siFiles);
Debugging.Assert(!copiedFiles.Contains(file), "file \"{0}\" is being copied more than once", file);
info.Info.Dir.Copy(directory, file, newFileName, context);
success = true;
if (!success)
foreach (string file in newInfo.GetFiles())
catch (Exception)
return newInfoPerCommit;
/// <summary>
/// A hook for extending classes to execute operations after pending added and
/// deleted documents have been flushed to the <see cref="Store.Directory"/> but before the change
/// is committed (new segments_N file written).
/// </summary>
protected virtual void DoAfterFlush()
/// <summary>
/// A hook for extending classes to execute operations before pending added and
/// deleted documents are flushed to the <see cref="Store.Directory"/>.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void DoBeforeFlush()
/// <summary>
/// <para>Expert: prepare for commit. This does the
/// first phase of 2-phase commit. this method does all
/// steps necessary to commit changes since this writer
/// was opened: flushes pending added and deleted docs,
/// syncs the index files, writes most of next segments_N
/// file. After calling this you must call either
/// <see cref="Commit()"/> to finish the commit, or
/// <see cref="Rollback()"/> to revert the commit and undo all changes
/// done since the writer was opened.</para>
/// <para>You can also just call <see cref="Commit()"/> directly
/// without <see cref="PrepareCommit()"/> first in which case that method
/// will internally call <see cref="PrepareCommit()"/>.</para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
public void PrepareCommit()
private void PrepareCommitInternal()
lock (commitLock)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "prepareCommit: flush");
infoStream.Message("IW", " index before flush " + SegString());
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot commit");
if (pendingCommit != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("prepareCommit was already called with no corresponding call to commit");
// LUCENENET: .NET doesn't support asserts in release mode
if (Lucene.Net.Diagnostics.Debugging.AssertsEnabled) TestPoint("startDoFlush");
SegmentInfos toCommit = null;
bool anySegmentsFlushed = false;
// this is copied from doFlush, except it's modified to
// clone & incRef the flushed SegmentInfos inside the
// sync block:
lock (fullFlushLock)
bool flushSuccess = false;
bool success = false;
anySegmentsFlushed = docWriter.FlushAllThreads(this);
if (!anySegmentsFlushed)
// prevent double increment since docWriter#doFlush increments the flushcount
// if we flushed anything.
ProcessEvents(false, true);
flushSuccess = true;
lock (this)
// Must clone the segmentInfos while we still
// hold fullFlushLock and while sync'd so that
// no partial changes (eg a delete w/o
// corresponding add from an updateDocument) can
// sneak into the commit point:
toCommit = (SegmentInfos)segmentInfos.Clone();
pendingCommitChangeCount = changeCount;
// this protects the segmentInfos we are now going
// to commit. this is important in case, eg, while
// we are trying to sync all referenced files, a
// merge completes which would otherwise have
// removed the files we are now syncing.
filesToCommit = toCommit.GetFiles(directory, false);
success = true;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception during prepareCommit");
// Done: finish the full flush!
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "prepareCommit");
bool success_ = false;
if (anySegmentsFlushed)
success_ = true;
if (!success_)
lock (this)
if (filesToCommit != null)
filesToCommit = null;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the commit user data map. That method is considered a transaction by
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> and will be committed (<see cref="Commit()"/> even if no other
/// changes were made to the writer instance. Note that you must call this method
/// before <see cref="PrepareCommit()"/>, or otherwise it won't be included in the
/// follow-on <see cref="Commit()"/>.
/// <para/>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> the dictionary is cloned internally, therefore altering the dictionary's
/// contents after calling this method has no effect.
/// </summary>
public void SetCommitData(IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)
lock (this)
segmentInfos.UserData = new Dictionary<string, string>(commitUserData);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the commit user data map that was last committed, or the one that
/// was set on <see cref="SetCommitData(IDictionary{string, string})"/>.
/// </summary>
public IDictionary<string, string> CommitData
lock (this)
return segmentInfos.UserData;
/// <summary>
/// Used only by commit and prepareCommit, below; lock
/// order is commitLock -> IW
/// </summary>
private readonly object commitLock = new object();
/// <summary>
/// <para>Commits all pending changes (added &amp; deleted
/// documents, segment merges, added
/// indexes, etc.) to the index, and syncs all referenced
/// index files, such that a reader will see the changes
/// and the index updates will survive an OS or machine
/// crash or power loss. Note that this does not wait for
/// any running background merges to finish. This may be a
/// costly operation, so you should test the cost in your
/// application and do it only when really necessary.</para>
/// <para> Note that this operation calls <see cref="Store.Directory.Sync(ICollection{string})"/> on
/// the index files. That call should not return until the
/// file contents &amp; metadata are on stable storage. For
/// <see cref="Store.FSDirectory"/>, this calls the OS's fsync. But, beware:
/// some hardware devices may in fact cache writes even
/// during fsync, and return before the bits are actually
/// on stable storage, to give the appearance of faster
/// performance. If you have such a device, and it does
/// not have a battery backup (for example) then on power
/// loss it may still lose data. Lucene cannot guarantee
/// consistency on such devices. </para>
/// <para><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>
/// you should immediately dispose the writer. See
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/> for details.</para>
/// </summary>
public void Commit()
/// <summary>
/// Returns <c>true</c> if there may be changes that have not been
/// committed. There are cases where this may return <c>true</c>
/// when there are no actual "real" changes to the index,
/// for example if you've deleted by <see cref="Term"/> or <see cref="Query"/> but
/// that <see cref="Term"/> or <see cref="Query"/> does not match any documents.
