blob: ad48543df425ef9af53f2795b4cdf794ca4e47d6 [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.Threading;
using Lucene.Net.Codecs;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Lucene.Net.Store;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
using Assert = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.Assert;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using J2N.Collections.Generic.Extensions;
using Test = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute;
using Test = NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute;
using Test = Lucene.Net.TestFramework.SkippableFactAttribute;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// Abstract class to do basic tests for a <see cref="Codecs.PostingsFormat"/>.
/// NOTE: this test focuses on the postings
/// (docs/freqs/positions/payloads/offsets) impl, not the
/// terms dict. The [stretch] goal is for this test to be
/// so thorough in testing a new <see cref="Codecs.PostingsFormat"/> that if this
/// test passes, then all Lucene/Solr tests should also pass. Ie,
/// if there is some bug in a given <see cref="Codecs.PostingsFormat"/> that this
/// test fails to catch then this test needs to be improved!
/// </summary>
// TODO can we make it easy for testing to pair up a "random terms dict impl" with your postings base format...
// TODO test when you reuse after skipping a term or two, eg the block reuse case
- threads
- assert doc=-1 before any nextDoc
- if a PF passes this test but fails other tests then this
test has a bug!!
- test tricky reuse cases, eg across fields
- verify you get null if you pass needFreq/needOffset but
they weren't indexed
public abstract class BasePostingsFormatTestCase : BaseIndexFileFormatTestCase
, Xunit.IClassFixture<BeforeAfterClass>
public BasePostingsFormatTestCase(BeforeAfterClass beforeAfter)
: base(beforeAfter)
beforeAfter.SetBeforeAfterClassActions(BeforeClass, AfterClass);
private enum Option
// Sometimes use .Advance():
// Sometimes reuse the Docs/AndPositionsEnum across terms:
// Sometimes pass non-null live docs:
// Sometimes seek to term using previously saved TermState:
// Sometimes don't fully consume docs from the enum
// Sometimes don't fully consume positions at each doc
// Sometimes check payloads
// Test w/ multiple threads
/// <summary>
/// Given the same random seed this always enumerates the
/// same random postings.
/// </summary>
private class SeedPostings : DocsAndPositionsEnum
// Used only to generate docIDs; this way if you pull w/
// or w/o positions you get the same docID sequence:
private readonly Random docRandom;
private readonly Random random;
public int DocFreq { get; set; }
private readonly int maxDocSpacing;
private readonly int payloadSize;
private readonly bool fixedPayloads;
private readonly IBits liveDocs;
private readonly BytesRef payload;
//private readonly IndexOptions options; // LUCENENET: Never read
private readonly bool doPositions;
private int docID;
internal int freq;
public int Upto { get; set; }
private int pos;
private int offset;
private int startOffset;
private int endOffset;
private int posSpacing;
private int posUpto;
public SeedPostings(long seed, int minDocFreq, int maxDocFreq, IBits liveDocs, IndexOptions options)
random = new Random((int)seed);
docRandom = new Random(random.Next());
DocFreq = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, minDocFreq, maxDocFreq);
this.liveDocs = liveDocs;
// TODO: more realistic to inversely tie this to numDocs:
maxDocSpacing = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 100);
if (random.Next(10) == 7)
// 10% of the time create big payloads:
payloadSize = 1 + random.Next(3);
payloadSize = 1 + random.Next(1);
fixedPayloads = random.NextBoolean();
var payloadBytes = new byte[payloadSize];
payload = new BytesRef(payloadBytes);
//this.options = options; // LUCENENET: Never read
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
doPositions = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS, options) <= 0;
public override int NextDoc()
while (true)
if (liveDocs == null || docID == NO_MORE_DOCS || liveDocs.Get(docID))
return docID;
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
private int _nextDoc()
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles
// Must consume random:
while (posUpto < freq)
if (Upto < DocFreq)
if (Upto == 0 && docRandom.NextBoolean())
// Sometimes index docID = 0
else if (maxDocSpacing == 1)
// TODO: sometimes have a biggish gap here!
