blob: 87da6d812f6e9e9ea06d62b6d5af18c7aa17ef3a [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.Text;
using Lucene.Net.Diagnostics;
using Lucene.Net.Store;
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using Lucene.Net.Support.IO;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Console = Lucene.Net.Util.SystemConsole;
namespace Lucene.Net.Index
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using IBits = Lucene.Net.Util.IBits;
using BlockTreeTermsReader = Lucene.Net.Codecs.BlockTreeTermsReader;
using BytesRef = Lucene.Net.Util.BytesRef;
using Codec = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Codec;
using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
using DocIdSetIterator = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSetIterator;
using Document = Documents.Document;
using DocValuesStatus = Lucene.Net.Index.CheckIndex.Status.DocValuesStatus;
using FixedBitSet = Lucene.Net.Util.FixedBitSet;
using IndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput;
using IOContext = Lucene.Net.Store.IOContext;
using Int64BitSet = Lucene.Net.Util.Int64BitSet;
using Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat = Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene3x.Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat;
using PostingsFormat = Lucene.Net.Codecs.PostingsFormat;
using StringHelper = Lucene.Net.Util.StringHelper;
/// <summary>
/// Basic tool and API to check the health of an index and
/// write a new segments file that removes reference to
/// problematic segments.
/// <para/>As this tool checks every byte in the index, on a large
/// index it can take quite a long time to run.
/// <para/>
/// Please make a complete backup of your
/// index before using this to fix your index!
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public class CheckIndex
private TextWriter infoStream;
private Directory dir;
/// <summary>
/// Returned from <see cref="CheckIndex.DoCheckIndex()"/> detailing the health and status of the index.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public class Status
internal Status()
// Set property defaults
SegmentsChecked = new List<string>();
SegmentInfos = new List<SegmentInfoStatus>();
/// <summary>
/// True if no problems were found with the index. </summary>
public bool Clean { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if we were unable to locate and load the segments_N file. </summary>
public bool MissingSegments { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if we were unable to open the segments_N file. </summary>
public bool CantOpenSegments { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if we were unable to read the version number from segments_N file. </summary>
public bool MissingSegmentVersion { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Name of latest segments_N file in the index. </summary>
public string SegmentsFileName { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Number of segments in the index. </summary>
public int NumSegments { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Empty unless you passed specific segments list to check as optional 3rd argument. </summary>
/// <seealso cref="CheckIndex.DoCheckIndex(IList{string})"/>
public IList<string> SegmentsChecked { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if the index was created with a newer version of Lucene than the <see cref="CheckIndex"/> tool. </summary>
public bool ToolOutOfDate { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// List of <see cref="SegmentInfoStatus"/> instances, detailing status of each segment. </summary>
public IList<SegmentInfoStatus> SegmentInfos { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Directory"/> index is in. </summary>
public Directory Dir { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Index.SegmentInfos"/> instance containing only segments that
/// had no problems (this is used with the <see cref="CheckIndex.FixIndex(Status)"/>
/// method to repair the index.
/// </summary>
internal SegmentInfos NewSegments { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How many documents will be lost to bad segments. </summary>
public int TotLoseDocCount { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// How many bad segments were found. </summary>
public int NumBadSegments { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if we checked only specific segments
/// (<see cref="DoCheckIndex(IList{string})"/> was called with non-null
/// argument).
/// </summary>
public bool Partial { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// The greatest segment name. </summary>
public int MaxSegmentName { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Whether the <see cref="SegmentInfos.Counter"/> is greater than any of the segments' names. </summary>
public bool ValidCounter { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Holds the userData of the last commit in the index </summary>
public IDictionary<string, string> UserData { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Holds the status of each segment in the index.
/// See <see cref="SegmentInfos"/>.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public class SegmentInfoStatus
internal SegmentInfoStatus()
// Set property defaults
DocStoreOffset = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Name of the segment. </summary>
public string Name { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Codec used to read this segment. </summary>
public Codec Codec { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Document count (does not take deletions into account). </summary>
public int DocCount { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if segment is compound file format. </summary>
public bool Compound { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Number of files referenced by this segment. </summary>
public int NumFiles { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Net size (MB) of the files referenced by this
/// segment.
/// </summary>
public double SizeMB { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Doc store offset, if this segment shares the doc
/// store files (stored fields and term vectors) with
/// other segments. This is -1 if it does not share.
/// </summary>
public int DocStoreOffset { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// String of the shared doc store segment, or <c>null</c> if
/// this segment does not share the doc store files.
/// </summary>
public string DocStoreSegment { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if the shared doc store files are compound file
/// format.
/// </summary>
public bool DocStoreCompoundFile { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if this segment has pending deletions. </summary>
public bool HasDeletions { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Current deletions generation. </summary>
public long DeletionsGen { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Number of deleted documents. </summary>
public int NumDeleted { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// True if we were able to open an <see cref="AtomicReader"/> on this
/// segment.
/// </summary>
public bool OpenReaderPassed { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Number of fields in this segment. </summary>
internal int NumFields { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Map that includes certain
/// debugging details that <see cref="IndexWriter"/> records into
/// each segment it creates
/// </summary>
public IDictionary<string, string> Diagnostics { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status for testing of field norms (<c>null</c> if field norms could not be tested). </summary>
public FieldNormStatus FieldNormStatus { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status for testing of indexed terms (<c>null</c> if indexed terms could not be tested). </summary>
public TermIndexStatus TermIndexStatus { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status for testing of stored fields (<c>null</c> if stored fields could not be tested). </summary>
public StoredFieldStatus StoredFieldStatus { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status for testing of term vectors (<c>null</c> if term vectors could not be tested). </summary>
public TermVectorStatus TermVectorStatus { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status for testing of <see cref="DocValues"/> (<c>null</c> if <see cref="DocValues"/> could not be tested). </summary>
public DocValuesStatus DocValuesStatus { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status from testing field norms.
/// </summary>
public sealed class FieldNormStatus
internal FieldNormStatus()
// Set property defaults
TotFields = 0L;
Error = null;
/// <summary>
/// Number of fields successfully tested </summary>
public long TotFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Exception thrown during term index test (<c>null</c> on success) </summary>
public Exception Error { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status from testing term index.
/// </summary>
public sealed class TermIndexStatus
internal TermIndexStatus()
// Set property defaults
TermCount = 0L;
DelTermCount = 0L;
TotFreq = 0L;
TotPos = 0L;
Error = null;
BlockTreeStats = null;
/// <summary>
/// Number of terms with at least one live doc. </summary>
public long TermCount { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Number of terms with zero live docs docs. </summary>
public long DelTermCount { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total frequency across all terms. </summary>
public long TotFreq { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of positions. </summary>
public long TotPos { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Exception thrown during term index test (<c>null</c> on success) </summary>
public Exception Error { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Holds details of block allocations in the block
/// tree terms dictionary (this is only set if the
/// <see cref="PostingsFormat"/> for this segment uses block
/// tree.
/// </summary>
public IDictionary<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats> BlockTreeStats { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status from testing stored fields.
