blob: dc52f298c0c544fd3035d8ddf61c736a403153e3 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
using TermInfo = Lucene.Net.Search.VectorHighlight.FieldTermStack.TermInfo;
namespace Lucene.Net.Search.VectorHighlight
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="FieldQuery"/> breaks down query object into terms/phrases and keeps
/// them in a <see cref="QueryPhraseMap"/> structure.
/// </summary>
public class FieldQuery
internal readonly bool fieldMatch;
// fieldMatch==true, Map<fieldName,QueryPhraseMap>
// fieldMatch==false, Map<null,QueryPhraseMap>
internal IDictionary<string, QueryPhraseMap> rootMaps = new JCG.Dictionary<string, QueryPhraseMap>();
// fieldMatch==true, Map<fieldName,setOfTermsInQueries>
// fieldMatch==false, Map<null,setOfTermsInQueries>
internal IDictionary<string, ISet<string>> termSetMap = new JCG.Dictionary<string, ISet<string>>();
internal int termOrPhraseNumber; // used for colored tag support
// The maximum number of different matching terms accumulated from any one MultiTermQuery
private const int MAX_MTQ_TERMS = 1024;
internal FieldQuery(Query query, IndexReader reader, bool phraseHighlight, bool fieldMatch)
this.fieldMatch = fieldMatch;
// LUCENENET NOTE: LinkedHashSet cares about insertion order
ISet<Query> flatQueries = new JCG.LinkedHashSet<Query>();
Flatten(query, reader, flatQueries);
SaveTerms(flatQueries, reader);
ICollection<Query> expandQueries = Expand(flatQueries);
foreach (Query flatQuery in expandQueries)
QueryPhraseMap rootMap = GetRootMap(flatQuery);
rootMap.Add(flatQuery /*, reader // LUCENENET: Never read */);
if (!phraseHighlight && flatQuery is PhraseQuery pq)
if (pq.GetTerms().Length > 1)
foreach (Term term in pq.GetTerms())
rootMap.AddTerm(term, flatQuery.Boost);
/// <summary>
/// For backwards compatibility you can initialize <see cref="FieldQuery"/> without
/// an <see cref="IndexReader"/>, which is only required to support <see cref="MultiTermQuery"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query"></param>
/// <param name="phraseHighlight"></param>
/// <param name="fieldMatch"></param>
internal FieldQuery(Query query, bool phraseHighlight, bool fieldMatch)
: this(query, null, phraseHighlight, fieldMatch)
internal void Flatten(Query sourceQuery, IndexReader reader, ICollection<Query> flatQueries)
if (sourceQuery is BooleanQuery bq)
foreach (BooleanClause clause in bq)
if (!clause.IsProhibited)
Flatten(ApplyParentBoost(clause.Query, bq), reader, flatQueries);
else if (sourceQuery is DisjunctionMaxQuery dmq)
foreach (Query query in dmq)
Flatten(ApplyParentBoost(query, dmq), reader, flatQueries);
else if (sourceQuery is TermQuery)
if (!flatQueries.Contains(sourceQuery))
else if (sourceQuery is PhraseQuery pq)
if (!flatQueries.Contains(sourceQuery)) // LUCENENET - set semantics, but this is a list. The original logic was already correct.
if (pq.GetTerms().Length > 1)
else if (pq.GetTerms().Length == 1)
Query flat = new TermQuery(pq.GetTerms()[0])
Boost = pq.Boost
else if (sourceQuery is ConstantScoreQuery constantScoreQuery)
Query q = constantScoreQuery.Query;
if (q != null)
Flatten(ApplyParentBoost(q, sourceQuery), reader, flatQueries);
else if (sourceQuery is FilteredQuery filteredQuery)
Query q = filteredQuery.Query;
if (q != null)
Flatten(ApplyParentBoost(q, sourceQuery), reader, flatQueries);
else if (reader != null)
Query query = sourceQuery;
if (sourceQuery is MultiTermQuery)
MultiTermQuery copy = (MultiTermQuery)sourceQuery.Clone();
copy.MultiTermRewriteMethod = new MultiTermQuery.TopTermsScoringBooleanQueryRewrite(MAX_MTQ_TERMS);
query = copy;
Query rewritten = query.Rewrite(reader);
if (rewritten != query)
// only rewrite once and then flatten again - the rewritten query could have a speacial treatment
// if this method is overwritten in a subclass.
