blob: 8c9e94ba657ded3f7d2201c22e1cdd14ad1f540b [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.Text;
using J2N.Threading;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Lucene.Net.Index.Extensions;
using Lucene.Net.Search;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Assert = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Assert;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using BytesRef = Lucene.Net.Util.BytesRef;
using Codec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Codec;
using Constants = Lucene.Net.Util.Constants;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using DocIdSetIterator = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSetIterator;
using Document = Documents.Document;
using FieldsConsumer = Lucene.Net.Codecs.FieldsConsumer;
using FieldsProducer = Lucene.Net.Codecs.FieldsProducer;
using FieldType = FieldType;
using IndexSearcher = Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher;
using InfoStream = Lucene.Net.Util.InfoStream;
using Lucene3xCodec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene3x.Lucene3xCodec;
using Lucene40RWCodec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene40.Lucene40RWCodec;
using Lucene41RWCodec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene41.Lucene41RWCodec;
using Lucene42RWCodec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene42.Lucene42RWCodec;
using LuceneTestCase = Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase;
using MockAnalyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.MockAnalyzer;
using MockSepPostingsFormat = Lucene.Net.Codecs.MockSep.MockSepPostingsFormat;
using NumericDocValuesField = NumericDocValuesField;
using OpenBitSet = Lucene.Net.Util.OpenBitSet;
using PostingsConsumer = Lucene.Net.Codecs.PostingsConsumer;
using Query = Lucene.Net.Search.Query;
using ScoreDoc = Lucene.Net.Search.ScoreDoc;
using Store = Field.Store;
using StringField = StringField;
using TermsConsumer = Lucene.Net.Codecs.TermsConsumer;
using TermStats = Lucene.Net.Codecs.TermStats;
using TestUtil = Lucene.Net.Util.TestUtil;
// TODO: test multiple codecs here?
// - test across fields
// - fix this test to run once for all codecs
// - make more docs per term, to test > 1 level skipping
// - test all combinations of payloads/not and omitTF/not
// - test w/ different indexDivisor
// - test field where payload length rarely changes
// - 0-term fields
// - seek/skip to same term/doc i'm already on
// - mix in deleted docs
// - seek, skip beyond end -- assert returns false
// - seek, skip to things that don't exist -- ensure it
// goes to 1 before next one known to exist
// - skipTo(term)
// - skipTo(doc)
public class TestCodecs : LuceneTestCase
private static string[] fieldNames = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
private static int NUM_TEST_ITER;
private const int NUM_TEST_THREADS = 3;
private const int NUM_FIELDS = 4;
private const int NUM_TERMS_RAND = 50; // must be > 16 to test skipping
private const int DOC_FREQ_RAND = 500; // must be > 16 to test skipping
private const int TERM_DOC_FREQ_RAND = 20;
public override void BeforeClass()
NUM_TEST_ITER = AtLeast(20);
internal class FieldData : IComparable<FieldData>
private readonly TestCodecs outerInstance;
internal readonly FieldInfo fieldInfo;
internal readonly TermData[] terms;
internal readonly bool omitTF;
internal readonly bool storePayloads;
public FieldData(TestCodecs outerInstance, string name, FieldInfos.Builder fieldInfos, TermData[] terms, bool omitTF, bool storePayloads)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.omitTF = omitTF;
this.storePayloads = storePayloads;
// TODO: change this test to use all three
fieldInfo = fieldInfos.AddOrUpdate(name, new IndexableFieldTypeAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, omitTF));
if (storePayloads)
this.terms = terms;
for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++)
terms[i].field = this;
private class IndexableFieldTypeAnonymousInnerClassHelper : IIndexableFieldType
private readonly FieldData outerInstance;
private readonly bool omitTF;
public IndexableFieldTypeAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FieldData outerInstance, bool omitTF)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.omitTF = omitTF;
public bool IsIndexed => true;
public bool IsStored => false;
public bool IsTokenized => false;
