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using J2N.Numerics;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Lucene.Net.Util
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/// <summary>
/// Methods and constants inspired by the article
/// "Broadword Implementation of Rank/Select Queries" by Sebastiano Vigna, January 30, 2012:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><description>algorithm 1: <see cref="BitCount(long)"/>, count of set bits in a <see cref="long"/></description></item>
/// <item><description>algorithm 2: <see cref="Select(long, int)"/>, selection of a set bit in a <see cref="long"/>,</description></item>
/// <item><description>bytewise signed smaller &lt;<sub><small>8</small></sub> operator: <see cref="SmallerUpTo7_8(long,long)"/>.</description></item>
/// <item><description>shortwise signed smaller &lt;<sub><small>16</small></sub> operator: <see cref="SmallerUpto15_16(long,long)"/>.</description></item>
/// <item><description>some of the Lk and Hk constants that are used by the above:
/// L8 <see cref="L8_L"/>, H8 <see cref="H8_L"/>, L9 <see cref="L9_L"/>, L16 <see cref="L16_L"/>and H16 <see cref="H8_L"/>.</description></item>
/// </list>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public static class BroadWord // LUCENENET specific - made static
// TBD: test smaller8 and smaller16 separately.
/// <summary>
/// Bit count of a <see cref="long"/>.
/// Only here to compare the implementation with <see cref="Select(long, int)"/>,
/// normally <see cref="BitOperation.PopCount(long)"/> is preferable. </summary>
/// <returns> The total number of 1 bits in x. </returns>
internal static int BitCount(long x)
// Step 0 leaves in each pair of bits the number of ones originally contained in that pair:
x = x - ((long)((ulong)(x & unchecked((long)0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL)) >> 1));
// Step 1, idem for each nibble:
x = (x & 0x3333333333333333L) + (((long)((ulong)x >> 2)) & 0x3333333333333333L);
// Step 2, idem for each byte:
x = (x + ((long)((ulong)x >> 4))) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FL;
// Multiply to sum them all into the high byte, and return the high byte:
return (int)((long)((ulong)(x * L8_L) >> 56));
/// <summary>
/// Select a 1-bit from a <see cref="long"/>. </summary>
/// <returns> The index of the r-th 1 bit in x, or if no such bit exists, 72. </returns>
public static int Select(long x, int r)
long s = x - ((long)((ulong)(x & unchecked((long)0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL)) >> 1)); // Step 0, pairwise bitsums
// Correct a small mistake in algorithm 2:
// Use s instead of x the second time in right shift 2, compare to Algorithm 1 in rank9 above.
s = (s & 0x3333333333333333L) + (((long)((ulong)s >> 2)) & 0x3333333333333333L); // Step 1, nibblewise bitsums
s = ((s + ((long)((ulong)s >> 4))) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FL) * L8_L; // Step 2, bytewise bitsums
long b = (long)((ulong)(((long)((ulong)SmallerUpTo7_8(s, (r * L8_L)) >> 7)) * L8_L) >> 53); // & (~7L); // Step 3, side ways addition for byte number times 8
long l = r - (((long)((ulong)(s << 8) >> (int)b)) & 0xFFL); // Step 4, byte wise rank, subtract the rank with byte at b-8, or zero for b=0;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(0L <= 1, "{0}", l);
//assert l < 8 : l; //fails when bit r is not available.
// Select bit l from byte (x >>> b):
long spr = ((((long)((ulong)x >> (int)b)) & 0xFFL) * L8_L) & L9_L; // spread the 8 bits of the byte at b over the long at L9 positions
// long spr_bigger8_zero = smaller8(0L, spr); // inlined smaller8 with 0L argument:
// FIXME: replace by biggerequal8_one formula from article page 6, line 9. four operators instead of five here.
long spr_bigger8_zero = ((H8_L - (spr & (~H8_L))) ^ (~spr)) & H8_L;
s = ((long)((ulong)spr_bigger8_zero >> 7)) * L8_L; // Step 5, sideways byte add the 8 bits towards the high byte
int res = (int)(b + ((long)((ulong)(((long)((ulong)SmallerUpTo7_8(s, (l * L8_L)) >> 7)) * L8_L) >> 56))); // Step 6
return res;
/// <summary>
/// A signed bytewise smaller &lt;<sub><small>8</small></sub> operator, for operands 0L&lt;= x, y &lt;=0x7L.
