blob: 8543233db47ee8eb2f7a23eaa5e3f10266535a84 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Util.Fst
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using DataInput = Lucene.Net.Store.DataInput;
using DataOutput = Lucene.Net.Store.DataOutput;
// TODO: merge with PagedBytes, except PagedBytes doesn't
// let you read while writing which FST needs
internal class BytesStore : DataOutput
private readonly JCG.List<byte[]> blocks = new JCG.List<byte[]>();
private readonly int blockSize;
private readonly int blockBits;
private readonly int blockMask;
private byte[] current;
private int nextWrite;
public BytesStore(int blockBits)
this.blockBits = blockBits;
blockSize = 1 << blockBits;
blockMask = blockSize - 1;
nextWrite = blockSize;
/// <summary>
/// Pulls bytes from the provided <see cref="Store.IndexInput"/>. </summary>
public BytesStore(DataInput @in, long numBytes, int maxBlockSize)
int blockSize = 2;
int blockBits = 1;
while (blockSize < numBytes && blockSize < maxBlockSize)
blockSize *= 2;
this.blockBits = blockBits;
this.blockSize = blockSize;
this.blockMask = blockSize - 1;
long left = numBytes;
while (left > 0)
int chunk = (int)Math.Min(blockSize, left);
byte[] block = new byte[chunk];
@in.ReadBytes(block, 0, block.Length);
left -= chunk;
// So .getPosition still works
nextWrite = blocks[blocks.Count - 1].Length;
/// <summary>
/// Absolute write byte; you must ensure dest is &lt; max
/// position written so far.
/// </summary>
public virtual void WriteByte(int dest, byte b)
int blockIndex = dest >> blockBits;
byte[] block = blocks[blockIndex];
block[dest & blockMask] = b;
public override void WriteByte(byte b)
if (nextWrite == blockSize)
current = new byte[blockSize];
nextWrite = 0;
current[nextWrite++] = b;
public override void WriteBytes(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
while (len > 0)
int chunk = blockSize - nextWrite;
if (len <= chunk)
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, current, nextWrite, len);
nextWrite += len;
if (chunk > 0)
Array.Copy(b, offset, current, nextWrite, chunk);
offset += chunk;
len -= chunk;
current = new byte[blockSize];
nextWrite = 0;
internal virtual int BlockBits => blockBits;
/// <summary>
/// Absolute writeBytes without changing the current
/// position. Note: this cannot "grow" the bytes, so you
/// must only call it on already written parts.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void WriteBytes(long dest, byte[] b, int offset, int len)
//System.out.println(" BS.writeBytes dest=" + dest + " offset=" + offset + " len=" + len);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(dest + len <= Position, "dest={0} pos={1} len={2}", dest, Position, len);
// Note: weird: must go "backwards" because copyBytes
// calls us with overlapping src/dest. If we
// go forwards then we overwrite bytes before we can
// copy them:
int blockIndex = dest >> blockBits;
int upto = dest & blockMask;
byte[] block = blocks.get(blockIndex);
while (len > 0) {
int chunk = blockSize - upto;
System.out.println(" cycle chunk=" + chunk + " len=" + len);
if (len <= chunk) {
System.arraycopy(b, offset, block, upto, len);
} else {
System.arraycopy(b, offset, block, upto, chunk);
offset += chunk;
len -= chunk;
block = blocks.get(blockIndex);
upto = 0;
long end = dest + len;
int blockIndex = (int)(end >> blockBits);
int downTo = (int)(end & blockMask);
if (downTo == 0)
downTo = blockSize;
byte[] block = blocks[blockIndex];
while (len > 0)
//System.out.println(" cycle downTo=" + downTo + " len=" + len);
if (len <= downTo)
//System.out.println(" final: offset=" + offset + " len=" + len + " dest=" + (downTo-len));
Array.Copy(b, offset, block, downTo - len, len);
len -= downTo;
//System.out.println(" partial: offset=" + (offset + len) + " len=" + downTo + " dest=0");
Array.Copy(b, offset + len, block, 0, downTo);
block = blocks[blockIndex];
downTo = blockSize;
/// <summary>
/// Absolute copy bytes self to self, without changing the
/// position. Note: this cannot "grow" the bytes, so must
/// only call it on already written parts.