public bool StoreTermVectors => false;
public bool StoreTermVectorOffsets => false;
public bool StoreTermVectorPositions => false;
public bool StoreTermVectorPayloads => false;
public bool OmitNorms => false;
public IndexOptions IndexOptions => omitTF ? Index.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY : Index.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
public DocValuesType DocValueType => DocValuesType.NONE;
public int CompareTo(FieldData other)
return fieldInfo.Name.CompareToOrdinal(other.fieldInfo.Name);
public virtual void Write(FieldsConsumer consumer)
TermsConsumer termsConsumer = consumer.AddField(fieldInfo);
long sumTotalTermCount = 0;
long sumDF = 0;
OpenBitSet visitedDocs = new OpenBitSet();
foreach (TermData term in terms)
for (int i = 0; i <; i++)
sumDF +=;
sumTotalTermCount += term.Write(termsConsumer);
termsConsumer.Finish(omitTF ? -1 : sumTotalTermCount, sumDF, (int)visitedDocs.Cardinality());
internal class PositionData
private readonly TestCodecs outerInstance;
internal int pos;
internal BytesRef payload;
internal PositionData(TestCodecs outerInstance, int pos, BytesRef payload)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.pos = pos;
this.payload = payload;
internal class TermData : IComparable<TermData>
private readonly TestCodecs outerInstance;
internal string text2;
internal readonly BytesRef text;
internal int[] docs;
internal PositionData[][] positions;
internal FieldData field;
public TermData(TestCodecs outerInstance, string text, int[] docs, PositionData[][] positions)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.text = new BytesRef(text);
this.text2 = text; = docs;
this.positions = positions;
public virtual int CompareTo(TermData o)
return text.CompareTo(o.text);
public virtual long Write(TermsConsumer termsConsumer)
PostingsConsumer postingsConsumer = termsConsumer.StartTerm(text);
long totTF = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < docs.Length; i++)
int termDocFreq;
if (field.omitTF)
termDocFreq = -1;
termDocFreq = positions[i].Length;
postingsConsumer.StartDoc(docs[i], termDocFreq);
if (!field.omitTF)
totTF += positions[i].Length;
for (int j = 0; j < positions[i].Length; j++)
PositionData pos = positions[i][j];
postingsConsumer.AddPosition(pos.pos, pos.payload, -1, -1);
termsConsumer.FinishTerm(text, new TermStats(docs.Length, field.omitTF ? -1 : totTF));
return totTF;
private const string SEGMENT = "0";
internal virtual TermData[] MakeRandomTerms(bool omitTF, bool storePayloads)
int numTerms = 1 + Random.Next(NUM_TERMS_RAND);
//final int numTerms = 2;
TermData[] terms = new TermData[numTerms];
ISet<string> termsSeen = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; i++)
// Make term text
string text2;
while (true)
text2 = TestUtil.RandomUnicodeString(Random);
if (!termsSeen.Contains(text2) && !text2.EndsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal))
int docFreq = 1 + Random.Next(DOC_FREQ_RAND);
int[] docs = new int[docFreq];
PositionData[][] positions;
if (!omitTF)
positions = new PositionData[docFreq][];
positions = null;
int docID = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < docFreq; j++)
docID += TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 10);
docs[j] = docID;
if (!omitTF)
int termFreq = 1 + Random.Next(TERM_DOC_FREQ_RAND);
positions[j] = new PositionData[termFreq];
int position = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < termFreq; k++)
position += TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 10);
BytesRef payload;
if (storePayloads && Random.Next(4) == 0)
var bytes = new byte[1 + Random.Next(5)];
for (int l = 0; l < bytes.Length; l++)
bytes[l] = (byte)Random.Next(255);
payload = new BytesRef(bytes);
payload = null;
positions[j][k] = new PositionData(this, position, payload);
terms[i] = new TermData(this, text2, docs, positions);
return terms;
public virtual void TestFixedPostings()
const int NUM_TERMS = 100;
TermData[] terms = new TermData[NUM_TERMS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TERMS; i++)
int[] docs = new int[] { i };
string text = Convert.ToString(i);
terms[i] = new TermData(this, text, docs, null);
FieldInfos.Builder builder = new FieldInfos.Builder();
FieldData field = new FieldData(this, "field", builder, terms, true, false);
FieldData[] fields = new FieldData[] { field };
FieldInfos fieldInfos = builder.Finish();
