blob: 2ccfabec758a0ceb3ede3d1ec2f40e91bd123e11 [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace Lucene.Net.Util.Automaton
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// - do we really need the .bits...? if not we can make util in UnicodeUtil to convert 1 char into a BytesRef
/// <summary>
/// Converts UTF-32 automata to the equivalent UTF-8 representation.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.internal
/// </summary>
public sealed class UTF32ToUTF8
// Unicode boundaries for UTF8 bytes 1,2,3,4
private static readonly int[] startCodes = new int[] { 0, 128, 2048, 65536 };
private static readonly int[] endCodes = new int[] { 127, 2047, 65535, 1114111 };
internal static int[] MASKS = LoadMasks();
private static int[] LoadMasks() // LUCENENET: Avoid static constructors (see
int[] masks = new int[32];
int v = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
masks[i] = v - 1;
v *= 2;
return masks;
// Represents one of the N utf8 bytes that (in sequence)
// define a code point. value is the byte value; bits is
// how many bits are "used" by utf8 at that byte
private class UTF8Byte
internal int Value { get; set; } // TODO: change to byte
internal sbyte Bits { get; set; }
// Holds a single code point, as a sequence of 1-4 utf8 bytes:
// TODO: maybe move to UnicodeUtil?
private class UTF8Sequence
private readonly UTF8Byte[] bytes;
internal int len;
public UTF8Sequence()
bytes = new UTF8Byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bytes[i] = new UTF8Byte();
public virtual int ByteAt(int idx)
return bytes[idx].Value;
public virtual int NumBits(int idx)
return bytes[idx].Bits;
internal virtual void Set(int code)
if (code < 128)
// 0xxxxxxx
bytes[0].Value = code;
bytes[0].Bits = 7;
len = 1;
else if (code < 2048)
// 110yyyxx 10xxxxxx
bytes[0].Value = (6 << 5) | (code >> 6);
bytes[0].Bits = 5;
SetRest(code, 1);
len = 2;
else if (code < 65536)
// 1110yyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
bytes[0].Value = (14 << 4) | (code >> 12);
bytes[0].Bits = 4;
SetRest(code, 2);
len = 3;
// 11110zzz 10zzyyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
bytes[0].Value = (30 << 3) | (code >> 18);
bytes[0].Bits = 3;
SetRest(code, 3);
len = 4;
private void SetRest(int code, int numBytes)
for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
bytes[numBytes - i].Value = 128 | (code & MASKS[5]);
bytes[numBytes - i].Bits = 6;
code >>= 6;
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (i > 0)
b.Append(' ');
return b.ToString();
private readonly UTF8Sequence startUTF8 = new UTF8Sequence();
private readonly UTF8Sequence endUTF8 = new UTF8Sequence();
private readonly UTF8Sequence tmpUTF8a = new UTF8Sequence();
private readonly UTF8Sequence tmpUTF8b = new UTF8Sequence();
// Builds necessary utf8 edges between start & end
internal void ConvertOneEdge(State start, State end, int startCodePoint, int endCodePoint)
//System.out.println("start = " + startUTF8);
//System.out.println(" end = " + endUTF8);
Build(start, end, startUTF8, endUTF8, 0);
private void Build(State start, State end, UTF8Sequence startUTF8, UTF8Sequence endUTF8, int upto)
// Break into start, middle, end:
if (startUTF8.ByteAt(upto) == endUTF8.ByteAt(upto))
// Degen case: lead with the same byte:
if (upto == startUTF8.len - 1 && upto == endUTF8.len - 1)
// Super degen: just single edge, one UTF8 byte:
start.AddTransition(new Transition(startUTF8.ByteAt(upto), endUTF8.ByteAt(upto), end));
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
Debugging.Assert(startUTF8.len > upto + 1);
Debugging.Assert(endUTF8.len > upto + 1);
State n = NewUTF8State();
// Single value leading edge
start.AddTransition(new Transition(startUTF8.ByteAt(upto), n)); // type=single
// Recurse for the rest
Build(n, end, startUTF8, endUTF8, 1 + upto);
else if (startUTF8.len == endUTF8.len)
if (upto == startUTF8.len - 1)
start.AddTransition(new Transition(startUTF8.ByteAt(upto), endUTF8.ByteAt(upto), end)); // type=startend
Start(start, end, startUTF8, upto, false);
if (endUTF8.ByteAt(upto) - startUTF8.ByteAt(upto) > 1)
// There is a middle
All(start, end, startUTF8.ByteAt(upto) + 1, endUTF8.ByteAt(upto) - 1, startUTF8.len - upto - 1);
