blob: 04877ee2e4cf53741a5fbc98ad114419833ee7f8 [file] [log] [blame]
using J2N.Text;
using Lucene.Net.Util;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using JCG = J2N.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis.CharFilters
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// LUCENENET NOTE: Version compatibility level 4.8.1 (added fix for SOLR-5983: HTMLStripCharFilter is treating CDATA sections incorrectly)
public class HTMLStripCharFilterTest : BaseTokenStreamTestCase
private static Analyzer NewTestAnalyzer()
return new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper();
private class AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper : Analyzer
public AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper()
protected override TokenStreamComponents CreateComponents(string fieldName, TextReader reader)
Tokenizer tokenizer = new MockTokenizer(reader, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false);
return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, tokenizer);
protected override TextReader InitReader(string fieldName, TextReader reader)
return new HTMLStripCharFilter(reader);
//this is some text here is a link and another link . This is an entity: & plus a <. Here is an &
public virtual void Test()
string html = "<div class=\"foo\">this is some text</div> here is a <a href=\"#bar\">link</a> and " +
"another <a href=\"\">link</a>. " +
"This is an entity: &amp; plus a &lt;. Here is an &. <!-- is a comment -->";
string gold = "\nthis is some text\n here is a link and " +
"another link. " +
"This is an entity: & plus a <. Here is an &. ";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(html, gold, null);
//Some sanity checks, but not a full-fledged check
public virtual void TestHTML()
System.IO.Stream stream = this.GetType().getResourceAsStream("htmlStripReaderTest.html");
HTMLStripCharFilter reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new System.IO.StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8));
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int ch = -1;
while ((ch = reader.Read()) > 0)
string str = builder.ToString();
assertTrue("Entity not properly escaped", str.IndexOf("&lt;", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1); //there is one > in the text
assertTrue("Forrest should have been stripped out", str.IndexOf("forrest", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1 && str.IndexOf("Forrest", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1);
assertTrue("File should start with 'Welcome to Solr' after trimming", str.Trim().StartsWith("Welcome to Solr", StringComparison.Ordinal));
assertTrue("File should start with 'Foundation.' after trimming", str.Trim().EndsWith("Foundation.", StringComparison.Ordinal));
public virtual void TestMSWord14GeneratedHTML()
System.IO.Stream stream = this.GetType().getResourceAsStream("MS-Word14generated.htm");
HTMLStripCharFilter reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new System.IO.StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8));
string gold = "This is a test";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int ch = 0;
while ((ch = reader.Read()) > 0)
// Compare trim()'d output to gold
assertEquals("'" + builder.ToString().Trim() + "' is not equal to '" + gold + "'",
gold, builder.ToString().Trim());
public virtual void TestGamma()
AssertHTMLStripsTo("&Gamma;", "\u0393", new JCG.HashSet<string> { "reserved" });
public virtual void TestEntities()
string test = "&nbsp; &lt;foo&gt; &Uuml;bermensch &#61; &Gamma; bar &#x393;";
string gold = " <foo> \u00DCbermensch = \u0393 bar \u0393";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, new JCG.HashSet<string> { "reserved" });
public virtual void TestMoreEntities()
string test = "&nbsp; &lt;junk/&gt; &nbsp; &#33; &#64; and &#8217;";
string gold = " <junk/> ! @ and ’";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, new JCG.HashSet<string> { "reserved" });
public virtual void TestReserved()
string test = "aaa bbb <reserved ccc=\"ddddd\"> eeee </reserved> ffff <reserved ggg=\"hhhh\"/> <other/>";
ISet<string> set = new JCG.HashSet<string>();
TextReader reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new StringReader(test), set);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int ch = 0;
while ((ch = reader.Read()) > 0)
string result = builder.ToString();
// System.out.println("Result: " + result);
assertTrue("Escaped tag not preserved: " + result.IndexOf("reserved", StringComparison.Ordinal), result.IndexOf("reserved", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 9);