/// </summary>
public sealed class StoredFieldStatus
internal StoredFieldStatus()
// Set property defaults
DocCount = 0;
TotFields = 0;
Error = null;
/// <summary>
/// Number of documents tested. </summary>
public int DocCount { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of stored fields tested. </summary>
public long TotFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Exception thrown during stored fields test (<c>null</c> on success) </summary>
public Exception Error { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status from testing stored fields.
/// </summary>
public sealed class TermVectorStatus
internal TermVectorStatus()
// Set property defaults
DocCount = 0;
TotVectors = 0;
Error = null;
/// <summary>
/// Number of documents tested. </summary>
public int DocCount { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of term vectors tested. </summary>
public long TotVectors { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Exception thrown during term vector test (<c>null</c> on success) </summary>
public Exception Error { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Status from testing <see cref="DocValues"/>
/// </summary>
public sealed class DocValuesStatus
internal DocValuesStatus()
// Set property defaults
Error = null;
/// <summary>
/// Total number of docValues tested. </summary>
public long TotalValueFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of numeric fields </summary>
public long TotalNumericFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of binary fields </summary>
public long TotalBinaryFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of sorted fields </summary>
public long TotalSortedFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Total number of sortedset fields </summary>
public long TotalSortedSetFields { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Exception thrown during doc values test (<c>null</c> on success) </summary>
public Exception Error { get; internal set; } // LUCENENET specific - made setter internal
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="CheckIndex"/> on the directory. </summary>
public CheckIndex(Directory dir)
this.dir = dir ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dir)); // LUCENENET: Added guard clause
infoStream = null;
private bool crossCheckTermVectors;
/// <summary>
/// If <c>true</c>, term vectors are compared against postings to
/// make sure they are the same. This will likely
/// drastically increase time it takes to run <see cref="CheckIndex"/>!
/// </summary>
public virtual bool CrossCheckTermVectors
get => crossCheckTermVectors;
set => crossCheckTermVectors = value;
private bool verbose;
// LUCENENET specific - added getter so we don't need to keep a reference outside of this class to dispose
/// <summary>
/// Gets or Sets infoStream where messages should go. If null, no
/// messages are printed. If <see cref="InfoStreamIsVerbose"/> is <c>true</c> then more
/// details are printed.
/// </summary>
public virtual TextWriter InfoStream
get => infoStream;
set =>
infoStream = value == null
? null
: (value is SafeTextWriterWrapper ? value : new SafeTextWriterWrapper(value));
/// <summary>
/// If <c>true</c>, prints more details to the <see cref="InfoStream"/>, if set.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool InfoStreamIsVerbose // LUCENENET specific (replaced overload of SetInfoStream with property)
get => this.verbose;
set => this.verbose = value;
public virtual void FlushInfoStream() // LUCENENET specific
private static void Msg(TextWriter @out, string msg)
if (@out != null)
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="Status"/> instance detailing
/// the state of the index.
/// <para/>As this method checks every byte in the index, on a large
/// index it can take quite a long time to run.
/// <para/><b>WARNING</b>: make sure
/// you only call this when the index is not opened by any
/// writer.
/// </summary>
public virtual Status DoCheckIndex()
return DoCheckIndex(null);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="Status"/> instance detailing
/// the state of the index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onlySegments"> list of specific segment names to check
/// <para/>As this method checks every byte in the specified
/// segments, on a large index it can take quite a long
/// time to run.
/// <para/><b>WARNING</b>: make sure
/// you only call this when the index is not opened by any
/// writer. </param>
public virtual Status DoCheckIndex(IList<string> onlySegments)
NumberFormatInfo nf = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat;
SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
Status result = new Status();
result.Dir = dir;
catch (Exception t)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR: could not read any segments file in directory");
result.MissingSegments = true;
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
return result;
// find the oldest and newest segment versions
string oldest = Convert.ToString(int.MaxValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), newest = Convert.ToString(int.MinValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string oldSegs = null;
bool foundNonNullVersion = false;
IComparer<string> versionComparer = StringHelper.VersionComparer;
foreach (SegmentCommitInfo si in sis.Segments)
string version = si.Info.Version;
if (version == null)
// pre-3.1 segment
oldSegs = "pre-3.1";
foundNonNullVersion = true;
if (versionComparer.Compare(version, oldest) < 0)
oldest = version;
if (versionComparer.Compare(version, newest) > 0)
newest = version;
int numSegments = sis.Count;
string segmentsFileName = sis.GetSegmentsFileName();
// note: we only read the format byte (required preamble) here!
IndexInput input = null;
input = dir.OpenInput(segmentsFileName, IOContext.READ_ONCE);
catch (Exception t)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR: could not open segments file in directory");
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
result.CantOpenSegments = true;
return result;
int format = 0;
format = input.ReadInt32();
catch (Exception t)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR: could not read segment file version in directory");
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
result.MissingSegmentVersion = true;
return result;
if (input != null)
string sFormat = "";
bool skip = false;
result.SegmentsFileName = segmentsFileName;
result.NumSegments = numSegments;
result.UserData = sis.UserData;
string userDataString;
if (sis.UserData.Count > 0)
userDataString = " userData=" + sis.UserData;
userDataString = "";
string versionString = null;
if (oldSegs != null)
if (foundNonNullVersion)
versionString = "versions=[" + oldSegs + " .. " + newest + "]";
versionString = "version=" + oldSegs;
versionString = oldest.Equals(newest, StringComparison.Ordinal) ? ("version=" + oldest) : ("versions=[" + oldest + " .. " + newest + "]");
Msg(infoStream, "Segments file=" + segmentsFileName + " numSegments=" + numSegments + " " + versionString + " format=" + sFormat + userDataString);
if (onlySegments != null)
result.Partial = true;
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write("\nChecking only these segments:");
foreach (string s in onlySegments)
infoStream.Write(" " + s);
Msg(infoStream, ":");
if (skip)
Msg(infoStream, "\nERROR: this index appears to be created by a newer version of Lucene than this tool was compiled on; please re-compile this tool on the matching version of Lucene; exiting");
result.ToolOutOfDate = true;
return result;
result.NewSegments = (SegmentInfos)sis.Clone();
result.MaxSegmentName = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
SegmentCommitInfo info = sis.Info(i);
int segmentName = 0;
