blob: 5d0ce7078bffa3123e0099ff450eb602c956d9b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Parses and validates the command arguments and bootstraps the Psake build script with the cleaned values
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the ""License""); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-NextArg([string[]]$arguments, [int]$i, [string]$argName) {
if ($arguments.Length -gt $i -and -not $($arguments[$i]).StartsWith('-')) {
return $arguments[$i]
} else {
throw $("'$argName' requires a value to be passed as the next argument.")
# Default values, if not supplied as args
[string]$packageVersion = ''
[string]$fileVersion = ''
[string]$configuration = 'Release'
[bool]$runTests = $false
[int]$maximumParallelJobs = 8
# If the version.props file exists at the repository root, it is used to "lock" the version
# to the current release (this happens in the official release distribution at
# In this case, we will not process
# any version values that are passed, and the user will get an error. Note we don't do any
# validation to ensure it has the values we need to produce a build (that part is automated
# as part of the release).
[string]$versionPropsFile = "$PSScriptRoot/version.props"
[bool]$versionPropsExists = Test-Path $versionPropsFile
# Analyze the args that were passed and process them
for ([int]$i = 0; $i -lt $args.Length; $i++) {
$arg = $args[$i]
$loweredArg = "$arg".ToLowerInvariant()
if ($loweredArg -eq '-t' -or $loweredArg -eq '--test') {
$runTests = $true
} elseif ($loweredArg -eq '-mp' -or $loweredArg -eq '--maximum-parallel-jobs' -or $loweredArg -eq '--maximumparalleljobs') {
[string]$mpjStr = Get-NextArg $args $i $arg
[int]$mpjInt = $null
if (-not [int]::TryParse($mpjStr, [ref]$mpjInt)) { throw $("The '$arg' value must be a 32 bit integer. Got: $mpjStr.") }
$maximumParallelJobs = $mpjInt
} elseif ($loweredArg -eq '-pv' -or $loweredArg -eq '--package-version' -or $loweredArg -eq '--packageversion') {
if ($versionPropsExists) { throw $("'$arg' is not valid when $versionPropsFile exists.") }
$packageVersion = Get-NextArg $args $i $arg
} elseif ($loweredArg -eq '-fv' -or $loweredArg -eq '--file-version' -or $loweredArg -eq '--fileversion') {
if ($versionPropsExists) { throw $("'$arg' is not valid when $versionPropsFile exists.") }
$fileVersion = Get-NextArg $args $i $arg
} elseif ($loweredArg -eq '-config' -or $loweredArg -eq '--configuration') {
$configuration = Get-NextArg $args $i $arg
} else {
throw $("Unrecognized argument: '$arg'")
# Build the call to the Psake script using the captured/default args
[string[]]$task = 'Default'
if ($runTests) {
$task = 'Default','Test'
$parameters = @{}
$properties = @{}
$properties.maximumParallelJobs = $maximumParallelJobs
# If version.props exists, we must not prepare for build or backup, because
# we assume we are a release distribution.
$properties.prepareForBuild = -not $versionPropsExists
$properties.backupFiles = -not $versionPropsExists
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageVersion)) {
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileVersion)) {
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configuration)) {
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot/.build/psake/psake.psm1"
Invoke-Psake "$PSScriptRoot/.build/runbuild.ps1" -task $task -properties $properties -parameters $parameters