docID += TestUtil.NextInt32(docRandom, 1, maxDocSpacing);
if (random.Next(200) == 17)
freq = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 1000);
else if (random.Next(10) == 17)
freq = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 20);
freq = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 4);
pos = 0;
offset = 0;
posUpto = 0;
posSpacing = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 100);
return docID;
return docID = NO_MORE_DOCS;
public override int DocID => docID;
public override int Freq => freq;
public override int NextPosition()
if (!doPositions)
posUpto = freq;
return 0;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(posUpto < freq);
if (posUpto == 0 && random.NextBoolean())
// Sometimes index pos = 0
else if (posSpacing == 1)
pos += TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, posSpacing);
if (payloadSize != 0)
if (fixedPayloads)
payload.Length = payloadSize;
int thisPayloadSize = random.Next(payloadSize);
if (thisPayloadSize != 0)
payload.Length = payloadSize;
payload.Length = 0;
payload.Length = 0;
startOffset = offset + random.Next(5);
endOffset = startOffset + random.Next(10);
offset = endOffset;
return pos;
public override int StartOffset => startOffset;
public override int EndOffset => endOffset;
public override BytesRef GetPayload()
return payload.Length == 0 ? null : payload;
public override int Advance(int target)
return SlowAdvance(target);
public override long GetCost()
return DocFreq;
private class FieldAndTerm
internal string Field { get; set; }
internal BytesRef Term { get; set; }
public FieldAndTerm(string field, BytesRef term)
this.Field = field;
this.Term = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(term);
// Holds all postings:
private static JCG.SortedDictionary<string, JCG.SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>> fields;
private static FieldInfos fieldInfos;
private static FixedBitSet globalLiveDocs;
private static IList<FieldAndTerm> allTerms;
private static int maxDoc;
private static long totalPostings;
private static long totalPayloadBytes;
private static SeedPostings GetSeedPostings(string term, long seed, bool withLiveDocs, IndexOptions options)
int minDocFreq, maxDocFreq;
if (term.StartsWith("big_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
minDocFreq = RandomMultiplier * 50000;
maxDocFreq = RandomMultiplier * 70000;
else if (term.StartsWith("medium_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
minDocFreq = RandomMultiplier * 3000;
maxDocFreq = RandomMultiplier * 6000;
else if (term.StartsWith("low_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
minDocFreq = RandomMultiplier;
maxDocFreq = RandomMultiplier * 40;
minDocFreq = 1;
maxDocFreq = 3;
return new SeedPostings(seed, minDocFreq, maxDocFreq, withLiveDocs ? globalLiveDocs : null, options);
// private static readonly IList<string> initalizationLock = new List<string>();
// // LUCENENET TODO: Add support for attribute inheritance when it is released (2.0.0)
// //[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitialize(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior.BeforeEachDerivedClass)]
// new public static void BeforeClass(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext context)
// {
// lock (initalizationLock)
// {
// if (!initalizationLock.Contains(context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName))
// initalizationLock.Add(context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName);
// else
// return; // Only allow this class to initialize once (MSTest bug)
// }
// new public static void BeforeClass()
// {
public override void BeforeClass() // Renamed from CreatePostings to ensure the base class setup is called before this one
totalPostings = 0;
totalPayloadBytes = 0;
// LUCENENET specific: Use StringComparer.Ordinal to get the same ordering as Java
fields = new JCG.SortedDictionary<string, JCG.SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
int numFields = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, 5);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: " + numFields + " fields");
maxDoc = 0;
FieldInfo[] fieldInfoArray = new FieldInfo[numFields];
int fieldUpto = 0;
while (fieldUpto < numFields)
string field = TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random);
if (fields.ContainsKey(field))
fieldInfoArray[fieldUpto] = new FieldInfo(field, true, fieldUpto, false, false, true,
DocValuesType.NONE, DocValuesType.NUMERIC, null);
JCG.SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long> postings = new JCG.SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>();
fields[field] = postings;