segmentName = int.Parse(info.Info.Name.Substring(1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (segmentName > result.MaxSegmentName)
result.MaxSegmentName = segmentName;
if (onlySegments != null && !onlySegments.Contains(info.Info.Name))
Status.SegmentInfoStatus segInfoStat = new Status.SegmentInfoStatus();
Msg(infoStream, " " + (1 + i) + " of " + numSegments + ": name=" + info.Info.Name + " docCount=" + info.Info.DocCount);
segInfoStat.Name = info.Info.Name;
segInfoStat.DocCount = info.Info.DocCount;
string version = info.Info.Version;
if (info.Info.DocCount <= 0 && version != null && versionComparer.Compare(version, "4.5") >= 0)
throw new Exception("illegal number of documents: maxDoc=" + info.Info.DocCount);
int toLoseDocCount = info.Info.DocCount;
AtomicReader reader = null;
Codec codec = info.Info.Codec;
Msg(infoStream, " codec=" + codec);
segInfoStat.Codec = codec;
Msg(infoStream, " compound=" + info.Info.UseCompoundFile);
segInfoStat.Compound = info.Info.UseCompoundFile;
Msg(infoStream, " numFiles=" + info.GetFiles().Count);
segInfoStat.NumFiles = info.GetFiles().Count;
segInfoStat.SizeMB = info.GetSizeInBytes() / (1024.0 * 1024.0);
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (info.Info.GetAttribute(Lucene3xSegmentInfoFormat.DS_OFFSET_KEY) == null)
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
// don't print size in bytes if its a 3.0 segment with shared docstores
Msg(infoStream, " size (MB)=" + segInfoStat.SizeMB.ToString(nf));
IDictionary<string, string> diagnostics = info.Info.Diagnostics;
segInfoStat.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
if (diagnostics.Count > 0)
Msg(infoStream, " diagnostics = " + string.Format(J2N.Text.StringFormatter.InvariantCulture, "{0}", diagnostics));
if (!info.HasDeletions)
Msg(infoStream, " no deletions");
segInfoStat.HasDeletions = false;
Msg(infoStream, " has deletions [delGen=" + info.DelGen + "]");
segInfoStat.HasDeletions = true;
segInfoStat.DeletionsGen = info.DelGen;
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: open reader.........");
reader = new SegmentReader(info, DirectoryReader.DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR, IOContext.DEFAULT);
Msg(infoStream, "OK");
segInfoStat.OpenReaderPassed = true;
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: check integrity.....");
Msg(infoStream, "OK");
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: check live docs.....");
int numDocs = reader.NumDocs;
toLoseDocCount = numDocs;
if (reader.HasDeletions)
if (reader.NumDocs != info.Info.DocCount - info.DelCount)
throw new Exception("delete count mismatch: info=" + (info.Info.DocCount - info.DelCount) + " vs reader=" + reader.NumDocs);
if ((info.Info.DocCount - reader.NumDocs) > reader.MaxDoc)
throw new Exception("too many deleted docs: maxDoc()=" + reader.MaxDoc + " vs del count=" + (info.Info.DocCount - reader.NumDocs));
if (info.Info.DocCount - numDocs != info.DelCount)
throw new Exception("delete count mismatch: info=" + info.DelCount + " vs reader=" + (info.Info.DocCount - numDocs));
IBits liveDocs = reader.LiveDocs;
if (liveDocs == null)
throw new Exception("segment should have deletions, but liveDocs is null");
int numLive = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < liveDocs.Length; j++)
if (liveDocs.Get(j))
if (numLive != numDocs)
throw new Exception("liveDocs count mismatch: info=" + numDocs + ", vs bits=" + numLive);
segInfoStat.NumDeleted = info.Info.DocCount - numDocs;
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + (segInfoStat.NumDeleted) + " deleted docs]");
if (info.DelCount != 0)
throw new Exception("delete count mismatch: info=" + info.DelCount + " vs reader=" + (info.Info.DocCount - numDocs));
IBits liveDocs = reader.LiveDocs;
if (liveDocs != null)
// its ok for it to be non-null here, as long as none are set right?
for (int j = 0; j < liveDocs.Length; j++)
if (!liveDocs.Get(j))
throw new Exception("liveDocs mismatch: info says no deletions but doc " + j + " is deleted.");
Msg(infoStream, "OK");
if (reader.MaxDoc != info.Info.DocCount)
throw new Exception("SegmentReader.maxDoc() " + reader.MaxDoc + " != SegmentInfos.docCount " + info.Info.DocCount);
// Test getFieldInfos()
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: fields..............");
FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.FieldInfos;
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + fieldInfos.Count + " fields]");
segInfoStat.NumFields = fieldInfos.Count;
// Test Field Norms
segInfoStat.FieldNormStatus = TestFieldNorms(reader, infoStream);
// Test the Term Index
segInfoStat.TermIndexStatus = TestPostings(reader, infoStream, verbose);
// Test Stored Fields
segInfoStat.StoredFieldStatus = TestStoredFields(reader, infoStream);
// Test Term Vectors
segInfoStat.TermVectorStatus = TestTermVectors(reader, infoStream, verbose, crossCheckTermVectors);
segInfoStat.DocValuesStatus = TestDocValues(reader, infoStream);
// Rethrow the first exception we encountered
// this will cause stats for failed segments to be incremented properly
if (segInfoStat.FieldNormStatus.Error != null)
throw new Exception("Field Norm test failed");
else if (segInfoStat.TermIndexStatus.Error != null)
throw new Exception("Term Index test failed");
else if (segInfoStat.StoredFieldStatus.Error != null)
throw new Exception("Stored Field test failed");
else if (segInfoStat.TermVectorStatus.Error != null)
throw new Exception("Term Vector test failed");
else if (segInfoStat.DocValuesStatus.Error != null)
throw new Exception("DocValues test failed");
Msg(infoStream, "");
catch (Exception t)
Msg(infoStream, "FAILED");
string comment;
comment = "fixIndex() would remove reference to this segment";
Msg(infoStream, " WARNING: " + comment + "; full exception:");
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
Msg(infoStream, "");
result.TotLoseDocCount += toLoseDocCount;
if (reader != null)
// Keeper
if (0 == result.NumBadSegments)
result.Clean = true;
Msg(infoStream, "WARNING: " + result.NumBadSegments + " broken segments (containing " + result.TotLoseDocCount + " documents) detected");
if (!(result.ValidCounter = (result.MaxSegmentName < sis.Counter)))
result.Clean = false;
result.NewSegments.Counter = result.MaxSegmentName + 1;
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR: Next segment name counter " + sis.Counter + " is not greater than max segment name " + result.MaxSegmentName);
if (result.Clean)
Msg(infoStream, "No problems were detected with this index.\n");
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Test field norms.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.FieldNormStatus TestFieldNorms(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream)
Status.FieldNormStatus status = new Status.FieldNormStatus();
// Test Field Norms
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: field norms.........");
foreach (FieldInfo info in reader.FieldInfos)
if (info.HasNorms)
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(reader.HasNorms(info.Name)); // deprecated path
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
CheckNorms(info, reader, infoStream);
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(!reader.HasNorms(info.Name)); // deprecated path
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
if (reader.GetNormValues(info.Name) != null)
throw new Exception("field: " + info.Name + " should omit norms but has them!");
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TotFields + " fields]");
catch (Exception e)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + e.Message + "]");
status.Error = e;
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
return status;
/// <summary>
/// Checks <see cref="Fields"/> api is consistent with itself.
/// Searcher is optional, to verify with queries. Can be <c>null</c>.
