blob: aa662a25508194b98937ba9c2f6d623768466408 [file] [log] [blame]
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Lucene.Net.Search
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// <summary>
/// A <see cref="Scorer"/> for queries with a required part and an optional part.
/// Delays SkipTo() on the optional part until a GetScore() is needed.
/// <para/>
/// This <see cref="Scorer"/> implements <see cref="DocIdSetIterator.Advance(int)"/>.
/// </summary>
internal class ReqOptSumScorer : Scorer
/// <summary>
/// The scorers passed from the constructor.
/// These are set to <c>null</c> as soon as their Next() or SkipTo() returns <c>false</c>.
/// </summary>
private Scorer reqScorer;
private Scorer optScorer;
/// <summary>
/// Construct a <see cref="ReqOptSumScorer"/>. </summary>
/// <param name="reqScorer"> The required scorer. This must match. </param>
/// <param name="optScorer"> The optional scorer. This is used for scoring only. </param>
public ReqOptSumScorer(Scorer reqScorer, Scorer optScorer)
: base(reqScorer.m_weight)
Debug.Assert(reqScorer != null);
Debug.Assert(optScorer != null);
this.reqScorer = reqScorer;
this.optScorer = optScorer;
public override int NextDoc()
return reqScorer.NextDoc();
public override int Advance(int target)
return reqScorer.Advance(target);
public override int DocID
get { return reqScorer.DocID; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the score of the current document matching the query.
/// Initially invalid, until <see cref="NextDoc()"/> is called the first time. </summary>
/// <returns> The score of the required scorer, eventually increased by the score
/// of the optional scorer when it also matches the current document. </returns>
public override float GetScore()
// TODO: sum into a double and cast to float if we ever send required clauses to BS1
int curDoc = reqScorer.DocID;
float reqScore = reqScorer.GetScore();
if (optScorer == null)
return reqScore;
int optScorerDoc = optScorer.DocID;
if (optScorerDoc < curDoc && (optScorerDoc = optScorer.Advance(curDoc)) == NO_MORE_DOCS)
optScorer = null;
return reqScore;
return optScorerDoc == curDoc ? reqScore + optScorer.GetScore() : reqScore;
public override int Freq
// we might have deferred advance()
return (optScorer != null && optScorer.DocID == reqScorer.DocID) ? 2 : 1;
public override ICollection<ChildScorer> GetChildren()
List<ChildScorer> children = new List<ChildScorer>(2);
children.Add(new ChildScorer(reqScorer, "MUST"));
children.Add(new ChildScorer(optScorer, "SHOULD"));
return children;
public override long GetCost()
return reqScorer.GetCost();