blob: 50c0cbdaf8f59f2b2b0f445072d73a3b369a82f0 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using System;
using ArrayUtil = Lucene.Net.Util.ArrayUtil;
namespace Lucene.Net.Codecs.Compressing
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using CorruptIndexException = Lucene.Net.Index.CorruptIndexException;
using IndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput;
using PackedInt32s = Lucene.Net.Util.Packed.PackedInt32s;
using RamUsageEstimator = Lucene.Net.Util.RamUsageEstimator;
using SegmentInfo = Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Random-access reader for <see cref="CompressingStoredFieldsIndexWriter"/>.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public sealed class CompressingStoredFieldsIndexReader
: System.ICloneable
internal static long MoveLowOrderBitToSign(long n)
return (((long)((ulong)n >> 1)) ^ -(n & 1));
internal readonly int maxDoc;
internal readonly int[] docBases;
internal readonly long[] startPointers;
internal readonly int[] avgChunkDocs;
internal readonly long[] avgChunkSizes;
internal readonly PackedInt32s.Reader[] docBasesDeltas; // delta from the avg
internal readonly PackedInt32s.Reader[] startPointersDeltas; // delta from the avg
// It is the responsibility of the caller to close fieldsIndexIn after this constructor
// has been called
internal CompressingStoredFieldsIndexReader(IndexInput fieldsIndexIn, SegmentInfo si)
maxDoc = si.DocCount;
int[] docBases = new int[16];
long[] startPointers = new long[16];
int[] avgChunkDocs = new int[16];
long[] avgChunkSizes = new long[16];
PackedInt32s.Reader[] docBasesDeltas = new PackedInt32s.Reader[16];
PackedInt32s.Reader[] startPointersDeltas = new PackedInt32s.Reader[16];
int packedIntsVersion = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
int blockCount = 0;
for (; ; )
int numChunks = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
if (numChunks == 0)
if (blockCount == docBases.Length)
int newSize = ArrayUtil.Oversize(blockCount + 1, 8);
docBases = Arrays.CopyOf(docBases, newSize);
startPointers = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointers, newSize);
avgChunkDocs = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkDocs, newSize);
avgChunkSizes = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkSizes, newSize);
docBasesDeltas = Arrays.CopyOf(docBasesDeltas, newSize);
startPointersDeltas = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointersDeltas, newSize);
// doc bases
docBases[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
avgChunkDocs[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
int bitsPerDocBase = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
if (bitsPerDocBase > 32)
throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted bitsPerDocBase (resource=" + fieldsIndexIn + ")");
docBasesDeltas[blockCount] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(fieldsIndexIn, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, numChunks, bitsPerDocBase);
// start pointers
startPointers[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt64();
avgChunkSizes[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt64();
int bitsPerStartPointer = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
if (bitsPerStartPointer > 64)
throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted bitsPerStartPointer (resource=" + fieldsIndexIn + ")");
startPointersDeltas[blockCount] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(fieldsIndexIn, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, numChunks, bitsPerStartPointer);
this.docBases = Arrays.CopyOf(docBases, blockCount);
this.startPointers = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointers, blockCount);
this.avgChunkDocs = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkDocs, blockCount);
this.avgChunkSizes = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkSizes, blockCount);
this.docBasesDeltas = Arrays.CopyOf(docBasesDeltas, blockCount);
this.startPointersDeltas = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointersDeltas, blockCount);
private int Block(int docID)
int lo = 0, hi = docBases.Length - 1;
while (lo <= hi)
int mid = (int)((uint)(lo + hi) >> 1);
int midValue = docBases[mid];
if (midValue == docID)
return mid;
else if (midValue < docID)
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid - 1;
return hi;
private int RelativeDocBase(int block, int relativeChunk)
int expected = avgChunkDocs[block] * relativeChunk;
long delta = MoveLowOrderBitToSign(docBasesDeltas[block].Get(relativeChunk));
return expected + (int)delta;
private long RelativeStartPointer(int block, int relativeChunk)
long expected = avgChunkSizes[block] * relativeChunk;
long delta = MoveLowOrderBitToSign(startPointersDeltas[block].Get(relativeChunk));
return expected + delta;
private int RelativeChunk(int block, int relativeDoc)
int lo = 0, hi = docBasesDeltas[block].Count - 1;
while (lo <= hi)
int mid = (int)((uint)(lo + hi) >> 1);
int midValue = RelativeDocBase(block, mid);
if (midValue == relativeDoc)
return mid;
else if (midValue < relativeDoc)
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid - 1;
return hi;
internal long GetStartPointer(int docID)
if (docID < 0 || docID >= maxDoc)
throw new ArgumentException("docID out of range [0-" + maxDoc + "]: " + docID);
int block = Block(docID);
int relativeChunk = RelativeChunk(block, docID - docBases[block]);
return startPointers[block] + RelativeStartPointer(block, relativeChunk);
public object Clone()
return this;
internal long RamBytesUsed()
long res = 0;
foreach (PackedInt32s.Reader r in docBasesDeltas)
res += r.RamBytesUsed();
foreach (PackedInt32s.Reader r in startPointersDeltas)
res += r.RamBytesUsed();
res += RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(docBases);
res += RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(startPointers);
res += RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(avgChunkDocs);
res += RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(avgChunkSizes);
return res;