Flatten(rewritten, reader, flatQueries);
// if the query is already rewritten we discard it
// else discard queries
/// <summary>
/// Push parent's boost into a clone of query if parent has a non 1 boost.
/// </summary>
protected virtual Query ApplyParentBoost(Query query, Query parent)
if (parent.Boost == 1)
return query;
Query cloned = (Query)query.Clone();
cloned.Boost = query.Boost * parent.Boost;
return cloned;
/// <summary>
/// Create expandQueries from <paramref name="flatQueries"/>.
/// <code>
/// expandQueries := flatQueries + overlapped phrase queries
/// ex1) flatQueries={a,b,c}
/// => expandQueries={a,b,c}
/// ex2) flatQueries={a,"b c","c d"}
/// => expandQueries={a,"b c","c d","b c d"}
/// </code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flatQueries"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal ICollection<Query> Expand(ICollection<Query> flatQueries)
ISet<Query> expandQueries = new JCG.LinkedHashSet<Query>();
for (int i = 0; i < flatQueries.Count; )
Query query = flatQueries.ElementAt(i);
if (!flatQueries.Remove(query))
if (!(query is PhraseQuery)) continue;
using IEnumerator<Query> j = flatQueries.GetEnumerator();
while (j.MoveNext())
Query qj = j.Current;
if (!(qj is PhraseQuery)) continue;
CheckOverlap(expandQueries, (PhraseQuery)query, (PhraseQuery)qj);
//for (IEnumerator<Query> i = flatQueries.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext();)
// Query query = i.Current;
// i.Remove();
// expandQueries.Add(query);
// if (!(query is PhraseQuery)) continue;
// for (IEnumerator<Query> j = flatQueries.GetEnumerator(); j.MoveNext();)
// {
// Query qj = j.Current;
// if (!(qj is PhraseQuery)) continue;
// CheckOverlap(expandQueries, (PhraseQuery)query, (PhraseQuery)qj);
// }
return expandQueries;
/// <summary>
/// Check if <see cref="PhraseQuery"/> A and B have overlapped part.
/// <code>
/// ex1) A="a b", B="b c" => overlap; expandQueries={"a b c"}
/// ex2) A="b c", B="a b" => overlap; expandQueries={"a b c"}
/// ex3) A="a b", B="c d" => no overlap; expandQueries={}
/// </code>
/// </summary>
private void CheckOverlap(ICollection<Query> expandQueries, PhraseQuery a, PhraseQuery b)
if (a.Slop != b.Slop) return;
Term[] ats = a.GetTerms();
Term[] bts = b.GetTerms();
if (fieldMatch && !ats[0].Field.Equals(bts[0].Field, StringComparison.Ordinal)) return;
CheckOverlap(expandQueries, ats, bts, a.Slop, a.Boost);
CheckOverlap(expandQueries, bts, ats, b.Slop, b.Boost);
/// <summary>
/// Check if src and dest have overlapped part and if it is, create <see cref="PhraseQuery"/>s and add <paramref name="expandQueries"/>.
