blob: e79bc4371d9109a21bfae450885b2f1af32cf224 [file] [log] [blame]
// Lucene version compatibility level 4.8.1
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Lucene.Net.Join
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
internal abstract class TermsWithScoreCollector : ICollector
private const int INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE = 256;
private readonly string _field;
private readonly BytesRefHash _collectedTerms = new BytesRefHash();
private readonly ScoreMode _scoreMode;
private Scorer _scorer;
private float[] _scoreSums = new float[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE];
internal TermsWithScoreCollector(string field, ScoreMode scoreMode)
this._field = field;
this._scoreMode = scoreMode;
public BytesRefHash CollectedTerms => _collectedTerms;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1819", Justification = "Lucene's design requires some writable array properties")]
public virtual float[] ScoresPerTerm => _scoreSums;
public virtual void SetScorer(Scorer scorer)
_scorer = scorer;
// LUCENENET specific - we need to implement these here, since our abstract base class
// is now an interface.
/// <summary>
/// Called once for every document matching a query, with the unbased document
/// number.
/// <para/>Note: The collection of the current segment can be terminated by throwing
/// a <see cref="CollectionTerminatedException"/>. In this case, the last docs of the
/// current <see cref="AtomicReaderContext"/> will be skipped and <see cref="IndexSearcher"/>
/// will swallow the exception and continue collection with the next leaf.
/// <para/>
/// Note: this is called in an inner search loop. For good search performance,
/// implementations of this method should not call <see cref="IndexSearcher.Doc(int)"/> or
/// <see cref="Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Document(int)"/> on every hit.
/// Doing so can slow searches by an order of magnitude or more.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Collect(int doc);
/// <summary>
/// Called before collecting from each <see cref="AtomicReaderContext"/>. All doc ids in
/// <see cref="Collect(int)"/> will correspond to <see cref="Index.IndexReaderContext.Reader"/>.
/// Add <see cref="AtomicReaderContext.DocBase"/> to the current <see cref="Index.IndexReaderContext.Reader"/>'s
/// internal document id to re-base ids in <see cref="Collect(int)"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">next atomic reader context </param>
public abstract void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context);
public virtual bool AcceptsDocsOutOfOrder => true;
/// <summary>
/// Chooses the right <see cref="TermsWithScoreCollector"/> implementation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="field">The field to collect terms for.</param>
/// <param name="multipleValuesPerDocument">Whether the field to collect terms for has multiple values per document.</param>
/// <param name="scoreMode">See <see cref="ScoreMode"/></param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="TermsWithScoreCollector"/> instance</returns>
internal static TermsWithScoreCollector Create(string field, bool multipleValuesPerDocument, ScoreMode scoreMode)
if (multipleValuesPerDocument)
switch (scoreMode)
case ScoreMode.Avg:
return new MV.Avg(field);
return new MV(field, scoreMode);
switch (scoreMode)
case ScoreMode.Avg:
return new SV.Avg(field);
return new SV(field, scoreMode);
// impl that works with single value per document
internal class SV : TermsWithScoreCollector
private readonly BytesRef _spare = new BytesRef();
private BinaryDocValues _fromDocTerms;
internal SV(string field, ScoreMode scoreMode)
: base(field, scoreMode)
public override void Collect(int doc)
_fromDocTerms.Get(doc, _spare);
int ord = _collectedTerms.Add(_spare);
if (ord < 0)
ord = -ord - 1;
if (ord >= _scoreSums.Length)
_scoreSums = ArrayUtil.Grow(_scoreSums);
float current = _scorer.GetScore();
float existing = _scoreSums[ord];
if (existing.CompareTo(0.0f) == 0)
_scoreSums[ord] = current;
switch (_scoreMode)
case ScoreMode.Total:
_scoreSums[ord] = _scoreSums[ord] + current;
case ScoreMode.Max:
if (current > existing)
_scoreSums[ord] = current;
public override void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
_fromDocTerms = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(context.AtomicReader, _field, false);
internal class Avg : SV
private int[] _scoreCounts = new int[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE];
internal Avg(string field)
: base(field, ScoreMode.Avg)
public override void Collect(int doc)
_fromDocTerms.Get(doc, _spare);
int ord = _collectedTerms.Add(_spare);
if (ord < 0)
ord = -ord - 1;
if (ord >= _scoreSums.Length)
_scoreSums = ArrayUtil.Grow(_scoreSums);
_scoreCounts = ArrayUtil.Grow(_scoreCounts);
float current = _scorer.GetScore();
float existing = _scoreSums[ord];
if (existing.CompareTo(0.0f) == 0)
_scoreSums[ord] = current;
_scoreCounts[ord] = 1;
_scoreSums[ord] = _scoreSums[ord] + current;
public override float[] ScoresPerTerm
if (_scoreCounts != null)
for (int i = 0; i < _scoreCounts.Length; i++)
_scoreSums[i] = _scoreSums[i] / _scoreCounts[i];
_scoreCounts = null;
return _scoreSums;
// impl that works with multiple values per document
internal class MV : TermsWithScoreCollector
private SortedSetDocValues _fromDocTermOrds;
private readonly BytesRef _scratch = new BytesRef();
internal MV(string field, ScoreMode scoreMode)
: base(field, scoreMode)
public override void Collect(int doc)
long ord;
while ((ord = _fromDocTermOrds.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
_fromDocTermOrds.LookupOrd(ord, _scratch);
int termId = _collectedTerms.Add(_scratch);
if (termId < 0)
termId = -termId - 1;
if (termId >= _scoreSums.Length)
_scoreSums = ArrayUtil.Grow(_scoreSums);
switch (_scoreMode)
case ScoreMode.Total:
_scoreSums[termId] += _scorer.GetScore();
case ScoreMode.Max:
_scoreSums[termId] = Math.Max(_scoreSums[termId], _scorer.GetScore());
public override void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
_fromDocTermOrds = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocTermOrds(context.AtomicReader, _field);
internal class Avg : MV
private int[] _scoreCounts = new int[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE];
internal Avg(string field)
: base(field, ScoreMode.Avg)
public override void Collect(int doc)
long ord;
while ((ord = _fromDocTermOrds.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
_fromDocTermOrds.LookupOrd(ord, _scratch);
int termId = _collectedTerms.Add(_scratch);
if (termId < 0)
termId = -termId - 1;
if (termId >= _scoreSums.Length)
_scoreSums = ArrayUtil.Grow(_scoreSums);
_scoreCounts = ArrayUtil.Grow(_scoreCounts);
_scoreSums[termId] += _scorer.GetScore();
public override float[] ScoresPerTerm
if (_scoreCounts != null)
for (int i = 0; i < _scoreCounts.Length; i++)
_scoreSums[i] = _scoreSums[i] / _scoreCounts[i];
_scoreCounts = null;
return _scoreSums;