Changes other posts links to just be a list
diff --git a/websites/site/contributing/ b/websites/site/contributing/
index ceb190d..0da45e4 100644
--- a/websites/site/contributing/
+++ b/websites/site/contributing/
@@ -28,13 +28,12 @@
 * [Lucene - or how I stopped worrying and learned to love unstructured data](
 * [How Subtext Lucene.Net index is structured](
-### [Lazily setting the SetMultiTermRewriteMethod](
+### Other posts
-How-to guide on lazily setting the rewrite method of the query parser instead of eagerly since you may not know it is required until the query is built.
-### [Spatial Search with Lucene.Net and Examine](
-How-to guide on implementing geo spatial search with Lucene.Net in the context of using [Examine]( to manage Lucene.Net. 
+* [Lazily setting the SetMultiTermRewriteMethod](
+  * How-to guide on lazily setting the rewrite method of the query parser instead of eagerly since you may not know it is required until the query is built.
+* [Spatial Search with Lucene.Net and Examine](
+  * How-to guide on implementing geo spatial search with Lucene.Net in the context of using [Examine]( to manage Lucene.Net. 
 ## Lucene.Net projects