blob: 3d9f23573dfab2865cad93ad0588e80719fd8e71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Lucene version compatibility level 4.8.1 + LUCENE-6001
using J2N.Collections.Generic.Extensions;
using J2N.Text;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Assert = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Assert;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Facet
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using AtomicReaderContext = Lucene.Net.Index.AtomicReaderContext;
using BytesRef = Lucene.Net.Util.BytesRef;
using DefaultSortedSetDocValuesReaderState = Lucene.Net.Facet.SortedSet.DefaultSortedSetDocValuesReaderState;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using DirectoryTaxonomyReader = Lucene.Net.Facet.Taxonomy.Directory.DirectoryTaxonomyReader;
using DirectoryTaxonomyWriter = Lucene.Net.Facet.Taxonomy.Directory.DirectoryTaxonomyWriter;
using DocIdSet = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSet;
using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document;
using Field = Lucene.Net.Documents.Field;
using Filter = Lucene.Net.Search.Filter;
using FixedBitSet = Lucene.Net.Util.FixedBitSet;
using IBits = Lucene.Net.Util.IBits;
using ICollector = Lucene.Net.Search.ICollector;
using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader;
using IndexSearcher = Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher;
using IndexWriterConfig = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriterConfig;
using InfoStream = Lucene.Net.Util.InfoStream;
using InPlaceMergeSorter = Lucene.Net.Util.InPlaceMergeSorter;
using IOUtils = Lucene.Net.Util.IOUtils;
using MatchAllDocsQuery = Lucene.Net.Search.MatchAllDocsQuery;
using MockAnalyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.MockAnalyzer;
using OpenMode = Lucene.Net.Index.OpenMode;
using Query = Lucene.Net.Search.Query;
using RandomIndexWriter = Lucene.Net.Index.RandomIndexWriter;
using ScoreDoc = Lucene.Net.Search.ScoreDoc;
using Scorer = Lucene.Net.Search.Scorer;
using Sort = Lucene.Net.Search.Sort;
using SortedSetDocValuesFacetField = Lucene.Net.Facet.SortedSet.SortedSetDocValuesFacetField;
using SortedSetDocValuesReaderState = Lucene.Net.Facet.SortedSet.SortedSetDocValuesReaderState;
using SortField = Lucene.Net.Search.SortField;
using StringField = Lucene.Net.Documents.StringField;
using TaxonomyReader = Lucene.Net.Facet.Taxonomy.TaxonomyReader;
using Term = Lucene.Net.Index.Term;
using TermQuery = Lucene.Net.Search.TermQuery;
using TestUtil = Lucene.Net.Util.TestUtil;
using TopDocs = Lucene.Net.Search.TopDocs;
public class TestDrillSideways : FacetTestCase
public virtual void TestBasic()
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = NewDirectory();
// Writes facet ords to a separate directory from the
// main index:
var taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, OpenMode.CREATE);
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
config.SetHierarchical("Publish Date", true);
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(
Random, dir);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Bob"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2010", "10", "15"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Lisa"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2010", "10", "20"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Lisa"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2012", "1", "1"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Susan"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2012", "1", "7"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Frank"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "1999", "5", "5"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
// NRT open
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(writer.GetReader());
//System.out.println("searcher=" + searcher);
// NRT open
var taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
DrillSideways ds = new DrillSideways(searcher, config, taxoReader);
// case: drill-down on a single field; in this
// case the drill-sideways + drill-down counts ==
// drill-down of just the query:
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
DrillSidewaysResult r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n 2010 (1)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=5 childCount=4\n Lisa (2)\n Bob (1)\n Susan (1)\n Frank (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
// Same simple case, but no baseQuery (pure browse):
// drill-down on a single field; in this case the
// drill-sideways + drill-down counts == drill-down of
// just the query:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n 2010 (1)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=5 childCount=4\n Lisa (2)\n Bob (1)\n Susan (1)\n Frank (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
// Another simple case: drill-down on single fields
// but OR of two values
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
ddq.Add("Author", "Bob");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is only drill-down: Lisa and Bob
