blob: b81d9f6eb10063cba771c5253f988e0f9d916357 [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.Collections.Generic.Extensions;
using J2N.Threading;
using Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenAttributes;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Assert = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Assert;
using AssertionError = Lucene.Net.Diagnostics.AssertionException;
using Attribute = Lucene.Net.Util.Attribute;
using AttributeFactory = Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// Attribute that records if it was cleared or not. this is used
/// for testing that <see cref="Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.ClearAttributes()"/> was called correctly.
/// </summary>
public interface ICheckClearAttributesAttribute : IAttribute
bool GetAndResetClearCalled();
/// <summary>
/// Attribute that records if it was cleared or not. this is used
/// for testing that <see cref="Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.ClearAttributes()"/> was called correctly.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CheckClearAttributesAttribute : Attribute, ICheckClearAttributesAttribute
private bool clearCalled = false;
public bool GetAndResetClearCalled()
bool old = clearCalled;
clearCalled = false;
return old;
public override void Clear()
clearCalled = true;
public override bool Equals(object other)
return other is CheckClearAttributesAttribute checkClearAttributesAttribute
&& checkClearAttributesAttribute.clearCalled == this.clearCalled;
public override int GetHashCode()
return 76137213 ^ clearCalled.GetHashCode();
public override void CopyTo(IAttribute target)
/// <summary>
/// Base class for all Lucene unit tests that use <see cref="TokenStream"/>s.
/// <para/>
/// When writing unit tests for analysis components, its highly recommended
/// to use the helper methods here (especially in conjunction with <see cref="MockAnalyzer"/> or
/// <see cref="MockTokenizer"/>), as they contain many assertions and checks to
/// catch bugs.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="MockAnalyzer"/>
/// <seealso cref="MockTokenizer"/>
public abstract class BaseTokenStreamTestCase : LuceneTestCase
, Xunit.IClassFixture<BeforeAfterClass>
public BaseTokenStreamTestCase(BeforeAfterClass beforeAfter)
: base(beforeAfter)
// [Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior.BeforeEachDerivedClass)]
// new public static void BeforeClass(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext context)
// {
// Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase.BeforeClass(context);
// }
// [Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior.BeforeEachDerivedClass)]
// new public static void AfterClass()
// {
// Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase.AfterClass();
// }
// some helpers to test Analyzers and TokenStreams:
// LUCENENET specific - de-nested ICheckClearAttributesAttribute
// LUCENENET specific - de-nested CheckClearAttributesAttribute
// LUCENENET specific - Specify to unzip the line file docs
public override void BeforeClass()
UseTempLineDocsFile = true;
// offsetsAreCorrect also validates:
// - graph offsets are correct (all tokens leaving from
// pos X have the same startOffset; all tokens
// arriving to pos Y have the same endOffset)
// - offsets only move forwards (startOffset >=
// lastStartOffset)
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, int? finalOffset, int? finalPosInc, bool[] keywordAtts, bool offsetsAreCorrect, byte[][] payloads)
// LUCENENET: Bug fix: NUnit throws an exception when something fails.
// This causes Dispose() to be skipped and it pollutes other tests indicating false negatives.
// Added this try-finally block to fix this.