ISet<string> seenTerms = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
int numTerms;
if (Random.Next(10) == 7)
numTerms = AtLeast(50);
numTerms = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 2, 20);
for (int termUpto = 0; termUpto < numTerms; termUpto++)
string term = TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random);
if (seenTerms.Contains(term))
if (TestNightly && termUpto == 0 && fieldUpto == 1)
// Make 1 big term:
term = "big_" + term;
else if (termUpto == 1 && fieldUpto == 1)
// Make 1 medium term:
term = "medium_" + term;
else if (Random.NextBoolean())
// Low freq term:
term = "low_" + term;
// Very low freq term (don't multiply by RANDOM_MULTIPLIER):
term = "verylow_" + term;
long termSeed = Random.NextInt64();
postings[new BytesRef(term)] = termSeed;
// NOTE: sort of silly: we enum all the docs just to
// get the maxDoc
DocsEnum docsEnum = GetSeedPostings(term, termSeed, false, IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY);
int doc;
int lastDoc = 0;
while ((doc = docsEnum.NextDoc()) != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)
lastDoc = doc;
maxDoc = Math.Max(lastDoc, maxDoc);
fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(fieldInfoArray);
// It's the count, not the last docID:
globalLiveDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
double liveRatio = Random.NextDouble();
for (int i = 0; i < maxDoc; i++)
if (Random.NextDouble() <= liveRatio)
allTerms = new List<FieldAndTerm>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JCG.SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>> fieldEnt in fields)
string field = fieldEnt.Key;
foreach (KeyValuePair<BytesRef, long> termEnt in fieldEnt.Value)
allTerms.Add(new FieldAndTerm(field, termEnt.Key));
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: done init postings; " + allTerms.Count + " total terms, across " + fieldInfos.Count + " fields");
// // LUCENENET TODO: Add support for attribute inheritance when it is released (2.0.0)
// //[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanup(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior.BeforeEachDerivedClass)]
//# el
// new public static void AfterClass()
public override void AfterClass()
allTerms = null;
fieldInfos = null;
fields = null;
globalLiveDocs = null;
// TODO maybe instead of @BeforeClass just make a single test run: build postings & index & test it?
private FieldInfos currentFieldInfos;
// LUCENENET specific - cache the list of index options so we don't need to look it up over and over
private static readonly IndexOptions[] ALL_INDEX_OPTIONS = (IndexOptions[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(IndexOptions));
// maxAllowed = the "highest" we can index, but we will still
// randomly index at lower IndexOption
private FieldsProducer BuildIndex(Directory dir, IndexOptions maxAllowed, bool allowPayloads, bool alwaysTestMax)
Codec codec = GetCodec();
SegmentInfo segmentInfo = new SegmentInfo(dir, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, "_0", maxDoc, false, codec, null);
int maxIndexOption = Array.IndexOf(ALL_INDEX_OPTIONS, maxAllowed);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: now build index");
int maxIndexOptionNoOffsets = Array.IndexOf(ALL_INDEX_OPTIONS, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS);
// TODO use allowPayloads
var newFieldInfoArray = new FieldInfo[fields.Count];
for (int fieldUpto = 0; fieldUpto < fields.Count; fieldUpto++)
FieldInfo oldFieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldUpto);
string pf = TestUtil.GetPostingsFormat(codec, oldFieldInfo.Name);
int fieldMaxIndexOption;
if (DoesntSupportOffsets.Contains(pf))
fieldMaxIndexOption = Math.Min(maxIndexOptionNoOffsets, maxIndexOption);
fieldMaxIndexOption = maxIndexOption;
// Randomly picked the IndexOptions to index this
// field with:
IndexOptions indexOptions = ALL_INDEX_OPTIONS[alwaysTestMax ? fieldMaxIndexOption : Random.Next(1, 1 + fieldMaxIndexOption)]; // LUCENENET: Skipping NONE option
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool doPayloads = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(indexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0 && allowPayloads;
newFieldInfoArray[fieldUpto] = new FieldInfo(oldFieldInfo.Name, true, fieldUpto, false, false, doPayloads, indexOptions, DocValuesType.NONE, DocValuesType.NUMERIC, null);
FieldInfos newFieldInfos = new FieldInfos(newFieldInfoArray);
// Estimate that flushed segment size will be 25% of
// what we use in RAM:
long bytes = totalPostings * 8 + totalPayloadBytes;
