blob: c37649ad872c9c58a9515c5ed147c3268c87ede5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.TermVector;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength;
public class SimpleFragmentsBuilderTest extends AbstractTestCase {
public void test1TermIndex() throws Exception {
FieldFragList ffl = ffl( "a", "a" );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
assertEquals( "<b>a</b>", sfb.createFragment( reader, 0, F, ffl ) );
// change tags
sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder( new String[]{ "[" }, new String[]{ "]" } );
assertEquals( "[a]", sfb.createFragment( reader, 0, F, ffl ) );
public void test2Frags() throws Exception {
FieldFragList ffl = ffl( "a", "a b b b b b b b b b b b a b a b" );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
String[] f = sfb.createFragments( reader, 0, F, ffl, 3 );
// 3 snippets requested, but should be 2
assertEquals( 2, f.length );
assertEquals( "<b>a</b> b b b b b b b b b ", f[0] );
assertEquals( "b b <b>a</b> b <b>a</b> b", f[1] );
public void test3Frags() throws Exception {
FieldFragList ffl = ffl( "a c", "a b b b b b b b b b b b a b a b b b b b c a a b b" );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
String[] f = sfb.createFragments( reader, 0, F, ffl, 3 );
assertEquals( 3, f.length );
assertEquals( "<b>a</b> b b b b b b b b b ", f[0] );
assertEquals( "b b <b>a</b> b <b>a</b> b b b b b ", f[1] );
assertEquals( "<b>c</b> <b>a</b> <b>a</b> b b", f[2] );
private FieldFragList ffl( String queryValue, String indexValue ) throws Exception {
make1d1fIndex( indexValue );
Query query = paW.parse( queryValue );
FieldQuery fq = new FieldQuery( query, true, true );
FieldTermStack stack = new FieldTermStack( reader, 0, F, fq );
FieldPhraseList fpl = new FieldPhraseList( stack, fq );
return new SimpleFragListBuilder().createFieldFragList( fpl, 20 );
public void test1PhraseShortMV() throws Exception {
FieldQuery fq = new FieldQuery( tq( "d" ), true, true );
FieldTermStack stack = new FieldTermStack( reader, 0, F, fq );
FieldPhraseList fpl = new FieldPhraseList( stack, fq );
SimpleFragListBuilder sflb = new SimpleFragListBuilder();
FieldFragList ffl = sflb.createFieldFragList( fpl, 100 );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
assertEquals( "a b c <b>d</b> e", sfb.createFragment( reader, 0, F, ffl ) );
public void test1PhraseLongMV() throws Exception {
FieldQuery fq = new FieldQuery( pqF( "search", "engines" ), true, true );
FieldTermStack stack = new FieldTermStack( reader, 0, F, fq );
FieldPhraseList fpl = new FieldPhraseList( stack, fq );
SimpleFragListBuilder sflb = new SimpleFragListBuilder();
FieldFragList ffl = sflb.createFieldFragList( fpl, 100 );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
assertEquals( " most <b>search engines</b> use only one of these methods. Even the <b>search engines</b> that says they can use t",
sfb.createFragment( reader, 0, F, ffl ) );
public void test1PhraseLongMVB() throws Exception {
FieldQuery fq = new FieldQuery( pqF( "sp", "pe", "ee", "ed" ), true, true ); // "speed" -(2gram)-> "sp","pe","ee","ed"
FieldTermStack stack = new FieldTermStack( reader, 0, F, fq );
FieldPhraseList fpl = new FieldPhraseList( stack, fq );
SimpleFragListBuilder sflb = new SimpleFragListBuilder();
FieldFragList ffl = sflb.createFieldFragList( fpl, 100 );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
assertEquals( "ssing <b>speed</b>, the", sfb.createFragment( reader, 0, F, ffl ) );
public void testUnstoredField() throws Exception {
FieldQuery fq = new FieldQuery( tq( "aaa" ), true, true );
FieldTermStack stack = new FieldTermStack( reader, 0, F, fq );
FieldPhraseList fpl = new FieldPhraseList( stack, fq );
SimpleFragListBuilder sflb = new SimpleFragListBuilder();
FieldFragList ffl = sflb.createFieldFragList( fpl, 100 );
SimpleFragmentsBuilder sfb = new SimpleFragmentsBuilder();
assertNull( sfb.createFragment( reader, 0, F, ffl ) );
protected void makeUnstoredIndex() throws Exception {
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter( dir, analyzerW, true, MaxFieldLength.LIMITED );
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add( new Field( F, "aaa", Store.NO, Index.ANALYZED, TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS ) );
writer.addDocument( doc );
reader = dir );