var checkClearAtt = ts.AddAttribute<ICheckClearAttributesAttribute>();
ICharTermAttribute termAtt = null;
if (output.Length > 0)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>(), "has no CharTermAttribute");
termAtt = ts.GetAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>();
IOffsetAttribute offsetAtt = null;
if (startOffsets != null || endOffsets != null || finalOffset != null)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(), "has no OffsetAttribute");
offsetAtt = ts.GetAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>();
ITypeAttribute typeAtt = null;
if (types != null)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<ITypeAttribute>(), "has no TypeAttribute");
typeAtt = ts.GetAttribute<ITypeAttribute>();
IPositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = null;
if (posIncrements != null || finalPosInc != null)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>(), "has no PositionIncrementAttribute");
posIncrAtt = ts.GetAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
IPositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt = null;
if (posLengths != null)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<IPositionLengthAttribute>(), "has no PositionLengthAttribute");
posLengthAtt = ts.GetAttribute<IPositionLengthAttribute>();
IKeywordAttribute keywordAtt = null;
if (keywordAtts != null)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<IKeywordAttribute>(), "has no KeywordAttribute");
keywordAtt = ts.GetAttribute<IKeywordAttribute>();
// *********** From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
IPayloadAttribute payloadAtt = null;
if (payloads != null)
Assert.IsTrue(ts.HasAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>(), "has no PayloadAttribute");
payloadAtt = ts.GetAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>();
// *********** End From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
// Maps position to the start/end offset:
IDictionary<int?, int?> posToStartOffset = new Dictionary<int?, int?>();
IDictionary<int?, int?> posToEndOffset = new Dictionary<int?, int?>();
int pos = -1;
int lastStartOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
// extra safety to enforce, that the state is not preserved and also assign bogus values
if (offsetAtt != null)
offsetAtt.SetOffset(14584724, 24683243);
if (typeAtt != null)
typeAtt.Type = "bogusType";
if (posIncrAtt != null)
posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement = 45987657;
if (posLengthAtt != null)
posLengthAtt.PositionLength = 45987653;
if (keywordAtt != null)
keywordAtt.IsKeyword = (i & 1) == 0;
// *********** From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
if (payloadAtt != null)
payloadAtt.Payload = new BytesRef(new byte[] { 0x00, unchecked((byte)-0x21), 0x12, unchecked((byte)-0x43), 0x24 });
// *********** End From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
bool reset = checkClearAtt.GetAndResetClearCalled(); // reset it, because we called clearAttribute() before
Assert.IsTrue(ts.IncrementToken(), "token " + i + " does not exist");
Assert.IsTrue(reset, "ClearAttributes() was not called correctly in TokenStream chain");
Assert.AreEqual(output[i], termAtt.ToString(), "term " + i + ", output[i] = " + output[i] + ", termAtt = " + termAtt.ToString());
if (startOffsets != null)
Assert.AreEqual(startOffsets[i], offsetAtt.StartOffset, "startOffset " + i);
if (endOffsets != null)
Assert.AreEqual(endOffsets[i], offsetAtt.EndOffset, "endOffset " + i);
if (types != null)
Assert.AreEqual(types[i], typeAtt.Type, "type " + i);
if (posIncrements != null)
Assert.AreEqual(posIncrements[i], posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement, "posIncrement " + i);
if (posLengths != null)
Assert.AreEqual(posLengths[i], posLengthAtt.PositionLength, "posLength " + i);
if (keywordAtts != null)
Assert.AreEqual(keywordAtts[i], keywordAtt.IsKeyword, "keywordAtt " + i);
// *********** From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
if (payloads != null)
if (payloads[i] != null)
Assert.AreEqual(new BytesRef(payloads[i]), payloadAtt.Payload, "payloads " + i);
Assert.IsNull(payloads[i], "payloads " + i);
// *********** End From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
// we can enforce some basic things about a few attributes even if the caller doesn't check:
if (offsetAtt != null)
int startOffset = offsetAtt.StartOffset;
int endOffset = offsetAtt.EndOffset;
if (finalOffset != null)
Assert.IsTrue(startOffset <= (int)finalOffset, "startOffset must be <= finalOffset");
Assert.IsTrue(endOffset <= (int)finalOffset, "endOffset must be <= finalOffset: got endOffset=" + endOffset + " vs finalOffset=" + (int)finalOffset);
if (offsetsAreCorrect)
Assert.IsTrue(offsetAtt.StartOffset >= lastStartOffset, "offsets must not go backwards startOffset=" + startOffset + " is < lastStartOffset=" + lastStartOffset);
lastStartOffset = offsetAtt.StartOffset;
if (offsetsAreCorrect && posLengthAtt != null && posIncrAtt != null)
// Validate offset consistency in the graph, ie
// all tokens leaving from a certain pos have the
// same startOffset, and all tokens arriving to a
// certain pos have the same endOffset:
int posInc = posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement;
pos += posInc;
int posLength = posLengthAtt.PositionLength;
if (!posToStartOffset.TryGetValue(pos, out int? oldStartOffset))
// First time we've seen a token leaving from this position:
posToStartOffset[pos] = startOffset;
