blob: 54ea12bd4c54501e3214a61972e3d65ba3359769 [file] [log] [blame]
// Lucene version compatibility level 4.8.1
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using System;
namespace Lucene.Net.Join
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// A field comparer that allows parent documents to be sorted by fields
/// from the nested / child documents.
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public abstract class ToParentBlockJoinFieldComparer : FieldComparer<object>
private readonly Filter _parentFilter;
private readonly Filter _childFilter;
private readonly int _spareSlot;
private FieldComparer _wrappedComparer;
private FixedBitSet _parentDocuments;
private FixedBitSet _childDocuments;
private ToParentBlockJoinFieldComparer(FieldComparer wrappedComparer, Filter parentFilter, Filter childFilter, int spareSlot)
_wrappedComparer = wrappedComparer;
_parentFilter = parentFilter;
_childFilter = childFilter;
_spareSlot = spareSlot;
public override int Compare(int slot1, int slot2)
return _wrappedComparer.Compare(slot1, slot2);
public override void SetBottom(int slot)
public override void SetTopValue(object value)
public override FieldComparer SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
DocIdSet innerDocuments = _childFilter.GetDocIdSet(context, null);
if (IsEmpty(innerDocuments))
_childDocuments = null;
else if (innerDocuments is FixedBitSet fixedBitSet)
_childDocuments = fixedBitSet;
DocIdSetIterator iterator = innerDocuments.GetIterator();
_childDocuments = iterator != null ? ToFixedBitSet(iterator, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc) : null;
DocIdSet rootDocuments = _parentFilter.GetDocIdSet(context, null);
if (IsEmpty(rootDocuments))
_parentDocuments = null;
else if (rootDocuments is FixedBitSet fixedBitSet)
_parentDocuments = fixedBitSet;
DocIdSetIterator iterator = rootDocuments.GetIterator();
_parentDocuments = iterator != null ? ToFixedBitSet(iterator, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc) : null;
_wrappedComparer = _wrappedComparer.SetNextReader(context);
return this;
private static bool IsEmpty(DocIdSet set)
return set == null;
private static FixedBitSet ToFixedBitSet(DocIdSetIterator iterator, int numBits)
var set = new FixedBitSet(numBits);
int doc;
while ((doc = iterator.NextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
return set;
// LUCENENET NOTE: This was value(int) in Lucene.
public override IComparable this[int slot] => _wrappedComparer[slot];
/// <summary>
/// Concrete implementation of <see cref="ToParentBlockJoinSortField"/> to sorts the parent docs with the lowest values
/// in the child / nested docs first.
/// </summary>
public sealed class Lowest : ToParentBlockJoinFieldComparer
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="ToParentBlockJoinFieldComparer.Lowest"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wrappedComparer">The <see cref="FieldComparer"/> on the child / nested level. </param>
/// <param name="parentFilter"><see cref="Filter"/> (must produce <see cref="FixedBitSet"/> per-segment) that identifies the parent documents. </param>
/// <param name="childFilter"><see cref="Filter"/> that defines which child / nested documents participates in sorting. </param>
/// <param name="spareSlot">The extra slot inside the wrapped comparer that is used to compare which nested document
/// inside the parent document scope is most competitive. </param>
public Lowest(FieldComparer wrappedComparer, Filter parentFilter, Filter childFilter, int spareSlot)
: base(wrappedComparer, parentFilter, childFilter, spareSlot)
public override int CompareBottom(int parentDoc)
if (parentDoc == 0 || _parentDocuments == null || _childDocuments == null)
return 0;
// We need to copy the lowest value from all child docs into slot.
int prevParentDoc = _parentDocuments.PrevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(prevParentDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return 0;
// We only need to emit a single cmp value for any matching child doc
int cmp = _wrappedComparer.CompareBottom(childDoc);
if (cmp > 0)
return cmp;
while (true)
childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(childDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return cmp;
int cmp1 = _wrappedComparer.CompareBottom(childDoc);
if (cmp1 > 0)
return cmp1;
if (cmp1 == 0)
cmp = 0;
public override void Copy(int slot, int parentDoc)
if (parentDoc == 0 || _parentDocuments == null || _childDocuments == null)
// We need to copy the lowest value from all child docs into slot.