assertTrue("Escaped tag not preserved: " + result.IndexOf("reserved", 15, StringComparison.Ordinal), result.IndexOf("reserved", 15, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 38);
assertTrue("Escaped tag not preserved: " + result.IndexOf("reserved", 41, StringComparison.Ordinal), result.IndexOf("reserved", 41, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 54);
assertTrue("Other tag should be removed", result.IndexOf("other", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1);
public virtual void TestMalformedHTML()
string[] testGold = {
"a <a hr<ef=aa<a>> </close</a>",
"a <a hr<ef=aa> </close",
"<a href=\" class=lu style=\"font-size: 9px\" target=dmoz>Submit a Site</a>",
"Submit a Site",
"<a href=javascript:ioSwitch('p8','') title=expand id=e8 class=expanded rel=>Christian Science",
"Christian Science",
"<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"San Francisco \" 2008 RSS Feed\" href=\"\" />",
"<a href=\" symptoms.html, heat congestive heart failure <a href=\"",
"<a href=\" symptoms.html, heat congestive heart failure <a href=\"",
"<a href=\"\"class=\"pageNavAreaText\">",
"<link title=\"^\\\" 21Sta's Blog\" rel=\"search\" type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\" href=\"\" />",
"<a href=\"#postcomment\" title=\"\"Leave a comment\";\">?",
"<a href='/modern-furniture' ' id='21txt' class='offtab' onMouseout=\"this.className='offtab'; return true;\" onMouseover=\"this.className='ontab'; return true;\">",
"<a href='' style='font-size: 275%; padding: 1px; margin: 1px;' title='01 - Todos Post's (83)'>",
"The <a href=<a href=\">medical\">>medical</a> practice software</a>",
"The <a href=medical\">>medical practice software",
"<a href=\"node/21426\" class=\"clipTitle2\" title=\" 2008 Clip of the Week 29 \"Morgan Wade Leftover Clips\"\"> 2008 Clip of the Week 29...",
" 2008 Clip of the Week 29...",
"<a href=\"printer_friendly.php?branch=&year=&submit=go&screen=\";\">Printer Friendly",
"Printer Friendly",
"<a href=#\" ondragstart=\"return false\" onclick=\"window.external.AddFavorite('', 'Amazing Textures');return false\" onmouseover=\"window.status='Add to Favorites';return true\">Add to Favorites",
"Add to Favorites",
"<a href=\"../at_home/at_home_search.html\"../_home/at_home_search.html\">At",
"E-mail: <a href=\"\"\" \"> </a>",
"E-mail: ",
"<li class=\"farsi\"><a title=\"A'13?\" alt=\"A'13?\" href=\"\" alt=\"\" name=\"A'13?\"A'13? title=\"A'13?\">A'13?</a></li>",
"<li><a href=\"#28\" title=\"Hubert \"Geese\" Ausby\">Hubert \"Geese\" Ausby</a></li>",
"\nHubert \"Geese\" Ausby\n",
"<a href=\"",
"<a href=\"",
"<a href=\">",
"<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" title=\" Hi, tout le monde !>#</a>",
"<a href=\"\" title=\"Annunci Moto e Accessori Harley Davidson\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" /></a>",
"<a href=\"video/addvideo&v=120838887181\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want add this video to your profile? If it exists some video in your profile will be overlapped by this video!!')\" \" onmouseover=\"this.className='border2'\" onmouseout=\"this.className=''\">",
"<a href=#Services & Support>",
"<input type=\"image\" src=\"\"value=\"Search\" name=\"Search\" alt=\"Search\" class=\"searchimage\" onclick=\"incom ='&sc=' + document.getElementById('sel').value ; var dt ='&dt=' + document.getElementById('dt').value; var searchKeyword = document.getElementById('q').value ; searchKeyword = searchKeyword.replace(/\\s/g,''); if (searchKeyword.length < 3){alert('Nothing to search. Search keyword should contain atleast 3 chars.'); return false; } var al='&al=' + document.getElementById('advancedlink').style.display ; document.location.href='' + document.getElementById('q').value + incom + dt + al;\" />",
"<input type=\"image\" src=\"images/afbe.gif\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" hspace=\"4\" title=\"Add to Favorite\" alt=\"Add to Favorite\"onClick=\" if(window.sidebar){ window.sidebar.addPanel(document.title,location.href,''); }else if(window.external){ window.external.AddFavorite(location.href,document.title); }else if(window.opera&&window.print) { return true; }\">",
"<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"12,153,115,305\" href=\"\"Art's Norwegian Roots in Rogaland\">",
"<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" title=\"bonza>#",
"<a href= >",
"<a href=\"'/calendar.aspx?formname=frmCalendar.txtDate','calendar_window','width=154,height=188');calendar_window.focus()\">",
