blob: 621850fde8f455c8bf10f025cef4166ad8c53198 [file] [log] [blame]
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Index;
using Lucene.Net.Store;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using Lucene.Net.Util.Automaton;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Codecs.Bloom
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// A <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> useful for low doc-frequency fields such as primary
/// keys. Bloom filters are maintained in a ".blm" file which offers "fast-fail"
/// for reads in segments known to have no record of the key. A choice of
/// delegate <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> is used to record all other Postings data.
/// <para/>
/// A choice of <see cref="BloomFilterFactory"/> can be passed to tailor Bloom Filter
/// settings on a per-field basis. The default configuration is
/// <see cref="DefaultBloomFilterFactory"/> which allocates a ~8mb bitset and hashes
/// values using <see cref="MurmurHash2"/>. This should be suitable for most purposes.
/// <para/>
/// The format of the blm file is as follows:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><description>BloomFilter (.blm) --&gt; Header, DelegatePostingsFormatName,
/// NumFilteredFields, Filter<sup>NumFilteredFields</sup>, Footer</description></item>
/// <item><description>Filter --&gt; FieldNumber, FuzzySet</description></item>
/// <item><description>FuzzySet --&gt;See <see cref="FuzzySet.Serialize(DataOutput)"/></description></item>
/// <item><description>Header --&gt; CodecHeader (<see cref="CodecUtil.WriteHeader(DataOutput, string, int)"/>) </description></item>
/// <item><description>DelegatePostingsFormatName --&gt; String (<see cref="DataOutput.WriteString(string)"/>)
/// The name of a ServiceProvider registered <see cref="PostingsFormat"/></description></item>
/// <item><description>NumFilteredFields --&gt; Uint32 (<see cref="DataOutput.WriteInt32(int)"/>) </description></item>
/// <item><description>FieldNumber --&gt; Uint32 (<see cref="DataOutput.WriteInt32(int)"/>) The number of the
/// field in this segment</description></item>
/// <item><description>Footer --&gt; CodecFooter (<see cref="CodecUtil.WriteFooter(IndexOutput)"/>) </description></item>
/// </list>
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
[PostingsFormatName("BloomFilter")] // LUCENENET specific - using PostingsFormatName attribute to ensure the default name passed from subclasses is the same as this class name
public sealed class BloomFilteringPostingsFormat : PostingsFormat
// LUCENENET specific - removed this static variable because our name is determined by the PostingsFormatNameAttribute
//public static readonly string BLOOM_CODEC_NAME = "BloomFilter";
public static readonly int VERSION_START = 1;
public static readonly int VERSION_CHECKSUM = 2;
public static readonly int VERSION_CURRENT = VERSION_CHECKSUM;
/// <summary>Extension of Bloom Filters file.</summary>
private const string BLOOM_EXTENSION = "blm";
private readonly BloomFilterFactory _bloomFilterFactory = new DefaultBloomFilterFactory();
private readonly PostingsFormat _delegatePostingsFormat;
/// <summary>
/// Creates Bloom filters for a selection of fields created in the index. This
/// is recorded as a set of Bitsets held as a segment summary in an additional
/// "blm" file. This <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> delegates to a choice of delegate
/// <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> for encoding all other postings data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delegatePostingsFormat">The <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> that records all the non-bloom filter data i.e. postings info.</param>
/// <param name="bloomFilterFactory">The <see cref="BloomFilterFactory"/> responsible for sizing BloomFilters appropriately.</param>
public BloomFilteringPostingsFormat(PostingsFormat delegatePostingsFormat,
BloomFilterFactory bloomFilterFactory) : base()
_delegatePostingsFormat = delegatePostingsFormat;
_bloomFilterFactory = bloomFilterFactory;
/// <summary>
/// Creates Bloom filters for a selection of fields created in the index. This
/// is recorded as a set of Bitsets held as a segment summary in an additional
/// "blm" file. This <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> delegates to a choice of delegate
/// <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> for encoding all other postings data. This choice of
/// constructor defaults to the <see cref="DefaultBloomFilterFactory"/> for
/// configuring per-field BloomFilters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delegatePostingsFormat">The <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> that records all the non-bloom filter data i.e. postings info.</param>
public BloomFilteringPostingsFormat(PostingsFormat delegatePostingsFormat)
: this(delegatePostingsFormat, new DefaultBloomFilterFactory())
/// <summary>
/// Used only by core Lucene at read-time via Service Provider instantiation -
/// do not use at Write-time in application code.