//System.out.println(" + s " + pos + " -> " + startOffset);
// We've seen a token leaving from this position
// before; verify the startOffset is the same:
//System.out.println(" + vs " + pos + " -> " + startOffset);
Assert.AreEqual(oldStartOffset.GetValueOrDefault(), startOffset, "pos=" + pos + " posLen=" + posLength + " token=" + termAtt);
int endPos = pos + posLength;
if (!posToEndOffset.TryGetValue(endPos, out int? oldEndOffset))
// First time we've seen a token arriving to this position:
posToEndOffset[endPos] = endOffset;
//System.out.println(" + e " + endPos + " -> " + endOffset);
// We've seen a token arriving to this position
// before; verify the endOffset is the same:
//System.out.println(" + ve " + endPos + " -> " + endOffset);
Assert.AreEqual(oldEndOffset.GetValueOrDefault(), endOffset, "pos=" + pos + " posLen=" + posLength + " token=" + termAtt);
if (posIncrAtt != null)
if (i == 0)
Assert.IsTrue(posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement >= 1, "first posIncrement must be >= 1");
Assert.IsTrue(posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement >= 0, "posIncrement must be >= 0");
if (posLengthAtt != null)
Assert.IsTrue(posLengthAtt.PositionLength >= 1, "posLength must be >= 1");
if (ts.IncrementToken())
Assert.Fail("TokenStream has more tokens than expected (expected count=" + output.Length + "); extra token=" + termAtt);
// repeat our extra safety checks for End()
if (termAtt != null)
if (offsetAtt != null)
offsetAtt.SetOffset(14584724, 24683243);
if (typeAtt != null)
typeAtt.Type = "bogusType";
if (posIncrAtt != null)
posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement = 45987657;
if (posLengthAtt != null)
posLengthAtt.PositionLength = 45987653;
var reset_ = checkClearAtt.GetAndResetClearCalled(); // reset it, because we called clearAttribute() before
Assert.IsTrue(checkClearAtt.GetAndResetClearCalled(), "base.End()/ClearAttributes() was not called correctly in End()");
if (finalOffset != null)
Assert.AreEqual((int)finalOffset, offsetAtt.EndOffset, "finalOffset");
if (offsetAtt != null)
Assert.IsTrue(offsetAtt.EndOffset >= 0, "finalOffset must be >= 0");
if (finalPosInc != null)
Assert.AreEqual((int)finalPosInc, posIncrAtt.PositionIncrement, "finalPosInc");
catch (Exception)
#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, int? finalOffset, bool[] keywordAtts, bool offsetsAreCorrect)
#pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset, null, null, offsetsAreCorrect, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, int? finalOffset, bool offsetsAreCorrect)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset, null, offsetsAreCorrect);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, int? finalOffset)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset, true);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int? finalOffset)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, null, finalOffset);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, null, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, null, null, null, null, null, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, string[] types)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, null, null, types, null, null, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] posIncrements)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, null, null, null, posIncrements, null, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, null, null, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, int? finalOffset)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, null, null, finalOffset);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, int[] posIncrements)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, null, null);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, int[] posIncrements, int? finalOffset)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, null, finalOffset);
public static void AssertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, int? finalOffset)
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements)
CheckResetException(a, input);
AssertTokenStreamContents(a.GetTokenStream("dummy", new StringReader(input)), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, null, input.Length);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths)
CheckResetException(a, input);
AssertTokenStreamContents(a.GetTokenStream("dummy", new StringReader(input)), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, input.Length);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, bool offsetsAreCorrect)
CheckResetException(a, input);
AssertTokenStreamContents(a.GetTokenStream("dummy", new StringReader(input)), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, input.Length, offsetsAreCorrect);
// LUCENENET: Overload from Lucene 8.2.0
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, string[] types, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, bool graphOffsetsAreCorrect, byte[][] payloads)
CheckResetException(a, input);
AssertTokenStreamContents(a.GetTokenStream("dummy", input), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, input.Length, null, null, graphOffsetsAreCorrect, payloads);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, null, null, null);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, string[] types)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, types, null, null);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] posIncrements)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, null, posIncrements, null);
