blob: 844aaacb382655782e33961b7667d19ebf32bb59 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Lucene.Net.Util
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using ByteArrayDataInput = Lucene.Net.Store.ByteArrayDataInput;
using DocIdSet = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSet;
using DocIdSetIterator = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSetIterator;
using MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer = Lucene.Net.Util.Packed.MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer;
using PackedInt32s = Lucene.Net.Util.Packed.PackedInt32s;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="DocIdSet"/> implementation based on word-aligned hybrid encoding on
/// words of 8 bits.
/// <para>This implementation doesn't support random-access but has a fast
/// <see cref="DocIdSetIterator"/> which can advance in logarithmic time thanks to
/// an index.</para>
/// <para>The compression scheme is simplistic and should work well with sparse and
/// very dense doc id sets while being only slightly larger than a
/// <see cref="FixedBitSet"/> for incompressible sets (overhead&lt;2% in the worst
/// case) in spite of the index.</para>
/// <para><b>Format</b>: The format is byte-aligned. An 8-bits word is either clean,
/// meaning composed only of zeros or ones, or dirty, meaning that it contains
/// between 1 and 7 bits set. The idea is to encode sequences of clean words
/// using run-length encoding and to leave sequences of dirty words as-is.</para>
/// <list type="table">
/// <listheader><term>Token</term><term>Clean length+</term><term>Dirty length+</term><term>Dirty words</term></listheader>
/// <item><term>1 byte</term><term>0-n bytes</term><term>0-n bytes</term><term>0-n bytes</term></item>
/// </list>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><term><b>Token</b></term><description> encodes whether clean means full of zeros or ones in the
/// first bit, the number of clean words minus 2 on the next 3 bits and the
/// number of dirty words on the last 4 bits. The higher-order bit is a
/// continuation bit, meaning that the number is incomplete and needs additional
/// bytes to be read.</description></item>
/// <item><term><b>Clean length+</b>:</term><description> If clean length has its higher-order bit set,
/// you need to read a vint (<see cref="Store.DataInput.ReadVInt32()"/>), shift it by 3 bits on
/// the left side and add it to the 3 bits which have been read in the token.</description></item>
/// <item><term><b>Dirty length+</b></term><description> works the same way as <b>Clean length+</b> but
/// on 4 bits and for the length of dirty words.</description></item>
/// <item><term><b>Dirty words</b></term><description>are the dirty words, there are <b>Dirty length</b>
/// of them.</description></item>
/// </list>
/// <para>This format cannot encode sequences of less than 2 clean words and 0 dirty
/// word. The reason is that if you find a single clean word, you should rather
/// encode it as a dirty word. This takes the same space as starting a new
/// sequence (since you need one byte for the token) but will be lighter to
/// decode. There is however an exception for the first sequence. Since the first
/// sequence may start directly with a dirty word, the clean length is encoded
/// directly, without subtracting 2.</para>
/// <para>There is an additional restriction on the format: the sequence of dirty
/// words is not allowed to contain two consecutive clean words. This restriction
/// exists to make sure no space is wasted and to make sure iterators can read
/// the next doc ID by reading at most 2 dirty words.</para>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public sealed class WAH8DocIdSet : DocIdSet
// Minimum index interval, intervals below this value can't guarantee anymore
// that this set implementation won't be significantly larger than a FixedBitSet
// The reason is that a single sequence saves at least one byte and an index
// entry requires at most 8 bytes (2 ints) so there shouldn't be more than one
// index entry every 8 sequences
private const int MIN_INDEX_INTERVAL = 8;
/// <summary>
/// Default index interval. </summary>
public const int DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL = 24;
private static readonly MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer SINGLE_ZERO_BUFFER = LoadSingleZeroBuffer();
// LUCENENET specific - optimized empty array creation
private static readonly WAH8DocIdSet EMPTY = new WAH8DocIdSet(Arrays.Empty<byte>(), 0, 1, SINGLE_ZERO_BUFFER, SINGLE_ZERO_BUFFER);
private static MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer LoadSingleZeroBuffer() // LUCENENET: Avoid static constructors (see
var buffer = new MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer(1, 64, PackedInt32s.COMPACT);
return buffer;
private static readonly IComparer<Iterator> SERIALIZED_LENGTH_COMPARER = Comparer<Iterator>.Create((wi1, wi2) => wi1.@in.Length - wi2.@in.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Same as <see cref="Intersect(ICollection{WAH8DocIdSet}, int)"/> with the default index interval. </summary>
public static WAH8DocIdSet Intersect(ICollection<WAH8DocIdSet> docIdSets)
return Intersect(docIdSets, DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL);
/// <summary>
/// Compute the intersection of the provided sets. This method is much faster than
/// computing the intersection manually since it operates directly at the byte level.