End(start, end, endUTF8, upto, false);
// start
Start(start, end, startUTF8, upto, true);
// possibly middle, spanning multiple num bytes
int byteCount = 1 + startUTF8.len - upto;
int limit = endUTF8.len - upto;
while (byteCount < limit)
// wasteful: we only need first byte, and, we should
// statically encode this first byte:
tmpUTF8a.Set(startCodes[byteCount - 1]);
tmpUTF8b.Set(endCodes[byteCount - 1]);
All(start, end, tmpUTF8a.ByteAt(0), tmpUTF8b.ByteAt(0), tmpUTF8a.len - 1);
// end
End(start, end, endUTF8, upto, true);
private void Start(State start, State end, UTF8Sequence utf8, int upto, bool doAll)
if (upto == utf8.len - 1)
// Done recursing
start.AddTransition(new Transition(utf8.ByteAt(upto), utf8.ByteAt(upto) | MASKS[utf8.NumBits(upto) - 1], end)); // type=start
State n = NewUTF8State();
start.AddTransition(new Transition(utf8.ByteAt(upto), n)); // type=start
Start(n, end, utf8, 1 + upto, true);
int endCode = utf8.ByteAt(upto) | MASKS[utf8.NumBits(upto) - 1];
if (doAll && utf8.ByteAt(upto) != endCode)
All(start, end, utf8.ByteAt(upto) + 1, endCode, utf8.len - upto - 1);
private void End(State start, State end, UTF8Sequence utf8, int upto, bool doAll)
if (upto == utf8.len - 1)
// Done recursing
start.AddTransition(new Transition(utf8.ByteAt(upto) & (~MASKS[utf8.NumBits(upto) - 1]), utf8.ByteAt(upto), end)); // type=end
int startCode;
if (utf8.NumBits(upto) == 5)
// special case -- avoid created unused edges (utf8
// doesn't accept certain byte sequences) -- there
// are other cases we could optimize too:
startCode = 194;
startCode = utf8.ByteAt(upto) & (~MASKS[utf8.NumBits(upto) - 1]);
if (doAll && utf8.ByteAt(upto) != startCode)
All(start, end, startCode, utf8.ByteAt(upto) - 1, utf8.len - upto - 1);
State n = NewUTF8State();
start.AddTransition(new Transition(utf8.ByteAt(upto), n)); // type=end
End(n, end, utf8, 1 + upto, true);
private void All(State start, State end, int startCode, int endCode, int left)
if (left == 0)
start.AddTransition(new Transition(startCode, endCode, end)); // type=all
State lastN = NewUTF8State();
start.AddTransition(new Transition(startCode, endCode, lastN)); // type=all
while (left > 1)
State n = NewUTF8State();
lastN.AddTransition(new Transition(128, 191, n)); // type=all*
lastN = n;
lastN.AddTransition(new Transition(128, 191, end)); // type = all*
private State[] utf8States;
private int utf8StateCount;
/// <summary>
/// Converts an incoming utf32 <see cref="Automaton"/> to an equivalent
/// utf8 one. The incoming automaton need not be
/// deterministic. Note that the returned automaton will
/// not in general be deterministic, so you must
/// determinize it if that's needed.
/// </summary>
public Automaton Convert(Automaton utf32)
if (utf32.IsSingleton)
utf32 = utf32.CloneExpanded();
State[] map = new State[utf32.GetNumberedStates().Length];
List<State> pending = new List<State>();
State utf32State = utf32.GetInitialState();
Automaton utf8 = new Automaton();
utf8.IsDeterministic = false;
State utf8State = utf8.GetInitialState();
utf8States = new State[5];
utf8StateCount = 0;
utf8State.number = utf8StateCount;
utf8States[utf8StateCount] = utf8State;
utf8State.Accept = utf32State.Accept;
map[utf32State.number] = utf8State;
while (pending.Count != 0)
utf32State = pending[pending.Count - 1];
pending.RemoveAt(pending.Count - 1);
utf8State = map[utf32State.number];
for (int i = 0; i < utf32State.numTransitions; i++)
Transition t = utf32State.TransitionsArray[i];
State destUTF32 =;
State destUTF8 = map[destUTF32.number];
if (destUTF8 == null)
destUTF8 = NewUTF8State();
destUTF8.accept = destUTF32.accept;
map[destUTF32.number] = destUTF8;
ConvertOneEdge(utf8State, destUTF8, t.min, t.max);
utf8.SetNumberedStates(utf8States, utf8StateCount);
return utf8;
private State NewUTF8State()
State s = new State();
if (utf8StateCount == utf8States.Length)
State[] newArray = new State[ArrayUtil.Oversize(1 + utf8StateCount, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF)];
Array.Copy(utf8States, 0, newArray, 0, utf8StateCount);
utf8States = newArray;
utf8States[utf8StateCount] = s;
s.number = utf8StateCount;
return s;