"<a href=\"/applications/defenseaerospace/19+rackmounts\" title=\"19\" Rackmounts\">",
"<a href= title=savage model 110 manual rel=dofollow>",
"<a class=\"at\" name=\"Lamborghini href=\"\">Lamborghini /a>",
"Lamborghini /a>",
"<A href='newslink.php? QB makes 'John 3:16' hottest Google search Tebow inscribed Bible reference on eye black for championship game' TARGET=_blank>",
"<a href=/myspace !style='color:#993333'>",
"<meta name=3DProgId content=3DExcel.Sheet>",
"<link id=3D\"shLink\" href=3D\"PSABrKelly-BADMINTONCupResults08FINAL2008_09_19=_files/sheet004.htm\">",
"<td bgcolor=3D\"#FFFFFF\" nowrap>",
"<a href=\"\"predicciones-mundiales-2009\".html\">\"predicciones mundiales 2009\"</a>",
"\"predicciones mundiales 2009\"",
"<a class=\"comment-link\" href=\"\"location.href=;>",
"<a href = \"/videos/Bishop\"/\" title = \"click to see more Bishop\" videos\">Bishop\"</a>",
"<a href=\"\"\">BHAA Eircom 2 &amp; 5 miles CC combined start</a>",
"BHAA Eircom 2 & 5 miles CC combined start",
"<a href=\"\" onClick='setClick(\"Application[tribe].Person[bb7df210-9dc0-478c-917f-436b896bcb79]\")'\" title=\"Mana\">",
"<a href=\"\"\" eudora=\"autourl\">",
"<input type=\"text\" value=\"<search here>\">",
"<input type=\"text\" value=\"\n\">",
"<input type=\"text\" value=\"<search here\">",
"<input type=\"text\" value=\"\n",
"<input type=\"text\" value=\"search here>\">",
"<input type=\"text\" value=\"&lt;search here&gt;\" onFocus=\"this.value='<search here>'\">",
"<![if ! IE]>\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"shortcut icon\"/>\n<![endif]>",
"<![if supportMisalignedColumns]>\n<tr height=0 style='display:none'>\n<td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td>\n</tr>\n<![endif]>",
for (int i = 0; i < testGold.Length; i += 2)
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testGold[i], testGold[i + 1], null);
public virtual void TestBufferOverflow()
StringBuilder testBuilder = new StringBuilder(HTMLStripCharFilter.InitialBufferSize + 50);
testBuilder.Append("ah<?> ??????");
AppendChars(testBuilder, HTMLStripCharFilter.InitialBufferSize + 500);
TextReader reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(testBuilder.ToString().GetBytes(Encoding.UTF8))));
AssertHTMLStripsTo(reader, testBuilder.ToString(), null);
testBuilder.Length = 0;
testBuilder.Append("<!--"); //comments
AppendChars(testBuilder, 3 * HTMLStripCharFilter.InitialBufferSize + 500); //comments have two lookaheads
string gold = "foo";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testBuilder.ToString(), gold, null);
testBuilder.Length = 0;
AppendChars(testBuilder, HTMLStripCharFilter.InitialBufferSize + 500);
gold = "";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testBuilder.ToString(), gold, null);
testBuilder.Length = 0;
testBuilder.Append("<b ");
AppendChars(testBuilder, HTMLStripCharFilter.InitialBufferSize + 500);
gold = "";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testBuilder.ToString(), gold, null);
private void AppendChars(StringBuilder testBuilder, int numChars)
int i1 = numChars / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < i1; i++)
testBuilder.Append('a').Append(' '); //tack on enough to go beyond the mark readahead limit, since <?> makes HTMLStripCharFilter think it is a processing instruction
public virtual void TestComment()
string test = "<!--- three dashes, still a valid comment ---> ";
string gold = " ";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
test = "<! -- blah > "; // should not be recognized as a comment
gold = " ";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
StringBuilder testBuilder = new StringBuilder("<!--");
AppendChars(testBuilder, TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 0, 1000));
gold = "";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testBuilder.ToString(), gold, null);
public virtual void DoTestOffsets(string @in)
HTMLStripCharFilter reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(@in.GetBytes(Encoding.UTF8))));
int ch = 0;
int off = 0; // offset in the reader
int strOff = -1; // offset in the original string
while ((ch = reader.Read()) > 0)
int correctedOff = reader.CorrectOffset(off);
if (ch == 'X')
strOff = @in.IndexOf('X', strOff + 1);
assertEquals(strOff, correctedOff);
public virtual void TestOffsets()
// DoTestOffsets("hello X how X are you");
DoTestOffsets("hello <p> X<p> how <p>X are you");
DoTestOffsets("X &amp; X &#40; X &lt; &gt; X");
// test backtracking
DoTestOffsets("X < &zz >X &# < X > < &l > &g < X");
internal static void AssertLegalOffsets(string @in)