/// </summary>
public static WAH8DocIdSet Intersect(ICollection<WAH8DocIdSet> docIdSets, int indexInterval)
switch (docIdSets.Count)
case 0:
throw new ArgumentException("There must be at least one set to intersect");
case 1:
return docIdSets.First();
// The logic below is similar to ConjunctionScorer
int numSets = docIdSets.Count;
var iterators = new Iterator[numSets];
int i = 0;
foreach (WAH8DocIdSet set in docIdSets)
var it = (Iterator)set.GetIterator();
iterators[i++] = it;
WordBuilder builder = (WordBuilder)(new WordBuilder()).SetIndexInterval(indexInterval);
int wordNum = 0;
while (true)
// Advance the least costly iterator first
wordNum = iterators[0].wordNum;
if (wordNum == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
byte word = iterators[0].word;
for (i = 1; i < numSets; ++i)
if (iterators[i].wordNum < wordNum)
if (iterators[i].wordNum > wordNum)
wordNum = iterators[i].wordNum;
goto mainContinue;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(iterators[i].wordNum == wordNum);
word &= iterators[i].word;
if (word == 0)
// There are common words, but they don't share any bit
goto mainContinue;
// Found a common word
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(word != 0);
builder.AddWord(wordNum, word);
return builder.Build();
/// <summary>
/// Same as <see cref="Union(ICollection{WAH8DocIdSet}, int)"/> with the default index interval. </summary>
public static WAH8DocIdSet Union(ICollection<WAH8DocIdSet> docIdSets)
return Union(docIdSets, DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL);
/// <summary>
/// Compute the union of the provided sets. This method is much faster than
/// computing the union manually since it operates directly at the byte level.
/// </summary>
public static WAH8DocIdSet Union(ICollection<WAH8DocIdSet> docIdSets, int indexInterval)
switch (docIdSets.Count)
case 0:
return EMPTY;
case 1:
return docIdSets.First();
// The logic below is very similar to DisjunctionScorer
int numSets = docIdSets.Count;
PriorityQueue<Iterator> iterators = new PriorityQueueAnonymousInnerClassHelper(numSets);
foreach (WAH8DocIdSet set in docIdSets)
Iterator iterator = (Iterator)set.GetIterator();
Iterator top = iterators.Top;
if (top.wordNum == int.MaxValue)
return EMPTY;
int wordNum = top.wordNum;
byte word = top.word;
WordBuilder builder = (WordBuilder)(new WordBuilder()).SetIndexInterval(indexInterval);
while (true)
top = iterators.Top;
if (top.wordNum == wordNum)
word |= top.word;
builder.AddWord(wordNum, word);
if (top.wordNum == int.MaxValue)
wordNum = top.wordNum;
word = top.word;
return builder.Build();
private class PriorityQueueAnonymousInnerClassHelper : PriorityQueue<WAH8DocIdSet.Iterator>
public PriorityQueueAnonymousInnerClassHelper(int numSets)
: base(numSets)
protected internal override bool LessThan(Iterator a, Iterator b)
return a.wordNum < b.wordNum;
internal static int WordNum(int docID)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(docID >= 0);
return (int)((uint)docID >> 3);
/// <summary>
/// Word-based builder. </summary>
public class WordBuilder
internal readonly GrowableByteArrayDataOutput @out;
internal readonly GrowableByteArrayDataOutput dirtyWords;
internal int clean;
internal int lastWordNum;
internal int numSequences;
internal int indexInterval;
internal int cardinality;
internal bool reverse;
internal WordBuilder()
@out = new GrowableByteArrayDataOutput(1024);
dirtyWords = new GrowableByteArrayDataOutput(128);
clean = 0;
lastWordNum = -1;
numSequences = 0;
cardinality = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Set the index interval. Smaller index intervals improve performance of
/// <see cref="DocIdSetIterator.Advance(int)"/> but make the <see cref="DocIdSet"/>
/// larger. An index interval <c>i</c> makes the index add an overhead
/// which is at most <c>4/i</c>, but likely much less. The default index
/// interval is <c>8</c>, meaning the index has an overhead of at most
/// 50%. To disable indexing, you can pass <see cref="int.MaxValue"/> as an
/// index interval.