SegmentWriteState writeState = new SegmentWriteState(null, dir, segmentInfo, newFieldInfos, 32, null, new IOContext(new FlushInfo(maxDoc, bytes)));
// LUCENENET specific - BUG: we must wrap this in a using block in case anything in the below loop throws
using (FieldsConsumer fieldsConsumer = codec.PostingsFormat.FieldsConsumer(writeState))
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JCG.SortedDictionary<BytesRef, long>> fieldEnt in fields)
string field = fieldEnt.Key;
IDictionary<BytesRef, long> terms = fieldEnt.Value;
FieldInfo fieldInfo = newFieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
IndexOptions indexOptions = fieldInfo.IndexOptions;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("field=" + field + " indexOtions=" + indexOptions);
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool doFreq = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(indexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0;
bool doPos = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(indexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0;
bool doPayloads = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(indexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0 && allowPayloads;
bool doOffsets = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(indexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0;
TermsConsumer termsConsumer = fieldsConsumer.AddField(fieldInfo);
long sumTotalTF = 0;
long sumDF = 0;
FixedBitSet seenDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
foreach (KeyValuePair<BytesRef, long> termEnt in terms)
BytesRef term = termEnt.Key;
SeedPostings postings = GetSeedPostings(term.Utf8ToString(), termEnt.Value, false, maxAllowed);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" term=" + field + ":" + term.Utf8ToString() + " docFreq=" + postings.DocFreq + " seed=" + termEnt.Value);
PostingsConsumer postingsConsumer = termsConsumer.StartTerm(term);
long totalTF = 0;
int docID = 0;
while ((docID = postings.NextDoc()) != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)
int freq = postings.Freq;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" " + postings.Upto + ": docID=" + docID + " freq=" + postings.freq);
postingsConsumer.StartDoc(docID, doFreq ? postings.freq : -1);
if (doPos)
totalTF += postings.freq;
for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
int pos = postings.NextPosition();
BytesRef payload = postings.GetPayload();
if (Verbose)
if (doPayloads)
Console.WriteLine(" pos=" + pos + " payload=" + (payload == null ? "null" : payload.Length + " bytes"));
Console.WriteLine(" pos=" + pos);
postingsConsumer.AddPosition(pos, doPayloads ? payload : null, doOffsets ? postings.StartOffset : -1, doOffsets ? postings.EndOffset : -1);
else if (doFreq)
totalTF += freq;
termsConsumer.FinishTerm(term, new TermStats(postings.DocFreq, doFreq ? totalTF : -1));
sumTotalTF += totalTF;
sumDF += postings.DocFreq;
termsConsumer.Finish(doFreq ? sumTotalTF : -1, sumDF, seenDocs.Cardinality());
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: after indexing: files=");
foreach (string file in dir.ListAll())
Console.WriteLine(" " + file + ": " + dir.FileLength(file) + " bytes");
currentFieldInfos = newFieldInfos;
SegmentReadState readState = new SegmentReadState(dir, segmentInfo, newFieldInfos, IOContext.READ, 1);
return codec.PostingsFormat.FieldsProducer(readState);
private class ThreadState
// Only used with REUSE option:
public DocsEnum ReuseDocsEnum { get; set; }
public DocsAndPositionsEnum ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum { get; set; }
private void VerifyEnum(ThreadState threadState,
string field,
BytesRef term,
TermsEnum termsEnum,
// Maximum options (docs/freqs/positions/offsets) to test:
IndexOptions maxTestOptions,
IndexOptions maxIndexOptions,
ISet<Option> options,
bool alwaysTestMax)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" verifyEnum: options=" + options + " maxTestOptions=" + maxTestOptions);
// Make sure TermsEnum really is positioned on the
// expected term:
Assert.AreEqual(term, termsEnum.Term);
// 50% of the time time pass liveDocs:
bool useLiveDocs = options.Contains(Option.LIVE_DOCS) && Random.NextBoolean();
IBits liveDocs;
if (useLiveDocs)
liveDocs = globalLiveDocs;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" use liveDocs");
liveDocs = null;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" no liveDocs");
FieldInfo fieldInfo = currentFieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
// NOTE: can be empty list if we are using liveDocs:
SeedPostings expected = GetSeedPostings(term.Utf8ToString(),
Assert.AreEqual(expected.DocFreq, termsEnum.DocFreq);
