blob: 19fe613343b184798974c67061e53a5a83082078 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Assert = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Assert;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
namespace Lucene.Net.Search
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using AtomicReaderContext = Lucene.Net.Index.AtomicReaderContext;
using CompositeReaderContext = Lucene.Net.Index.CompositeReaderContext;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using Document = Documents.Document;
using Field = Field;
using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader;
using IndexReaderContext = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReaderContext;
using Int32Field = Int32Field;
using LuceneTestCase = Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase;
using RandomIndexWriter = Lucene.Net.Index.RandomIndexWriter;
using ReaderUtil = Lucene.Net.Index.ReaderUtil;
using SingleField = SingleField;
using Term = Lucene.Net.Index.Term;
using TestUtil = Lucene.Net.Util.TestUtil;
public class TestTopDocsMerge : LuceneTestCase
private class ShardSearcher : IndexSearcher
private readonly IList<AtomicReaderContext> ctx;
public ShardSearcher(AtomicReaderContext ctx, IndexReaderContext parent)
: base(parent)
this.ctx = new List<AtomicReaderContext> { ctx };
public virtual void Search(Weight weight, ICollector collector)
Search(ctx, weight, collector);
public virtual TopDocs Search(Weight weight, int topN)
return Search(ctx, weight, null, topN);
public override string ToString()
return "ShardSearcher(" + ctx[0] + ")";
public virtual void TestSort_1()
// LUCENENET specific: NUnit will crash with an OOM if we do the full test
// with verbosity enabled. So, making this a manual setting that can be
// turned on if, and only if, needed for debugging. If the setting is turned
// on, we are decresing the number of docs to 50, which seems to
// keep it from crashing.
bool isVerbose = false;
TestSort(false, isVerbose);
public virtual void TestSort_2()
// LUCENENET specific: NUnit will crash with an OOM if we do the full test
// with verbosity enabled. So, making this a manual setting that can be
// turned on if, and only if, needed for debugging. If the setting is turned
// on, we are decresing the number of docs to 50, which seems to
// keep it from crashing.
bool isVerbose = false;
TestSort(true, isVerbose);
internal virtual void TestSort(bool useFrom, bool VERBOSE)
IndexReader reader = null;
Directory dir = null;
Console.WriteLine("Verbosity disabled. Enable manually if needed.");
int numDocs = VERBOSE ? AtLeast(50) : AtLeast(1000);
//final int numDocs = AtLeast(50);
string[] tokens = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
Console.WriteLine("TEST: make index");
dir = NewDirectory();
RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(
Random, dir);
// w.setDoRandomForceMerge(false);
// w.w.getConfig().SetMaxBufferedDocs(AtLeast(100));
string[] content = new string[AtLeast(20)];
for (int contentIDX = 0; contentIDX < content.Length; contentIDX++)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int numTokens = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 10);
for (int tokenIDX = 0; tokenIDX < numTokens; tokenIDX++)
sb.Append(tokens[Random.Next(tokens.Length)]).Append(' ');
content[contentIDX] = sb.ToString();
for (int docIDX = 0; docIDX < numDocs; docIDX++)
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(NewStringField("string", TestUtil.RandomRealisticUnicodeString(Random), Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(NewTextField("text", content[Random.Next(content.Length)], Field.Store.NO));
doc.Add(new SingleField("float", (float)Random.NextDouble(), Field.Store.NO));
int intValue;
if (Random.Next(100) == 17)
intValue = int.MinValue;
else if (Random.Next(100) == 17)
intValue = int.MaxValue;
intValue = Random.Next();
doc.Add(new Int32Field("int", intValue, Field.Store.NO));
Console.WriteLine(" doc=" + doc);
reader = w.GetReader();
// NOTE: sometimes reader has just one segment, which is
// important to test
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(reader);
IndexReaderContext ctx = searcher.TopReaderContext;
ShardSearcher[] subSearchers;
int[] docStarts;
if (ctx is AtomicReaderContext)
subSearchers = new ShardSearcher[1];
docStarts = new int[1];
subSearchers[0] = new ShardSearcher((AtomicReaderContext)ctx, ctx);
docStarts[0] = 0;
CompositeReaderContext compCTX = (CompositeReaderContext)ctx;
int size = compCTX.Leaves.Count;
subSearchers = new ShardSearcher[size];
docStarts = new int[size];
int docBase = 0;
for (int searcherIDX = 0; searcherIDX < subSearchers.Length; searcherIDX++)
AtomicReaderContext leave = compCTX.Leaves[searcherIDX];
subSearchers[searcherIDX] = new ShardSearcher(leave, compCTX);
docStarts[searcherIDX] = docBase;
docBase += leave.Reader.MaxDoc;
IList<SortField> sortFields = new List<SortField>();
sortFields.Add(new SortField("string", SortFieldType.STRING, true));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("string", SortFieldType.STRING, false));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("int", SortFieldType.INT32, true));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("int", SortFieldType.INT32, false));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("float", SortFieldType.SINGLE, true));
sortFields.Add(new SortField("float", SortFieldType.SINGLE, false));
sortFields.Add(new SortField(null, SortFieldType.SCORE, true));
sortFields.Add(new SortField(null, SortFieldType.SCORE, false));
sortFields.Add(new SortField(null, SortFieldType.DOC, true));
sortFields.Add(new SortField(null, SortFieldType.DOC, false));
for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000 * RandomMultiplier; iter++)
// TODO: custom FieldComp...