/// Also, if a merge kicked off as a result of flushing a
/// new segment during <see cref="Commit()"/>, or a concurrent
/// merged finished, this method may return <c>true</c> right
/// after you had just called <see cref="Commit()"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool HasUncommittedChanges()
return changeCount != lastCommitChangeCount || docWriter.AnyChanges() || bufferedUpdatesStream.Any();
private void CommitInternal()
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: start");
lock (commitLock)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: enter lock");
if (pendingCommit == null)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: now prepare");
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: already prepared");
private void FinishCommit()
lock (this)
if (pendingCommit != null)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: pendingCommit != null");
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: wrote segments file \"" + pendingCommit.GetSegmentsFileName() + "\"");
lastCommitChangeCount = pendingCommitChangeCount;
rollbackSegments = pendingCommit.CreateBackupSegmentInfos();
// NOTE: don't use this.checkpoint() here, because
// we do not want to increment changeCount:
deleter.Checkpoint(pendingCommit, true);
// Matches the incRef done in prepareCommit:
filesToCommit = null;
pendingCommit = null;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: pendingCommit == null; skip");
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commit: done");
/// <summary>
/// Ensures only one <see cref="Flush(bool, bool)"/> is actually flushing segments
/// at a time:
/// </summary>
private readonly object fullFlushLock = new object();
// for assert
internal virtual bool HoldsFullFlushLock => Monitor.IsEntered(fullFlushLock);
/// <summary>
/// Flush all in-memory buffered updates (adds and deletes)
/// to the <see cref="Store.Directory"/>. </summary>
/// <param name="triggerMerge"> if <c>true</c>, we may merge segments (if
/// deletes or docs were flushed) if necessary </param>
/// <param name="applyAllDeletes"> whether pending deletes should also </param>
public void Flush(bool triggerMerge, bool applyAllDeletes)
// NOTE: this method cannot be sync'd because
// maybeMerge() in turn calls mergeScheduler.merge which
// in turn can take a long time to run and we don't want
// to hold the lock for that. In the case of
// ConcurrentMergeScheduler this can lead to deadlock
// when it stalls due to too many running merges.
// We can be called during close, when closing==true, so we must pass false to ensureOpen:
if (DoFlush(applyAllDeletes) && triggerMerge)
private bool DoFlush(bool applyAllDeletes)
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot flush");
// LUCENENET: .NET doesn't support asserts in release mode
if (Lucene.Net.Diagnostics.Debugging.AssertsEnabled) TestPoint("startDoFlush");
bool success = false;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", " start flush: applyAllDeletes=" + applyAllDeletes);
infoStream.Message("IW", " index before flush " + SegString());
bool anySegmentFlushed;
lock (fullFlushLock)
bool flushSuccess = false;
anySegmentFlushed = docWriter.FlushAllThreads(this);
flushSuccess = true;
ProcessEvents(false, true);
lock (this)
if (!anySegmentFlushed)
// flushCount is incremented in flushAllThreads
success = true;
return anySegmentFlushed;
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "doFlush");
// never hit
return false;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception during flush");
internal void MaybeApplyDeletes(bool applyAllDeletes)
lock (this)
if (applyAllDeletes)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "apply all deletes during flush");
else if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "don't apply deletes now delTermCount=" + bufferedUpdatesStream.NumTerms + " bytesUsed=" + bufferedUpdatesStream.BytesUsed);
internal void ApplyAllDeletesAndUpdates()
lock (this)
BufferedUpdatesStream.ApplyDeletesResult result;
result = bufferedUpdatesStream.ApplyDeletesAndUpdates(readerPool, segmentInfos.AsList());
if (result.AnyDeletes)
if (!keepFullyDeletedSegments && result.AllDeleted != null)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "drop 100% deleted segments: " + SegString(result.AllDeleted));
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in result.AllDeleted)
// If a merge has already registered for this
// segment, we leave it in the readerPool; the
// merge will skip merging it and will then drop
// it once it's done:
if (!mergingSegments.Contains(info))
/// <summary>
/// Expert: Return the total size of all index files currently cached in memory.
/// Useful for size management with flushRamDocs()
/// </summary>
public long RamSizeInBytes()
return docWriter.flushControl.NetBytes + bufferedUpdatesStream.BytesUsed;
// for testing only
internal virtual DocumentsWriter DocsWriter
=> Debugging.AssertsEnabled ? docWriter : null; // LUCENENET specific - just read the status, simpler than using Assert() to set a local variable
/// <summary>
/// Expert: Return the number of documents currently
/// buffered in RAM.
/// </summary>
public int NumRamDocs()
lock (this)
return docWriter.NumDocs;
private void EnsureValidMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
lock (this)
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in merge.Segments)
if (!segmentInfos.Contains(info))
throw new MergePolicy.MergeException("MergePolicy selected a segment (" + info.Info.Name + ") that is not in the current index " + SegString(), directory);
private void SkipDeletedDoc(DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator[] updatesIters, int deletedDoc)
foreach (DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator iter in updatesIters)
if (iter.Doc == deletedDoc)
// when entering the method, all iterators must already be beyond the
// deleted document, or right on it, in which case we advance them over
// and they must be beyond it now.
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(iter.Doc > deletedDoc,"updateDoc={0} deletedDoc={1}", iter.Doc, deletedDoc);
private class MergedDeletesAndUpdates
internal ReadersAndUpdates mergedDeletesAndUpdates = null;
internal MergePolicy.DocMap docMap = null;
internal bool initializedWritableLiveDocs = false;
internal MergedDeletesAndUpdates()
internal void Init(ReaderPool readerPool, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, MergeState mergeState, bool initWritableLiveDocs)
if (mergedDeletesAndUpdates == null)
mergedDeletesAndUpdates = readerPool.Get(, true);
docMap = merge.GetDocMap(mergeState);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(docMap.IsConsistent(;
if (initWritableLiveDocs && !initializedWritableLiveDocs)
this.initializedWritableLiveDocs = true;
private void MaybeApplyMergedDVUpdates(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, MergeState mergeState, int docUpto, MergedDeletesAndUpdates holder, string[] mergingFields, DocValuesFieldUpdates[] dvFieldUpdates, DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator[] updatesIters, int curDoc)
int newDoc = -1;
for (int idx = 0; idx < mergingFields.Length; idx++)
DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator updatesIter = updatesIters[idx];
if (updatesIter.Doc == curDoc) // document has an update
if (holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates == null)
holder.Init(readerPool, merge, mergeState, false);
if (newDoc == -1) // map once per all field updates, but only if there are any updates
newDoc = holder.docMap.Map(docUpto);
DocValuesFieldUpdates dvUpdates = dvFieldUpdates[idx];
dvUpdates.Add(newDoc, updatesIter.Value);
updatesIter.NextDoc(); // advance to next document
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(updatesIter.Doc > curDoc, "field={0} updateDoc={1} curDoc={2}", mergingFields[idx], updatesIter.Doc, curDoc);
/// <summary>
/// Carefully merges deletes and updates for the segments we just merged. This
/// is tricky because, although merging will clear all deletes (compacts the
/// documents) and compact all the updates, new deletes and updates may have
/// been flushed to the segments since the merge was started. This method
/// "carries over" such new deletes and updates onto the newly merged segment,
/// and saves the resulting deletes and updates files (incrementing the delete
/// and DV generations for If no deletes were flushed, no new
/// deletes file is saved.