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool allowFreqs = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0 &&
IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(maxTestOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0;
bool doCheckFreqs = allowFreqs && (alwaysTestMax || Random.Next(3) <= 2);
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool allowPositions = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0 &&
IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(maxTestOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0;
bool doCheckPositions = allowPositions && (alwaysTestMax || Random.Next(3) <= 2);
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool allowOffsets = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >=0 &&
IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(maxTestOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0;
bool doCheckOffsets = allowOffsets && (alwaysTestMax || Random.Next(3) <= 2);
bool doCheckPayloads = options.Contains(Option.PAYLOADS) && allowPositions && fieldInfo.HasPayloads && (alwaysTestMax || Random.Next(3) <= 2);
DocsEnum prevDocsEnum = null;
DocsEnum docsEnum;
DocsAndPositionsEnum docsAndPositionsEnum;
if (!doCheckPositions)
if (allowPositions && Random.Next(10) == 7)
// 10% of the time, even though we will not check positions, pull a DocsAndPositions enum
if (options.Contains(Option.REUSE_ENUMS) && Random.Next(10) < 9)
prevDocsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum;
DocsAndPositionsFlags flags = 0;
if (alwaysTestMax || Random.NextBoolean())
flags |= DocsAndPositionsFlags.OFFSETS;
if (alwaysTestMax || Random.NextBoolean())
flags |= DocsAndPositionsFlags.PAYLOADS;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" get DocsAndPositionsEnum (but we won't check positions) flags=" + flags);
threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, (DocsAndPositionsEnum)prevDocsEnum, flags);
docsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum;
docsAndPositionsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" get DocsEnum");
if (options.Contains(Option.REUSE_ENUMS) && Random.Next(10) < 9)
prevDocsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsEnum;
threadState.ReuseDocsEnum = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, prevDocsEnum, doCheckFreqs ? DocsFlags.FREQS : DocsFlags.NONE);
docsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsEnum;
docsAndPositionsEnum = null;
if (options.Contains(Option.REUSE_ENUMS) && Random.Next(10) < 9)
prevDocsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum;
DocsAndPositionsFlags flags = 0;
if (alwaysTestMax || doCheckOffsets || Random.Next(3) == 1)
flags |= DocsAndPositionsFlags.OFFSETS;
if (alwaysTestMax || doCheckPayloads || Random.Next(3) == 1)
flags |= DocsAndPositionsFlags.PAYLOADS;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" get DocsAndPositionsEnum flags=" + flags);
threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, (DocsAndPositionsEnum)prevDocsEnum, flags);
docsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum;
docsAndPositionsEnum = threadState.ReuseDocsAndPositionsEnum;
Assert.IsNotNull(docsEnum, "null DocsEnum");
int initialDocID = docsEnum.DocID;
Assert.AreEqual(-1, initialDocID, "inital docID should be -1" + docsEnum);
if (Verbose)
if (prevDocsEnum == null)
Console.WriteLine(" got enum=" + docsEnum);
else if (prevDocsEnum == docsEnum)
Console.WriteLine(" got reuse enum=" + docsEnum);
Console.WriteLine(" got enum=" + docsEnum + " (reuse of " + prevDocsEnum + " failed)");
// 10% of the time don't consume all docs:
int stopAt;
if (!alwaysTestMax && options.Contains(Option.PARTIAL_DOC_CONSUME) && expected.DocFreq > 1 && Random.Next(10) == 7)
stopAt = Random.Next(expected.DocFreq - 1);
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" will not consume all docs (" + stopAt + " vs " + expected.DocFreq + ")");
stopAt = expected.DocFreq;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" consume all docs");
double skipChance = alwaysTestMax ? 0.5 : Random.NextDouble();
int numSkips = expected.DocFreq < 3 ? 1 : TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, Math.Min(20, expected.DocFreq / 3));
int skipInc = expected.DocFreq / numSkips;
int skipDocInc = maxDoc / numSkips;
// Sometimes do 100% skipping:
bool doAllSkipping = options.Contains(Option.SKIPPING) && Random.Next(7) == 1;
double freqAskChance = alwaysTestMax ? 1.0 : Random.NextDouble();
double payloadCheckChance = alwaysTestMax ? 1.0 : Random.NextDouble();
double offsetCheckChance = alwaysTestMax ? 1.0 : Random.NextDouble();
if (Verbose)
if (options.Contains(Option.SKIPPING))