/// <code>
/// ex1) src="a b", dest="c d" => no overlap
/// ex2) src="a b", dest="a b c" => no overlap
/// ex3) src="a b", dest="b c" => overlap; expandQueries={"a b c"}
/// ex4) src="a b c", dest="b c d" => overlap; expandQueries={"a b c d"}
/// ex5) src="a b c", dest="b c" => no overlap
/// ex6) src="a b c", dest="b" => no overlap
/// ex7) src="a a a a", dest="a a a" => overlap;
/// expandQueries={"a a a a a","a a a a a a"}
/// ex8) src="a b c d", dest="b c" => no overlap
/// </code>
/// </summary>
private static void CheckOverlap(ICollection<Query> expandQueries, Term[] src, Term[] dest, int slop, float boost) // LUCENENET: CA1822: Mark members as static
// beginning from 1 (not 0) is safe because that the PhraseQuery has multiple terms
// is guaranteed in flatten() method (if PhraseQuery has only one term, flatten()
// converts PhraseQuery to TermQuery)
for (int i = 1; i < src.Length; i++)
bool overlap = true;
for (int j = i; j < src.Length; j++)
if ((j - i) < dest.Length && !src[j].Text().Equals(dest[j - i].Text(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
overlap = false;
if (overlap && src.Length - i < dest.Length)
PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery();
foreach (Term srcTerm in src)
for (int k = src.Length - i; k < dest.Length; k++)
pq.Add(new Term(src[0].Field, dest[k].Text()));
pq.Slop = slop;
pq.Boost = boost;
if (!expandQueries.Contains(pq)) // LUCENENET specific - set semantics, but this is a list
internal QueryPhraseMap GetRootMap(Query query)
string key = GetKey(query);
if (!rootMaps.TryGetValue(key, out QueryPhraseMap map) || map == null)
map = new QueryPhraseMap(this);
rootMaps[key] = map;
return map;
/// <summary>
/// Return 'key' string. 'key' is the field name of the <see cref="Query"/>.
/// If not fieldMatch, 'key' will be null.
/// </summary>
private string GetKey(Query query)
if (!fieldMatch) return null;
if (query is TermQuery termQuery)
return termQuery.Term.Field;
else if (query is PhraseQuery pq)
Term[] terms = pq.GetTerms();
return terms[0].Field;
else if (query is MultiTermQuery multiTermQuery)
return multiTermQuery.Field;
throw new Exception("query \"" + query.ToString() + "\" must be flatten first.");
/// <summary>
/// Save the set of terms in the queries to <see cref="termSetMap"/>.
/// <code>
/// ex1) q=name:john
/// - fieldMatch==true
/// termSetMap=IDictionary&lt;"name",ISet&lt;"john"&gt;&gt;
/// - fieldMatch==false
/// termSetMap=IDictionary&lt;null,ISet&lt;"john"&gt;&gt;
/// ex2) q=name:john title:manager
/// - fieldMatch==true
/// termSetMap=IDictionary&lt;"name",ISet&lt;"john"&gt;,
/// "title",ISet&lt;"manager"&gt;&gt;
/// - fieldMatch==false
/// termSetMap=IDictionary&lt;null,ISet&lt;"john","manager"&gt;&gt;
/// ex3) q=name:"john lennon"
/// - fieldMatch==true
/// termSetMap=IDictionary&lt;"name",ISet&lt;"john","lennon"&gt;&gt;
/// - fieldMatch==false
/// termSetMap=IDictionary&lt;null,ISet&lt;"john","lennon"&gt;&gt;
/// </code>
/// </summary>
internal void SaveTerms(ICollection<Query> flatQueries, IndexReader reader)
foreach (Query query in flatQueries)
ISet<string> termSet = GetTermSet(query);
if (query is TermQuery termQuery)
else if (query is PhraseQuery phraseQuery)
foreach (Term term in phraseQuery.GetTerms())
else if (query is MultiTermQuery && reader != null)
BooleanQuery mtqTerms = (BooleanQuery)query.Rewrite(reader);
foreach (BooleanClause clause in mtqTerms.GetClauses())
throw new Exception("query \"" + query.ToString() + "\" must be flatten first.");
private ISet<string> GetTermSet(Query query)
string key = GetKey(query);
if (!termSetMap.TryGetValue(key, out ISet<string> set) || set == null)
set = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