/// </summary>
private static Status.TermIndexStatus CheckFields(Fields fields, IBits liveDocs, int maxDoc, FieldInfos fieldInfos, bool doPrint, bool isVectors, TextWriter infoStream, bool verbose)
// TODO: we should probably return our own stats thing...?!
Status.TermIndexStatus status = new Status.TermIndexStatus();
int computedFieldCount = 0;
if (fields == null)
Msg(infoStream, "OK [no fields/terms]");
return status;
DocsEnum docs = null;
DocsEnum docsAndFreqs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;
string lastField = null;
foreach (string field in fields)
// MultiFieldsEnum relies upon this order...
if (lastField != null && field.CompareToOrdinal(lastField) <= 0)
throw new Exception("fields out of order: lastField=" + lastField + " field=" + field);
lastField = field;
// check that the field is in fieldinfos, and is indexed.
// TODO: add a separate test to check this for different reader impls
FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
if (fieldInfo == null)
throw new Exception("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, no fieldInfos for: " + field);
if (!fieldInfo.IsIndexed)
throw new Exception("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, isIndexed == false for: " + field);
// TODO: really the codec should not return a field
// from FieldsEnum if it has no Terms... but we do
// this today:
// assert fields.terms(field) != null;
Terms terms = fields.GetTerms(field);
if (terms == null)
bool hasFreqs = terms.HasFreqs;
bool hasPositions = terms.HasPositions;
bool hasPayloads = terms.HasPayloads;
bool hasOffsets = terms.HasOffsets;
// term vectors cannot omit TF:
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool expectedHasFreqs = (isVectors || IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0);
if (hasFreqs != expectedHasFreqs)
throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasFreqs=" + expectedHasFreqs + " but got " + hasFreqs);
if (hasFreqs == false)
if (terms.SumTotalTermFreq != -1)
throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but Terms.getSumTotalTermFreq()=" + terms.SumTotalTermFreq + " (should be -1)");
if (!isVectors)
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool expectedHasPositions = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0;
if (hasPositions != expectedHasPositions)
throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPositions=" + expectedHasPositions + " but got " + hasPositions);
bool expectedHasPayloads = fieldInfo.HasPayloads;
if (hasPayloads != expectedHasPayloads)
throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPayloads=" + expectedHasPayloads + " but got " + hasPayloads);
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool expectedHasOffsets = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0;
if (hasOffsets != expectedHasOffsets)
throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasOffsets=" + expectedHasOffsets + " but got " + hasOffsets);
TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.GetEnumerator();
bool hasOrd = true;
long termCountStart = status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount;
BytesRef lastTerm = null;
IComparer<BytesRef> termComp = terms.Comparer;
long sumTotalTermFreq = 0;
long sumDocFreq = 0;
FixedBitSet visitedDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
while (termsEnum.MoveNext())
BytesRef term = termsEnum.Term;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(term.IsValid());
// make sure terms arrive in order according to
// the comp
if (lastTerm == null)
lastTerm = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(term);
if (termComp.Compare(lastTerm, term) >= 0)
throw new Exception("terms out of order: lastTerm=" + lastTerm + " term=" + term);
int docFreq = termsEnum.DocFreq;
if (docFreq <= 0)
throw new Exception("docfreq: " + docFreq + " is out of bounds");
sumDocFreq += docFreq;
docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs);
postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);
if (hasFreqs == false)
if (termsEnum.TotalTermFreq != -1)
throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but TermsEnum.totalTermFreq()=" + termsEnum.TotalTermFreq + " (should be -1)");
if (hasOrd)
long ord = -1;
ord = termsEnum.Ord;
#pragma warning disable 168
catch (NotSupportedException uoe)
#pragma warning restore 168
hasOrd = false;
if (hasOrd)
long ordExpected = status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount - termCountStart;
if (ord != ordExpected)
throw new Exception("ord mismatch: TermsEnum has ord=" + ord + " vs actual=" + ordExpected);
DocsEnum docs2;
if (postings != null)
docs2 = postings;
docs2 = docs;
int lastDoc = -1;
int docCount = 0;
long totalTermFreq = 0;
while (true)
int doc = docs2.NextDoc();
if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
int freq = -1;
if (hasFreqs)
freq = docs2.Freq;
if (freq <= 0)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
status.TotPos += freq;
totalTermFreq += freq;
// When a field didn't index freq, it must
// consistently "lie" and pretend that freq was
// 1:
if (docs2.Freq != 1)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " != 1 when Terms.hasFreqs() is false");
if (doc <= lastDoc)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " <= lastDoc " + lastDoc);
if (doc >= maxDoc)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " >= maxDoc " + maxDoc);
lastDoc = doc;
int lastPos = -1;
int lastOffset = 0;
if (hasPositions)
for (int j = 0; j < freq; j++)
int pos = postings.NextPosition();
if (pos < 0)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " is out of bounds");
if (pos < lastPos)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " < lastPos " + lastPos);
lastPos = pos;
BytesRef payload = postings.GetPayload();
// LUCENENET specific - restructured to reduce number of checks in production
if (!(payload is null))
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(payload.IsValid());
if (payload.Length < 1)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " payload length is out of bounds " + payload.Length);
if (hasOffsets)
int startOffset = postings.StartOffset;
int endOffset = postings.EndOffset;
// NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
// but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
if (!isVectors)
if (startOffset < 0)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (startOffset < lastOffset)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
if (endOffset < 0)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (endOffset < startOffset)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
lastOffset = startOffset;
if (docCount != 0)
long totalTermFreq2 = termsEnum.TotalTermFreq;
bool hasTotalTermFreq = hasFreqs && totalTermFreq2 != -1;
// Re-count if there are deleted docs:
if (liveDocs != null)
if (hasFreqs)
DocsEnum docsNoDel = termsEnum.Docs(null, docsAndFreqs);
docCount = 0;
totalTermFreq = 0;
while (docsNoDel.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
totalTermFreq += docsNoDel.Freq;
DocsEnum docsNoDel = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs, DocsFlags.NONE);
docCount = 0;
totalTermFreq = -1;
while (docsNoDel.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (docCount != docFreq)
throw new Exception("term " + term + " docFreq=" + docFreq + " != tot docs w/o deletions " + docCount);
if (hasTotalTermFreq)
if (totalTermFreq2 <= 0)
throw new Exception("totalTermFreq: " + totalTermFreq2 + " is out of bounds");
sumTotalTermFreq += totalTermFreq;
if (totalTermFreq != totalTermFreq2)
throw new Exception("term " + term + " totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq2 + " != recomputed totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq);
// Test skipping
if (hasPositions)
for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++)
int skipDocID = (int)(((idx + 1) * (long)maxDoc) / 8);
postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);
int docID = postings.Advance(skipDocID);
if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (docID < skipDocID)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