/// </summary>
public BloomFilteringPostingsFormat()
: base()
public override FieldsConsumer FieldsConsumer(SegmentWriteState state)
if (_delegatePostingsFormat == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Error - constructed without a choice of PostingsFormat");
return new BloomFilteredFieldsConsumer(this, _delegatePostingsFormat.FieldsConsumer(state), state);
public override FieldsProducer FieldsProducer(SegmentReadState state)
return new BloomFilteredFieldsProducer(this, state);
internal class BloomFilteredFieldsProducer : FieldsProducer
private readonly FieldsProducer _delegateFieldsProducer;
private readonly JCG.Dictionary<string, FuzzySet> _bloomsByFieldName = new JCG.Dictionary<string, FuzzySet>();
public BloomFilteredFieldsProducer(BloomFilteringPostingsFormat outerInstance, SegmentReadState state)
var bloomFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(
state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.SegmentSuffix, BLOOM_EXTENSION);
ChecksumIndexInput bloomIn = null;
var success = false;
bloomIn = state.Directory.OpenChecksumInput(bloomFileName, state.Context);
var version = CodecUtil.CheckHeader(bloomIn, /*BLOOM_CODEC_NAME*/ outerInstance.Name, VERSION_START, VERSION_CURRENT);
// Load the hash function used in the BloomFilter
// hashFunction = HashFunction.forName(bloomIn.readString());
// Load the delegate postings format
var delegatePostingsFormat = ForName(bloomIn.ReadString());
_delegateFieldsProducer = delegatePostingsFormat
var numBlooms = bloomIn.ReadInt32();
for (var i = 0; i < numBlooms; i++)
var fieldNum = bloomIn.ReadInt32();
var bloom = FuzzySet.Deserialize(bloomIn);
var fieldInfo = state.FieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNum);
_bloomsByFieldName.Add(fieldInfo.Name, bloom);
if (version >= VERSION_CHECKSUM)
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
success = true;
if (!success)
IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(bloomIn, _delegateFieldsProducer);
public override IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
return _delegateFieldsProducer.GetEnumerator();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
public override Terms GetTerms(string field)
if (!_bloomsByFieldName.TryGetValue(field, out FuzzySet filter) || filter == null)
return _delegateFieldsProducer.GetTerms(field);
var result = _delegateFieldsProducer.GetTerms(field);
return result == null ? null : new BloomFilteredTerms(result, filter);
public override int Count => _delegateFieldsProducer.Count;
[Obsolete("iterate fields and add their Count instead.")]
public override long UniqueTermCount => _delegateFieldsProducer.UniqueTermCount;
internal class BloomFilteredTerms : Terms
private readonly Terms _delegateTerms;
private readonly FuzzySet _filter;
public BloomFilteredTerms(Terms terms, FuzzySet filter)
_delegateTerms = terms;
_filter = filter;
public override TermsEnum Intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled,
BytesRef startTerm)
return _delegateTerms.Intersect(compiled, startTerm);
public override TermsEnum GetEnumerator()
return new BloomFilteredTermsEnum(_delegateTerms, reuseDelegate: null, _filter);
public override TermsEnum GetEnumerator(TermsEnum reuse)
if (!(reuse is null) && reuse is BloomFilteredTermsEnum bfte && bfte.filter == _filter)
// recycle the existing BloomFilteredTermsEnum by asking the delegate
// to recycle its contained TermsEnum
bfte.Reset(_delegateTerms, bfte.delegateTermsEnum);
return bfte;
// We have been handed something we cannot reuse (either wrong
// class or wrong filter) so allocate a new object
return new BloomFilteredTermsEnum(_delegateTerms, reuse, _filter);
public override IComparer<BytesRef> Comparer => _delegateTerms.Comparer;
public override long Count => _delegateTerms.Count;
public override long SumTotalTermFreq => _delegateTerms.SumTotalTermFreq;
public override long SumDocFreq => _delegateTerms.SumDocFreq;
public override int DocCount => _delegateTerms.DocCount;
public override bool HasFreqs => _delegateTerms.HasFreqs;
public override bool HasOffsets => _delegateTerms.HasOffsets;
public override bool HasPositions => _delegateTerms.HasPositions;
public override bool HasPayloads => _delegateTerms.HasPayloads;
internal sealed class BloomFilteredTermsEnum : TermsEnum
private Terms _delegateTerms;
internal TermsEnum delegateTermsEnum;
private TermsEnum _reuseDelegate;
internal readonly FuzzySet filter;
public BloomFilteredTermsEnum(Terms delegateTerms, TermsEnum reuseDelegate, FuzzySet filter)
_delegateTerms = delegateTerms;
_reuseDelegate = reuseDelegate;
this.filter = filter;
internal void Reset(Terms delegateTerms, TermsEnum reuseDelegate)
_delegateTerms = delegateTerms;
_reuseDelegate = reuseDelegate;
delegateTermsEnum = null;
private TermsEnum Delegate =>
// pull the iterator only if we really need it -
// this can be a relativly heavy operation depending on the
// delegate postings format and they underlying directory
// (clone IndexInput)
delegateTermsEnum ?? (delegateTermsEnum = _delegateTerms.GetEnumerator(_reuseDelegate));
public override bool MoveNext()