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("text", tokens[Random.Next(tokens.Length)]));
Sort sort;
if (Random.Next(10) == 4)
// Sort by score
sort = null;
SortField[] randomSortFields = new SortField[TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 3)];
for (int sortIDX = 0; sortIDX < randomSortFields.Length; sortIDX++)
randomSortFields[sortIDX] = sortFields[Random.Next(sortFields.Count)];
sort = new Sort(randomSortFields);
int numHits = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, numDocs + 5);
//final int numHits = 5;
Console.WriteLine("TEST: search query=" + query + " sort=" + sort + " numHits=" + numHits);
int from = -1;
int size = -1;
// First search on whole index:
TopDocs topHits;
if (sort == null)
if (useFrom)
TopScoreDocCollector c = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(numHits, Random.NextBoolean());
searcher.Search(query, c);
from = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 0, numHits - 1);
size = numHits - from;
TopDocs tempTopHits = c.GetTopDocs();
if (from < tempTopHits.ScoreDocs.Length)
// Can't use TopDocs#topDocs(start, howMany), since it has different behaviour when start >= hitCount
// than TopDocs#merge currently has
ScoreDoc[] newScoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[Math.Min(size, tempTopHits.ScoreDocs.Length - from)];
Array.Copy(tempTopHits.ScoreDocs, from, newScoreDocs, 0, newScoreDocs.Length);
tempTopHits.ScoreDocs = newScoreDocs;
topHits = tempTopHits;
topHits = new TopDocs(tempTopHits.TotalHits, new ScoreDoc[0], tempTopHits.MaxScore);
topHits = searcher.Search(query, numHits);
TopFieldCollector c = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, numHits, true, true, true, Random.NextBoolean());
searcher.Search(query, c);
if (useFrom)
from = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 0, numHits - 1);
size = numHits - from;
TopDocs tempTopHits = c.GetTopDocs();
if (from < tempTopHits.ScoreDocs.Length)
// Can't use TopDocs#topDocs(start, howMany), since it has different behaviour when start >= hitCount
// than TopDocs#merge currently has
ScoreDoc[] newScoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[Math.Min(size, tempTopHits.ScoreDocs.Length - from)];
Array.Copy(tempTopHits.ScoreDocs, from, newScoreDocs, 0, newScoreDocs.Length);
tempTopHits.ScoreDocs = newScoreDocs;
topHits = tempTopHits;
topHits = new TopDocs(tempTopHits.TotalHits, new ScoreDoc[0], tempTopHits.MaxScore);
topHits = c.GetTopDocs(0, numHits);
if (useFrom)
Console.WriteLine("from=" + from + " size=" + size);
Console.WriteLine(" top search: " + topHits.TotalHits + " totalHits; hits=" + (topHits.ScoreDocs == null ? "null" : topHits.ScoreDocs.Length + " maxScore=" + topHits.MaxScore));
if (topHits.ScoreDocs != null)
for (int hitIDX = 0; hitIDX < topHits.ScoreDocs.Length; hitIDX++)
ScoreDoc sd = topHits.ScoreDocs[hitIDX];
Console.WriteLine(" doc=" + sd.Doc + " score=" + sd.Score);
// ... then all shards:
Weight w = searcher.CreateNormalizedWeight(query);
TopDocs[] shardHits = new TopDocs[subSearchers.Length];
for (int shardIDX = 0; shardIDX < subSearchers.Length; shardIDX++)
TopDocs subHits;
ShardSearcher subSearcher = subSearchers[shardIDX];
if (sort == null)
subHits = subSearcher.Search(w, numHits);
TopFieldCollector c = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, numHits, true, true, true, Random.NextBoolean());
subSearcher.Search(w, c);
subHits = c.GetTopDocs(0, numHits);
shardHits[shardIDX] = subHits;
Console.WriteLine(" shard=" + shardIDX + " " + subHits.TotalHits + " totalHits hits=" + (subHits.ScoreDocs == null ? "null" : subHits.ScoreDocs.Length.ToString()));
if (subHits.ScoreDocs != null)
foreach (ScoreDoc sd in subHits.ScoreDocs)
Console.WriteLine(" doc=" + sd.Doc + " score=" + sd.Score);
// Merge:
TopDocs mergedHits;
if (useFrom)
mergedHits = TopDocs.Merge(sort, from, size, shardHits);
mergedHits = TopDocs.Merge(sort, numHits, shardHits);
if (mergedHits.ScoreDocs != null)
// Make sure the returned shards are correct:
for (int hitIDX = 0; hitIDX < mergedHits.ScoreDocs.Length; hitIDX++)
ScoreDoc sd = mergedHits.ScoreDocs[hitIDX];
Assert.AreEqual(ReaderUtil.SubIndex(sd.Doc, docStarts), sd.ShardIndex, "doc=" + sd.Doc + " wrong shard");
TestUtil.AssertEquals(topHits, mergedHits);