int freq = postings.Freq;
if (freq <= 0)
throw new Exception("termFreq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
int lastPosition = -1;
int lastOffset = 0;
for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
int pos = postings.NextPosition();
if (pos < 0)
throw new Exception("position " + pos + " is out of bounds");
if (pos < lastPosition)
throw new Exception("position " + pos + " is < lastPosition " + lastPosition);
lastPosition = pos;
if (hasOffsets)
int startOffset = postings.StartOffset;
int endOffset = postings.EndOffset;
// NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
// but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
if (!isVectors)
if (startOffset < 0)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (startOffset < lastOffset)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
if (endOffset < 0)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (endOffset < startOffset)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
lastOffset = startOffset;
int nextDocID = postings.NextDoc();
if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (nextDocID <= docID)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": Advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .Next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);
for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++)
int skipDocID = (int)(((idx + 1) * (long)maxDoc) / 8);
docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs, DocsFlags.NONE);
int docID = docs.Advance(skipDocID);
if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (docID < skipDocID)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": Advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
int nextDocID = docs.NextDoc();
if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (nextDocID <= docID)
throw new Exception("term " + term + ": Advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .Next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);
Terms fieldTerms = fields.GetTerms(field);
if (fieldTerms == null)
// Unusual: the FieldsEnum returned a field but
// the Terms for that field is null; this should
// only happen if it's a ghost field (field with
// no terms, eg there used to be terms but all
// docs got deleted and then merged away):
if (fieldTerms is BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader)
BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats stats = ((BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader)fieldTerms).ComputeStats();
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(stats != null);
if (status.BlockTreeStats == null)
status.BlockTreeStats = new Dictionary<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats>();
status.BlockTreeStats[field] = stats;
if (sumTotalTermFreq != 0)
long v = fields.GetTerms(field).SumTotalTermFreq;
if (v != -1 && sumTotalTermFreq != v)
throw new Exception("sumTotalTermFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumTotalTermFreq=" + sumTotalTermFreq);
if (sumDocFreq != 0)
long v = fields.GetTerms(field).SumDocFreq;
if (v != -1 && sumDocFreq != v)
throw new Exception("sumDocFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumDocFreq=" + sumDocFreq);
if (fieldTerms != null)
int v = fieldTerms.DocCount;
if (v != -1 && visitedDocs.Cardinality() != v)
throw new Exception("docCount for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed docCount=" + visitedDocs.Cardinality());
// Test seek to last term:
if (lastTerm != null)
if (termsEnum.SeekCeil(lastTerm) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND)
throw new Exception("seek to last term " + lastTerm + " failed");
int expectedDocFreq = termsEnum.DocFreq;
DocsEnum d = termsEnum.Docs(null, null, DocsFlags.NONE);
int docFreq = 0;
while (d.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (docFreq != expectedDocFreq)
throw new Exception("docFreq for last term " + lastTerm + "=" + expectedDocFreq + " != recomputed docFreq=" + docFreq);
// check unique term count
long termCount = -1;
if ((status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount) - termCountStart > 0)
termCount = fields.GetTerms(field).Count;
if (termCount != -1 && termCount != status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount - termCountStart)
throw new Exception("termCount mismatch " + (status.DelTermCount + termCount) + " vs " + (status.TermCount - termCountStart));
// Test seeking by ord
if (hasOrd && status.TermCount - termCountStart > 0)
int seekCount = (int)Math.Min(10000L, termCount);
if (seekCount > 0)
BytesRef[] seekTerms = new BytesRef[seekCount];
// Seek by ord
for (int i = seekCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
long ord = i * (termCount / seekCount);
seekTerms[i] = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(termsEnum.Term);
// Seek by term
long totDocCount = 0;
for (int i = seekCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (termsEnum.SeekCeil(seekTerms[i]) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND)
throw new Exception("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");
docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs, DocsFlags.NONE);
if (docs == null)
throw new Exception("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);
while (docs.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
long totDocCountNoDeletes = 0;
long totDocFreq = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < seekCount; i++)
if (!termsEnum.SeekExact(seekTerms[i]))
throw new Exception("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");
totDocFreq += termsEnum.DocFreq;
docs = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs, DocsFlags.NONE);
if (docs == null)
throw new Exception("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);
while (docs.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (totDocCount > totDocCountNoDeletes)
throw new Exception("more postings with deletes=" + totDocCount + " than without=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);
if (totDocCountNoDeletes != totDocFreq)
throw new Exception("docfreqs=" + totDocFreq + " != recomputed docfreqs=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);
int fieldCount = fields.Count;
if (fieldCount != -1)
if (fieldCount < 0)
throw new Exception("invalid fieldCount: " + fieldCount);
if (fieldCount != computedFieldCount)
throw new Exception("fieldCount mismatch " + fieldCount + " vs recomputed field count " + computedFieldCount);
// for most implementations, this is boring (just the sum across all fields)
// but codecs that don't work per-field like preflex actually implement this,
// but don't implement it on Terms, so the check isn't redundant.
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
long uniqueTermCountAllFields = fields.UniqueTermCount;
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
if (uniqueTermCountAllFields != -1 && status.TermCount + status.DelTermCount != uniqueTermCountAllFields)
throw new Exception("termCount mismatch " + uniqueTermCountAllFields + " vs " + (status.TermCount + status.DelTermCount));
if (doPrint)
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TermCount + " terms; " + status.TotFreq + " terms/docs pairs; " + status.TotPos + " tokens]");
if (verbose && status.BlockTreeStats != null && infoStream != null && status.TermCount > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats> ent in status.BlockTreeStats)
infoStream.WriteLine(" field \"" + ent.Key + "\":");
infoStream.WriteLine(" " + ent.Value.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "));
return status;
/// <summary>
/// Test the term index.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.TermIndexStatus TestPostings(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream)
return TestPostings(reader, infoStream, false);
/// <summary>
/// Test the term index.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.TermIndexStatus TestPostings(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream, bool verbose)
// TODO: we should go and verify term vectors match, if
// crossCheckTermVectors is on...