/// </summary>
public virtual object SetIndexInterval(int indexInterval)
if (indexInterval < MIN_INDEX_INTERVAL)
throw new ArgumentException("indexInterval must be >= " + MIN_INDEX_INTERVAL);
this.indexInterval = indexInterval;
return this;
internal virtual void WriteHeader(bool reverse, int cleanLength, int dirtyLength)
int cleanLengthMinus2 = cleanLength - 2;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(cleanLengthMinus2 >= 0);
Debugging.Assert(dirtyLength >= 0);
int token = ((cleanLengthMinus2 & 0x03) << 4) | (dirtyLength & 0x07);
if (reverse)
token |= 1 << 7;
if (cleanLengthMinus2 > 0x03)
token |= 1 << 6;
if (dirtyLength > 0x07)
token |= 1 << 3;
if (cleanLengthMinus2 > 0x03)
@out.WriteVInt32((int)((uint)cleanLengthMinus2 >> 2));
if (dirtyLength > 0x07)
@out.WriteVInt32((int)((uint)dirtyLength >> 3));
private bool SequenceIsConsistent() // Called only from assert
for (int i = 1; i < dirtyWords.Length; ++i)
Debugging.Assert(dirtyWords.Bytes[i - 1] != 0 || dirtyWords.Bytes[i] != 0);
Debugging.Assert((byte)dirtyWords.Bytes[i - 1] != 0xFF || (byte)dirtyWords.Bytes[i] != 0xFF);
return true;
internal virtual void WriteSequence()
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(SequenceIsConsistent());
WriteHeader(reverse, clean, dirtyWords.Length);
catch (IOException cannotHappen)
throw new InvalidOperationException(cannotHappen.ToString(), cannotHappen); // LUCENENET NOTE: This was AssertionError in Lucene
@out.WriteBytes(dirtyWords.Bytes, 0, dirtyWords.Length);
dirtyWords.Length = 0;
internal virtual void AddWord(int wordNum, byte word)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(wordNum > lastWordNum);
Debugging.Assert(word != 0);
if (!reverse)
if (lastWordNum == -1)
clean = 2 + wordNum; // special case for the 1st sequence
switch (wordNum - lastWordNum)
case 1:
if (word == 0xFF && (byte)dirtyWords.Bytes[dirtyWords.Length - 1] == 0xFF)
reverse = true;
clean = 2;
case 2:
clean = wordNum - lastWordNum - 1;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(lastWordNum >= 0);
switch (wordNum - lastWordNum)
case 1:
if (word == 0xFF)
if (dirtyWords.Length == 0)
else if ((byte)dirtyWords.Bytes[dirtyWords.Length - 1] == 0xFF)
clean = 2;
case 2:
reverse = false;
clean = wordNum - lastWordNum - 1;
lastWordNum = wordNum;
cardinality += BitUtil.BitCount(word);
/// <summary>
/// Build a new <see cref="WAH8DocIdSet"/>. </summary>
public virtual WAH8DocIdSet Build()
if (cardinality == 0)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(lastWordNum == -1);
return EMPTY;
byte[] data = Arrays.CopyOf(@out.Bytes, @out.Length);
// Now build the index
int valueCount = (numSequences - 1) / indexInterval + 1;
MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer indexPositions, indexWordNums;
if (valueCount <= 1)
indexPositions = indexWordNums = SINGLE_ZERO_BUFFER;
const int pageSize = 128;
int initialPageCount = (valueCount + pageSize - 1) / pageSize;
MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer positions = new MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer(initialPageCount, pageSize, PackedInt32s.COMPACT);
MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer wordNums = new MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer(initialPageCount, pageSize, PackedInt32s.COMPACT);
Iterator it = new Iterator(data, cardinality, int.MaxValue, SINGLE_ZERO_BUFFER, SINGLE_ZERO_BUFFER);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(it.@in.Position == 0);
Debugging.Assert(it.wordNum == -1);
for (int i = 1; i < valueCount; ++i)
// skip indexInterval sequences
for (int j = 0; j < indexInterval; ++j)
bool readSequence = it.ReadSequence();
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(readSequence);
int position = it.@in.Position;
int wordNum = it.wordNum;