public static void AssertAnalyzesToPositions(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, null, posIncrements, posLengths);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, null, null);
public static void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, string input, string[] output, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, int[] posIncrements)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, null);
internal static void CheckResetException(Analyzer a, string input)
TokenStream ts = a.GetTokenStream("bogus", new StringReader(input));
if (ts.IncrementToken())
Assert.Fail("didn't get expected exception when reset() not called");
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168
catch (AssertionError expected) // LUCENENET: Actual AssertionError type is Lucene.Net.Diagnostics.AssertionException
// ok: MockTokenizer
Assert.IsTrue(expected.Message != null && expected.Message.Contains("wrong state"), expected.Message);
catch (Exception unexpected)
Assert.Fail("Got wrong exception when Reset() not called: " + unexpected);
// consume correctly
while (ts.IncrementToken())
// check for a missing Close()
ts = a.GetTokenStream("bogus", new StringReader(input));
while (ts.IncrementToken())
ts = a.GetTokenStream("bogus", new StringReader(input));
Assert.Fail("Didn't get expected exception when Dispose() not called");
catch (Exception)
// ok
/// <summary>
/// Simple utility method for testing stemmers
/// </summary>
public static void CheckOneTerm(Analyzer a, string input, string expected)
AssertAnalyzesTo(a, input, new string[] { expected });
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for blasting tokenstreams with data to make sure they don't do anything crazy
/// </summary>
public static void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, 20, false, true);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for blasting tokenstreams with data to make sure they don't do anything crazy
/// </summary>
public static void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, maxWordLength, false, true);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for blasting tokenstreams with data to make sure they don't do anything crazy
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simple"> true if only ascii strings will be used (try to avoid)</param>
public static void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, bool simple)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, 20, simple, true);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for blasting tokenstreams with data to make sure they don't do anything crazy
/// <para/>
/// LUCENENET specific
/// Non-static to reduce the inter-class dependencies due to use of
/// static variables
/// </summary>
public void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, 20, false, true);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for blasting tokenstreams with data to make sure they don't do anything crazy
/// <para/>
/// LUCENENET specific:
/// Non-static to reduce the inter-class dependencies due to use of
/// static variables
/// </summary>
public void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, maxWordLength, false, true);
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for blasting tokenstreams with data to make sure they don't do anything crazy
/// <para/>
/// LUCENENET specific:
/// Non-static to reduce the inter-class dependencies due to use of
/// static variables
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simple"> true if only ascii strings will be used (try to avoid)</param>
public void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, bool simple)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, 20, simple, true);
internal class AnalysisThread : ThreadJob
internal readonly int iterations;
internal readonly int maxWordLength;
internal readonly long seed;
internal readonly Analyzer a;
internal readonly bool useCharFilter;
internal readonly bool simple;
internal readonly bool offsetsAreCorrect;
internal readonly RandomIndexWriter iw;
private readonly CountdownEvent latch;
// NOTE: not volatile because we don't want the tests to
// add memory barriers (ie alter how threads
// interact)... so this is just "best effort":
public bool Failed { get; set; }
public Exception FirstException { get; set; } = null;
internal AnalysisThread(long seed, CountdownEvent latch, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength,
bool useCharFilter, bool simple, bool offsetsAreCorrect, RandomIndexWriter iw)
this.seed = seed;
this.a = a;
this.iterations = iterations;
this.maxWordLength = maxWordLength;
this.useCharFilter = useCharFilter;
this.simple = simple;
this.offsetsAreCorrect = offsetsAreCorrect;
this.iw = iw;
this.latch = latch;
public override void Run()
bool success = false;
if (latch != null) latch.Wait();
// see the part in checkRandomData where it replays the same text again
// to verify reproducability/reuse: hopefully this would catch thread hazards.
CheckRandomData(new Random((int)seed), a, iterations, maxWordLength, useCharFilter, simple, offsetsAreCorrect, iw);
success = true;
catch (Exception e)
//Console.WriteLine("Exception in Thread: " + e);
// LUCENENET: Throwing an exception on another thread
// is pointless, so we set it to a variable so we can read
// it from our main thread (for debugging).