Status.TermIndexStatus status;
int maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc;
IBits liveDocs = reader.LiveDocs;
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: terms, freq, prox...");
Fields fields = reader.Fields;
FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.FieldInfos;
status = CheckFields(fields, liveDocs, maxDoc, fieldInfos, true, false, infoStream, verbose);
if (liveDocs != null)
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test (ignoring deletes): terms, freq, prox...");
CheckFields(fields, null, maxDoc, fieldInfos, true, false, infoStream, verbose);
catch (Exception e)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR: " + e);
status = new Status.TermIndexStatus();
status.Error = e;
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
return status;
/// <summary>
/// Test stored fields.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.StoredFieldStatus TestStoredFields(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream)
Status.StoredFieldStatus status = new Status.StoredFieldStatus();
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: stored fields.......");
// Scan stored fields for all documents
IBits liveDocs = reader.LiveDocs;
for (int j = 0; j < reader.MaxDoc; ++j)
// Intentionally pull even deleted documents to
// make sure they too are not corrupt:
Document doc = reader.Document(j);
if (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.Get(j))
status.TotFields += doc.Fields.Count;
// Validate docCount
if (status.DocCount != reader.NumDocs)
throw new Exception("docCount=" + status.DocCount + " but saw " + status.DocCount + " undeleted docs");
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TotFields + " total field count; avg " + ((((float)status.TotFields) / status.DocCount)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " fields per doc]");
catch (Exception e)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + e.Message + "]");
status.Error = e;
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
return status;
/// <summary>
/// Test docvalues.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.DocValuesStatus TestDocValues(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream)
Status.DocValuesStatus status = new Status.DocValuesStatus();
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: docvalues...........");
foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in reader.FieldInfos)
if (fieldInfo.HasDocValues)
CheckDocValues(fieldInfo, reader, /*infoStream,*/ status);
if (reader.GetBinaryDocValues(fieldInfo.Name) != null || reader.GetNumericDocValues(fieldInfo.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedDocValues(fieldInfo.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedSetDocValues(fieldInfo.Name) != null || reader.GetDocsWithField(fieldInfo.Name) != null)
throw new Exception("field: " + fieldInfo.Name + " has docvalues but should omit them!");
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TotalValueFields + " docvalues fields; " + status.TotalBinaryFields + " BINARY; " + status.TotalNumericFields + " NUMERIC; " + status.TotalSortedFields + " SORTED; " + status.TotalSortedSetFields + " SORTED_SET]");
catch (Exception e)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + e.Message + "]");
status.Error = e;
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
return status;
private static void CheckBinaryDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, BinaryDocValues dv, IBits docsWithField)
BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
dv.Get(i, scratch);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(scratch.IsValid());
if (docsWithField.Get(i) == false && scratch.Length > 0)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has value=" + scratch + " for doc: " + i);
private static void CheckSortedDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, SortedDocValues dv, IBits docsWithField)
CheckBinaryDocValues(fieldName, reader, dv, docsWithField);
int maxOrd = dv.ValueCount - 1;
FixedBitSet seenOrds = new FixedBitSet(dv.ValueCount);
int maxOrd2 = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
int ord = dv.GetOrd(i);
if (ord == -1)
if (docsWithField.Get(i))
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has -1 ord but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
else if (ord < -1 || ord > maxOrd)
throw new Exception("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
if (!docsWithField.Get(i))
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has ord=" + ord + " for doc: " + i);
maxOrd2 = Math.Max(maxOrd2, ord);
if (maxOrd != maxOrd2)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
if (seenOrds.Cardinality() != dv.ValueCount)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, ValueCount=" + dv.ValueCount + " but only used: " + seenOrds.Cardinality());
BytesRef lastValue = null;
BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
for (int i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++)
dv.LookupOrd(i, scratch);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(scratch.IsValid());
if (lastValue != null)
if (scratch.CompareTo(lastValue) <= 0)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + scratch);
lastValue = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(scratch);
private static void CheckSortedSetDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, SortedSetDocValues dv, IBits docsWithField)
long maxOrd = dv.ValueCount - 1;
Int64BitSet seenOrds = new Int64BitSet(dv.ValueCount);
long maxOrd2 = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
long lastOrd = -1;
long ord;
if (docsWithField.Get(i))
int ordCount = 0;
while ((ord = dv.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
if (ord <= lastOrd)
throw new Exception("ords out of order: " + ord + " <= " + lastOrd + " for doc: " + i);
if (ord < 0 || ord > maxOrd)
throw new Exception("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
if (dv is RandomAccessOrds)
long ord2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).OrdAt(ordCount);
if (ord != ord2)
throw new Exception("ordAt(" + ordCount + ") inconsistent, expected=" + ord + ",got=" + ord2 + " for doc: " + i);
lastOrd = ord;
maxOrd2 = Math.Max(maxOrd2, ord);
if (ordCount == 0)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has no ordinals but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
if (dv is RandomAccessOrds)
long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).Cardinality();
if (ordCount != ordCount2)
throw new Exception("cardinality inconsistent, expected=" + ordCount + ",got=" + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
long o = dv.NextOrd();
if (o != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has ord=" + o + " for doc: " + i);
if (dv is RandomAccessOrds)
long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).Cardinality();
if (ordCount2 != 0)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has cardinality " + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
if (maxOrd != maxOrd2)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
if (seenOrds.Cardinality() != dv.ValueCount)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.ValueCount + " but only used: " + seenOrds.Cardinality());
BytesRef lastValue = null;
BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
for (long i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++)
dv.LookupOrd(i, scratch);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(scratch.IsValid());
if (lastValue != null)
if (scratch.CompareTo(lastValue) <= 0)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + scratch);
lastValue = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(scratch);
private static void CheckNumericDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, NumericDocValues ndv, IBits docsWithField)
for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
long value = ndv.Get(i);
if (docsWithField.Get(i) == false && value != 0)
throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has value=" + value + " for doc: " + i);
private static void CheckDocValues(FieldInfo fi, AtomicReader reader, /*StreamWriter infoStream,*/ DocValuesStatus status)
IBits docsWithField = reader.GetDocsWithField(fi.Name);
if (docsWithField == null)
throw new Exception(fi.Name + " docsWithField does not exist");
else if (docsWithField.Length != reader.MaxDoc)
throw new Exception(fi.Name + " docsWithField has incorrect length: " + docsWithField.Length + ",expected: " + reader.MaxDoc);
switch (fi.DocValuesType)
case DocValuesType.SORTED:
CheckSortedDocValues(fi.Name, reader, reader.GetSortedDocValues(fi.Name), docsWithField);
if (reader.GetBinaryDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetNumericDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedSetDocValues(fi.Name) != null)
throw new Exception(fi.Name + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
case DocValuesType.SORTED_SET:
CheckSortedSetDocValues(fi.Name, reader, reader.GetSortedSetDocValues(fi.Name), docsWithField);
if (reader.GetBinaryDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetNumericDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedDocValues(fi.Name) != null)
throw new Exception(fi.Name + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
case DocValuesType.BINARY:
CheckBinaryDocValues(fi.Name, reader, reader.GetBinaryDocValues(fi.Name), docsWithField);
if (reader.GetNumericDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedSetDocValues(fi.Name) != null)
throw new Exception(fi.Name + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
case DocValuesType.NUMERIC:
CheckNumericDocValues(fi.Name, reader, reader.GetNumericDocValues(fi.Name), docsWithField);
if (reader.GetBinaryDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedDocValues(fi.Name) != null || reader.GetSortedSetDocValues(fi.Name) != null)
throw new Exception(fi.Name + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private static void CheckNorms(FieldInfo fi, AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream)
switch (fi.NormType)
case DocValuesType.NUMERIC:
CheckNumericDocValues(fi.Name, reader, reader.GetNormValues(fi.Name), new Lucene.Net.Util.Bits.MatchAllBits(reader.MaxDoc));
throw new InvalidOperationException("wtf: " + fi.NormType);
/// <summary>
/// Test term vectors.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.TermVectorStatus TestTermVectors(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream)
return TestTermVectors(reader, infoStream, false, false);
/// <summary>
/// Test term vectors.