// LUCENENET specific - BUG: we must wrap this in a using block in case anything in the below loop throws
using Directory dir = NewDirectory();
this.Write(fieldInfos, dir, fields, true);
Codec codec = Codec.Default;
SegmentInfo si = new SegmentInfo(dir, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, SEGMENT, 10000, false, codec, null);
// LUCENENET specific - BUG: we must wrap this in a using block in case anything in the below loop throws
using FieldsProducer reader = codec.PostingsFormat.FieldsProducer(new SegmentReadState(dir, si, fieldInfos, NewIOContext(Random), DirectoryReader.DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR));
IEnumerator<string> fieldsEnum = reader.GetEnumerator();
string fieldName = fieldsEnum.Current;
Terms terms2 = reader.GetTerms(fieldName);
TermsEnum termsEnum = terms2.GetEnumerator();
DocsEnum docsEnum = null;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TERMS; i++)
BytesRef term = termsEnum.Term;
Assert.AreEqual(terms[i].text2, term.Utf8ToString());
// do this twice to stress test the codec's reuse, ie,
// make sure it properly fully resets (rewinds) its
// internal state:
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++)
docsEnum = TestUtil.Docs(Random, termsEnum, null, docsEnum, DocsFlags.NONE);
Assert.AreEqual(terms[i].docs[0], docsEnum.NextDoc());
Assert.AreEqual(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.NextDoc());
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TERMS; i++)
Assert.AreEqual(termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(terms[i].text2)), TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND);
public virtual void TestRandomPostings()
FieldInfos.Builder builder = new FieldInfos.Builder();
FieldData[] fields = new FieldData[NUM_FIELDS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
bool omitTF = 0 == (i % 3);
bool storePayloads = 1 == (i % 3);
fields[i] = new FieldData(this, fieldNames[i], builder, this.MakeRandomTerms(omitTF, storePayloads), omitTF, storePayloads);
// LUCENENET specific - BUG: we must wrap this in a using block in case anything in the below loop throws
using Directory dir = NewDirectory();
FieldInfos fieldInfos = builder.Finish();
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: now write postings");
this.Write(fieldInfos, dir, fields, false);
Codec codec = Codec.Default;
SegmentInfo si = new SegmentInfo(dir, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, SEGMENT, 10000, false, codec, null);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: now read postings");
// LUCENENET specific - BUG: we must wrap this in a using block in case anything in the below loop throws
using FieldsProducer terms = codec.PostingsFormat.FieldsProducer(new SegmentReadState(dir, si, fieldInfos, NewIOContext(Random), DirectoryReader.DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR));
Verify[] threads = new Verify[NUM_TEST_THREADS - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_THREADS - 1; i++)
threads[i] = new Verify(this, si, fields, terms);
threads[i].IsBackground = (true);
(new Verify(this, si, fields, terms)).Run();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_THREADS - 1; i++)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!threads[i].failed);
public virtual void TestSepPositionAfterMerge()
Directory dir = NewDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig config = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random));
config.SetCodec(TestUtil.AlwaysPostingsFormat(new MockSepPostingsFormat()));
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, config);
PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery();
pq.Add(new Term("content", "bbb"));
pq.Add(new Term("content", "ccc"));
Document doc = new Document();
FieldType customType = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
customType.OmitNorms = true;
doc.Add(NewField("content", "aaa bbb ccc ddd", customType));
// add document and force commit for creating a first segment
ScoreDoc[] results = this.Search(writer, pq, 5);
Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(0, results[0].Doc);
// add document and force commit for creating a second segment
// at this point, there should be at least two segments
results = this.Search(writer, pq, 5);
Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(0, results[0].Doc);
// optimise to merge the segments.