// (drill-down) published twice in 2010 and once in 2012:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=3 childCount=2\n 2010 (2)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=5 childCount=4\n Lisa (2)\n Bob (1)\n Susan (1)\n Frank (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
Assert.IsTrue(r.Facets is MultiFacets);
IList<FacetResult> allResults = r.Facets.GetAllDims(10);
Assert.AreEqual(2, allResults.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=5 childCount=4\n Lisa (2)\n Bob (1)\n Susan (1)\n Frank (1)\n", allResults[0].ToString());
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=3 childCount=2\n 2010 (2)\n 2012 (1)\n", allResults[1].ToString());
// More interesting case: drill-down on two fields
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
ddq.Add("Publish Date", "2010");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published once in 2010 and once in 2012:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n 2010 (1)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down:
// only Lisa & Bob published (once each) in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n Bob (1)\n Lisa (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
// Even more interesting case: drill down on two fields,
// but one of them is OR
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
// Drill down on Lisa or Bob:
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
ddq.Add("Publish Date", "2010");
ddq.Add("Author", "Bob");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is both drill-sideways + drill-down:
// Lisa or Bob published twice in 2010 and once in 2012:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=3 childCount=2\n 2010 (2)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down:
// only Lisa & Bob published (once each) in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n Bob (1)\n Lisa (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
// Test drilling down on invalid field:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Foobar", "Baz");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Hits.TotalHits);
Assert.IsNull(r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date"));
Assert.IsNull(r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Foobar"));
// Test drilling down on valid term or'd with invalid term:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
ddq.Add("Author", "Tom");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n 2010 (1)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=5 childCount=4\n Lisa (2)\n Bob (1)\n Susan (1)\n Frank (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
// LUCENE-4915: test drilling down on a dimension but
// NOT facet counting it:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
ddq.Add("Author", "Tom");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n 2010 (1)\n 2012 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Test main query gets null scorer:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config, new TermQuery(new Term("foobar", "baz")));
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Hits.TotalHits);
Assert.IsNull(r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date"));
Assert.IsNull(r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author"));
IOUtils.Dispose(searcher.IndexReader, taxoReader, writer, taxoWriter, dir, taxoDir);
public virtual void TestSometimesInvalidDrillDown()
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = NewDirectory();
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(
Random, dir);
// Writes facet ords to a separate directory from the
// main index:
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, OpenMode.CREATE);
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
config.SetHierarchical("Publish Date", true);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Bob"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2010", "10", "15"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Lisa"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2010", "10", "20"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
// 2nd segment has no Author:
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("Foobar", "Lisa"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Publish Date", "2012", "1", "1"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
// NRT open
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(writer.GetReader());
//System.out.println("searcher=" + searcher);
// NRT open
var taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
DrillSidewaysResult r = (new DrillSideways(searcher, config, taxoReader)).Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Hits.TotalHits);
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Publish Date path=[] value=1 childCount=1\n 2010 (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Publish Date").ToString());
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published once, and Bob
// published once:
Assert.AreEqual("dim=Author path=[] value=2 childCount=2\n Bob (1)\n Lisa (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "Author").ToString());
IOUtils.Dispose(searcher.IndexReader, taxoReader, writer, taxoWriter, dir, taxoDir);