return Delegate.MoveNext();
[Obsolete("Use MoveNext() and Term instead. This method will be removed in 4.8.0 release candidate."), System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public override sealed BytesRef Next()
return Delegate.Next();
public override sealed IComparer<BytesRef> Comparer => _delegateTerms.Comparer;
public override sealed bool SeekExact(BytesRef text)
// The magical fail-fast speed up that is the entire point of all of
// this code - save a disk seek if there is a match on an in-memory
// structure
// that may occasionally give a false positive but guaranteed no false
// negatives
if (filter.Contains(text) == FuzzySet.ContainsResult.NO)
return false;
return Delegate.SeekExact(text);
public override sealed SeekStatus SeekCeil(BytesRef text)
return Delegate.SeekCeil(text);
public override sealed void SeekExact(long ord)
public override sealed BytesRef Term => Delegate.Term;
public override sealed long Ord => Delegate.Ord;
public override sealed int DocFreq => Delegate.DocFreq;
public override sealed long TotalTermFreq => Delegate.TotalTermFreq;
public override DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(IBits liveDocs,
DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, DocsAndPositionsFlags flags)
return Delegate.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, reuse, flags);
public override DocsEnum Docs(IBits liveDocs, DocsEnum reuse, DocsFlags flags)
return Delegate.Docs(liveDocs, reuse, flags);
public override long RamBytesUsed()
var sizeInBytes = ((_delegateFieldsProducer != null) ? _delegateFieldsProducer.RamBytesUsed() : 0);
foreach (var entry in _bloomsByFieldName)
sizeInBytes += entry.Key.Length * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_CHAR;
sizeInBytes += entry.Value.RamBytesUsed();
return sizeInBytes;
public override void CheckIntegrity()
internal class BloomFilteredFieldsConsumer : FieldsConsumer
private readonly BloomFilteringPostingsFormat outerInstance;
private readonly FieldsConsumer _delegateFieldsConsumer;
private readonly Dictionary<FieldInfo, FuzzySet> _bloomFilters = new Dictionary<FieldInfo, FuzzySet>();
private readonly SegmentWriteState _state;
public BloomFilteredFieldsConsumer(BloomFilteringPostingsFormat outerInstance, FieldsConsumer fieldsConsumer,
SegmentWriteState state)
this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
_delegateFieldsConsumer = fieldsConsumer;
_state = state;
public override TermsConsumer AddField(FieldInfo field)
var bloomFilter = outerInstance._bloomFilterFactory.GetSetForField(_state, field);
if (bloomFilter != null)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert((_bloomFilters.ContainsKey(field) == false));
_bloomFilters.Add(field, bloomFilter);
return new WrappedTermsConsumer(_delegateFieldsConsumer.AddField(field), bloomFilter);
// No, use the unfiltered fieldsConsumer - we are not interested in
// recording any term Bitsets.
return _delegateFieldsConsumer.AddField(field);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// Now we are done accumulating values for these fields
var nonSaturatedBlooms = new List<KeyValuePair<FieldInfo, FuzzySet>>();
foreach (var entry in _bloomFilters)
var bloomFilter = entry.Value;
if (!outerInstance._bloomFilterFactory.IsSaturated(bloomFilter, entry.Key))
var bloomFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(
_state.SegmentInfo.Name, _state.SegmentSuffix, BLOOM_EXTENSION);
IndexOutput bloomOutput = null;
bloomOutput = _state.Directory.CreateOutput(bloomFileName, _state.Context);
CodecUtil.WriteHeader(bloomOutput, /*BLOOM_CODEC_NAME*/ outerInstance.Name, VERSION_CURRENT);
// remember the name of the postings format we will delegate to
// First field in the output file is the number of fields+blooms saved
foreach (var entry in nonSaturatedBlooms)
var fieldInfo = entry.Key;
var bloomFilter = entry.Value;
SaveAppropriatelySizedBloomFilter(bloomOutput, bloomFilter, fieldInfo);
//We are done with large bitsets so no need to keep them hanging around
private void SaveAppropriatelySizedBloomFilter(DataOutput bloomOutput,
FuzzySet bloomFilter, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
var rightSizedSet = outerInstance._bloomFilterFactory.Downsize(fieldInfo,
bloomFilter) ?? bloomFilter;
internal class WrappedTermsConsumer : TermsConsumer
private readonly TermsConsumer _delegateTermsConsumer;
private readonly FuzzySet _bloomFilter;
public WrappedTermsConsumer(TermsConsumer termsConsumer, FuzzySet bloomFilter)
_delegateTermsConsumer = termsConsumer;
_bloomFilter = bloomFilter;
public override PostingsConsumer StartTerm(BytesRef text)
return _delegateTermsConsumer.StartTerm(text);
public override void FinishTerm(BytesRef text, TermStats stats)
// Record this term in our BloomFilter
if (stats.DocFreq > 0)
_delegateTermsConsumer.FinishTerm(text, stats);
public override void Finish(long sumTotalTermFreq, long sumDocFreq, int docCount)
_delegateTermsConsumer.Finish(sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq, docCount);
public override IComparer<BytesRef> Comparer => _delegateTermsConsumer.Comparer;