int prevParentDoc = _parentDocuments.PrevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(prevParentDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
_wrappedComparer.Copy(_spareSlot, childDoc);
_wrappedComparer.Copy(slot, childDoc);
while (true)
childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(childDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
_wrappedComparer.Copy(_spareSlot, childDoc);
if (_wrappedComparer.Compare(_spareSlot, slot) < 0)
_wrappedComparer.Copy(slot, childDoc);
public override int CompareTop(int parentDoc)
if (parentDoc == 0 || _parentDocuments == null || _childDocuments == null)
return 0;
// We need to copy the lowest value from all nested docs into slot.
int prevParentDoc = _parentDocuments.PrevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(prevParentDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return 0;
// We only need to emit a single cmp value for any matching child doc
int cmp = _wrappedComparer.CompareBottom(childDoc);
if (cmp > 0)
return cmp;
while (true)
childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(childDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return cmp;
int cmp1 = _wrappedComparer.CompareTop(childDoc);
if (cmp1 > 0)
return cmp1;
if (cmp1 == 0)
cmp = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Concrete implementation of <see cref="ToParentBlockJoinSortField"/> to sorts the parent docs with the highest values
/// in the child / nested docs first.
/// </summary>
public sealed class Highest : ToParentBlockJoinFieldComparer
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="ToParentBlockJoinFieldComparer.Highest"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wrappedComparer">The <see cref="FieldComparer"/> on the child / nested level. </param>
/// <param name="parentFilter"><see cref="Filter"/> (must produce <see cref="FixedBitSet"/> per-segment) that identifies the parent documents. </param>
/// <param name="childFilter"><see cref="Filter"/> that defines which child / nested documents participates in sorting. </param>
/// <param name="spareSlot">The extra slot inside the wrapped comparer that is used to compare which nested document
/// inside the parent document scope is most competitive. </param>
public Highest(FieldComparer wrappedComparer, Filter parentFilter, Filter childFilter, int spareSlot)
: base(wrappedComparer, parentFilter, childFilter, spareSlot)
public override int CompareBottom(int parentDoc)
if (parentDoc == 0 || _parentDocuments == null || _childDocuments == null)
return 0;
int prevParentDoc = _parentDocuments.PrevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(prevParentDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return 0;
int cmp = _wrappedComparer.CompareBottom(childDoc);
if (cmp < 0)
return cmp;
while (true)
childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(childDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return cmp;
int cmp1 = _wrappedComparer.CompareBottom(childDoc);
if (cmp1 < 0)
return cmp1;
if (cmp1 == 0)
cmp = 0;
public override void Copy(int slot, int parentDoc)
if (parentDoc == 0 || _parentDocuments == null || _childDocuments == null)
int prevParentDoc = _parentDocuments.PrevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(prevParentDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
_wrappedComparer.Copy(_spareSlot, childDoc);
_wrappedComparer.Copy(slot, childDoc);
while (true)
childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(childDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
_wrappedComparer.Copy(_spareSlot, childDoc);
if (_wrappedComparer.Compare(_spareSlot, slot) > 0)
_wrappedComparer.Copy(slot, childDoc);
public override int CompareTop(int parentDoc)
if (parentDoc == 0 || _parentDocuments == null || _childDocuments == null)
return 0;
int prevParentDoc = _parentDocuments.PrevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(prevParentDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return 0;
int cmp = _wrappedComparer.CompareBottom(childDoc);
if (cmp < 0)
return cmp;
while (true)
childDoc = _childDocuments.NextSetBit(childDoc + 1);
if (childDoc >= parentDoc || childDoc == -1)
return cmp;
int cmp1 = _wrappedComparer.CompareTop(childDoc);
if (cmp1 < 0)
return cmp1;
if (cmp1 == 0)
cmp = 0;