/// </summary>
private ReadersAndUpdates CommitMergedDeletesAndUpdates(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, MergeState mergeState)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("startCommitMergeDeletes"));
IList<SegmentCommitInfo> sourceSegments = merge.Segments;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commitMergeDeletes " + SegString(merge.Segments));
// Carefully merge deletes that occurred after we
// started merging:
int docUpto = 0;
long minGen = long.MaxValue;
// Lazy init (only when we find a delete to carry over):
MergedDeletesAndUpdates holder = new MergedDeletesAndUpdates();
DocValuesFieldUpdates.Container mergedDVUpdates = new DocValuesFieldUpdates.Container();
for (int i = 0; i < sourceSegments.Count; i++)
SegmentCommitInfo info = sourceSegments[i];
minGen = Math.Min(info.BufferedDeletesGen, minGen);
int docCount = info.Info.DocCount;
IBits prevLiveDocs = merge.readers[i].LiveDocs;
ReadersAndUpdates rld = readerPool.Get(info, false);
// We hold a ref so it should still be in the pool:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(rld != null,"seg={0}", info.Info.Name);
IBits currentLiveDocs = rld.LiveDocs;
IDictionary<string, DocValuesFieldUpdates> mergingFieldUpdates = rld.MergingFieldUpdates;
string[] mergingFields;
DocValuesFieldUpdates[] dvFieldUpdates;
DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator[] updatesIters;
if (mergingFieldUpdates.Count == 0)
mergingFields = null;
updatesIters = null;
dvFieldUpdates = null;
mergingFields = new string[mergingFieldUpdates.Count];
dvFieldUpdates = new DocValuesFieldUpdates[mergingFieldUpdates.Count];
updatesIters = new DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator[mergingFieldUpdates.Count];
int idx = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DocValuesFieldUpdates> e in mergingFieldUpdates)
string field = e.Key;
DocValuesFieldUpdates updates = e.Value;
mergingFields[idx] = field;
dvFieldUpdates[idx] = mergedDVUpdates.GetUpdates(field, updates.type);
if (dvFieldUpdates[idx] == null)
dvFieldUpdates[idx] = mergedDVUpdates.NewUpdates(field, updates.type, mergeState.SegmentInfo.DocCount);
updatesIters[idx] = updates.GetIterator();
updatesIters[idx].NextDoc(); // advance to first update doc
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] IW.commitMergedDeletes: info=" + info + ", mergingUpdates=" + mergingUpdates);
if (prevLiveDocs != null)
// If we had deletions on starting the merge we must
// still have deletions now:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(currentLiveDocs != null);
Debugging.Assert(prevLiveDocs.Length == docCount);
Debugging.Assert(currentLiveDocs.Length == docCount);
// There were deletes on this segment when the merge
// started. The merge has collapsed away those
// deletes, but, if new deletes were flushed since
// the merge started, we must now carefully keep any
// newly flushed deletes but mapping them to the new
// docIDs.
// Since we copy-on-write, if any new deletes were
// applied after merging has started, we can just
// check if the before/after liveDocs have changed.
// If so, we must carefully merge the liveDocs one
// doc at a time:
if (currentLiveDocs != prevLiveDocs)
// this means this segment received new deletes
// since we started the merge, so we
// must merge them:
for (int j = 0; j < docCount; j++)
if (!prevLiveDocs.Get(j))
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!currentLiveDocs.Get(j));
if (!currentLiveDocs.Get(j))
if (holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates == null || !holder.initializedWritableLiveDocs)
holder.Init(readerPool, merge, mergeState, true);
if (mergingFields != null) // advance all iters beyond the deleted document
SkipDeletedDoc(updatesIters, j);
else if (mergingFields != null)
MaybeApplyMergedDVUpdates(merge, mergeState, docUpto, holder, mergingFields, dvFieldUpdates, updatesIters, j);
else if (mergingFields != null)
// need to check each non-deleted document if it has any updates
for (int j = 0; j < docCount; j++)
if (prevLiveDocs.Get(j))
// document isn't deleted, check if any of the fields have an update to it
MaybeApplyMergedDVUpdates(merge, mergeState, docUpto, holder, mergingFields, dvFieldUpdates, updatesIters, j);
// advance docUpto for every non-deleted document
// advance all iters beyond the deleted document
SkipDeletedDoc(updatesIters, j);
docUpto += info.Info.DocCount - info.DelCount - rld.PendingDeleteCount;
else if (currentLiveDocs != null)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(currentLiveDocs.Length == docCount);
// this segment had no deletes before but now it
// does:
for (int j = 0; j < docCount; j++)
if (!currentLiveDocs.Get(j))
if (holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates == null || !holder.initializedWritableLiveDocs)
holder.Init(readerPool, merge, mergeState, true);
if (mergingFields != null) // advance all iters beyond the deleted document
SkipDeletedDoc(updatesIters, j);
else if (mergingFields != null)
MaybeApplyMergedDVUpdates(merge, mergeState, docUpto, holder, mergingFields, dvFieldUpdates, updatesIters, j);
else if (mergingFields != null)
// no deletions before or after, but there were updates
for (int j = 0; j < docCount; j++)
MaybeApplyMergedDVUpdates(merge, mergeState, docUpto, holder, mergingFields, dvFieldUpdates, updatesIters, j);
// advance docUpto for every non-deleted document
// No deletes or updates before or after
docUpto += info.Info.DocCount;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(docUpto ==;
if (mergedDVUpdates.Any())
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] IW.commitMergedDeletes:" + + ", mergedFieldUpdates=" + mergedFieldUpdates);
bool success = false;
// if any error occurs while writing the field updates we should release
// the info, otherwise it stays in the pool but is considered not "live"
// which later causes false exceptions in pool.dropAll().
