blob: fb43a9b43aa9ec70ee41edcb39538b91ff06ba87 [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.Collections.Generic.Extensions;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
using Lucene.Net.Search.Similarities;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index.Memory
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public partial class MemoryIndex
// Nested classes:
/// <summary>
/// Search support for Lucene framework integration; implements all methods
/// required by the Lucene IndexReader contracts.
/// </summary>
private sealed class MemoryIndexReader : AtomicReader
private readonly MemoryIndex outerInstance;
internal IndexSearcher searcher; // needed to find searcher.getSimilarity()
internal MemoryIndexReader(MemoryIndex outerInstance)
: base() // avoid as much superclass baggage as possible
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
internal Info GetInfo(string fieldName)
return outerInstance.fields[fieldName];
internal Info GetInfo(int pos)
return outerInstance.sortedFields[pos].Value;
public override IBits LiveDocs => null;
public override FieldInfos FieldInfos => new FieldInfos(outerInstance.fieldInfos.Values.ToArray(/*new FieldInfo[outerInstance.fieldInfos.Count]*/));
public override NumericDocValues GetNumericDocValues(string field)
return null;
public override BinaryDocValues GetBinaryDocValues(string field)
return null;
public override SortedDocValues GetSortedDocValues(string field)
return null;
public override SortedSetDocValues GetSortedSetDocValues(string field)
return null;
public override IBits GetDocsWithField(string field)
return null;
public override void CheckIntegrity()
// no-op
private class MemoryFields : Fields
private readonly MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance;
public MemoryFields(MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
public override IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
return new IteratorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this);
private class IteratorAnonymousInnerClassHelper : IEnumerator<string>
private readonly MemoryFields outerInstance;
public IteratorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(MemoryFields outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
upto = -1;
internal int upto;
private string current;
public string Current => this.current;
object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
public void Dispose()
// Nothing to do
public bool MoveNext()
if (upto + 1 >= outerInstance.outerInstance.outerInstance.sortedFields.Length)
return false;
current = outerInstance.outerInstance.outerInstance.sortedFields[upto].Key;
return true;
public void Reset()
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override Terms GetTerms(string field)
var searchField = new KeyValuePair<string, Info>(field, null);
int i = Array.BinarySearch(outerInstance.outerInstance.sortedFields, searchField, new TermComparer<string, Info>());
if (i < 0)
return null;
Info info = outerInstance.GetInfo(i);
return new TermsAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, info);
private class TermsAnonymousInnerClassHelper : Terms
private readonly MemoryFields outerInstance;
private MemoryIndex.Info info;
public TermsAnonymousInnerClassHelper(MemoryFields outerInstance, MemoryIndex.Info info)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance; = info;
public override TermsEnum GetEnumerator()
return new MemoryTermsEnum(outerInstance.outerInstance, info);
public override IComparer<BytesRef> Comparer => BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer;
public override long Count => info.terms.Count;
public override long SumTotalTermFreq => info.SumTotalTermFreq;
public override long SumDocFreq =>
// each term has df=1
public override int DocCount => info.terms.Count > 0 ? 1 : 0;
public override bool HasFreqs => true;
public override bool HasOffsets => outerInstance.outerInstance.outerInstance.storeOffsets;
public override bool HasPositions => true;
public override bool HasPayloads => false;
public override int Count => outerInstance.outerInstance.sortedFields.Length;
public override Fields Fields
return new MemoryFields(this);
private class MemoryTermsEnum : TermsEnum
private readonly MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance;
internal readonly Info info;
internal readonly BytesRef br = new BytesRef();
internal int termUpto = -1;
public MemoryTermsEnum(MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance, Info info)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance; = info;
internal int BinarySearch(BytesRef b, BytesRef bytesRef, int low, int high, BytesRefHash hash, int[] ords, IComparer<BytesRef> comparer)
int mid = 0;
while (low <= high)
mid = (int)((uint)(low + high) >> 1);
hash.Get(ords[mid], bytesRef);
int cmp = comparer.Compare(bytesRef, b);
if (cmp < 0)
low = mid + 1;
else if (cmp > 0)
high = mid - 1;
return mid;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(comparer.Compare(bytesRef, b) != 0);
return -(low + 1);
public override bool SeekExact(BytesRef text)
termUpto = BinarySearch(text, br, 0, info.terms.Count - 1, info.terms, info.sortedTerms, BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer);
return termUpto >= 0;
public override SeekStatus SeekCeil(BytesRef text)
termUpto = BinarySearch(text, br, 0, info.terms.Count - 1, info.terms, info.sortedTerms, BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer);
if (termUpto < 0) // not found; choose successor
termUpto = -termUpto - 1;
if (termUpto >= info.terms.Count)
return SeekStatus.END;
info.terms.Get(info.sortedTerms[termUpto], br);
return SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND;
return SeekStatus.FOUND;
public override void SeekExact(long ord)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(ord < info.terms.Count);
termUpto = (int)ord;
public override bool MoveNext()