/// <para/>
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </summary>
public static Status.TermVectorStatus TestTermVectors(AtomicReader reader, TextWriter infoStream, bool verbose, bool crossCheckTermVectors)
Status.TermVectorStatus status = new Status.TermVectorStatus();
FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.FieldInfos;
IBits onlyDocIsDeleted = new FixedBitSet(1);
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.Write(" test: term vectors........");
DocsEnum docs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;
// Only used if crossCheckTermVectors is true:
DocsEnum postingsDocs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postingsPostings = null;
IBits liveDocs = reader.LiveDocs;
Fields postingsFields;
// TODO: testTermsIndex
if (crossCheckTermVectors)
postingsFields = reader.Fields;
postingsFields = null;
TermsEnum termsEnum = null;
TermsEnum postingsTermsEnum = null;
for (int j = 0; j < reader.MaxDoc; ++j)
// Intentionally pull/visit (but don't count in
// stats) deleted documents to make sure they too
// are not corrupt:
Fields tfv = reader.GetTermVectors(j);
// TODO: can we make a IS(FIR) that searches just
// this term vector... to pass for searcher?
if (tfv != null)
// First run with no deletions:
CheckFields(tfv, null, 1, fieldInfos, false, true, infoStream, verbose);
// Again, with the one doc deleted:
CheckFields(tfv, onlyDocIsDeleted, 1, fieldInfos, false, true, infoStream, verbose);
// Only agg stats if the doc is live:
bool doStats = liveDocs == null || liveDocs.Get(j);
if (doStats)
foreach (string field in tfv)
if (doStats)
// Make sure FieldInfo thinks this field is vector'd:
FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
if (!fieldInfo.HasVectors)
throw new Exception("docID=" + j + " has term vectors for field=" + field + " but FieldInfo has storeTermVector=false");
if (crossCheckTermVectors)
Terms terms = tfv.GetTerms(field);
termsEnum = terms.GetEnumerator(termsEnum);
// LUCENENET specific - to avoid boxing, changed from CompareTo() to IndexOptionsComparer.Compare()
bool postingsHasFreq = IndexOptionsComparer.Default.Compare(fieldInfo.IndexOptions, IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0;
bool postingsHasPayload = fieldInfo.HasPayloads;
bool vectorsHasPayload = terms.HasPayloads;
Terms postingsTerms = postingsFields.GetTerms(field);
if (postingsTerms == null)
throw new Exception("vector field=" + field + " does not exist in postings; doc=" + j);
postingsTermsEnum = postingsTerms.GetEnumerator(postingsTermsEnum);
bool hasProx = terms.HasOffsets || terms.HasPositions;
BytesRef term;
while (termsEnum.MoveNext())
term = termsEnum.Term;
if (hasProx)
postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(null, postings);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(postings != null);
docs = null;
docs = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs);
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(docs != null);
postings = null;
DocsEnum docs2;
if (hasProx)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(postings != null);
docs2 = postings;
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(docs != null);
docs2 = docs;
DocsEnum postingsDocs2;
if (!postingsTermsEnum.SeekExact(term))
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " does not exist in postings; doc=" + j);
postingsPostings = postingsTermsEnum.DocsAndPositions(null, postingsPostings);
if (postingsPostings == null)
// Term vectors were indexed w/ pos but postings were not
postingsDocs = postingsTermsEnum.Docs(null, postingsDocs);
if (postingsDocs == null)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " does not exist in postings; doc=" + j);
if (postingsPostings != null)
postingsDocs2 = postingsPostings;
postingsDocs2 = postingsDocs;
int advanceDoc = postingsDocs2.Advance(j);
if (advanceDoc != j)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + ": doc=" + j + " was not found in postings (got: " + advanceDoc + ")");
int doc = docs2.NextDoc();
if (doc != 0)
throw new Exception("vector for doc " + j + " didn't return docID=0: got docID=" + doc);
if (postingsHasFreq)
int tf = docs2.Freq;
if (postingsHasFreq && postingsDocs2.Freq != tf)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": freq=" + tf + " differs from postings freq=" + postingsDocs2.Freq);
if (hasProx)
for (int i = 0; i < tf; i++)
int pos = postings.NextPosition();
if (postingsPostings != null)
int postingsPos = postingsPostings.NextPosition();
if (terms.HasPositions && pos != postingsPos)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": pos=" + pos + " differs from postings pos=" + postingsPos);
// Call the methods to at least make
// sure they don't throw exc:
int startOffset = postings.StartOffset;
int endOffset = postings.EndOffset;
// TODO: these are too anal...?
if (endOffset < startOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector startOffset=" + startOffset + " is > endOffset=" + endOffset);
if (startOffset < lastStartOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector startOffset=" + startOffset + " is < prior startOffset=" + lastStartOffset);
lastStartOffset = startOffset;
if (postingsPostings != null)
int postingsStartOffset = postingsPostings.StartOffset;
int postingsEndOffset = postingsPostings.EndOffset;
if (startOffset != -1 && postingsStartOffset != -1 && startOffset != postingsStartOffset)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": startOffset=" + startOffset + " differs from postings startOffset=" + postingsStartOffset);
if (endOffset != -1 && postingsEndOffset != -1 && endOffset != postingsEndOffset)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": endOffset=" + endOffset + " differs from postings endOffset=" + postingsEndOffset);
BytesRef payload = postings.GetPayload();
if (payload != null)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(vectorsHasPayload);
if (postingsHasPayload && vectorsHasPayload)
if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(postingsPostings != null);
if (payload == null)
// we have payloads, but not at this position.
// postings has payloads too, it should not have one at this position
if (postingsPostings.GetPayload() != null)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + " has no payload but postings does: " + postingsPostings.GetPayload());
// we have payloads, and one at this position
// postings should also have one at this position, with the same bytes.
if (postingsPostings.GetPayload() == null)
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + " has payload=" + payload + " but postings does not.");
BytesRef postingsPayload = postingsPostings.GetPayload();
if (!payload.Equals(postingsPayload))
throw new Exception("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + " has payload=" + payload + " but differs from postings payload=" + postingsPayload);
float vectorAvg = status.DocCount == 0 ? 0 : status.TotVectors / (float)status.DocCount;
Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TotVectors + " total vector count; avg " + vectorAvg.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " term/freq vector fields per doc]");
catch (Exception e)
Msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + e.Message + "]");
status.Error = e;
if (infoStream != null)
// LUCENENET NOTE: Some tests rely on the error type being in
// the message. We can't get the error type with StackTrace, we
// need ToString() for that.
return status;
/// <summary>
/// Repairs the index using previously returned result
/// from <see cref="DoCheckIndex()"/>. Note that this does not
/// remove any of the unreferenced files after it's done;
/// you must separately open an <see cref="IndexWriter"/>, which
/// deletes unreferenced files when it's created.
/// <para/><b>WARNING</b>: this writes a
/// new segments file into the index, effectively removing
/// all documents in broken segments from the index.
/// <para/><b>WARNING</b>: Make sure you only call this when the
/// index is not opened by any writer.