// NOTE: currently this is the only place which throws a true
// IOException. If this ever changes, we need to extend that try/finally
// block to the rest of the method too.
holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates.WriteFieldUpdates(directory, mergedDVUpdates);
success = true;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
if (holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates == null)
infoStream.Message("IW", "no new deletes or field updates since merge started");
string msg = holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates.PendingDeleteCount + " new deletes";
if (mergedDVUpdates.Any())
msg += " and " + mergedDVUpdates.Count + " new field updates";
msg += " since merge started";
infoStream.Message("IW", msg);
return holder.mergedDeletesAndUpdates;
private bool CommitMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, MergeState mergeState)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("startCommitMerge"));
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot complete merge");
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commitMerge: " + SegString(merge.Segments) + " index=" + SegString());
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(merge.registerDone);
// If merge was explicitly aborted, or, if rollback() or
// rollbackTransaction() had been called since our merge
// started (which results in an unqualified
// deleter.refresh() call that will remove any index
// file that current segments does not reference), we
// abort this merge
if (merge.IsAborted)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "commitMerge: skip: it was aborted");
// In case we opened and pooled a reader for this
// segment, drop it now. this ensures that we close
// the reader before trying to delete any of its
// files. this is not a very big deal, since this
// reader will never be used by any NRT reader, and
// another thread is currently running close(false)
// so it will be dropped shortly anyway, but not
// doing this makes MockDirWrapper angry in
// TestNRTThreads (LUCENE-5434):
return false;
ReadersAndUpdates mergedUpdates = == 0 ? null : CommitMergedDeletesAndUpdates(merge, mergeState);
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] IW.commitMerge: mergedDeletes=" + mergedDeletes);
// If the doc store we are using has been closed and
// is in now compound format (but wasn't when we
// started), then we will switch to the compound
// format as well:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!segmentInfos.Contains(;
bool allDeleted = merge.Segments.Count == 0 || == 0 || (mergedUpdates != null && mergedUpdates.PendingDeleteCount ==;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
if (allDeleted)
infoStream.Message("IW", "merged segment " + + " is 100% deleted" + (keepFullyDeletedSegments ? "" : "; skipping insert"));
bool dropSegment = allDeleted && !keepFullyDeletedSegments;
// If we merged no segments then we better be dropping
// the new segment:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(merge.Segments.Count > 0 || dropSegment);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert( != 0 || keepFullyDeletedSegments || dropSegment);
if (mergedUpdates != null)
bool success = false;
if (dropSegment)
// Pass false for assertInfoLive because the merged
// segment is not yet live (only below do we commit it
// to the segmentInfos):
readerPool.Release(mergedUpdates, false);
success = true;
if (!success)
// Must do this after readerPool.release, in case an
// exception is hit e.g. writing the live docs for the
// merge segment, in which case we need to abort the
// merge:
segmentInfos.ApplyMergeChanges(merge, dropSegment);
if (dropSegment)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!segmentInfos.Contains(;
bool success_ = false;
// Must close before checkpoint, otherwise IFD won't be
// able to delete the held-open files from the merge
// readers:
CloseMergeReaders(merge, false);
success_ = true;
// Must note the change to segmentInfos so any commits
// in-flight don't lose it (IFD will incRef/protect the
// new files we created):
if (success_)
catch (Exception)
// Ignore so we keep throwing original exception.
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "after commitMerge: " + SegString());
if (merge.MaxNumSegments != -1 && !dropSegment)
// cascade the forceMerge:
if (!segmentsToMerge.ContainsKey(
segmentsToMerge[] = false;
return true;
private void HandleMergeException(Exception t, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "handleMergeException: merge=" + SegString(merge.Segments) + " exc=" + t);
// Set the exception on the merge, so if
// forceMerge is waiting on us it sees the root
// cause exception:
merge.Exception = t;
if ((t as MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException) != null)
// We can ignore this exception (it happens when
// close(false) or rollback is called), unless the
// merge involves segments from external directories,
// in which case we must throw it so, for example, the
// rollbackTransaction code in addIndexes* is
// executed.
if (merge.isExternal)
throw t;
/// <summary>
/// Merges the indicated segments, replacing them in the stack with a
/// single segment.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public virtual void Merge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
bool success = false;
long t0 = Environment.TickCount;
//if ( != null) {
//System.out.println("MERGE: " +;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "now merge\n merge=" + SegString(merge.Segments) + "\n index=" + SegString());
success = true;
catch (Exception t)
HandleMergeException(t, merge);
lock (this)
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception during merge");
if ( != null && !segmentInfos.Contains(
// this merge (and, generally, any change to the
// segments) may now enable new merges, so we call
// merge policy & update pending merges.
if (success && !merge.IsAborted && (merge.MaxNumSegments != -1 || (!closed && !closing)))
UpdatePendingMerges(MergeTrigger.MERGE_FINISHED, merge.MaxNumSegments);
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "merge");
if ( != null && !merge.IsAborted)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "merge time " + (Environment.TickCount - t0) + " msec for " + + " docs");
/// <summary>
/// Hook that's called when the specified merge is complete. </summary>
internal virtual void MergeSuccess(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether this merge involves any segments
/// already participating in a merge. If not, this merge
/// is "registered", meaning we record that its segments
/// are now participating in a merge, and <c>true</c> is
/// returned. Else (the merge conflicts) <c>false</c> is
/// returned.