results = this.Search(writer, pq, 5);
Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(0, results[0].Doc);
private ScoreDoc[] Search(IndexWriter writer, Query q, int n)
IndexReader reader = writer.GetReader();
IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(reader);
return searcher.Search(q, null, n).ScoreDocs;
private class Verify : ThreadJob
private readonly TestCodecs outerInstance;
internal readonly Fields termsDict;
internal readonly FieldData[] fields;
internal readonly SegmentInfo si;
internal volatile bool failed;
internal Verify(TestCodecs outerInstance, SegmentInfo si, FieldData[] fields, Fields termsDict)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.fields = fields;
this.termsDict = termsDict; = si;
public override void Run()
catch (Exception t)
failed = true;
throw new Exception(t.toString(), t);
internal virtual void VerifyDocs(int[] docs, PositionData[][] positions, DocsEnum docsEnum, bool doPos)
for (int i = 0; i < docs.Length; i++)
int doc = docsEnum.NextDoc();
Assert.IsTrue(doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
Assert.AreEqual(docs[i], doc);
if (doPos)
this.VerifyPositions(positions[i], ((DocsAndPositionsEnum)docsEnum));
Assert.AreEqual(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.NextDoc());
internal sbyte[] data = new sbyte[10];
internal virtual void VerifyPositions(PositionData[] positions, DocsAndPositionsEnum posEnum)
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
int pos = posEnum.NextPosition();
Assert.AreEqual(positions[i].pos, pos);
if (positions[i].payload != null)
if (Random.Next(3) < 2)
// Verify the payload bytes
BytesRef otherPayload = posEnum.GetPayload();
Assert.IsTrue(positions[i].payload.Equals(otherPayload), "expected=" + positions[i].payload.ToString() + " got=" + otherPayload.ToString());
public virtual void _run()
for (int iter = 0; iter < NUM_TEST_ITER; iter++)
FieldData field = fields[Random.Next(fields.Length)];
TermsEnum termsEnum = termsDict.GetTerms(field.fieldInfo.Name).GetEnumerator();
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (si.Codec is Lucene3xCodec)
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
// code below expects unicode sort order
int upto = 0;
// Test straight enum of the terms:
while (termsEnum.MoveNext())
BytesRef term = termsEnum.Term;
BytesRef expected = new BytesRef(field.terms[upto++].text2);
Assert.IsTrue(expected.BytesEquals(term), "expected=" + expected + " vs actual " + term);
Assert.AreEqual(upto, field.terms.Length);
// Test random seek:
TermData term2 = field.terms[Random.Next(field.terms.Length)];
TermsEnum.SeekStatus status = termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(term2.text2));
Assert.AreEqual(status, TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND);
Assert.AreEqual(, termsEnum.DocFreq);
if (field.omitTF)
this.VerifyDocs(, term2.positions, TestUtil.Docs(Random, termsEnum, null, null, DocsFlags.NONE), false);
this.VerifyDocs(, term2.positions, termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(null, null), true);
// Test random seek by ord:
int idx = Random.Next(field.terms.Length);
term2 = field.terms[idx];
bool success = false;
success = true;
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (NotSupportedException uoe)
#pragma warning restore 168
// ok -- skip it
if (success)
Assert.AreEqual(status, TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND);
Assert.IsTrue(termsEnum.Term.BytesEquals(new BytesRef(term2.text2)));
Assert.AreEqual(, termsEnum.DocFreq);
if (field.omitTF)
this.VerifyDocs(, term2.positions, TestUtil.Docs(Random, termsEnum, null, null, DocsFlags.NONE), false);
this.VerifyDocs(, term2.positions, termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(null, null), true);
// Test seek to non-existent terms:
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: seek non-exist terms");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
string text2 = TestUtil.RandomUnicodeString(Random) + ".";
status = termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(text2));
Assert.IsTrue(status == TermsEnum.SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND || status == TermsEnum.SeekStatus.END);
// Seek to each term, backwards:
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: seek terms backwards");
for (int i = field.terms.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Assert.AreEqual(TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND, termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(field.terms[i].text2)), Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": field=" + field.fieldInfo.Name + " term=" + field.terms[i].text2);
Assert.AreEqual(field.terms[i].docs.Length, termsEnum.DocFreq);
// Seek to each term by ord, backwards