wordNums.Add(wordNum + 1);
indexPositions = positions;
indexWordNums = wordNums;
return new WAH8DocIdSet(data, cardinality, indexInterval, indexPositions, indexWordNums);
/// <summary>
/// A builder for <see cref="WAH8DocIdSet"/>s. </summary>
public sealed class Builder : WordBuilder
private int lastDocID;
private int wordNum, word;
/// <summary>
/// Sole constructor </summary>
public Builder()
: base()
lastDocID = -1;
wordNum = -1;
word = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Add a document to this builder. Documents must be added in order. </summary>
public Builder Add(int docID)
if (docID <= lastDocID)
throw new ArgumentException("Doc ids must be added in-order, got " + docID + " which is <= lastDocID=" + lastDocID);
int wordNum = WordNum(docID);
if (this.wordNum == -1)
this.wordNum = wordNum;
word = 1 << (docID & 0x07);
else if (wordNum == this.wordNum)
word |= 1 << (docID & 0x07);
AddWord(this.wordNum, (byte)word);
this.wordNum = wordNum;
word = 1 << (docID & 0x07);
lastDocID = docID;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Add the content of the provided <see cref="DocIdSetIterator"/>. </summary>
public Builder Add(DocIdSetIterator disi)
for (int doc = disi.NextDoc(); doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; doc = disi.NextDoc())
return this;
public override object SetIndexInterval(int indexInterval)
return (Builder)base.SetIndexInterval(indexInterval);
public override WAH8DocIdSet Build()
if (this.wordNum != -1)
AddWord(wordNum, (byte)word);
return base.Build();
// where the doc IDs are stored
private readonly byte[] data;
private readonly int cardinality;
private readonly int indexInterval;
// index for advance(int)
private readonly MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer positions, wordNums; // wordNums[i] starts at the sequence at positions[i]
internal WAH8DocIdSet(byte[] data, int cardinality, int indexInterval, MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer positions, MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer wordNums)
{ = data;
this.cardinality = cardinality;
this.indexInterval = indexInterval;
this.positions = positions;
this.wordNums = wordNums;
public override bool IsCacheable => true;
public override DocIdSetIterator GetIterator()
return new Iterator(data, cardinality, indexInterval, positions, wordNums);
internal static int ReadCleanLength(ByteArrayDataInput @in, int token)
int len = ((int)((uint)token >> 4)) & 0x07;
int startPosition = @in.Position;
if ((len & 0x04) != 0)
len = (len & 0x03) | (@in.ReadVInt32() << 2);
if (startPosition != 1)
len += 2;
return len;
internal static int ReadDirtyLength(ByteArrayDataInput @in, int token)
int len = token & 0x0F;
if ((len & 0x08) != 0)
len = (len & 0x07) | (@in.ReadVInt32() << 3);
return len;
internal class Iterator : DocIdSetIterator
/* Using the index can be costly for close targets. */
internal static int IndexThreshold(/*int cardinality, */int indexInterval) // LUCENENET specific - removed unused parameter
// Short sequences encode for 3 words (2 clean words and 1 dirty byte),
// don't advance if we are going to read less than 3 x indexInterval
// sequences
long indexThreshold = 3L * 3 * indexInterval;
return (int)Math.Min(int.MaxValue, indexThreshold);
internal readonly ByteArrayDataInput @in;
internal readonly int cardinality;
internal readonly int indexInterval;
internal readonly MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer positions, wordNums;
internal readonly int indexThreshold;
internal int allOnesLength;
internal int dirtyLength;
internal int wordNum; // byte offset
internal byte word; // current word
internal int bitList; // list of bits set in the current word
internal int sequenceNum; // in which sequence are we?