/// </summary>
internal bool RegisterMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
lock (this)
if (merge.registerDone)
return true;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(merge.Segments.Count > 0);
if (stopMerges)
throw new MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException("merge is aborted: " + SegString(merge.Segments));
bool isExternal = false;
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in merge.Segments)
if (mergingSegments.Contains(info))
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "reject merge " + SegString(merge.Segments) + ": segment " + SegString(info) + " is already marked for merge");
return false;
if (!segmentInfos.Contains(info))
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "reject merge " + SegString(merge.Segments) + ": segment " + SegString(info) + " does not exist in live infos");
return false;
if (info.Info.Dir != directory)
isExternal = true;
if (segmentsToMerge.ContainsKey(info))
merge.MaxNumSegments = mergeMaxNumSegments;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "add merge to pendingMerges: " + SegString(merge.Segments) + " [total " + pendingMerges.Count + " pending]");
merge.mergeGen = mergeGen;
merge.isExternal = isExternal;
// OK it does not conflict; now record that this merge
// is running (while synchronized) to avoid race
// condition where two conflicting merges from different
// threads, start
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("registerMerge merging= [");
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in mergingSegments)
builder.Append(info.Info.Name).Append(", ");
// don't call mergingSegments.toString() could lead to ConcurrentModException
// since merge updates the segments FieldInfos
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", builder.ToString());
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in merge.Segments)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "registerMerge info=" + SegString(info));
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(merge.EstimatedMergeBytes == 0);
Debugging.Assert(merge.totalMergeBytes == 0);
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in merge.Segments)
if (info.Info.DocCount > 0)
int delCount = NumDeletedDocs(info);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(delCount <= info.Info.DocCount);
double delRatio = ((double)delCount) / info.Info.DocCount;
merge.EstimatedMergeBytes += (long)(info.GetSizeInBytes() * (1.0 - delRatio));
merge.totalMergeBytes += info.GetSizeInBytes();
// Merge is now registered
merge.registerDone = true;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Does initial setup for a merge, which is fast but holds
/// the synchronized lock on <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instance.
/// </summary>
internal void MergeInit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
lock (this)
bool success = false;
success = true;
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception in mergeInit");
private void MergeInitImpl(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge) // LUCENENET specific: renamed from _mergeInit
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(merge.MaxNumSegments == -1 || merge.MaxNumSegments > 0);
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot merge");
if ( != null)
// mergeInit already done
if (merge.IsAborted)
// TODO: in the non-pool'd case this is somewhat
// wasteful, because we open these readers, close them,
// and then open them again for merging. Maybe we
// could pre-pool them somehow in that case...
// Lock order: IW -> BD
BufferedUpdatesStream.ApplyDeletesResult result = bufferedUpdatesStream.ApplyDeletesAndUpdates(readerPool, merge.Segments);
if (result.AnyDeletes)
if (!keepFullyDeletedSegments && result.AllDeleted != null)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "drop 100% deleted segments: " + result.AllDeleted);
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in result.AllDeleted)
if (merge.Segments.Contains(info))
// Bind a new segment name here so even with
// ConcurrentMergePolicy we keep deterministic segment
// names.
string mergeSegmentName = NewSegmentName();
SegmentInfo si = new SegmentInfo(directory, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, mergeSegmentName, -1, false, codec, null);
IDictionary<string, string> details = new Dictionary<string, string>();
details["mergeMaxNumSegments"] = "" + merge.MaxNumSegments;
details["mergeFactor"] = Convert.ToString(merge.Segments.Count);
SetDiagnostics(si, SOURCE_MERGE, details);
merge.Info = new SegmentCommitInfo(si, 0, -1L, -1L);
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] IW._mergeInit: " + segString(merge.segments) + " into " + si);
// Lock order: IW -> BD
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "merge seg=" + + " " + SegString(merge.Segments));
internal static void SetDiagnostics(SegmentInfo info, string source)
SetDiagnostics(info, source, null);
private static void SetDiagnostics(SegmentInfo info, string source, IDictionary<string, string> details)
IDictionary<string, string> diagnostics = new Dictionary<string, string>();
diagnostics["source"] = source;
diagnostics["lucene.version"] = Constants.LUCENE_VERSION;
diagnostics["os"] = Constants.OS_NAME;
diagnostics["os.arch"] = Constants.OS_ARCH;
diagnostics["os.version"] = Constants.OS_VERSION;
diagnostics["java.version"] = Constants.RUNTIME_VERSION;
diagnostics["java.vendor"] = Constants.RUNTIME_VENDOR;
diagnostics["timestamp"] = Convert.ToString((DateTime.Now));
if (details != null)
info.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
/// <summary>
/// Does fininishing for a merge, which is fast but holds
/// the synchronized lock on <see cref="IndexWriter"/> instance.
/// </summary>
public void MergeFinish(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
lock (this)
// forceMerge, addIndexes or finishMerges may be waiting
// on merges to finish.
// It's possible we are called twice, eg if there was an
// exception inside mergeInit
if (merge.registerDone)
IList<SegmentCommitInfo> sourceSegments = merge.Segments;
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in sourceSegments)
merge.registerDone = false;
private void CloseMergeReaders(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, bool suppressExceptions)
lock (this)
int numSegments = merge.readers.Count;
Exception th = null;
bool drop = !suppressExceptions;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
SegmentReader sr = merge.readers[i];
if (sr != null)
ReadersAndUpdates rld = readerPool.Get(sr.SegmentInfo, false);
// We still hold a ref so it should not have been removed:
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(rld != null);
if (drop)
if (drop)
catch (Exception t)
if (th == null)
th = t;
merge.readers[i] = null;
// If any error occured, throw it.
if (!suppressExceptions)
/// <summary>
/// Does the actual (time-consuming) work of the merge,
/// but without holding synchronized lock on <see cref="IndexWriter"/>
/// instance
/// </summary>
private int MergeMiddle(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
string mergedName =;
IList<SegmentCommitInfo> sourceSegments = merge.Segments;
IOContext context = new IOContext(merge.MergeInfo);
CheckAbort checkAbort = new CheckAbort(merge, directory);
TrackingDirectoryWrapper dirWrapper = new TrackingDirectoryWrapper(directory);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "merging " + SegString(merge.Segments));
merge.readers = new List<SegmentReader>();
// this is try/finally to make sure merger's readers are
// closed:
bool success = false;
int segUpto = 0;
while (segUpto < sourceSegments.Count)
SegmentCommitInfo info = sourceSegments[segUpto];
// Hold onto the "live" reader; we will use this to
// commit merged deletes
ReadersAndUpdates rld = readerPool.Get(info, true);
// Carefully pull the most recent live docs and reader
SegmentReader reader;
IBits liveDocs;
int delCount;
lock (this)
// Must sync to ensure BufferedDeletesStream cannot change liveDocs,
// pendingDeleteCount and field updates while we pull a copy:
reader = rld.GetReaderForMerge(context);
liveDocs = rld.GetReadOnlyLiveDocs();
delCount = rld.PendingDeleteCount + info.DelCount;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(reader != null);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
if (rld.PendingDeleteCount != 0)
infoStream.Message("IW", "seg=" + SegString(info) + " delCount=" + info.DelCount + " pendingDelCount=" + rld.PendingDeleteCount);
else if (info.DelCount != 0)
infoStream.Message("IW", "seg=" + SegString(info) + " delCount=" + info.DelCount);
infoStream.Message("IW", "seg=" + SegString(info) + " no deletes");
// Deletes might have happened after we pulled the merge reader and
// before we got a read-only copy of the segment's actual live docs
// (taking pending deletes into account). In that case we need to
// make a new reader with updated live docs and del count.