/// This uses the following numbers of basic <see cref="long"/> operations: 1 or, 2 and, 2 xor, 1 minus, 1 not. </summary>
/// <returns> A <see cref="long"/> with bits set in the <see cref="H8_L"/> positions corresponding to each input signed byte pair that compares smaller. </returns>
public static long SmallerUpTo7_8(long x, long y)
// See section 4, page 5, line 14 of the Vigna article:
return (((x | H8_L) - (y & (~H8_L))) ^ x ^ ~y) & H8_L;
/// <summary>
/// An unsigned bytewise smaller &lt;<sub><small>8</small></sub> operator.
/// This uses the following numbers of basic <see cref="long"/> operations: 3 or, 2 and, 2 xor, 1 minus, 1 not. </summary>
/// <returns> A <see cref="long"/> with bits set in the <see cref="H8_L"/> positions corresponding to each input unsigned byte pair that compares smaller. </returns>
public static long Smalleru_8(long x, long y)
// See section 4, 8th line from the bottom of the page 5, of the Vigna article:
return ((((x | H8_L) - (y & ~H8_L)) | x ^ y) ^ (x | ~y)) & H8_L;
/// <summary>
/// An unsigned bytewise not equals 0 operator.
/// This uses the following numbers of basic <see cref="long"/> operations: 2 or, 1 and, 1 minus. </summary>
/// <returns> A <see cref="long"/> with bits set in the <see cref="H8_L"/> positions corresponding to each unsigned byte that does not equal 0. </returns>
public static long NotEquals0_8(long x)
// See section 4, line 6-8 on page 6, of the Vigna article:
return (((x | H8_L) - L8_L) | x) & H8_L;
/// <summary>
/// A bytewise smaller &lt;<sub><small>16</small></sub> operator.
/// This uses the following numbers of basic <see cref="long"/> operations: 1 or, 2 and, 2 xor, 1 minus, 1 not. </summary>
/// <returns> A <see cref="long"/> with bits set in the <see cref="H16_L"/> positions corresponding to each input signed short pair that compares smaller. </returns>
public static long SmallerUpto15_16(long x, long y)
return (((x | H16_L) - (y & (~H16_L))) ^ x ^ ~y) & H16_L;
/// <summary>
/// Lk denotes the constant whose ones are in position 0, k, 2k, . . .
/// These contain the low bit of each group of k bits.
/// The suffix _L indicates the <see cref="long"/> implementation.
/// </summary>
public const long L8_L = 0x0101010101010101L;
public const long L9_L = unchecked((long)0x8040201008040201L);
public const long L16_L = 0x0001000100010001L;
/// <summary>
/// Hk = Lk &lt;&lt; (k-1) .
/// These contain the high bit of each group of k bits.
/// The suffix _L indicates the <see cref="long"/> implementation.
/// </summary>
public static readonly long H8_L = L8_L << 7;
public static readonly long H16_L = L16_L << 15;
/// <summary>
/// Naive implementation of <see cref="Select(long, int)"/>, using <see cref="BitOperation.TrailingZeroCount(long)"/> repetitively.
/// Works relatively fast for low ranks. </summary>
/// <returns> The index of the r-th 1 bit in x, or if no such bit exists, 72. </returns>
public static int SelectNaive(long x, int r)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(r >= 1);
int s = -1;
while ((x != 0L) && (r > 0))
int ntz = x.TrailingZeroCount();
x = (long)((ulong)x >> (ntz + 1));
s += (ntz + 1);
r -= 1;
int res = (r > 0) ? 72 : s;
return res;