/// </summary>
public virtual void CopyBytes(long src, long dest, int len)
//System.out.println("BS.copyBytes src=" + src + " dest=" + dest + " len=" + len);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(src < dest);
// Note: weird: must go "backwards" because copyBytes
// calls us with overlapping src/dest. If we
// go forwards then we overwrite bytes before we can
// copy them:
int blockIndex = src >> blockBits;
int upto = src & blockMask;
byte[] block = blocks.get(blockIndex);
while (len > 0) {
int chunk = blockSize - upto;
System.out.println(" cycle: chunk=" + chunk + " len=" + len);
if (len <= chunk) {
writeBytes(dest, block, upto, len);
} else {
writeBytes(dest, block, upto, chunk);
block = blocks.get(blockIndex);
upto = 0;
len -= chunk;
dest += chunk;
long end = src + len;
int blockIndex = (int)(end >> blockBits);
int downTo = (int)(end & blockMask);
if (downTo == 0)
downTo = blockSize;
byte[] block = blocks[blockIndex];
while (len > 0)
//System.out.println(" cycle downTo=" + downTo);
if (len <= downTo)
//System.out.println(" finish");
WriteBytes(dest, block, downTo - len, len);
//System.out.println(" partial");
len -= downTo;
WriteBytes(dest + len, block, 0, downTo);
block = blocks[blockIndex];
downTo = blockSize;
/// <summary>
/// Writes an <see cref="int"/> at the absolute position without
/// changing the current pointer.
/// <para/>
/// NOTE: This was writeInt() in Lucene
/// </summary>
public virtual void WriteInt32(long pos, int value)
int blockIndex = (int)(pos >> blockBits);
int upto = (int)(pos & blockMask);
byte[] block = blocks[blockIndex];
int shift = 24;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
block[upto++] = (byte)(value >> shift);
shift -= 8;
if (upto == blockSize)
upto = 0;
block = blocks[blockIndex];
/// <summary>
/// Reverse from <paramref name="srcPos"/>, inclusive, to <paramref name="destPos"/>, inclusive. </summary>
public virtual void Reverse(long srcPos, long destPos)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(srcPos < destPos);
Debugging.Assert(destPos < Position);
//System.out.println("reverse src=" + srcPos + " dest=" + destPos);
int srcBlockIndex = (int)(srcPos >> blockBits);
int src = (int)(srcPos & blockMask);
byte[] srcBlock = blocks[srcBlockIndex];
int destBlockIndex = (int)(destPos >> blockBits);
int dest = (int)(destPos & blockMask);
byte[] destBlock = blocks[destBlockIndex];
//System.out.println(" srcBlock=" + srcBlockIndex + " destBlock=" + destBlockIndex);
int limit = (int)(destPos - srcPos + 1) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
//System.out.println(" cycle src=" + src + " dest=" + dest);
byte b = srcBlock[src];
srcBlock[src] = destBlock[dest];
destBlock[dest] = b;
if (src == blockSize)
srcBlock = blocks[srcBlockIndex];
//System.out.println(" set destBlock=" + destBlock + " srcBlock=" + srcBlock);
src = 0;
if (dest == -1)
destBlock = blocks[destBlockIndex];
//System.out.println(" set destBlock=" + destBlock + " srcBlock=" + srcBlock);
dest = blockSize - 1;
public virtual void SkipBytes(int len)
while (len > 0)
int chunk = blockSize - nextWrite;
if (len <= chunk)
nextWrite += len;
len -= chunk;
current = new byte[blockSize];
nextWrite = 0;
public virtual long Position => ((long)blocks.Count - 1) * blockSize + nextWrite;
/// <summary>
/// Pos must be less than the max position written so far!
/// i.e., you cannot "grow" the file with this!