/// </summary>
public virtual void FixIndex(Status result)
if (result.Partial)
throw new ArgumentException("can only fix an index that was fully checked (this status checked a subset of segments)");
// LUCENENET: Not used
//private static bool assertsOn;
//private static bool TestAsserts()
// assertsOn = true;
// return true;
//private static bool AssertsOn()
// if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(TestAsserts);
// return assertsOn;
///// Command-line interface to check and fix an index.
///// <p>
///// Run it like this:
///// <pre>
///// java -ea:org.apache.lucene... Lucene.Net.Index.CheckIndex pathToIndex [-fix] [-verbose] [-segment X] [-segment Y]
///// </pre>
///// <ul>
///// <li><code>-fix</code>: actually write a new segments_N file, removing any problematic segments
///// <li><code>-segment X</code>: only check the specified
///// segment(s). this can be specified multiple times,
///// to check more than one segment, eg <code>-segment _2
///// -segment _a</code>. You can't use this with the -fix
///// option.
///// </ul>
///// <p><b>WARNING</b>: <code>-fix</code> should only be used on an emergency basis as it will cause
///// documents (perhaps many) to be permanently removed from the index. Always make
///// a backup copy of your index before running this! Do not run this tool on an index
///// that is actively being written to. You have been warned!
///// <p> Run without -fix, this tool will open the index, report version information
///// and report any exceptions it hits and what action it would take if -fix were
///// specified. With -fix, this tool will remove any segments that have issues and
///// write a new segments_N file. this means all documents contained in the affected
///// segments will be removed.
///// <p>
///// this tool exits with exit code 1 if the index cannot be opened or has any
///// corruption, else 0.
public static void Main(string[] args)
bool doFix = false;
bool doCrossCheckTermVectors = false;
bool verbose = false;
IList<string> onlySegments = new List<string>();
string indexPath = null;
string dirImpl = null;
int i = 0;
while (i < args.Length)
string arg = args[i];
if ("-fix".Equals(arg, StringComparison.Ordinal))
doFix = true;
else if ("-crossCheckTermVectors".Equals(arg, StringComparison.Ordinal))
doCrossCheckTermVectors = true;
else if (arg.Equals("-verbose", StringComparison.Ordinal))
verbose = true;
else if (arg.Equals("-segment", StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (i == args.Length - 1)
// LUCENENET specific - we only output from our CLI wrapper
throw new ArgumentException("ERROR: missing name for -segment option");
//Console.WriteLine("ERROR: missing name for -segment option");
else if ("-dir-impl".Equals(arg, StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (i == args.Length - 1)
// LUCENENET specific - we only output from our CLI wrapper
throw new ArgumentException("ERROR: missing value for -dir-impl option");
//Console.WriteLine("ERROR: missing value for -dir-impl option");
dirImpl = args[i];
if (indexPath != null)
// LUCENENET specific - we only output from our CLI wrapper
throw new ArgumentException("ERROR: unexpected extra argument '" + args[i] + "'");
//Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected extra argument '" + args[i] + "'");
indexPath = args[i];
if (indexPath == null)
// LUCENENET specific - we only output from our CLI wrapper
throw new ArgumentException("\nERROR: index path not specified");
//Console.WriteLine("\nERROR: index path not specified");
//Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: java Lucene.Net.Index.CheckIndex pathToIndex [-fix] [-crossCheckTermVectors] [-segment X] [-segment Y] [-dir-impl X]\n" + "\n" + " -fix: actually write a new segments_N file, removing any problematic segments\n" + " -crossCheckTermVectors: verifies that term vectors match postings; this IS VERY SLOW!\n" + " -codec X: when fixing, codec to write the new segments_N file with\n" + " -verbose: print additional details\n" + " -segment X: only check the specified segments. this can be specified multiple\n" + " times, to check more than one segment, eg '-segment _2 -segment _a'.\n" + " You can't use this with the -fix option\n" + " -dir-impl X: use a specific " + typeof(FSDirectory).Name + " implementation. " + "If no package is specified the " + typeof(FSDirectory).Namespace + " package will be used.\n" + "\n" + "**WARNING**: -fix should only be used on an emergency basis as it will cause\n" + "documents (perhaps many) to be permanently removed from the index. Always make\n" + "a backup copy of your index before running this! Do not run this tool on an index\n" + "that is actively being written to. You have been warned!\n" + "\n" + "Run without -fix, this tool will open the index, report version information\n" + "and report any exceptions it hits and what action it would take if -fix were\n" + "specified. With -fix, this tool will remove any segments that have issues and\n" + "write a new segments_N file. this means all documents contained in the affected\n" + "segments will be removed.\n" + "\n" + "this tool exits with exit code 1 if the index cannot be opened or has any\n" + "corruption, else 0.\n");
// LUCENENET specific - rather than having the user specify whether to enable asserts, we always run with them enabled.
Debugging.AssertsEnabled = true;
//if (!AssertsOn())
// Console.WriteLine("\nNOTE: testing will be more thorough if you run java with '-ea:org.apache.lucene...', so assertions are enabled");
if (onlySegments.Count == 0)
onlySegments = null;
else if (doFix)
// LUCENENET specific - we only output from our CLI wrapper
throw new ArgumentException("ERROR: cannot specify both -fix and -segment");
//Console.WriteLine("ERROR: cannot specify both -fix and -segment");
Console.WriteLine("\nOpening index @ " + indexPath + "\n");
Directory dir = null;
if (dirImpl == null)
dir = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo(indexPath));
dir = CommandLineUtil.NewFSDirectory(dirImpl, new DirectoryInfo(indexPath));
catch (Exception t)
// LUCENENET specific - we only output from our CLI wrapper
throw new ArgumentException("ERROR: could not open directory \"" + indexPath + "\"; exiting\n" + t.ToString());
//Console.WriteLine("ERROR: could not open directory \"" + indexPath + "\"; exiting");
CheckIndex checker = new CheckIndex(dir);
checker.CrossCheckTermVectors = doCrossCheckTermVectors;
checker.InfoStream = Console.Out;
checker.InfoStreamIsVerbose = verbose;
Status result = checker.DoCheckIndex(onlySegments);
if (result.MissingSegments)
if (!result.Clean)
if (!doFix)
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: would write new segments file, and " + result.TotLoseDocCount + " documents would be lost, if index fix were specified\n");
//Console.WriteLine("WARNING: would write new segments file, and " + result.TotLoseDocCount + " documents would be lost, if -fix were specified\n");
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: " + result.TotLoseDocCount + " documents will be lost\n");
Console.WriteLine("NOTE: will write new segments file in 5 seconds; this will remove " + result.TotLoseDocCount + " docs from the index. this IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO CTRL+C!");
for (int s = 0; s < 5; s++)
Console.WriteLine(" " + (5 - s) + "...");
Console.WriteLine("Wrote new segments file \"" + result.NewSegments.GetSegmentsFileName() + "\"");
int exitCode;
if (result.Clean == true)
exitCode = 0;
exitCode = 1;