termSetMap[key] = set;
return set;
internal ISet<string> GetTermSet(string field)
termSetMap.TryGetValue(fieldMatch ? field : null, out ISet<string> result);
return result;
/// <returns>QueryPhraseMap</returns>
public virtual QueryPhraseMap GetFieldTermMap(string fieldName, string term)
QueryPhraseMap rootMap = GetRootMap(fieldName);
if (rootMap == null) return null;
rootMap.subMap.TryGetValue(term, out QueryPhraseMap result);
return result;
/// <returns>QueryPhraseMap</returns>
public virtual QueryPhraseMap SearchPhrase(string fieldName, IList<TermInfo> phraseCandidate)
QueryPhraseMap root = GetRootMap(fieldName);
if (root == null) return null;
return root.SearchPhrase(phraseCandidate);
private QueryPhraseMap GetRootMap(string fieldName)
rootMaps.TryGetValue(fieldMatch ? fieldName : null, out QueryPhraseMap result);
return result;
internal int NextTermOrPhraseNumber()
return termOrPhraseNumber++;
/// <summary>
/// Internal structure of a query for highlighting: represents
/// a nested query structure
/// </summary>
public class QueryPhraseMap
internal bool terminal;
internal int slop; // valid if terminal == true and phraseHighlight == true
internal float boost; // valid if terminal == true
internal int termOrPhraseNumber; // valid if terminal == true
internal FieldQuery fieldQuery;
internal IDictionary<string, QueryPhraseMap> subMap = new Dictionary<string, QueryPhraseMap>();
public QueryPhraseMap(FieldQuery fieldQuery)
this.fieldQuery = fieldQuery;
internal void AddTerm(Term term, float boost)
QueryPhraseMap map = GetOrNewMap(subMap, term.Text());
private QueryPhraseMap GetOrNewMap(IDictionary<string, QueryPhraseMap> subMap, string term)
if (!subMap.TryGetValue(term, out QueryPhraseMap map) || map == null)
map = new QueryPhraseMap(fieldQuery);
subMap[term] = map;
return map;
internal void Add(Query query /*, IndexReader reader // LUCENENET: Never read */)
if (query is TermQuery termQuery)
AddTerm(termQuery.Term, query.Boost);
else if (query is PhraseQuery pq)
Term[] terms = pq.GetTerms();
IDictionary<string, QueryPhraseMap> map = subMap;
QueryPhraseMap qpm = null;
foreach (Term term in terms)
qpm = GetOrNewMap(map, term.Text());
map = qpm.subMap;
qpm.MarkTerminal(pq.Slop, pq.Boost);
throw new Exception("query \"" + query.ToString() + "\" must be flatten first.");
public virtual QueryPhraseMap GetTermMap(string term)
subMap.TryGetValue(term, out QueryPhraseMap result);
return result;
private void MarkTerminal(float boost)
MarkTerminal(0, boost);
private void MarkTerminal(int slop, float boost)
this.terminal = true;
this.slop = slop;
this.boost = boost;
this.termOrPhraseNumber = fieldQuery.NextTermOrPhraseNumber();
public virtual bool IsTerminal => terminal;
public virtual int Slop => slop;
public virtual float Boost => boost;
public virtual int TermOrPhraseNumber => termOrPhraseNumber;
public virtual QueryPhraseMap SearchPhrase(IList<TermInfo> phraseCandidate)
QueryPhraseMap currMap = this;
foreach (TermInfo ti in phraseCandidate)
currMap.subMap.TryGetValue(ti.Text, out currMap);
if (currMap == null) return null;
return currMap.IsValidTermOrPhrase(phraseCandidate) ? currMap : null;
public virtual bool IsValidTermOrPhrase(IList<TermInfo> phraseCandidate)
// check terminal
if (!terminal) return false;
// if the candidate is a term, it is valid
if (phraseCandidate.Count == 1) return true;
// else check whether the candidate is valid phrase
// compare position-gaps between terms to slop
int pos = phraseCandidate[0].Position;
for (int i = 1; i < phraseCandidate.Count; i++)
int nextPos = phraseCandidate[i].Position;
if (Math.Abs(nextPos - pos - 1) > slop) return false;
pos = nextPos;
return true;