/// </summary>
public virtual void Truncate(long newLen)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(newLen <= Position);
Debugging.Assert(newLen >= 0);
int blockIndex = (int)(newLen >> blockBits);
nextWrite = (int)(newLen & blockMask);
if (nextWrite == 0)
nextWrite = blockSize;
blocks.RemoveRange(blockIndex + 1, blocks.Count - (blockIndex + 1));
if (newLen == 0)
current = null;
current = blocks[blockIndex];
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(newLen == Position);
public virtual void Finish()
if (current != null)
byte[] lastBuffer = new byte[nextWrite];
Array.Copy(current, 0, lastBuffer, 0, nextWrite);
blocks[blocks.Count - 1] = lastBuffer;
current = null;
/// <summary>
/// Writes all of our bytes to the target <see cref="DataOutput"/>. </summary>
public virtual void WriteTo(DataOutput @out)
foreach (byte[] block in blocks)
@out.WriteBytes(block, 0, block.Length);
public virtual FST.BytesReader GetForwardReader()
if (blocks.Count == 1)
return new ForwardBytesReader(blocks[0]);
return new ForwardBytesReaderAnonymousInner(this);
private class ForwardBytesReaderAnonymousInner : FST.BytesReader
private readonly BytesStore outerInstance;
public ForwardBytesReaderAnonymousInner(BytesStore outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
nextRead = outerInstance.blockSize;
private byte[] current;
private int nextBuffer;
private int nextRead;
public override byte ReadByte()
if (nextRead == outerInstance.blockSize)
current = outerInstance.blocks[nextBuffer++];
nextRead = 0;
return current[nextRead++];
public override void SkipBytes(int count)
Position += count;
public override void ReadBytes(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
while (len > 0)
int chunkLeft = outerInstance.blockSize - nextRead;
if (len <= chunkLeft)
Array.Copy(current, nextRead, b, offset, len);
nextRead += len;
if (chunkLeft > 0)
Array.Copy(current, nextRead, b, offset, chunkLeft);
offset += chunkLeft;
len -= chunkLeft;
current = outerInstance.blocks[nextBuffer++];
nextRead = 0;
public override long Position
get => ((long)nextBuffer - 1) * outerInstance.blockSize + nextRead;
int bufferIndex = (int)(value >> outerInstance.blockBits);
nextBuffer = bufferIndex + 1;
current = outerInstance.blocks[bufferIndex];
nextRead = (int)(value & outerInstance.blockMask);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(this.Position == value,"value={0} Position={1}", value, this.Position);
public override bool IsReversed => false;
public virtual FST.BytesReader GetReverseReader()
return GetReverseReader(true);
internal virtual FST.BytesReader GetReverseReader(bool allowSingle)
if (allowSingle && blocks.Count == 1)
return new ReverseBytesReader(blocks[0]);
return new ReverseBytesReaderAnonymousInner(this);
private class ReverseBytesReaderAnonymousInner : FST.BytesReader
private readonly BytesStore outerInstance;
public ReverseBytesReaderAnonymousInner(BytesStore outerInstance)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
current = outerInstance.blocks.Count == 0 ? null : outerInstance.blocks[0];
nextBuffer = -1;
nextRead = 0;
private byte[] current;
private int nextBuffer;
private int nextRead;
public override byte ReadByte()
if (nextRead == -1)
current = outerInstance.blocks[nextBuffer--];
nextRead = outerInstance.blockSize - 1;
return current[nextRead--];
public override void SkipBytes(int count)
Position -= count;
public override void ReadBytes(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
b[offset + i] = ReadByte();
public override long Position
get => ((long)nextBuffer + 1) * outerInstance.blockSize + nextRead;
// NOTE: a little weird because if you
// setPosition(0), the next byte you read is
// bytes[0] ... but I would expect bytes[-1] (ie,
// EOF)...?
int bufferIndex = (int)(value >> outerInstance.blockBits);
nextBuffer = bufferIndex - 1;
current = outerInstance.blocks[bufferIndex];
nextRead = (int)(value & outerInstance.blockMask);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(this.Position == value,"value={0} this.Position={1}", value, this.Position);
public override bool IsReversed => true;