if (reader.NumDeletedDocs != delCount)
// fix the reader's live docs and del count
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(delCount > reader.NumDeletedDocs); // beware of zombies
SegmentReader newReader = new SegmentReader(info, reader, liveDocs, info.Info.DocCount - delCount);
bool released = false;
released = true;
if (!released)
reader = newReader;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(delCount <= info.Info.DocCount, "delCount={0} info.DocCount={1} rld.PendingDeleteCount={2} info.DelCount=", delCount, info.Info.DocCount, rld.PendingDeleteCount, info.DelCount);
// System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] IW.mergeMiddle: merging " + merge.getMergeReaders());
// we pass merge.getMergeReaders() instead of merge.readers to allow the
// OneMerge to return a view over the actual segments to merge
SegmentMerger merger = new SegmentMerger(merge.GetMergeReaders(),, infoStream, dirWrapper, config.TermIndexInterval, checkAbort, globalFieldNumberMap, context, config.CheckIntegrityAtMerge);
// this is where all the work happens:
MergeState mergeState;
bool success3 = false;
if (!merger.ShouldMerge)
// would result in a 0 document segment: nothing to merge!
mergeState = new MergeState(new List<AtomicReader>(),, infoStream, checkAbort);
mergeState = merger.Merge();
success3 = true;
if (!success3)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(mergeState.SegmentInfo ==; JCG.HashSet<string>(dirWrapper.CreatedFiles));
// Record which codec was used to write the segment
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
if ( == 0)
infoStream.Message("IW", "merge away fully deleted segments");
infoStream.Message("IW", "merge codec=" + codec + " docCount=" + + "; merged segment has " + (mergeState.FieldInfos.HasVectors ? "vectors" : "no vectors") + "; " + (mergeState.FieldInfos.HasNorms ? "norms" : "no norms") + "; " + (mergeState.FieldInfos.HasDocValues ? "docValues" : "no docValues") + "; " + (mergeState.FieldInfos.HasProx ? "prox" : "no prox") + "; " + (mergeState.FieldInfos.HasProx ? "freqs" : "no freqs"));
// Very important to do this before opening the reader
// because codec must know if prox was written for
// this segment:
//System.out.println("merger set hasProx=" + merger.hasProx() + " seg=" +;
bool useCompoundFile;
lock (this) // Guard segmentInfos
useCompoundFile = mergePolicy.UseCompoundFile(segmentInfos,;
if (useCompoundFile)
success = false;
ICollection<string> filesToRemove =;
filesToRemove = CreateCompoundFile(infoStream, directory, checkAbort,, context);
success = true;
catch (IOException ioe)
lock (this)
if (merge.IsAborted)
// this can happen if rollback or close(false)
// is called -- fall through to logic below to
// remove the partially created CFS:
HandleMergeException(ioe, merge);
catch (Exception t)
HandleMergeException(t, merge);
if (!success)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception creating compound file during merge");
lock (this)
deleter.DeleteFile(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(mergedName, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION));
deleter.DeleteFile(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(mergedName, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_ENTRIES_EXTENSION));
// So that, if we hit exc in deleteNewFiles (next)
// or in commitMerge (later), we close the
// per-segment readers in the finally clause below:
success = false;
lock (this)
// delete new non cfs files directly: they were never
// registered with IFD
if (merge.IsAborted)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "abort merge after building CFS");
deleter.DeleteFile(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(mergedName, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION));
deleter.DeleteFile(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(mergedName, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_ENTRIES_EXTENSION));
return 0;
} = true;
// So that, if we hit exc in commitMerge (later),
// we close the per-segment readers in the finally
// clause below:
success = false;
// Have codec write SegmentInfo. Must do this after
// creating CFS so that 1) .si isn't slurped into CFS,
// and 2) .si reflects useCompoundFile=true change
// above:
bool success2 = false;
codec.SegmentInfoFormat.SegmentInfoWriter.Write(directory,, mergeState.FieldInfos, context);
success2 = true;
if (!success2)
lock (this)
// TODO: ideally we would freeze here!!
// because any changes after writing the .si will be
// lost...
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "merged segment size={0:n3} MB vs estimate={1:n3} MB", / 1024.0 / 1024.0, merge.EstimatedMergeBytes / 1024 / 1024.0));
IndexReaderWarmer mergedSegmentWarmer = config.MergedSegmentWarmer;
if (poolReaders && mergedSegmentWarmer != null && != 0)
ReadersAndUpdates rld = readerPool.Get(, true);
SegmentReader sr = rld.GetReader(IOContext.READ);
lock (this)
// Force READ context because we merge deletes onto
// this reader:
if (!CommitMerge(merge, mergeState))
// commitMerge will return false if this merge was
// aborted
return 0;
success = true;
// Readers are already closed in commitMerge if we didn't hit
// an exc:
if (!success)
CloseMergeReaders(merge, true);
internal virtual void AddMergeException(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(merge.Exception != null);
if (!mergeExceptions.Contains(merge) && mergeGen == merge.mergeGen)
// For test purposes.
internal int BufferedDeleteTermsSize => docWriter.BufferedDeleteTermsSize;
// For test purposes.