if (FirstException == null)
FirstException = e;
Failed = !success;
public static void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength, bool simple)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, maxWordLength, simple, true);
public static void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength, bool simple, bool offsetsAreCorrect)
public void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength, bool simple)
CheckRandomData(random, a, iterations, maxWordLength, simple, true);
public void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength, bool simple, bool offsetsAreCorrect)
CheckResetException(a, "best effort");
long seed = random.Next();
bool useCharFilter = random.NextBoolean();
Directory dir = null;
RandomIndexWriter iw = null;
string postingsFormat = TestUtil.GetPostingsFormat("dummy");
bool codecOk = iterations * maxWordLength < 100000
|| !(postingsFormat.Equals("Memory", StringComparison.Ordinal)
|| postingsFormat.Equals("SimpleText", StringComparison.Ordinal));
if (Rarely(random) && codecOk)
dir = NewFSDirectory(CreateTempDir("bttc"));
iw = new RandomIndexWriter(
new Random((int)seed), dir, a);
bool success = false;
CheckRandomData(new Random((int)seed), a, iterations, maxWordLength, useCharFilter, simple, offsetsAreCorrect, iw);
// now test with multiple threads: note we do the EXACT same thing we did before in each thread,
// so this should only really fail from another thread if its an actual thread problem
int numThreads = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 2, 4);
var startingGun = new CountdownEvent(1);
var threads = new AnalysisThread[numThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++)
threads[i] = new AnalysisThread(seed, startingGun, a, iterations, maxWordLength, useCharFilter, simple, offsetsAreCorrect, iw);
foreach (AnalysisThread thread in threads)
foreach (var t in threads)
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
#pragma warning restore 168
fail("Thread interrupted");
//if (threads.Any(x => x.Failed))
// Fail("Thread threw exception");
foreach (var t in threads)
if (t.Failed)
fail("Thread threw exception: " + t.FirstException.ToString());
success = true;
if (success)
IOUtils.Dispose(iw, dir);
IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(iw, dir); // checkindex
private static void CheckRandomData(Random random, Analyzer a, int iterations, int maxWordLength, bool useCharFilter, bool simple, bool offsetsAreCorrect, RandomIndexWriter iw)
LineFileDocs docs = new LineFileDocs(random);
Document doc = null;
Field field = null, currentField = null;
StringReader bogus = new StringReader("");
if (iw != null)
doc = new Document();
FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
if (random.NextBoolean())
ft.StoreTermVectors = true;
ft.StoreTermVectorOffsets = random.NextBoolean();
ft.StoreTermVectorPositions = random.NextBoolean();
if (ft.StoreTermVectorPositions && !OldFormatImpersonationIsActive)
ft.StoreTermVectorPayloads = random.NextBoolean();
if (random.NextBoolean())
ft.OmitNorms = true;
string pf = TestUtil.GetPostingsFormat("dummy");
bool supportsOffsets = !DoesntSupportOffsets.Contains(pf);
switch (random.Next(4))
case 0:
ft.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY;
case 1:
ft.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS;
case 2:
ft.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
if (supportsOffsets && offsetsAreCorrect)
ft.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
currentField = field = new Field("dummy", bogus, ft);
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
string text;
if (random.Next(10) == 7)
// real data from linedocs
text = docs.NextDoc().Get("body");
if (text.Length > maxWordLength)
// Take a random slice from the text...:
int startPos = random.Next(text.Length - maxWordLength);
if (startPos > 0 && char.IsLowSurrogate(text[startPos]))
// Take care not to split up a surrogate pair:
int endPos = startPos + maxWordLength - 1;
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(text[endPos]))
// Take care not to split up a surrogate pair:
text = text.Substring(startPos, 1 + endPos - startPos);
// synthetic
text = TestUtil.RandomAnalysisString(random, maxWordLength, simple);
CheckAnalysisConsistency(random, a, useCharFilter, text, offsetsAreCorrect, currentField);
if (iw != null)
if (random.Next(7) == 0)
// pile up a multivalued field
var ft = field.FieldType;
currentField = new Field("dummy", bogus, ft);
if (doc.Fields.Count > 1)
// back to 1 field
currentField = field;
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (Exception t)
#pragma warning restore 168
// TODO: really we should pass a random seed to
// checkAnalysisConsistency then print it here too:
Console.Error.WriteLine("TEST FAIL: useCharFilter=" + useCharFilter + " text='" + Escape(text) + "'");
public static string Escape(string s)
int charUpto = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (charUpto < s.Length)
int c = s[charUpto];
if (c == 0xa)
// Strangely, you cannot put \ u000A into Java
// sources (not in a comment nor a string
// constant)...:
else if (c == 0xd)
// ... nor \ u000D:
else if (c == '"')
else if (c == '\\')
else if (c >= 0x20 && c < 0x80)
// TODO: we can make ascii easier to read if we
// don't escape...
sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "\\u{0:x4}", c);
return sb.ToString();
public static void CheckAnalysisConsistency(Random random, Analyzer a, bool useCharFilter, string text)
CheckAnalysisConsistency(random, a, useCharFilter, text, true);
public static void CheckAnalysisConsistency(Random random, Analyzer a, bool useCharFilter, string text, bool offsetsAreCorrect)
CheckAnalysisConsistency(random, a, useCharFilter, text, offsetsAreCorrect, null);
private static void CheckAnalysisConsistency(Random random, Analyzer a, bool useCharFilter, string text, bool offsetsAreCorrect, Field field)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": NOTE: baseTokenStreamTestCase: get first token stream now text=" + text);
ICharTermAttribute termAtt;
IOffsetAttribute offsetAtt;
IPositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt;
IPositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt;
ITypeAttribute typeAtt;
IList<string> tokens = new List<string>();
IList<string> types = new List<string>();
IList<int> positions = new List<int>();
IList<int> positionLengths = new List<int>();
IList<int> startOffsets = new List<int>();
IList<int> endOffsets = new List<int>();
int remainder = random.Next(10);
TextReader reader = new StringReader(text);
TokenStream ts;
using (ts = a.GetTokenStream("dummy", useCharFilter ? new MockCharFilter(reader, remainder) : reader))
bool isReset = false;
termAtt = ts.HasAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>() ? ts.GetAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>() : null;
offsetAtt = ts.HasAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>() ? ts.GetAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>() : null;
posIncAtt = ts.HasAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>() ? ts.GetAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>() : null;
posLengthAtt = ts.HasAttribute<IPositionLengthAttribute>() ? ts.GetAttribute<IPositionLengthAttribute>() : null;
typeAtt = ts.HasAttribute<ITypeAttribute>() ? ts.GetAttribute<ITypeAttribute>() : null;
isReset = true;
// First pass: save away "correct" tokens
while (ts.IncrementToken())
Assert.IsNotNull(termAtt, "has no CharTermAttribute");
if (typeAtt != null)
if (posIncAtt != null)
if (posLengthAtt != null)
if (offsetAtt != null)
// LUCENENET: We are doing this in the finally block to ensure it happens
// when there are exeptions thrown (such as when the assert fails).
if (!isReset)
// consume correctly
while (ts.IncrementToken());
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (Exception ex)
#pragma warning restore 168
// ignore
ts.End(); // ts.end();
} // ts.close();
// verify reusing is "reproducable" and also get the normal tokenstream sanity checks
if (tokens.Count > 0)
// KWTokenizer (for example) can produce a token
// even when input is length 0:
if (text.Length != 0)
// (Optional) second pass: do something evil:
int evilness = random.Next(50);
if (evilness == 17)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": NOTE: baseTokenStreamTestCase: re-run analysis w/ exception");
// Throw an errant exception from the Reader:
using MockReaderWrapper evilReader = new MockReaderWrapper(random, new StringReader(text));
evilReader.ThrowExcAfterChar(random.Next(text.Length)); // LUCENENET note, Next() is exclusive, so we don't need +1
//reader = evilReader; // LUCENENET: IDE0059: Remove unnecessary value assignment
// NOTE: some Tokenizers go and read characters
// when you call .SetReader(TextReader), eg
// PatternTokenizer. this is a bit
// iffy... (really, they should only
// pull from the TextReader when you call
// .IncremenToken(), I think?), but we
// currently allow it, so, we must call
// a.TokenStream inside the try since we may
// hit the exc on init:
ts = a.GetTokenStream("dummy", useCharFilter ? (TextReader)new MockCharFilter(evilReader, remainder) : evilReader);
while (ts.IncrementToken()) ;
Assert.Fail("did not hit exception");
catch (Exception re)
// LUCENENET: Actual AssertionError type is Lucene.Net.Diagnostics.AssertionException
catch (AssertionError ae) when (ae.Message.Contains("End() called before IncrementToken() returned false!"))
// Catch & ignore MockTokenizer's
// anger...
// OK
else if (evilness == 7)
// Only consume a subset of the tokens:
int numTokensToRead = random.Next(tokens.Count);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": NOTE: baseTokenStreamTestCase: re-run analysis, only consuming " + numTokensToRead + " of " + tokens.Count + " tokens");
reader = new StringReader(text);
ts = a.GetTokenStream("dummy", useCharFilter ? (TextReader)new MockCharFilter(reader, remainder) : reader);
for (int tokenCount = 0; tokenCount < numTokensToRead; tokenCount++)
// LUCENENET: Actual AssertionError type is Lucene.Net.Diagnostics.AssertionException
catch (AssertionError ae) when (ae.Message.Contains("End() called before IncrementToken() returned false!"))