int length = @in.Length;
HTMLStripCharFilter reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(@in.GetBytes(Encoding.UTF8))));
int ch = 0;
int off = 0;
while ((ch = reader.Read()) > 0)
int correction = reader.CorrectOffset(off);
assertTrue("invalid offset correction: " + off + "->" + correction + " for doc of length: " + length,
correction <= length);
public virtual void TestLegalOffsets()
AssertLegalOffsets("hello world");
AssertLegalOffsets("hello &#x world");
public virtual void TestRandom()
int numRounds = RANDOM_MULTIPLIER * 1000;
CheckRandomData(Random, NewTestAnalyzer(), numRounds);
public virtual void TestRandomHugeStrings()
int numRounds = RANDOM_MULTIPLIER * 100;
CheckRandomData(Random, NewTestAnalyzer(), numRounds, 8192);
public virtual void TestCloseBR()
CheckAnalysisConsistency(Random, NewTestAnalyzer(), Random.nextBoolean(), " Secretary)</br> [[M");
public virtual void TestServerSideIncludes()
string test = "one<img src=\"image.png\"\n" +
" alt = \"Alt: <!--#echo var='${IMAGE_CAPTION:<!--comment-->\\'Comment\\'}' -->\"\n\n" +
" title=\"Title: <!--#echo var=\"IMAGE_CAPTION\"-->\">two";
string gold = "onetwo";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
test = "one<script><!-- <!--#config comment=\"<!-- \\\"comment\\\"-->\"--> --></script>two";
gold = "one\ntwo";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestScriptQuotes()
string test = "one<script attr= bare><!-- action('<!-- comment -->', \"\\\"-->\\\"\"); --></script>two";
string gold = "one\ntwo";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
test = "hello<script><!-- f('<!--internal--></script>'); --></script>";
gold = "hello\n";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestEscapeScript()
string test = "one<script no-value-attr>callSomeMethod();</script>two";
string gold = "one<script no-value-attr></script>two";
ISet<string> escapedTags = new JCG.HashSet<string> { "SCRIPT" };
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, escapedTags);
public virtual void TestStyle()
string test = "one<style type=\"text/css\">\n" +
"<!--\n" +
"@import url('');\n" +
"-->\n" +
string gold = "one\ntwo";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestEscapeStyle()
string test = "one<style type=\"text/css\"> body,font,a { font-family:arial; } </style>two";
string gold = "one<style type=\"text/css\"></style>two";
ISet<string> escapedTags = new JCG.HashSet<string> { "STYLE" };
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, escapedTags);
public virtual void TestBR()
string[] testGold = {
"one<BR />two<br>three",
"one<BR some stuff here too>two</BR>",
for (int i = 0; i < testGold.Length; i += 2)
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testGold[i], testGold[i + 1], null);
public virtual void TestEscapeBR()
string test = "one<BR class='whatever'>two</\nBR\n>";
string gold = "one<BR class='whatever'>two</\nBR\n>";
ISet<string> escapedTags = new JCG.HashSet<string> { "BR" };
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, escapedTags);
public virtual void TestInlineTagsNoSpace()
string test = "one<sPAn class=\"invisible\">two<sup>2<sup>e</sup></sup>.</SpaN>three";
string gold = "onetwo2e.three";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestCDATA()
int maxNumElems = 100;
string randomHtmlishString1 // Don't create a comment (disallow "<!--") and don't include a closing ">"
= TestUtil.RandomHtmlishString(Random, maxNumElems).Replace(">", " ").replaceFirst("^--", "__");
string closedAngleBangNonCDATA = "<!" + randomHtmlishString1 + "-[CDATA[&]]>";
string randomHtmlishString2 // Don't create a comment (disallow "<!--") and don't include a closing ">"
= TestUtil.RandomHtmlishString(Random, maxNumElems).Replace(">", " ").replaceFirst("^--", "__");
string unclosedAngleBangNonCDATA = "<!" + randomHtmlishString1 + "-[CDATA[";
string[] testGold = {
"<! [CDATA[&]]>", "",
"<! [CDATA[&] ] >", "",
"<! [CDATA[&]]", "<! [CDATA[&]]", // unclosed angle bang - all input is output
"<!\u2009[CDATA[&]]>", "",
"<!\u2009[CDATA[&]\u2009]\u2009>", "",
"<!\u2009[CDATA[&]\u2009]\u2009", "<!\u2009[CDATA[&]\u2009]\u2009", // unclosed angle bang - all input is output
closedAngleBangNonCDATA, "",
"<![CDATA[", "",
"<![CDATA[<br>", "<br>",
"<![CDATA[<br>]]", "<br>]]",
"<![CDATA[<br>]]>", "<br>",
"<![CDATA[<br>] ] >", "<br>] ] >",
"<![CDATA[<br>]\u2009]\u2009>", "<br>]\u2009]\u2009>",
"<!\u2009[CDATA[", "<!\u2009[CDATA[",
unclosedAngleBangNonCDATA, unclosedAngleBangNonCDATA
for (int i = 0; i < testGold.Length; i += 2)
AssertHTMLStripsTo(testGold[i], testGold[i + 1], null);