internal int NumBufferedDeleteTerms => docWriter.NumBufferedDeleteTerms;
// utility routines for tests
internal virtual SegmentCommitInfo NewestSegment()
lock (this)
return segmentInfos.Count > 0 ? segmentInfos.Info(segmentInfos.Count - 1) : null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string description of all segments, for
/// debugging.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public virtual string SegString()
lock (this)
return SegString(segmentInfos.Segments);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string description of the specified
/// segments, for debugging.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public virtual string SegString(IEnumerable<SegmentCommitInfo> infos)
lock (this)
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in infos)
if (buffer.Length > 0)
buffer.Append(' ');
return buffer.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string description of the specified
/// segment, for debugging.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public virtual string SegString(SegmentCommitInfo info)
lock (this)
return info.ToString(info.Info.Dir, NumDeletedDocs(info) - info.DelCount);
private void DoWait()
lock (this)
// NOTE: the callers of this method should in theory
// be able to do simply wait(), but, as a defense
// against thread timing hazards where notifyAll()
// fails to be called, we wait for at most 1 second
// and then return so caller can check if wait
// conditions are satisfied:
// try
// {
Monitor.Wait(this, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
//#if FEATURE_THREAD_INTERRUPT // LUCENENET NOTE: Senseless to catch and rethrow the same exception type
// }
// catch (ThreadInterruptedException ie)
// {
// throw new ThreadInterruptedException("Thread Interrupted Exception", ie);
// }
private bool keepFullyDeletedSegments;
/// <summary>
/// Only for testing.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public virtual bool KeepFullyDeletedSegments
get => keepFullyDeletedSegments;
set => keepFullyDeletedSegments = value;
// called only from assert
private bool FilesExist(SegmentInfos toSync)
ICollection<string> files = toSync.GetFiles(directory, false);
foreach (string fileName in files)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
// LUCENENET specific - use Directory.ListAllFormatter to defer directory listing/string building until after the condition fails
Debugging.Assert(SlowFileExists(directory, fileName), "file {0} does not exist; files={1}", fileName, new Directory.ListAllFormatter(directory));
// If this trips it means we are missing a call to
// .checkpoint somewhere, because by the time we
// are called, deleter should know about every
// file referenced by the current head
// segmentInfos:
Debugging.Assert(deleter.Exists(fileName), "IndexFileDeleter doesn't know about file {0}", fileName);
return true;
// For infoStream output
internal virtual SegmentInfos ToLiveInfos(SegmentInfos sis)
lock (this)
SegmentInfos newSIS = new SegmentInfos();
IDictionary<SegmentCommitInfo, SegmentCommitInfo> liveSIS = new Dictionary<SegmentCommitInfo, SegmentCommitInfo>();
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in segmentInfos.Segments)
liveSIS[info] = info;
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo info in sis.Segments)
SegmentCommitInfo infoMod = info;
SegmentCommitInfo liveInfo;
if (liveSIS.TryGetValue(info, out liveInfo))
infoMod = liveInfo;
return newSIS;
/// <summary>
/// Walk through all files referenced by the current
/// <see cref="segmentInfos"/> and ask the <see cref="Store.Directory"/> to sync each file,
/// if it wasn't already. If that succeeds, then we
/// prepare a new segments_N file but do not fully commit
/// it.
/// </summary>
private void StartCommit(SegmentInfos toSync)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(pendingCommit == null);
if (hitOOM)
throw new InvalidOperationException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot commit");
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "StartCommit(): start");
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(lastCommitChangeCount <= changeCount,"lastCommitChangeCount={0} changeCount={1}", lastCommitChangeCount, changeCount);
if (pendingCommitChangeCount == lastCommitChangeCount)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", " skip StartCommit(): no changes pending");
filesToCommit = null;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "startCommit index=" + SegString(ToLiveInfos(toSync).Segments) + " changeCount=" + changeCount);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(FilesExist(toSync));
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("midStartCommit"));
bool pendingCommitSet = false;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("midStartCommit2"));
lock (this)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(pendingCommit == null);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(segmentInfos.Generation == toSync.Generation);
// Exception here means nothing is prepared
// (this method unwinds everything it did on
// an exception)
//System.out.println("DONE prepareCommit");
pendingCommitSet = true;
pendingCommit = toSync;
// this call can take a long time -- 10s of seconds
// or more. We do it without syncing on this:
bool success = false;
ICollection<string> filesToSync;
filesToSync = toSync.GetFiles(directory, false);
success = true;
if (!success)
pendingCommitSet = false;
pendingCommit = null;
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "done all syncs: " + string.Format(J2N.Text.StringFormatter.InvariantCulture, "{0}", filesToSync));
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("midStartCommitSuccess"));
lock (this)
// Have our master segmentInfos record the
// generations we just prepared. We do this
// on error or success so we don't
// double-write a segments_N file.
if (!pendingCommitSet)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit exception committing segments file");
// Hit exception
filesToCommit = null;
catch (OutOfMemoryException oom)
HandleOOM(oom, "startCommit");
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestPoint("finishStartCommit"));
/// <summary>
/// Returns <c>true</c> iff the index in the named directory is
/// currently locked. </summary>
/// <param name="directory"> the directory to check for a lock </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level IO error </exception>
public static bool IsLocked(Directory directory)
return directory.MakeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME).IsLocked();
/// <summary>
/// Forcibly unlocks the index in the named directory.
/// <para/>
/// Caution: this should only be used by failure recovery code,
/// when it is known that no other process nor thread is in fact
/// currently accessing this index.
/// </summary>
public static void Unlock(Directory directory)
using (var _ = directory.MakeLock(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_NAME)) { }
/// <summary>
/// If <see cref="DirectoryReader.Open(IndexWriter, bool)"/> has
/// been called (ie, this writer is in near real-time
/// mode), then after a merge completes, this class can be
/// invoked to warm the reader on the newly merged
/// segment, before the merge commits. This is not
/// required for near real-time search, but will reduce
/// search latency on opening a new near real-time reader
/// after a merge completes.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// <para/><b>NOTE</b>: <see cref="Warm(AtomicReader)"/> is called before any deletes have
/// been carried over to the merged segment.
/// </summary>
public abstract class IndexReaderWarmer
/// <summary>
/// Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass
/// constructors, typically implicit.)