Console.WriteLine(" skipChance=" + skipChance + " numSkips=" + numSkips);
Console.WriteLine(" no skipping");
if (doCheckFreqs)
Console.WriteLine(" freqAskChance=" + freqAskChance);
if (doCheckPayloads)
Console.WriteLine(" payloadCheckChance=" + payloadCheckChance);
if (doCheckOffsets)
Console.WriteLine(" offsetCheckChance=" + offsetCheckChance);
while (expected.Upto <= stopAt)
if (expected.Upto == stopAt)
if (stopAt == expected.DocFreq)
Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.NextDoc(), "DocsEnum should have ended but didn't");
// Common bug is to forget to set this.Doc=NO_MORE_DOCS in the enum!:
Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.DocID, "DocsEnum should have ended but didn't");
if (options.Contains(Option.SKIPPING) && (doAllSkipping || Random.NextDouble() <= skipChance))
int targetDocID = -1;
if (expected.Upto < stopAt && Random.NextBoolean())
// Pick target we know exists:
int skipCount = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, skipInc);
for (int skip = 0; skip < skipCount; skip++)
if (expected.NextDoc() == DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)
// Pick random target (might not exist):
int skipDocIDs = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 1, skipDocInc);
if (skipDocIDs > 0)
targetDocID = expected.DocID + skipDocIDs;
if (expected.Upto >= stopAt)
int target = Random.NextBoolean() ? maxDoc : DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS;
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now advance to end (target=" + target + ")");
Assert.AreEqual(DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.Advance(target), "DocsEnum should have ended but didn't");
if (Verbose)
if (targetDocID != -1)
Console.WriteLine(" now advance to random target=" + targetDocID + " (" + expected.Upto + " of " + stopAt + ") current=" + docsEnum.DocID);
Console.WriteLine(" now advance to known-exists target=" + expected.DocID + " (" + expected.Upto + " of " + stopAt + ") current=" + docsEnum.DocID);
int docID = docsEnum.Advance(targetDocID != -1 ? targetDocID : expected.DocID);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.DocID, docID, "docID is wrong");
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now nextDoc to " + expected.DocID + " (" + expected.Upto + " of " + stopAt + ")");
int docID = docsEnum.NextDoc();
Assert.AreEqual(expected.DocID, docID, "docID is wrong");
if (docID == DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (doCheckFreqs && Random.NextDouble() <= freqAskChance)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now freq()=" + expected.Freq);
int freq = docsEnum.Freq;
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Freq, freq, "freq is wrong");
if (doCheckPositions)
int freq = docsEnum.Freq;
int numPosToConsume;
if (!alwaysTestMax && options.Contains(Option.PARTIAL_POS_CONSUME) && Random.Next(5) == 1)
numPosToConsume = Random.Next(freq);
numPosToConsume = freq;
for (int i = 0; i < numPosToConsume; i++)
int pos = expected.NextPosition();
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now nextPosition to " + pos);
Assert.AreEqual(pos, docsAndPositionsEnum.NextPosition(), "position is wrong");
if (doCheckPayloads)
BytesRef expectedPayload = expected.GetPayload();
if (Random.NextDouble() <= payloadCheckChance)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now check expectedPayload length=" + (expectedPayload == null ? 0 : expectedPayload.Length));
if (expectedPayload == null || expectedPayload.Length == 0)
Assert.IsNull(docsAndPositionsEnum.GetPayload(), "should not have payload");
BytesRef payload = docsAndPositionsEnum.GetPayload();
Assert.IsNotNull(payload, "should have payload but doesn't");
Assert.AreEqual(expectedPayload.Length, payload.Length, "payload length is wrong");
for (int byteUpto = 0; byteUpto < expectedPayload.Length; byteUpto++)
Assert.AreEqual(expectedPayload.Bytes[expectedPayload.Offset + byteUpto], payload.Bytes[payload.Offset + byteUpto], "payload bytes are wrong");
// make a deep copy
payload = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(payload);
Assert.AreEqual(payload, docsAndPositionsEnum.GetPayload(), "2nd call to getPayload returns something different!");
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" skip check payload length=" + (expectedPayload == null ? 0 : expectedPayload.Length));
if (doCheckOffsets)
if (Random.NextDouble() <= offsetCheckChance)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now check offsets: startOff=" + expected.StartOffset + " endOffset=" + expected.EndOffset);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.StartOffset, docsAndPositionsEnum.StartOffset, "startOffset is wrong");