public virtual void TestMultipleRequestsPerDim()
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = NewDirectory();
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(
Random, dir);
// Writes facet ords to a separate directory from the
// main index:
var taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, OpenMode.CREATE);
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
config.SetHierarchical("dim", true);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "a", "x"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "a", "y"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "a", "z"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "b"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "c"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "d"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
// NRT open
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(writer.GetReader());
//System.out.println("searcher=" + searcher);
// NRT open
var taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("dim", "a");
DrillSidewaysResult r = new DrillSideways(searcher, config, taxoReader).Search(null, ddq, 10);
Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Hits.TotalHits);
Assert.AreEqual("dim=dim path=[] value=6 childCount=4\n a (3)\n b (1)\n c (1)\n d (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "dim").ToString());
Assert.AreEqual("dim=dim path=[a] value=3 childCount=3\n x (1)\n y (1)\n z (1)\n", r.Facets.GetTopChildren(10, "dim", "a").ToString());
IOUtils.Dispose(searcher.IndexReader, taxoReader, writer, taxoWriter, dir, taxoDir);
internal class Doc : IComparable<Doc>
internal string id;
internal string contentToken;
public Doc()
// -1 if the doc is missing this dim, else the index
// -into the values for this dim:
internal int[] dims;
// 2nd value per dim for the doc (so we test
// multi-valued fields):
internal int[] dims2;
internal bool deleted;
public virtual int CompareTo(Doc other)
return id.CompareToOrdinal(;
private double aChance, bChance, cChance;
private string randomContentToken(bool isQuery)
double d = Random.NextDouble();
if (isQuery)
if (d < 0.33)
return "a";
else if (d < 0.66)
return "b";
return "c";
if (d <= aChance)
return "a";
else if (d < aChance + bChance)
return "b";
return "c";
public virtual void TestRandom()
bool canUseDV = DefaultCodecSupportsSortedSet;
while (aChance == 0.0)
aChance = Random.NextDouble();
while (bChance == 0.0)
bChance = Random.NextDouble();
while (cChance == 0.0)
cChance = Random.NextDouble();
//aChance = .01;
//bChance = 0.5;
//cChance = 1.0;
double sum = aChance + bChance + cChance;
aChance /= sum;
bChance /= sum;
cChance /= sum;
int numDims = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 2, 5);
//int numDims = 3;
int numDocs = AtLeast(3000);
//int numDocs = 20;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("numDims=" + numDims + " numDocs=" + numDocs + " aChance=" + aChance + " bChance=" + bChance + " cChance=" + cChance);
string[][] dimValues = new string[numDims][];
int valueCount = 2;
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
var values = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
while (values.Count < valueCount)
var str = TestUtil.RandomRealisticUnicodeString(Random);
//String s = TestUtil.randomString(Random());
if (str.Length > 0)
dimValues[dim] = values.ToArray();
valueCount *= 2;
IList<Doc> docs = new List<Doc>();
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
Doc doc = new Doc(); = "" + i;
doc.contentToken = randomContentToken(false);
doc.dims = new int[numDims];
doc.dims2 = new int[numDims];
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
if (Random.Next(5) == 3)
// This doc is missing this dim:
doc.dims[dim] = -1;
else if (dimValues[dim].Length <= 4)
int dimUpto = 0;
doc.dims[dim] = dimValues[dim].Length - 1;
while (dimUpto < dimValues[dim].Length)
if (Random.NextBoolean())
doc.dims[dim] = dimUpto;
doc.dims[dim] = Random.Next(dimValues[dim].Length);
if (Random.Next(5) == 3)
// 2nd value:
doc.dims2[dim] = Random.Next(dimValues[dim].Length);
doc.dims2[dim] = -1;
Directory d = NewDirectory();
Directory td = NewDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig iwc = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random));
var w = new RandomIndexWriter(Random, d, iwc);
var tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(td, OpenMode.CREATE);
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
for (int i = 0; i < numDims; i++)
config.SetMultiValued("dim" + i, true);
bool doUseDV = canUseDV && Random.NextBoolean();
foreach (Doc rawDoc in docs)
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(NewStringField("id",, Field.Store.YES));
doc.Add(NewStringField("content", rawDoc.contentToken, Field.Store.NO));
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" doc id=" + + " token=" + rawDoc.contentToken);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
int dimValue = rawDoc.dims[dim];
if (dimValue != -1)
if (doUseDV)
doc.Add(new SortedSetDocValuesFacetField("dim" + dim, dimValues[dim][dimValue]));
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim" + dim, dimValues[dim][dimValue]));