/// </summary>
protected IndexReaderWarmer()
/// <summary>
/// Invoked on the <see cref="AtomicReader"/> for the newly
/// merged segment, before that segment is made visible
/// to near-real-time readers.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Warm(AtomicReader reader);
private void HandleOOM(OutOfMemoryException oom, string location)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "hit OutOfMemoryError inside " + location);
hitOOM = true;
throw oom;
// Used only by assert for testing. Current points:
// startDoFlush
// startCommitMerge
// startStartCommit
// midStartCommit
// midStartCommit2
// midStartCommitSuccess
// finishStartCommit
// startCommitMergeDeletes
// startMergeInit
// DocumentsWriter.ThreadState.init start
private bool TestPoint(string message)
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("TP"))
infoStream.Message("TP", message);
return true;
internal virtual bool NrtIsCurrent(SegmentInfos infos)
lock (this)
//System.out.println("IW.nrtIsCurrent " + (infos.version == segmentInfos.version && !docWriter.anyChanges() && !bufferedDeletesStream.any()));
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "nrtIsCurrent: infoVersion matches: " + (infos.Version == segmentInfos.Version) + "; DW changes: " + docWriter.AnyChanges() + "; BD changes: " + bufferedUpdatesStream.Any());
return infos.Version == segmentInfos.Version && !docWriter.AnyChanges() && !bufferedUpdatesStream.Any();
public virtual bool IsClosed
lock (this)
return closed;
/// <summary>
/// Expert: remove any index files that are no longer
/// used.
/// <para> <see cref="IndexWriter"/> normally deletes unused files itself,
/// during indexing. However, on Windows, which disallows
/// deletion of open files, if there is a reader open on
/// the index then those files cannot be deleted. This is
/// fine, because <see cref="IndexWriter"/> will periodically retry
/// the deletion.</para>
/// <para> However, <see cref="IndexWriter"/> doesn't try that often: only
/// on open, close, flushing a new segment, and finishing
/// a merge. If you don't do any of these actions with your
/// <see cref="IndexWriter"/>, you'll see the unused files linger. If
/// that's a problem, call this method to delete them
/// (once you've closed the open readers that were
/// preventing their deletion).</para>
/// <para> In addition, you can call this method to delete
/// unreferenced index commits. this might be useful if you
/// are using an <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy"/> which holds
/// onto index commits until some criteria are met, but those
/// commits are no longer needed. Otherwise, those commits will
/// be deleted the next time <see cref="Commit()"/> is called.</para>
/// </summary>
public virtual void DeleteUnusedFiles()
lock (this)
private void DeletePendingFiles()
lock (this)
/// <summary>
/// NOTE: this method creates a compound file for all files returned by
/// info.files(). While, generally, this may include separate norms and
/// deletion files, this <see cref="SegmentInfo"/> must not reference such files when this
/// method is called, because they are not allowed within a compound file.
/// </summary>
internal static ICollection<string> CreateCompoundFile(InfoStream infoStream, Directory directory, CheckAbort checkAbort, SegmentInfo info, IOContext context)
string fileName = Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(info.Name, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION);
if (infoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
infoStream.Message("IW", "create compound file " + fileName);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat.GetDocStoreOffset(info) == -1);
// Now merge all added files
ICollection<string> files = info.GetFiles();
CompoundFileDirectory cfsDir = new CompoundFileDirectory(directory, fileName, context, true);
IOException prior = null;
foreach (string file in files)
directory.Copy(cfsDir, file, file, context);
catch (IOException ex)
prior = ex;
bool success = false;
IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(prior, cfsDir);
success = true;
if (!success)
catch (Exception)
directory.DeleteFile(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(info.Name, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_ENTRIES_EXTENSION));
catch (Exception)
// Replace all previous files with the CFS/CFE files:
JCG.HashSet<string> siFiles = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
siFiles.Add(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(info.Name, "", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_ENTRIES_EXTENSION));
return files;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to delete the given files if unreferenced </summary>
/// <param name="files"> the files to delete </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if an <see cref="IOException"/> occurs </exception>
/// <seealso cref="IndexFileDeleter.DeleteNewFiles(ICollection{string})"/>
internal void DeleteNewFiles(ICollection<string> files)
lock (this)
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up residuals from a segment that could not be entirely flushed due to an error </summary>
/// <seealso cref="IndexFileDeleter.Refresh(string)"/>
internal void FlushFailed(SegmentInfo info)
lock (this)
internal int Purge(bool forced)
return docWriter.PurgeBuffer(this, forced);
internal void ApplyDeletesAndPurge(bool forcePurge)
internal void DoAfterSegmentFlushed(bool triggerMerge, bool forcePurge)
if (triggerMerge)
internal virtual void IncRefDeleter(SegmentInfos segmentInfos)
lock (this)
deleter.IncRef(segmentInfos, false);
internal virtual void DecRefDeleter(SegmentInfos segmentInfos)
lock (this)
private bool ProcessEvents(bool triggerMerge, bool forcePurge)
return ProcessEvents(eventQueue, triggerMerge, forcePurge);
private bool ProcessEvents(ConcurrentQueue<IEvent> queue, bool triggerMerge, bool forcePurge)
IEvent @event;
bool processed = false;
while (queue.TryDequeue(out @event))
processed = true;
@event.Process(this, triggerMerge, forcePurge);
return processed;
/// <summary>
/// Interface for internal atomic events. See <see cref="DocumentsWriter"/> for details. Events are executed concurrently and no order is guaranteed.
/// Each event should only rely on the serializeability within it's process method. All actions that must happen before or after a certain action must be
/// encoded inside the <see cref="Process(IndexWriter, bool, bool)"/> method.
/// </summary>
public interface IEvent
/// <summary>
/// Processes the event. this method is called by the <see cref="IndexWriter"/>
/// passed as the first argument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer">
/// the <see cref="IndexWriter"/> that executes the event. </param>
/// <param name="triggerMerge">
/// <c>false</c> iff this event should not trigger any segment merges </param>
/// <param name="clearBuffers">
/// <c>true</c> iff this event should clear all buffers associated with the event. </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException">
/// if an <see cref="IOException"/> occurs </exception>
void Process(IndexWriter writer, bool triggerMerge, bool clearBuffers);
/// <summary>
/// Used only by asserts: returns <c>true</c> if the file exists
/// (can be opened), <c>false</c> if it cannot be opened, and
/// (unlike <see cref="File.Exists(string)"/>) throws <see cref="IOException"/> if
/// there's some unexpected error.
/// </summary>
private static bool SlowFileExists(Directory dir, string fileName)
using (var input = dir.OpenInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT)) { }
return true;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
return false;
// LUCENENET specific - .NET (thankfully) only has one FileNotFoundException, so we don't need this
//catch (NoSuchFileException)
// return false;
// LUCENENET specific - since NoSuchDirectoryException subclasses FileNotFoundException
// in Lucene, we need to catch it here to be on the safe side.
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
return false;