Assert.AreEqual(expected.EndOffset, docsAndPositionsEnum.EndOffset, "endOffset is wrong");
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" skip check offsets");
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
else if (IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) < 0)
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine(" now check offsets are -1");
Assert.AreEqual(-1, docsAndPositionsEnum.StartOffset, "startOffset isn't -1");
Assert.AreEqual(-1, docsAndPositionsEnum.EndOffset, "endOffset isn't -1");
private class TestThread : ThreadJob
private Fields fieldsSource;
private readonly ISet<Option> options; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
private readonly IndexOptions maxIndexOptions; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
private readonly IndexOptions maxTestOptions; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
private readonly bool alwaysTestMax; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
private BasePostingsFormatTestCase testCase;
public TestThread(BasePostingsFormatTestCase testCase, Fields fieldsSource, ISet<Option> options, IndexOptions maxTestOptions, IndexOptions maxIndexOptions, bool alwaysTestMax)
this.fieldsSource = fieldsSource;
this.options = options;
this.maxTestOptions = maxTestOptions;
this.maxIndexOptions = maxIndexOptions;
this.alwaysTestMax = alwaysTestMax;
this.testCase = testCase;
public override void Run()
testCase.TestTermsOneThread(fieldsSource, options, maxTestOptions, maxIndexOptions, alwaysTestMax);
catch (Exception t)
throw new Exception(t.Message, t);
fieldsSource = null;
testCase = null;
private void TestTerms(Fields fieldsSource, ISet<Option> options,
IndexOptions maxTestOptions,
IndexOptions maxIndexOptions,
bool alwaysTestMax)
if (options.Contains(Option.THREADS))
int numThreads = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 2, 5);
ThreadJob[] threads = new ThreadJob[numThreads];
for (int threadUpto = 0; threadUpto < numThreads; threadUpto++)
threads[threadUpto] = new TestThread(this, fieldsSource, options, maxTestOptions, maxIndexOptions, alwaysTestMax);
for (int threadUpto = 0; threadUpto < numThreads; threadUpto++)
TestTermsOneThread(fieldsSource, options, maxTestOptions, maxIndexOptions, alwaysTestMax);
private void TestTermsOneThread(Fields fieldsSource, ISet<Option> options,
IndexOptions maxTestOptions,
IndexOptions maxIndexOptions,
bool alwaysTestMax)
ThreadState threadState = new ThreadState();
// Test random terms/fields:
IList<TermState> termStates = new List<TermState>();
IList<FieldAndTerm> termStateTerms = new List<FieldAndTerm>();
int upto = 0;
while (upto < allTerms.Count)
bool useTermState = termStates.Count != 0 && Random.Next(5) == 1;
FieldAndTerm fieldAndTerm;
TermsEnum termsEnum;
TermState termState = null;
if (!useTermState)
// Seek by random field+term:
fieldAndTerm = allTerms[upto++];
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: seek to term=" + fieldAndTerm.Field + ":" + fieldAndTerm.Term.Utf8ToString());
// Seek by previous saved TermState
int idx = Random.Next(termStates.Count);
fieldAndTerm = termStateTerms[idx];
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nTEST: seek using TermState to term=" + fieldAndTerm.Field + ":" + fieldAndTerm.Term.Utf8ToString());
termState = termStates[idx];
Terms terms = fieldsSource.GetTerms(fieldAndTerm.Field);
termsEnum = terms.GetEnumerator();
if (!useTermState)
termsEnum.SeekExact(fieldAndTerm.Term, termState);
bool savedTermState = false;
if (options.Contains(Option.TERM_STATE) && !useTermState && Random.Next(5) == 1)
// Save away this TermState:
savedTermState = true;
// Sometimes save term state after pulling the enum:
if (options.Contains(Option.TERM_STATE) && !useTermState && !savedTermState && Random.Next(5) == 1)
// Save away this TermState:
//useTermState = true; // LUCENENET: IDE0059: Remove unnecessary value assignment
// 10% of the time make sure you can pull another enum
// from the same term:
if (alwaysTestMax || Random.Next(10) == 7)
// Try same term again
if (Verbose)
Console.WriteLine("TEST: try enum again on same term");
private static void TestFields(Fields fields) // LUCENENET: CA1822: Mark members as static
using IEnumerator<string> iterator = fields.GetEnumerator();
while (iterator.MoveNext())
var _ = iterator.Current;
// .NET: Testing for iterator.Remove() isn't applicable
// .NET: Testing for NoSuchElementException with .NET iterators isn't applicable
/// <summary>
/// Indexes all fields/terms at the specified
/// <see cref="IndexOptions"/>, and fully tests at that <see cref="IndexOptions"/>.