doc.Add(new StringField("dim" + dim, dimValues[dim][dimValue], Field.Store.YES));
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" dim" + dim + "=" + new BytesRef(dimValues[dim][dimValue]));
int dimValue2 = rawDoc.dims2[dim];
if (dimValue2 != -1)
if (doUseDV)
doc.Add(new SortedSetDocValuesFacetField("dim" + dim, dimValues[dim][dimValue2]));
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim" + dim, dimValues[dim][dimValue2]));
doc.Add(new StringField("dim" + dim, dimValues[dim][dimValue2], Field.Store.YES));
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" dim" + dim + "=" + new BytesRef(dimValues[dim][dimValue2]));
w.AddDocument(config.Build(tw, doc));
if (Random.NextBoolean())
// Randomly delete a few docs:
int numDel = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, (int)(numDocs * 0.05));
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("delete " + numDel);
int delCount = 0;
while (delCount < numDel)
Doc doc = docs[Random.Next(docs.Count)];
if (!doc.deleted)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" delete id=" +;
doc.deleted = true;
w.DeleteDocuments(new Term("id",;
if (Random.NextBoolean())
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: forceMerge(1)...");
IndexReader r = w.GetReader();
SortedSetDocValuesReaderState sortedSetDVState;
IndexSearcher s = NewSearcher(r);
if (doUseDV)
sortedSetDVState = new DefaultSortedSetDocValuesReaderState(s.IndexReader);
sortedSetDVState = null;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("r.numDocs() = " + r.NumDocs);
// NRT open
var tr = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(tw);
int numIters = AtLeast(10);
for (int iter = 0; iter < numIters; iter++)
string contentToken = Random.Next(30) == 17 ? null : randomContentToken(true);
int numDrillDown = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, Math.Min(4, numDims));
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: iter=" + iter + " baseQuery=" + contentToken + " numDrillDown=" + numDrillDown + " useSortedSetDV=" + doUseDV);
string[][] drillDowns = new string[numDims][];
int count = 0;
bool anyMultiValuedDrillDowns = false;
while (count < numDrillDown)
int dim = Random.Next(numDims);
if (drillDowns[dim] == null)
if (Random.NextBoolean())
// Drill down on one value:
drillDowns[dim] = new string[] { dimValues[dim][Random.Next(dimValues[dim].Length)] };
int orCount = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, Math.Min(5, dimValues[dim].Length));
drillDowns[dim] = new string[orCount];
anyMultiValuedDrillDowns |= orCount > 1;
for (int i = 0; i < orCount; i++)
while (true)
string value = dimValues[dim][Random.Next(dimValues[dim].Length)];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (value.Equals(drillDowns[dim][j], StringComparison.Ordinal))
value = null;
if (value != null)
drillDowns[dim][i] = value;
if (Verbose)
BytesRef[] values = new BytesRef[drillDowns[dim].Length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
values[i] = new BytesRef(drillDowns[dim][i]);
Console.WriteLine(" dim" + dim + "=" + Arrays.ToString(values));
Query baseQuery;
if (contentToken == null)
baseQuery = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
baseQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("content", contentToken));
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config, baseQuery);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
if (drillDowns[dim] != null)
foreach (string value in drillDowns[dim])
ddq.Add("dim" + dim, value);
Filter filter;
if (Random.Next(7) == 6)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" only-even filter");
filter = new FilterAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this);
filter = null;
// Verify docs are always collected in order. If we
// had an AssertingScorer it could catch it when
// Weight.scoresDocsOutOfOrder lies!:
new DrillSideways(s, config, tr).Search(ddq, new CollectorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this));
// Also separately verify that DS respects the
// scoreSubDocsAtOnce method, to ensure that all
// subScorers are on the same docID:
if (!anyMultiValuedDrillDowns)
// Can only do this test when there are no OR'd
// drill-down values, because in that case it's
// easily possible for one of the DD terms to be on
// a future docID:
new DrillSidewaysAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, s, config, tr)
.Search(ddq, new AssertingSubDocsAtOnceCollector());
TestFacetResult expected = slowDrillSidewaysSearch(s, docs, contentToken, drillDowns, dimValues, filter);
Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField("id", SortFieldType.STRING));
DrillSideways ds;
if (doUseDV)
ds = new DrillSideways(s, config, sortedSetDVState);
ds = new DrillSidewaysAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, s, config, tr);
// Retrieve all facets:
DrillSidewaysResult actual = ds.Search(ddq, filter, null, numDocs, sort, true, true);
TopDocs hits = s.Search(baseQuery, numDocs);
IDictionary<string, float?> scores = new Dictionary<string, float?>();
foreach (ScoreDoc sd in hits.ScoreDocs)