if (termUpto >= info.terms.Count)
return false;
info.terms.Get(info.sortedTerms[termUpto], br);
return true;
[Obsolete("Use MoveNext() and Term instead. This method will be removed in 4.8.0 release candidate."), System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public override BytesRef Next()
if (MoveNext())
return br;
return null;
public override BytesRef Term => br;
public override long Ord => termUpto;
public override int DocFreq => 1;
public override long TotalTermFreq => info.sliceArray.freq[info.sortedTerms[termUpto]];
public override DocsEnum Docs(IBits liveDocs, DocsEnum reuse, DocsFlags flags)
if (reuse is null || !(reuse is MemoryDocsEnum toReuse))
toReuse = new MemoryDocsEnum(outerInstance);
return toReuse.Reset(liveDocs, info.sliceArray.freq[info.sortedTerms[termUpto]]);
public override DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(IBits liveDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, DocsAndPositionsFlags flags)
if (reuse is null || !(reuse is MemoryDocsAndPositionsEnum toReuse))
toReuse = new MemoryDocsAndPositionsEnum(outerInstance);
int ord = info.sortedTerms[termUpto];
return toReuse.Reset(liveDocs, info.sliceArray.start[ord], info.sliceArray.end[ord], info.sliceArray.freq[ord]);
public override IComparer<BytesRef> Comparer => BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer;
public override void SeekExact(BytesRef term, TermState state)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(state != null);
public override TermState GetTermState()
OrdTermState ts = new OrdTermState();
ts.Ord = termUpto;
return ts;
private class MemoryDocsEnum : DocsEnum
private readonly MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance;
public MemoryDocsEnum(MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
internal bool hasNext;
internal IBits liveDocs;
internal int doc = -1;
internal int freq;
public virtual DocsEnum Reset(IBits liveDocs, int freq)
this.liveDocs = liveDocs;
hasNext = true;
doc = -1;
this.freq = freq;
return this;
public override int DocID => doc;
public override int NextDoc()
if (hasNext && (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.Get(0)))
hasNext = false;
return doc = 0;
return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
public override int Advance(int target)
return SlowAdvance(target);
public override int Freq => freq;
public override long GetCost()
return 1;
private class MemoryDocsAndPositionsEnum : DocsAndPositionsEnum
private readonly MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance;
internal int posUpto; // for assert
internal bool hasNext;
internal IBits liveDocs;
internal int doc = -1;
internal Int32BlockPool.SliceReader sliceReader;
internal int freq;
internal int startOffset;
internal int endOffset;
public MemoryDocsAndPositionsEnum(MemoryIndex.MemoryIndexReader outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.sliceReader = new Int32BlockPool.SliceReader(outerInstance.outerInstance.intBlockPool);
public virtual DocsAndPositionsEnum Reset(IBits liveDocs, int start, int end, int freq)
this.liveDocs = liveDocs;
this.sliceReader.Reset(start, end);
posUpto = 0; // for assert
hasNext = true;
doc = -1;
this.freq = freq;
return this;
public override int DocID => doc;
public override int NextDoc()
if (hasNext && (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.Get(0)))
hasNext = false;
return doc = 0;
return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
public override int Advance(int target)
return SlowAdvance(target);
public override int Freq => freq;
public override int NextPosition()
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(posUpto++ < freq);
Debugging.Assert(!sliceReader.IsEndOfSlice, " stores offsets : {0}", startOffset);
if (outerInstance.outerInstance.storeOffsets)
int pos = sliceReader.ReadInt32();
startOffset = sliceReader.ReadInt32();
endOffset = sliceReader.ReadInt32();
return pos;
return sliceReader.ReadInt32();
public override int StartOffset => startOffset;
public override int EndOffset => endOffset;
public override BytesRef GetPayload()
return null;
public override long GetCost()
return 1;
public override Fields GetTermVectors(int docID)
if (docID == 0)
return Fields;
return null;
internal Similarity Similarity
if (searcher != null)
return searcher.Similarity;
return IndexSearcher.DefaultSimilarity;
internal IndexSearcher Searcher
get => this.searcher; // LUCENENET specific: added getter per MSDN guidelines
set => this.searcher = value;
public override int NumDocs
return 1;
public override int MaxDoc
return 1;
public override void Document(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor visitor)
// no-op: there are no stored fields
protected internal override void DoClose()
/// <summary>
/// performance hack: cache norms to avoid repeated expensive calculations </summary>
internal NumericDocValues cachedNormValues;
internal string cachedFieldName;
internal Similarity cachedSimilarity;
public override NumericDocValues GetNormValues(string field)
FieldInfo fieldInfo;
if (!outerInstance.fieldInfos.TryGetValue(field, out fieldInfo) || fieldInfo.OmitsNorms)
return null;
NumericDocValues norms = cachedNormValues;
Similarity sim = Similarity;
if (!field.Equals(cachedFieldName, StringComparison.Ordinal) || sim != cachedSimilarity) // not cached?
Info info = GetInfo(field);
int numTokens = info != null ? info.numTokens : 0;
int numOverlapTokens = info != null ? info.numOverlapTokens : 0;
float boost = info != null ? info.Boost : 1.0f;
FieldInvertState invertState = new FieldInvertState(field, 0, numTokens, numOverlapTokens, 0, boost);
long value = sim.ComputeNorm(invertState);
norms = new MemoryIndexNormDocValues(value);
// cache it for future reuse
cachedNormValues = norms;
cachedFieldName = field;
cachedSimilarity = sim;
Debug.WriteLine("MemoryIndexReader.norms: " + field + ":" + value + ":" + numTokens);
return norms;