/// </summary>
private void TestFull(IndexOptions options, bool withPayloads)
DirectoryInfo path = CreateTempDir("testPostingsFormat.testExact");
using Directory dir = NewFSDirectory(path);
// TODO test thread safety of buildIndex too
using var fieldsProducer = BuildIndex(dir, options, withPayloads, true);
// LUCENENET: A bit of extra work required since we don't have an easy way to filter out
// the "NONE" option we added to avoid having to use null
IndexOptions[] allOptions = new IndexOptions[ALL_INDEX_OPTIONS.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(ALL_INDEX_OPTIONS, 1, allOptions, 0, allOptions.Length); // LUCENENET: Skip our NONE option
int maxIndexOption = Array.IndexOf(allOptions, options);
ISet<Option> allOptionsHashSet = new JCG.HashSet<Option>((Option[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Option)));
for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndexOption; i++)
TestTerms(fieldsProducer, allOptionsHashSet, allOptions[i], options, true);
if (withPayloads)
// If we indexed w/ payloads, also test enums w/o accessing payloads:
// LUCENENET: No EnumSet in .NET, so we have some extra work to do
// to populate the options.
ISet<Option> payloadsHashSet = new JCG.HashSet<Option>() { Option.PAYLOADS };
var complementHashSet = new JCG.HashSet<Option>(allOptionsHashSet);
complementHashSet.SymmetricExceptWith(payloadsHashSet); // Complement of
TestTerms(fieldsProducer, complementHashSet, allOptions[i], options, true);
public virtual void TestDocsOnly()
TestFull(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, false);
public virtual void TestDocsAndFreqs()
TestFull(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS, false);
public virtual void TestDocsAndFreqsAndPositions()
TestFull(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS, false);
public virtual void TestDocsAndFreqsAndPositionsAndPayloads()
TestFull(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS, true);
public virtual void TestDocsAndFreqsAndPositionsAndOffsets()
public virtual void TestDocsAndFreqsAndPositionsAndOffsetsAndPayloads()
public virtual void TestRandom()
int iters = 5;
for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++)
DirectoryInfo path = CreateTempDir("testPostingsFormat");
using (Directory dir = NewFSDirectory(path))
bool indexPayloads = Random.NextBoolean();
// TODO test thread safety of buildIndex too
using FieldsProducer fieldsProducer = BuildIndex(dir, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS, indexPayloads, false);
// NOTE: you can also test "weaker" index options than
// you indexed with:
// LUCENENET: No need to skip options here
new JCG.HashSet<Option>((Option[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Option))),
// fieldsProducer = null; // LUCENENET: No can do - out of scope
} // dir.Dispose();
System.IO.Directory.Delete(path.FullName, true);
protected override void AddRandomFields(Document doc)
foreach (IndexOptions opts in Enum.GetValues(typeof(IndexOptions)))
// LUCENENET: Skip our NONE option
if (opts == IndexOptions.NONE)
string field = "f_" + opts;
string pf = TestUtil.GetPostingsFormat(Codec.Default, field);
if (opts == IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS && DoesntSupportOffsets.Contains(pf))
var ft = new FieldType { IndexOptions = opts, IsIndexed = true, OmitNorms = true};
int numFields = Random.Next(5);
for (int j = 0; j < numFields; ++j)
doc.Add(new Field("f_" + opts, TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random, 2), ft));