blob: 4a5f18f294e8b2822e206fd782d79d7a62b78e77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Lucene version compatibility level 4.8.1
using Lucene.Net.Support;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lucene.Net.Facet.Range
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using DocIdSet = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSet;
using DocIdSetIterator = Lucene.Net.Search.DocIdSetIterator;
using DoubleFieldSource = Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.ValueSources.DoubleFieldSource;
using Filter = Lucene.Net.Search.Filter;
using FunctionValues = Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.FunctionValues;
using IBits = Lucene.Net.Util.IBits;
using MatchingDocs = FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs;
using NumericUtils = Lucene.Net.Util.NumericUtils;
using ValueSource = Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.ValueSource;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Facets"/> implementation that computes counts for
/// dynamic double ranges from a provided <see cref="ValueSource"/>,
/// using <see cref="FunctionValues.DoubleVal(int)"/> or <see cref="FunctionValues.DoubleVal(int, double[])"/>. Use
/// this for dimensions that change in real-time (e.g. a
/// relative time based dimension like "Past day", "Past 2
/// days", etc.) or that change for each request (e.g.
/// distance from the user's location, "&lt; 1 km", "&lt; 2 km",
/// etc.).
/// <para> If you had indexed your field using <see cref="Documents.SingleDocValuesField"/>
/// then pass <see cref="Queries.Function.ValueSources.SingleFieldSource"/>
/// as the <see cref="ValueSource"/>; if you used
/// <see cref="Documents.DoubleDocValuesField"/> then pass
/// <see cref="DoubleFieldSource"/> (this is the default used when you
/// pass just a the field name).
/// @lucene.experimental
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public class DoubleRangeFacetCounts : RangeFacetCounts
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="RangeFacetCounts"/>, using
/// <see cref="DoubleFieldSource"/> from the specified field.
/// </summary>
public DoubleRangeFacetCounts(string field, FacetsCollector hits, params DoubleRange[] ranges)
: this(field, new DoubleFieldSource(field), hits, ranges)
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="RangeFacetCounts"/>, using the provided
/// <see cref="ValueSource"/>.
/// </summary>
public DoubleRangeFacetCounts(string field, ValueSource valueSource, FacetsCollector hits, params DoubleRange[] ranges)
: this(field, valueSource, hits, null, ranges)
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="RangeFacetCounts"/>, using the provided
/// <see cref="ValueSource"/>, and using the provided Filter as
/// a fastmatch: only documents passing the filter are
/// checked for the matching ranges. The filter must be
/// random access (implement <see cref="DocIdSet.Bits"/>).
/// </summary>
public DoubleRangeFacetCounts(string field, ValueSource valueSource, FacetsCollector hits, Filter fastMatchFilter, params DoubleRange[] ranges)
: base(field, ranges, fastMatchFilter)
Count(valueSource, hits.GetMatchingDocs());
private void Count(ValueSource valueSource, IEnumerable<MatchingDocs> matchingDocs)
DoubleRange[] ranges = (DoubleRange[])this.m_ranges;
Int64Range[] longRanges = new Int64Range[ranges.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
DoubleRange range = ranges[i];
longRanges[i] = new Int64Range(range.Label, NumericUtils.DoubleToSortableInt64(range.minIncl), true, NumericUtils.DoubleToSortableInt64(range.maxIncl), true);
Int64RangeCounter counter = new Int64RangeCounter(longRanges);
int missingCount = 0;
foreach (MatchingDocs hits in matchingDocs)
FunctionValues fv = valueSource.GetValues(Collections.EmptyMap<string, object>(), hits.Context);
m_totCount += hits.TotalHits;
IBits bits;
if (m_fastMatchFilter != null)
DocIdSet dis = m_fastMatchFilter.GetDocIdSet(hits.Context, null);
if (dis == null)
// No documents match
bits = dis.Bits;
if (bits == null)
throw new ArgumentException("fastMatchFilter does not implement DocIdSet.bits");
bits = null;
DocIdSetIterator docs = hits.Bits.GetIterator();
int doc;
while ((doc = docs.NextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
if (bits != null && bits.Get(doc) == false)
// Skip missing docs:
if (fv.Exists(doc))
missingCount += counter.FillCounts(m_counts);
m_totCount -= missingCount;