scores[s.Doc(sd.Doc).Get("id")] = sd.Score;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" verify all facets");
VerifyEquals(dimValues, s, expected, actual, scores, doUseDV);
// Make sure drill down doesn't change score:
TopDocs ddqHits = s.Search(ddq, filter, numDocs);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Hits.Count, ddqHits.TotalHits);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.Hits.Count; i++)
// Score should be IDENTICAL:
Assert.AreEqual(scores[expected.Hits[i].id], ddqHits.ScoreDocs[i].Score);
IOUtils.Dispose(r, tr, w, tw, d, td);
private class FilterAnonymousInnerClassHelper : Filter
private readonly TestDrillSideways outerInstance;
public FilterAnonymousInnerClassHelper(TestDrillSideways outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, IBits acceptDocs)
int maxDoc = context.Reader.MaxDoc;
FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
for (int docID = 0; docID < maxDoc; docID++)
// Keeps only the even ids:
if ((acceptDocs == null || acceptDocs.Get(docID)) && (Convert.ToInt32(context.Reader.Document(docID).Get("id")) & 1) == 0)
return bits;
private class CollectorAnonymousInnerClassHelper : ICollector
private readonly TestDrillSideways outerInstance;
public CollectorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(TestDrillSideways outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
internal int lastDocID;
public virtual void SetScorer(Scorer scorer)
public virtual void Collect(int doc)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(doc > lastDocID);
lastDocID = doc;
public virtual void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
lastDocID = -1;
public virtual bool AcceptsDocsOutOfOrder => false;
private class DrillSidewaysAnonymousInnerClassHelper : DrillSideways
private readonly TestDrillSideways outerInstance;
public DrillSidewaysAnonymousInnerClassHelper(TestDrillSideways outerInstance, IndexSearcher s, FacetsConfig config, TaxonomyReader tr)
: base(s, config, tr)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
protected override bool ScoreSubDocsAtOnce => true;
private class DrillSidewaysAnonymousInnerClassHelper2 : DrillSideways
private readonly TestDrillSideways outerInstance;
public DrillSidewaysAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(TestDrillSideways outerInstance, IndexSearcher s, FacetsConfig config, TaxonomyReader tr)
: base(s, config, tr)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
protected override Facets BuildFacetsResult(FacetsCollector drillDowns, FacetsCollector[] drillSideways, string[] drillSidewaysDims)
IDictionary<string, Facets> drillSidewaysFacets = new Dictionary<string, Facets>();
Facets drillDownFacets = outerInstance.GetTaxonomyFacetCounts(m_taxoReader, m_config, drillDowns);
if (drillSideways != null)
for (int i = 0; i < drillSideways.Length; i++)
drillSidewaysFacets[drillSidewaysDims[i]] = outerInstance.GetTaxonomyFacetCounts(m_taxoReader, m_config, drillSideways[i]);
if (drillSidewaysFacets.Count == 0)
return drillDownFacets;
return new MultiFacets(drillSidewaysFacets, drillDownFacets);
private class Counters
internal int[][] counts;
public Counters(string[][] dimValues)
counts = new int[dimValues.Length][];
for (int dim = 0; dim < dimValues.Length; dim++)
counts[dim] = new int[dimValues[dim].Length];
public virtual void Inc(int[] dims, int[] dims2)
Inc(dims, dims2, -1);
public virtual void Inc(int[] dims, int[] dims2, int onlyDim)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(dims.Length == counts.Length);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(dims2.Length == counts.Length);
for (int dim = 0; dim < dims.Length; dim++)
if (onlyDim == -1 || dim == onlyDim)
if (dims[dim] != -1)
if (dims2[dim] != -1 && dims2[dim] != dims[dim])
internal class TestFacetResult
internal IList<Doc> Hits;
internal int[][] Counts;
internal int[] UniqueCounts;
public TestFacetResult()
private int[] GetTopNOrds(int[] counts, string[] values, int topN)
int[] ids = new int[counts.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
ids[i] = i;
// Naive (on purpose, to reduce bug in tester/gold):
// sort all ids, then return top N slice:
new InPlaceMergeSorterAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, counts, values, ids).Sort(0, ids.Length);
if (topN > ids.Length)
topN = ids.Length;
int numSet = topN;
for (int i = 0; i < topN; i++)
if (counts[ids[i]] == 0)
numSet = i;
int[] topNIDs = new int[numSet];
Array.Copy(ids, 0, topNIDs, 0, topNIDs.Length);
return topNIDs;
private class InPlaceMergeSorterAnonymousInnerClassHelper : InPlaceMergeSorter
private readonly TestDrillSideways outerInstance;
private readonly int[] counts;
private readonly string[] values;
private readonly int[] ids;
public InPlaceMergeSorterAnonymousInnerClassHelper(TestDrillSideways outerInstance, int[] counts, string[] values, int[] ids)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.counts = counts;
this.values = values;
this.ids = ids;
protected override void Swap(int i, int j)
int id = ids[i];
ids[i] = ids[j];
ids[j] = id;
protected override int Compare(int i, int j)
int counti = counts[ids[i]];
int countj = counts[ids[j]];
// Sort by count descending...