// Catch & ignore MockTokenizer's
// anger...
// OK
// Final pass: verify clean tokenization matches
// results from first pass:
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": NOTE: baseTokenStreamTestCase: re-run analysis; " + tokens.Count + " tokens");
reader = new StringReader(text);
long seed = random.Next();
random = new Random((int)seed);
if (random.Next(30) == 7)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": NOTE: baseTokenStreamTestCase: using spoon-feed reader");
reader = new MockReaderWrapper(random, reader);
ts = a.GetTokenStream("dummy", useCharFilter ? (TextReader)new MockCharFilter(reader, remainder) : reader);
if (typeAtt != null && posIncAtt != null && posLengthAtt != null && offsetAtt != null)
// offset + pos + posLength + type
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, tokens.ToArray(), ToIntArray(startOffsets), ToIntArray(endOffsets), types.ToArray(), ToIntArray(positions), ToIntArray(positionLengths), text.Length, offsetsAreCorrect);
else if (typeAtt != null && posIncAtt != null && offsetAtt != null)
// offset + pos + type
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, tokens.ToArray(), ToIntArray(startOffsets), ToIntArray(endOffsets), types.ToArray(), ToIntArray(positions), null, text.Length, offsetsAreCorrect);
else if (posIncAtt != null && posLengthAtt != null && offsetAtt != null)
// offset + pos + posLength
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, tokens.ToArray(), ToIntArray(startOffsets), ToIntArray(endOffsets), null, ToIntArray(positions), ToIntArray(positionLengths), text.Length, offsetsAreCorrect);
else if (posIncAtt != null && offsetAtt != null)
// offset + pos
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, tokens.ToArray(), ToIntArray(startOffsets), ToIntArray(endOffsets), null, ToIntArray(positions), null, text.Length, offsetsAreCorrect);
else if (offsetAtt != null)
// offset
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, tokens.ToArray(), ToIntArray(startOffsets), ToIntArray(endOffsets), null, null, null, text.Length, offsetsAreCorrect);
// terms only
AssertTokenStreamContents(ts, tokens.ToArray());
if (field != null)
reader = new StringReader(text);
random = new Random((int)seed);
if (random.Next(30) == 7)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": NOTE: baseTokenStreamTestCase: indexing using spoon-feed reader");
reader = new MockReaderWrapper(random, reader);
field.SetReaderValue(useCharFilter ? (TextReader)new MockCharFilter(reader, remainder) : reader);
protected internal virtual string ToDot(Analyzer a, string inputText)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
TokenStream ts = a.GetTokenStream("field", new StringReader(inputText));
(new TokenStreamToDot(inputText, ts, /*new StreamWriter(*/(TextWriter)sw/*)*/)).ToDot();
return sw.ToString();
protected internal virtual void ToDotFile(Analyzer a, string inputText, string localFileName)
using StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(localFileName, FileMode.Open), Encoding.UTF8);
TokenStream ts = a.GetTokenStream("field", new StringReader(inputText));
(new TokenStreamToDot(inputText, ts,/* new PrintWriter(*/w/*)*/)).ToDot();
[ExceptionToNetNumericConvention] // LUCENENET: Private API, keeping as-is
internal static int[] ToIntArray(IList<int> list)
int[] ret = new int[list.Count];
int offset = 0;
foreach (int i in list)
ret[offset++] = i;
return ret;
// *********** From Lucene 8.2.0 **************
/// <summary>Returns a random <see cref="AttributeFactory"/> impl</summary>
public static AttributeFactory NewAttributeFactory(Random random)
switch (random.nextInt(2))
case 0:
case 1:
return AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY;
throw new AssertionError("Please fix the Random.nextInt() call above");
//switch (random.nextInt(3))
// case 0:
// case 1:
// case 2:
// return AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY;
// default:
// throw new AssertionError("Please fix the Random.nextInt() call above");
/// <summary>Returns a random <see cref="AttributeFactory"/> impl</summary>
public static AttributeFactory NewAttributeFactory()
return NewAttributeFactory(Random);
// *********** End From Lucene 8.2.0 **************