public virtual void TestUnclosedAngleBang()
AssertHTMLStripsTo("<![endif]", "<![endif]", null);
public virtual void TestUppercaseCharacterEntityVariants()
string test = " &QUOT;-&COPY;&GT;>&LT;<&REG;&AMP;";
string gold = " \"-\u00A9>><<\u00AE&";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestMSWordMalformedProcessingInstruction()
string test = "one<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" />two";
string gold = "onetwo";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestSupplementaryCharsInTags()
string test = "one<𩬅艱鍟䇹愯瀛>two<瀛愯𩬅>three 瀛愯𩬅</瀛愯𩬅>four</𩬅艱鍟䇹愯瀛>five<𠀀𠀀>six<𠀀𠀀/>seven";
string gold = "one\ntwo\nthree 瀛愯𩬅\nfour\nfive\nsix\nseven";
AssertHTMLStripsTo(test, gold, null);
public virtual void TestRandomBrokenHTML()
int maxNumElements = 10000;
string text = TestUtil.RandomHtmlishString(Random, maxNumElements);
CheckAnalysisConsistency(Random, NewTestAnalyzer(), Random.nextBoolean(), text);
public virtual void TestRandomText()
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
int minNumWords = 10;
int maxNumWords = 10000;
int minWordLength = 3;
int maxWordLength = 20;
int numWords = TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, minNumWords, maxNumWords);
switch (TestUtil.NextInt32(Random, 0, 4))
case 0:
for (int wordNum = 0; wordNum < numWords; ++wordNum)
text.Append(TestUtil.RandomUnicodeString(Random, maxWordLength));
text.Append(' ');
case 1:
for (int wordNum = 0; wordNum < numWords; ++wordNum)
text.Append(TestUtil.RandomRealisticUnicodeString(Random, minWordLength, maxWordLength));
text.Append(' ');
{ // ASCII 50% of the time
for (int wordNum = 0; wordNum < numWords; ++wordNum)
text.Append(' ');
TextReader reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(new StringReader(text.ToString()));
while (reader.Read() > 0) ;
public virtual void TestUTF16Surrogates()
Analyzer analyzer = NewTestAnalyzer();
// Paired surrogates
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " one two &#xD86C;&#XdC01;three", new string[] { "one", "two", "\uD86C\uDC01three" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55404;&#XdC01;", new string[] { "\uD86C\uDC01" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#xD86C;&#56321;", new string[] { "\uD86C\uDC01" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55404;&#56321;", new string[] { "\uD86C\uDC01" });
// Improperly paired surrogates
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55404;&#57999;", new string[] { "\uFFFD\uE28F" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#xD86C;&#57999;", new string[] { "\uFFFD\uE28F" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55002;&#XdC01;", new string[] { "\uD6DA\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55002;&#56321;", new string[] { "\uD6DA\uFFFD" });
// Unpaired high surrogates
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#Xd921;", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#Xd921", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#Xd921<br>", new string[] { "&#Xd921" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55528;", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55528", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#55528<br>", new string[] { "&#55528" });
// Unpaired low surrogates
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#xdfdb;", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#xdfdb", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#xdfdb<br>", new string[] { "&#xdfdb" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#57209;", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#57209", new string[] { "\uFFFD" });
AssertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, " &#57209<br>", new string[] { "&#57209" });
public static void AssertHTMLStripsTo(string input, string gold, ISet<string> escapedTags)
AssertHTMLStripsTo(new StringReader(input), gold, escapedTags);
public static void AssertHTMLStripsTo(TextReader input, string gold, ISet<string> escapedTags)
HTMLStripCharFilter reader;
if (null == escapedTags)
reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(input);
reader = new HTMLStripCharFilter(input, escapedTags);
int ch = 0;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
while ((ch = reader.Read()) > 0)
catch (Exception e)
if (gold.Equals(builder.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details (
throw new Exception("('" + builder.ToString() + "' is not equal to '" + gold + "'). " + e.Message, e);
assertEquals("'" + builder.ToString() + "' is not equal to '" + gold + "'", gold, builder.ToString());