if (counti > countj)
return -1;
else if (counti < countj)
return 1;
// ... then by label ascending:
return new BytesRef(values[ids[i]]).CompareTo(new BytesRef(values[ids[j]]));
private TestFacetResult slowDrillSidewaysSearch(IndexSearcher s, IList<Doc> docs, string contentToken, string[][] drillDowns, string[][] dimValues, Filter onlyEven)
int numDims = dimValues.Length;
List<Doc> hits = new List<Doc>();
Counters drillDownCounts = new Counters(dimValues);
Counters[] drillSidewaysCounts = new Counters[dimValues.Length];
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
drillSidewaysCounts[dim] = new Counters(dimValues);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" compute expected");
foreach (Doc doc in docs)
if (doc.deleted)
if (onlyEven != null & (Convert.ToInt32(, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) & 1) != 0)
if (contentToken == null || doc.contentToken.Equals(contentToken, StringComparison.Ordinal))
int failDim = -1;
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
if (drillDowns[dim] != null)
string docValue = doc.dims[dim] == -1 ? null : dimValues[dim][doc.dims[dim]];
string docValue2 = doc.dims2[dim] == -1 ? null : dimValues[dim][doc.dims2[dim]];
bool matches = false;
foreach (string value in drillDowns[dim])
if (value.Equals(docValue, StringComparison.Ordinal) || value.Equals(docValue2, StringComparison.Ordinal))
matches = true;
if (!matches)
if (failDim == -1)
// Doc could be a near-miss, if no other dim fails
failDim = dim;
// Doc isn't a hit nor a near-miss
goto nextDocContinue;
if (failDim == -1)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" exp: id=" + + " is a hit");
// Hit:
drillDownCounts.Inc(doc.dims, doc.dims2);
for (int dim = 0; dim < dimValues.Length; dim++)
drillSidewaysCounts[dim].Inc(doc.dims, doc.dims2);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" exp: id=" + + " is a near-miss on dim=" + failDim);
drillSidewaysCounts[failDim].Inc(doc.dims, doc.dims2, failDim);
//nextDocBreak:// Not referenced
IDictionary<string, int?> idToDocID = new Dictionary<string, int?>();
for (int i = 0; i < s.IndexReader.MaxDoc; i++)
idToDocID[s.Doc(i).Get("id")] = i;
TestFacetResult res = new TestFacetResult();
res.Hits = hits;
res.Counts = new int[numDims][];
res.UniqueCounts = new int[numDims];
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++)
if (drillDowns[dim] != null)
res.Counts[dim] = drillSidewaysCounts[dim].counts[dim];
res.Counts[dim] = drillDownCounts.counts[dim];
int uniqueCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < res.Counts[dim].Length; j++)
if (res.Counts[dim][j] != 0)
res.UniqueCounts[dim] = uniqueCount;
return res;
internal virtual void VerifyEquals(string[][] dimValues, IndexSearcher s, TestFacetResult expected, DrillSidewaysResult actual, IDictionary<string, float?> scores, bool isSortedSetDV)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" verify totHits=" + expected.Hits.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Hits.Count, actual.Hits.TotalHits);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Hits.Count, actual.Hits.ScoreDocs.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.Hits.Count; i++)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" hit " + i + " expected=" + expected.Hits[i].id);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Hits[i].id, s.Doc(actual.Hits.ScoreDocs[i].Doc).Get("id"));
// Score should be IDENTICAL:
Assert.AreEqual(scores[expected.Hits[i].id].GetValueOrDefault(), actual.Hits.ScoreDocs[i].Score, 0.0f);
for (int dim = 0; dim < expected.Counts.Length; dim++)
int topN = Random.NextBoolean() ? dimValues[dim].Length : TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, dimValues[dim].Length);
FacetResult fr = actual.Facets.GetTopChildren(topN, "dim" + dim);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" dim" + dim + " topN=" + topN + " (vs " + dimValues[dim].Length + " unique values)");
Console.WriteLine(" actual");
int idx = 0;
IDictionary<string, int?> actualValues = new Dictionary<string, int?>();
if (fr != null)
foreach (LabelAndValue labelValue in fr.LabelValues)
actualValues[labelValue.Label] = (int)labelValue.Value;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" " + idx + ": " + new BytesRef(labelValue.Label) + ": " + labelValue.Value);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.UniqueCounts[dim], fr.ChildCount, "dim=" + dim);