for (int i = field.terms.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Assert.AreEqual(field.terms[i].docs.Length, termsEnum.DocFreq);
Assert.IsTrue(termsEnum.Term.BytesEquals(new BytesRef(field.terms[i].text2)));
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (NotSupportedException uoe)
#pragma warning restore 168
// Seek to non-existent empty-string term
status = termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(""));
//Assert.AreEqual(TermsEnum.SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND, status);
// Make sure we're now pointing to first term
Assert.IsTrue(termsEnum.Term.BytesEquals(new BytesRef(field.terms[0].text2)));
// Test docs enum
termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(""));
upto = 0;
term2 = field.terms[upto];
if (Random.Next(3) == 1)
DocsEnum docs;
DocsEnum docsAndFreqs;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postings;
if (!field.omitTF)
postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(null, null);
if (postings != null)
docs = docsAndFreqs = postings;
docs = docsAndFreqs = TestUtil.Docs(Random, termsEnum, null, null, DocsFlags.FREQS);
postings = null;
docsAndFreqs = null;
docs = TestUtil.Docs(Random, termsEnum, null, null, DocsFlags.NONE);
int upto2 = -1;
bool ended = false;
while (upto2 < - 1)
// Maybe skip:
int left = - upto2;
int doc;
if (Random.Next(3) == 1 && left >= 1)
int inc = 1 + Random.Next(left - 1);
upto2 += inc;
if (Random.Next(2) == 1)
doc = docs.Advance([upto2]);
Assert.AreEqual([upto2], doc);
doc = docs.Advance(1 +[upto2]);
if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
// skipped past last doc
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(upto2 == - 1);
ended = true;
// skipped to next doc
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(upto2 < - 1);
if (doc >=[1 + upto2])
doc = docs.NextDoc();
Assert.IsTrue(doc != -1);
Assert.AreEqual([upto2], doc);
if (!field.omitTF)
Assert.AreEqual(term2.positions[upto2].Length, postings.Freq);
if (Random.Next(2) == 1)
this.VerifyPositions(term2.positions[upto2], postings);
if (!ended)
Assert.AreEqual(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, docs.NextDoc());
} while (termsEnum.MoveNext());
Assert.AreEqual(upto, field.terms.Length);
private void Write(FieldInfos fieldInfos, Directory dir, FieldData[] fields, bool allowPreFlex)
int termIndexInterval = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 13, 27);
Codec codec = Codec.Default;
SegmentInfo si = new SegmentInfo(dir, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, SEGMENT, 10000, false, codec, null);
SegmentWriteState state = new SegmentWriteState((InfoStream)InfoStream.Default, dir, si, fieldInfos, termIndexInterval, null, NewIOContext(Random));
// LUCENENET specific - BUG: we must wrap this in a using block in case anything in the below loop throws
using FieldsConsumer consumer = codec.PostingsFormat.FieldsConsumer(state);
foreach (FieldData field in fields)
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (!allowPreFlex && codec is Lucene3xCodec)
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
// code below expects unicode sort order
public virtual void TestDocsOnlyFreq()
// tests that when fields are indexed with DOCS_ONLY, the Codec
// returns 1 in docsEnum.Freq()
using Directory dir = NewDirectory();
Random random = Random;
using (IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random))))
// we don't need many documents to assert this, but don't use one document either
int numDocs = AtLeast(random, 50);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new StringField("f", "doc", Store.NO));
Term term = new Term("f", new BytesRef("doc"));
using DirectoryReader reader = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
foreach (AtomicReaderContext ctx in reader.Leaves)
DocsEnum de = ((AtomicReader)ctx.Reader).GetTermDocsEnum(term);
while (de.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
Assert.AreEqual(1, de.Freq, "wrong freq for doc " + de.DocID);
public virtual void TestDisableImpersonation()
Codec[] oldCodecs = new Codec[] { new Lucene40RWCodec(), new Lucene41RWCodec(), new Lucene42RWCodec() };
using Directory dir = NewDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig conf = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random));
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, conf);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(new StringField("f", "bar", Store.YES));
doc.Add(new NumericDocValuesField("n", 18L));
OldFormatImpersonationIsActive = false;
Assert.Fail("should not have succeeded to impersonate an old format!");
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (NotSupportedException e)
#pragma warning restore 168
OldFormatImpersonationIsActive = true;