blob: cd01d15b623625ef9152529325a2a3b302536a2a [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.IO;
using J2N.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
using J2N.Numerics;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
namespace Lucene.Net.Store
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using Constants = Lucene.Net.Util.Constants;
/// <summary>
/// File-based <see cref="Directory"/> implementation that uses
/// <see cref="MemoryMappedFile"/> for reading, and
/// <see cref="FSDirectory.FSIndexOutput"/> for writing.
/// <para/><b>NOTE</b>: memory mapping uses up a portion of the
/// virtual memory address space in your process equal to the
/// size of the file being mapped. Before using this class,
/// be sure your have plenty of virtual address space, e.g. by
/// using a 64 bit runtime, or a 32 bit runtime with indexes that are
/// guaranteed to fit within the address space.
/// On 32 bit platforms also consult <see cref="MMapDirectory(DirectoryInfo, LockFactory, int)"/>
/// if you have problems with mmap failing because of fragmented
/// address space. If you get an <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/>, it is recommended
/// to reduce the chunk size, until it works.
/// <para>
/// <b>NOTE:</b> Accessing this class either directly or
/// indirectly from a thread while it's interrupted can close the
/// underlying channel immediately if at the same time the thread is
/// blocked on IO. The channel will remain closed and subsequent access
/// to <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> will throw a <see cref="ObjectDisposedException"/>.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public class MMapDirectory : FSDirectory
// LUCENENET specific - unmap hack not needed
/// <summary>
/// Default max chunk size. </summary>
/// <seealso cref="MMapDirectory(DirectoryInfo, LockFactory, int)"/>
public static readonly int DEFAULT_MAX_BUFF = Constants.RUNTIME_IS_64BIT ? (1 << 30) : (1 << 28);
private readonly int chunkSizePower;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> for the named location.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"> the path of the directory </param>
/// <param name="lockFactory"> the lock factory to use, or null for the default
/// (<see cref="NativeFSLockFactory"/>); </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public MMapDirectory(DirectoryInfo path, LockFactory lockFactory)
: this(path, lockFactory, DEFAULT_MAX_BUFF)
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> for the named location and <see cref="NativeFSLockFactory"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"> the path of the directory </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public MMapDirectory(DirectoryInfo path)
: this(path, null)
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> for the named location, specifying the
/// maximum chunk size used for memory mapping.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"> the path of the directory </param>
/// <param name="lockFactory"> the lock factory to use, or <c>null</c> for the default
/// (<see cref="NativeFSLockFactory"/>); </param>
/// <param name="maxChunkSize"> maximum chunk size (default is 1 GiBytes for
/// 64 bit runtimes and 256 MiBytes for 32 bit runtimes) used for memory mapping.
/// <para/>
/// Especially on 32 bit platform, the address space can be very fragmented,
/// so large index files cannot be mapped. Using a lower chunk size makes
/// the directory implementation a little bit slower (as the correct chunk
/// may be resolved on lots of seeks) but the chance is higher that mmap
/// does not fail. On 64 bit platforms, this parameter should always
/// be <c>1 &lt;&lt; 30</c>, as the address space is big enough.
/// <para/>
/// <b>Please note:</b> The chunk size is always rounded down to a power of 2.
/// </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public MMapDirectory(DirectoryInfo path, LockFactory lockFactory, int maxChunkSize)
: base(path, lockFactory)
if (maxChunkSize <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Maximum chunk size for mmap must be >0");
this.chunkSizePower = 31 - maxChunkSize.LeadingZeroCount();
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(this.chunkSizePower >= 0 && this.chunkSizePower <= 30);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> for the named location.
/// <para/>
/// LUCENENET specific overload for convenience using string instead of <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"> the path of the directory </param>
/// <param name="lockFactory"> the lock factory to use, or null for the default
/// (<see cref="NativeFSLockFactory"/>); </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public MMapDirectory(string path, LockFactory lockFactory)
: this(path, lockFactory, DEFAULT_MAX_BUFF)
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> for the named location and <see cref="NativeFSLockFactory"/>.
/// <para/>
/// LUCENENET specific overload for convenience using string instead of <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"> the path of the directory </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public MMapDirectory(string path)
: this(path, null)
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="MMapDirectory"/> for the named location, specifying the
/// maximum chunk size used for memory mapping.
/// <para/>
/// LUCENENET specific overload for convenience using string instead of <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"> the path of the directory </param>
/// <param name="lockFactory"> the lock factory to use, or <c>null</c> for the default
/// (<see cref="NativeFSLockFactory"/>); </param>
/// <param name="maxChunkSize"> maximum chunk size (default is 1 GiBytes for
/// 64 bit runtimes and 256 MiBytes for 32 bit runtimes) used for memory mapping.
/// <para/>
/// Especially on 32 bit platform, the address space can be very fragmented,
/// so large index files cannot be mapped. Using a lower chunk size makes
/// the directory implementation a little bit slower (as the correct chunk
/// may be resolved on lots of seeks) but the chance is higher that mmap
/// does not fail. On 64 bit platforms, this parameter should always
/// be <c>1 &lt;&lt; 30</c>, as the address space is big enough.