if (topN < dimValues[dim].Length)
int[] topNIDs = GetTopNOrds(expected.Counts[dim], dimValues[dim], topN);
if (Verbose)
idx = 0;
Console.WriteLine(" expected (sorted)");
for (int i = 0; i < topNIDs.Length; i++)
int expectedOrd = topNIDs[i];
string value = dimValues[dim][expectedOrd];
Console.WriteLine(" " + idx + ": " + new BytesRef(value) + ": " + expected.Counts[dim][expectedOrd]);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" topN=" + topN + " expectedTopN=" + topNIDs.Length);
if (fr != null)
Assert.AreEqual(topNIDs.Length, fr.LabelValues.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(0, topNIDs.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < topNIDs.Length; i++)
int expectedOrd = topNIDs[i];
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Counts[dim][expectedOrd], (int)fr.LabelValues[i].Value);
if (isSortedSetDV)
// Tie-break facet labels are only in unicode
// order with SortedSetDVFacets:
assertEquals("value @ idx=" + i, dimValues[dim][expectedOrd], fr.LabelValues[i].Label);
if (Verbose)
idx = 0;
Console.WriteLine(" expected (unsorted)");
for (int i = 0; i < dimValues[dim].Length; i++)
string value = dimValues[dim][i];
if (expected.Counts[dim][i] != 0)
Console.WriteLine(" " + idx + ": " + new BytesRef(value) + ": " + expected.Counts[dim][i]);
int setCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimValues[dim].Length; i++)
string value = dimValues[dim][i];
if (expected.Counts[dim][i] != 0)
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Counts[dim][i], (int)actualValues[value]);
Assert.AreEqual(setCount, actualValues.Count);
public virtual void TestEmptyIndex()
// LUCENE-5045: make sure DrillSideways works with an empty index
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = NewDirectory();
var writer = new RandomIndexWriter(
Random, dir);
var taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, OpenMode.CREATE);
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(writer.GetReader());
var taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
// Count "Author"
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
DrillSideways ds = new DrillSideways(searcher, config, taxoReader);
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config);
ddq.Add("Author", "Lisa");
DrillSidewaysResult r = ds.Search(ddq, 10); // this used to fail on IllegalArgEx
Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Hits.TotalHits);
r = ds.Search(ddq, null, null, 10, new Sort(new SortField("foo", SortFieldType.INT32)), false, false); // this used to fail on IllegalArgEx
Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Hits.TotalHits);
IOUtils.Dispose(writer, taxoWriter, searcher.IndexReader, taxoReader, dir, taxoDir);
// LUCENENET: From Lucene 4.10.4
public void TestScorer()
// LUCENE-6001 some scorers, eg ReqExlScorer, can hit NPE if cost is called after nextDoc
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = NewDirectory();
// Writes facet ords to a separate directory from the
// main index:
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, OpenMode.CREATE);
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(Random, dir);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(NewTextField("field", "foo bar", Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(new FacetField("Author", "Bob"));
doc.Add(new FacetField("dim", "a"));
writer.AddDocument(config.Build(taxoWriter, doc));
// NRT open
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(writer.GetReader());
// NRT open
TaxonomyReader taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
DrillSideways ds = new DrillSideways(searcher, config, taxoReader);
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery(true);
bq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "foo")), Occur.MUST);
bq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "bar")), Occur.MUST_NOT);
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(config, bq);
ddq.Add("field", "foo");
ddq.Add("author", bq);
ddq.Add("dim", bq);
DrillSidewaysResult r = ds.Search(null, ddq, 10);
assertEquals(0, r.Hits.TotalHits);
IOUtils.Dispose(searcher.IndexReader, taxoReader, taxoWriter, dir, taxoDir);