internal int docID;
internal Iterator(byte[] data, int cardinality, int indexInterval, MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer positions, MonotonicAppendingInt64Buffer wordNums)
this.@in = new ByteArrayDataInput(data);
this.cardinality = cardinality;
this.indexInterval = indexInterval;
this.positions = positions;
this.wordNums = wordNums;
wordNum = -1;
word = 0;
bitList = 0;
sequenceNum = -1;
docID = -1;
indexThreshold = IndexThreshold(/*cardinality,*/ indexInterval); // LUCENENET specific - removed unused parameter
internal virtual bool ReadSequence()
if (@in.Eof)
wordNum = int.MaxValue;
return false;
int token = @in.ReadByte() & 0xFF;
if ((token & (1 << 7)) == 0)
int cleanLength = ReadCleanLength(@in, token);
wordNum += cleanLength;
allOnesLength = ReadCleanLength(@in, token);
dirtyLength = ReadDirtyLength(@in, token);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(@in.Length - @in.Position >= dirtyLength, "{0} {1} {2}", @in.Position, @in.Length, dirtyLength);
return true;
internal virtual void SkipDirtyBytes(int count)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(count >= 0);
Debugging.Assert(count <= allOnesLength + dirtyLength);
wordNum += count;
if (count <= allOnesLength)
allOnesLength -= count;
count -= allOnesLength;
allOnesLength = 0;
dirtyLength -= count;
internal virtual void SkipDirtyBytes()
wordNum += allOnesLength + dirtyLength;
allOnesLength = 0;
dirtyLength = 0;
internal virtual void NextWord()
if (allOnesLength > 0)
word = 0xFF;
if (dirtyLength > 0)
word = @in.ReadByte();
if (word != 0)
if (dirtyLength > 0)
word = @in.ReadByte();
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(word != 0); // never more than one consecutive 0
if (ReadSequence())
internal virtual int ForwardBinarySearch(int targetWordNum)
// advance forward and double the window at each step
int indexSize = (int)wordNums.Count;
int lo = sequenceNum / indexInterval, hi = lo + 1;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(sequenceNum == -1 || wordNums.Get(lo) <= wordNum);
Debugging.Assert(lo + 1 == wordNums.Count || wordNums.Get(lo + 1) > wordNum);
while (true)
if (hi >= indexSize)
hi = indexSize - 1;
else if (wordNums.Get(hi) >= targetWordNum)
int newLo = hi;
hi += (hi - lo) << 1;
lo = newLo;
// we found a window containing our target, let's binary search now
while (lo <= hi)
int mid = (int)((uint)(lo + hi) >> 1);
int midWordNum = (int)wordNums.Get(mid);
if (midWordNum <= targetWordNum)
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid - 1;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(wordNums.Get(hi) <= targetWordNum);
Debugging.Assert(hi + 1 == wordNums.Count || wordNums.Get(hi + 1) > targetWordNum);
return hi;
internal virtual void AdvanceWord(int targetWordNum)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(targetWordNum > wordNum);
int delta = targetWordNum - wordNum;
if (delta <= allOnesLength + dirtyLength + 1)
SkipDirtyBytes(delta - 1);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(dirtyLength == 0);
if (delta > indexThreshold)
// use the index
int i = ForwardBinarySearch(targetWordNum);
int position = (int)positions.Get(i);
if (position > @in.Position) // if the binary search returned a backward offset, don't move
wordNum = (int)wordNums.Get(i) - 1;
@in.Position = position;
sequenceNum = i * indexInterval - 1;
while (true)
if (!ReadSequence())
delta = targetWordNum - wordNum;
if (delta <= allOnesLength + dirtyLength + 1)
if (delta > 1)
SkipDirtyBytes(delta - 1);
public override int DocID => docID;
public override int NextDoc()
if (bitList != 0) // there are remaining bits in the current word
docID = (wordNum << 3) | ((bitList & 0x0F) - 1);
bitList = (int)((uint)bitList >> 4);
return docID;
if (wordNum == int.MaxValue)
return docID = NO_MORE_DOCS;
bitList = BitUtil.BitList(word);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(bitList != 0);
docID = (wordNum << 3) | ((bitList & 0x0F) - 1);
bitList = (int)((uint)bitList >> 4);
return docID;
public override int Advance(int target)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(target > docID);
int targetWordNum = WordNum(target);
if (targetWordNum > this.wordNum)
bitList = BitUtil.BitList(word);
return SlowAdvance(target);
public override long GetCost()
return cardinality;
/// <summary>
/// Return the number of documents in this <see cref="DocIdSet"/> in constant time. </summary>
public int Cardinality()
return cardinality;
/// <summary>
/// Return the memory usage of this class in bytes. </summary>
public long RamBytesUsed()
return RamUsageEstimator.AlignObjectSize(3 * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF + 2 * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT32)
+ RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(data)
+ positions.RamBytesUsed()
+ wordNums.RamBytesUsed();