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<h1 id="Lucene_Net_QueryParsers_Simple" data-uid="Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Simple" class="text-break">Namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Simple
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<pre><code>A simple query parser for human-entered queries.
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<h3 id="classes">Classes
<h4><a class="xref" href="Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Simple.SimpleQueryParser.html">SimpleQueryParser</a></h4>
<section><p><a class="xref" href="Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Simple.SimpleQueryParser.html">SimpleQueryParser</a> is used to parse human readable query syntax.
The main idea behind this parser is that a person should be able to type
whatever they want to represent a query, and this parser will do its best
to interpret what to search for no matter how poorly composed the request
may be. Tokens are considered to be any of a term, phrase, or subquery for the
operations described below. Whitespace including &apos; &apos; &apos;\n&apos; &apos;\r&apos; and &apos;\t&apos;
and certain operators may be used to delimit tokens ( ) + | &quot; .
Any errors in query syntax will be ignored and the parser will attempt
to decipher what it can; however, this may mean odd or unexpected results.
<h4>Query Operators</h4>
<ul><li>&apos;<code>+</code>&apos; specifies <code>AND</code> operation: <code>token1+token2</code></li><li>&apos;<code>|</code>&apos; specifies <code>OR</code> operation: <code>token1|token2</code></li><li>&apos;<code>-</code>&apos; negates a single token: <code>-token0</code></li><li>&apos;<code>&quot;</code>&apos; creates phrases of terms: <code>&quot;term1 term2 ...&quot;</code></li><li>&apos;<code><em></em></code>&apos; at the end of terms specifies prefix query: <code>term</code></li><li>&apos;<code>~</code>N&apos; at the end of terms specifies fuzzy query: <code>term~1</code></li><li>&apos;<code>~</code>N&apos; at the end of phrases specifies near query: <code>&quot;term1 term2&quot;~5</code></li><li>&apos;<code>(</code>&apos; and &apos;<code>)</code>&apos; specifies precedence: <code>token1 + (token2 | token3)</code></li></ul>
The default operator is <code>OR</code> if no other operator is specified.
For example, the following will <code>OR</code> <code>token1</code> and <code>token2</code> together:
<code>token1 token2</code>
Normal operator precedence will be simple order from right to left.
For example, the following will evaluate <code>token1 OR token2</code> first,
then <code>AND</code> with <code>token3</code>:</p>
<pre><code>token1 | token2 + token3</code></pre>
An individual term may contain any possible character with certain characters
requiring escaping using a &apos;<code>&lt;/code&gt;&apos;. The following characters will need to be escaped in
terms and phrases:
<code>+ | &quot; ( ) &apos; &lt;/code&gt;
The &apos;<code>-</code>&apos; operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the first
character of a term that is <code>-</code> must be escaped; however, any &apos;<code>-</code>&apos; characters
beyond the first character do not need to be escaped.
For example:
<ul><li><code>-term1</code> -- Specifies <code>NOT</code> operation against <code>term1</code></li><li><code>-term1</code> -- Searches for the term <code>-term1</code>.</li><li><code>term-1</code> -- Searches for the term <code>term-1</code>.</li><li><code>term-1</code> -- Searches for the term <code>term-1</code>.</li></ul>
The &apos;<code><em></em></code>&apos; operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the last
character of a term that is &apos;<code></code>&apos; must be escaped; however, any &apos;<code><em></em></code>&apos; characters
before the last character do not need to be escaped:
<ul><li><code>term1</code> -- Searches for the prefix <code>term1</code></li><li><code>term1*</code> -- Searches for the term <code>term1<em></em></code></li><li><code>term1</code> -- Searches for the term <code>term<em>1</em></code></li><li><code>term*1</code> -- Searches for the term <code>term1</code></li></ul>
Note that above examples consider the terms before text processing.</p>
<h3 id="enums">Enums
<h4><a class="xref" href="Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Simple.Operator.html">Operator</a></h4>
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