/// <para/>
/// <b>Please note:</b> The chunk size is always rounded down to a power of 2.
/// </param>
/// <exception cref="IOException"> if there is a low-level I/O error </exception>
public MMapDirectory(string path, LockFactory lockFactory, int maxChunkSize)
: this(new DirectoryInfo(path), lockFactory, maxChunkSize)
// LUCENENET specific - Some JREs had a bug that didn't allow them to unmap.
// But according to MSDN, the MemoryMappedFile.Dispose() method will
// indeed "release all resources". Therefore unmap hack is not needed in .NET.
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current mmap chunk size. </summary>
/// <seealso cref="MMapDirectory(DirectoryInfo, LockFactory, int)"/>
public int MaxChunkSize => 1 << chunkSizePower;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an <see cref="IndexInput"/> for the file with the given name. </summary>
public override IndexInput OpenInput(string name, IOContext context)
var file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Directory.FullName, name));
var fc = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
return new MMapIndexInput(this, "MMapIndexInput(path=\"" + file + "\")", fc);
public override IndexInputSlicer CreateSlicer(string name, IOContext context)
var full = (MMapIndexInput)OpenInput(name, context);
return new IndexInputSlicerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, full);
private class IndexInputSlicerAnonymousInnerClassHelper : IndexInputSlicer
private readonly MMapDirectory outerInstance;
private readonly MMapIndexInput full;
public IndexInputSlicerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(MMapDirectory outerInstance, MMapIndexInput full)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
this.full = full;
public override IndexInput OpenSlice(string sliceDescription, long offset, long length)
return full.Slice(sliceDescription, offset, length);
[Obsolete("Only for reading CFS files from 3.x indexes.")]
public override IndexInput OpenFullSlice()
return (IndexInput)full.Clone();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
public sealed class MMapIndexInput : ByteBufferIndexInput
internal MemoryMappedFile memoryMappedFile; // .NET port: this is equivalent to
private readonly FileStream fc;
internal MMapIndexInput(MMapDirectory outerInstance, string resourceDescription, FileStream fc)
: base(resourceDescription, null, fc.Length, outerInstance.chunkSizePower, true)
this.fc = fc ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fc));
this.SetBuffers(outerInstance.Map(this, fc, 0, fc.Length));
protected override sealed void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (this.memoryMappedFile != null)
this.memoryMappedFile = null;
// LUCENENET: If the file is 0 length we will not create a memoryMappedFile above
// so we must always ensure the FileStream is explicitly disposed.
/// <summary>
/// Try to unmap the buffer, this method silently fails if no support
/// for that in the runtime. On Windows, this leads to the fact,
/// that mmapped files cannot be modified or deleted.
/// </summary>
protected override void FreeBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)
// LUCENENET specific: this should free the memory mapped view accessor
if (buffer is IDisposable disposable)
// LUCENENET specific: no need for UnmapHack
/// <summary>
/// Maps a file into a set of buffers </summary>
internal virtual ByteBuffer[] Map(MMapIndexInput input, FileStream fc, long offset, long length)
if (length.TripleShift(chunkSizePower) >= int.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentException("RandomAccessFile too big for chunk size: " + fc.ToString());
// LUCENENET specific: Return empty buffer if length is 0, rather than attempting to create a MemoryMappedFile.
// Part of a solution provided by Vincent Van Den Berghe:
if (length == 0)
return new[] { ByteBuffer.Allocate(0).AsReadOnlyBuffer() };
long chunkSize = 1L << chunkSizePower;
// we always allocate one more buffer, the last one may be a 0 byte one
int nrBuffers = (int)((long)((ulong)length >> chunkSizePower)) + 1;
ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[nrBuffers];
if (input.memoryMappedFile == null)
input.memoryMappedFile = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(
fileStream: fc,
mapName: null,
capacity: length,
access: MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read,
memoryMappedFileSecurity: null,
inheritability: HandleInheritability.Inheritable,
leaveOpen: true); // LUCENENET: We explicitly dispose the FileStream separately.
long bufferStart = 0L;
for (int bufNr = 0; bufNr < nrBuffers; bufNr++)
int bufSize = (int)((length > (bufferStart + chunkSize)) ? chunkSize : (length - bufferStart));
// LUCENENET: We get an UnauthorizedAccessException if we create a 0 byte file at the end of the range.
// See:
// We can fix this by moving back 1 byte on the offset if the bufSize is 0.
int adjust = 0;
if (bufSize == 0 && bufNr == (nrBuffers - 1) && (offset + bufferStart) > 0)
adjust = 1;
buffers[bufNr] = input.memoryMappedFile.CreateViewByteBuffer(
offset: (offset + bufferStart) - adjust,
size: bufSize,
access: MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read);
bufferStart += bufSize;
return buffers;