blob: ba36b8a53ee66d49279c12e3be84d4506d203247 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.index;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Access to the Field Info file that describes document fields and whether or
* not they are indexed. Each segment has a separate Field Info file. Objects
* of this class are thread-safe for multiple readers, but only one thread can
* be adding documents at a time, with no other reader or writer threads
* accessing this object.
public final class FieldInfo {
/** Field's name */
public final String name;
/** Internal field number */
public final int number;
private DocValuesType docValueType;
// True if any document indexed term vectors
private boolean storeTermVector;
private boolean omitNorms; // omit norms associated with indexed fields
private IndexOptions indexOptions;
private boolean storePayloads; // whether this field stores payloads together with term positions
private Map<String,String> attributes;
private long dvGen;
* Controls how much information is stored in the postings lists.
* @lucene.experimental
public static enum IndexOptions {
// NOTE: order is important here; FieldInfo uses this
// order to merge two conflicting IndexOptions (always
// "downgrades" by picking the lowest).
* Only documents are indexed: term frequencies and positions are omitted.
* Phrase and other positional queries on the field will throw an exception, and scoring
* will behave as if any term in the document appears only once.
// TODO: maybe rename to just DOCS?
* Only documents and term frequencies are indexed: positions are omitted.
* This enables normal scoring, except Phrase and other positional queries
* will throw an exception.
* Indexes documents, frequencies and positions.
* This is a typical default for full-text search: full scoring is enabled
* and positional queries are supported.
* Indexes documents, frequencies, positions and offsets.
* Character offsets are encoded alongside the positions.
* DocValues types.
* Note that DocValues is strongly typed, so a field cannot have different types
* across different documents.
public static enum DocValuesType {
* A per-document Number
* A per-document byte[]. Values may be larger than
* 32766 bytes, but different codecs may enforce their own limits.
* A pre-sorted byte[]. Fields with this type only store distinct byte values
* and store an additional offset pointer per document to dereference the shared
* byte[]. The stored byte[] is presorted and allows access via document id,
* ordinal and by-value. Values must be <= 32766 bytes.
* A pre-sorted Number[]. Fields with this type store numeric values in sorted
* order according to {@link Long#compare(long, long)}.
* A pre-sorted Set&lt;byte[]&gt;. Fields with this type only store distinct byte values
* and store additional offset pointers per document to dereference the shared
* byte[]s. The stored byte[] is presorted and allows access via document id,
* ordinal and by-value. Values must be <= 32766 bytes.
* Sole constructor.
* @lucene.experimental
public FieldInfo(String name, int number, boolean storeTermVector, boolean omitNorms,
boolean storePayloads, IndexOptions indexOptions, DocValuesType docValues,
long dvGen, Map<String,String> attributes) { = name;
this.number = number;
this.docValueType = docValues;
if (indexOptions != null) {
this.storeTermVector = storeTermVector;
this.storePayloads = storePayloads;
this.omitNorms = omitNorms;
this.indexOptions = indexOptions;
} else { // for non-indexed fields, leave defaults
this.storeTermVector = false;
this.storePayloads = false;
this.omitNorms = false;
this.indexOptions = null;
this.dvGen = dvGen;
this.attributes = attributes;
assert checkConsistency();
* Performs internal consistency checks.
* Always returns true (or throws IllegalStateException)
public boolean checkConsistency() {
if (indexOptions != null) {
// Cannot store payloads unless positions are indexed:
if (indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) < 0 && storePayloads) {
throw new IllegalStateException("indexed field '" + name + "' cannot have payloads without positions");
} else {
if (storeTermVector) {
throw new IllegalStateException("non-indexed field '" + name + "' cannot store term vectors");
if (storePayloads) {
throw new IllegalStateException("non-indexed field '" + name + "' cannot store payloads");
if (omitNorms) {
throw new IllegalStateException("non-indexed field '" + name + "' cannot omit norms");
if (indexOptions != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("non-indexed field '" + name + "' cannot have index options");
if (dvGen != -1 && docValueType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("field '" + name + "' cannot have a docvalues update generation without having docvalues");
return true;
void update(IndexableFieldType ft) {
update(false, ft.omitNorms(), false, ft.indexOptions());
// should only be called by FieldInfos#addOrUpdate
void update(boolean storeTermVector, boolean omitNorms, boolean storePayloads, IndexOptions indexOptions) {
//System.out.println("FI.update field=" + name + " indexed=" + indexed + " omitNorms=" + omitNorms + " this.omitNorms=" + this.omitNorms);
if (this.indexOptions != indexOptions) {
if (this.indexOptions == null) {
this.indexOptions = indexOptions;
} else if (indexOptions != null) {
// downgrade
this.indexOptions = this.indexOptions.compareTo(indexOptions) < 0 ? this.indexOptions : indexOptions;
if (this.indexOptions != null) { // if updated field data is not for indexing, leave the updates out
this.storeTermVector |= storeTermVector; // once vector, always vector
this.storePayloads |= storePayloads;
// Awkward: only drop norms if incoming update is indexed:
if (indexOptions != null && this.omitNorms != omitNorms) {
this.omitNorms = true; // if one require omitNorms at least once, it remains off for life
if (this.indexOptions == null || this.indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) < 0) {
// cannot store payloads if we don't store positions:
this.storePayloads = false;
assert checkConsistency();
void setDocValuesType(DocValuesType type) {
if (docValueType != null && docValueType != type) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot change DocValues type from " + docValueType + " to " + type + " for field \"" + name + "\"");
docValueType = type;
assert checkConsistency();
/** Returns IndexOptions for the field, or null if the field is not indexed */
public IndexOptions getIndexOptions() {
return indexOptions;
* Returns true if this field has any docValues.
public boolean hasDocValues() {
return docValueType != null;
* Returns {@link DocValuesType} of the docValues. this may be null if the field has no docvalues.
public DocValuesType getDocValuesType() {
return docValueType;
/** Sets the docValues generation of this field. */
void setDocValuesGen(long dvGen) {
this.dvGen = dvGen;
assert checkConsistency();
* Returns the docValues generation of this field, or -1 if no docValues
* updates exist for it.
public long getDocValuesGen() {
return dvGen;
void setStoreTermVectors() {
storeTermVector = true;
assert checkConsistency();
void setStorePayloads() {
if (indexOptions != null && indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0) {
storePayloads = true;
assert checkConsistency();
* Returns true if norms are explicitly omitted for this field
public boolean omitsNorms() {
return omitNorms;
* Returns true if this field actually has any norms.
public boolean hasNorms() {
return isIndexed() && omitNorms == false;
* Returns true if this field is indexed (has non-null {@link #getIndexOptions}).
public boolean isIndexed() {
return indexOptions != null;
* Returns true if any payloads exist for this field.
public boolean hasPayloads() {
return storePayloads;
* Returns true if any term vectors exist for this field.
public boolean hasVectors() {
return storeTermVector;
* Get a codec attribute value, or null if it does not exist
public String getAttribute(String key) {
if (attributes == null) {
return null;
} else {
return attributes.get(key);
* Puts a codec attribute value.
* <p>
* This is a key-value mapping for the field that the codec can use
* to store additional metadata, and will be available to the codec
* when reading the segment via {@link #getAttribute(String)}
* <p>
* If a value already exists for the field, it will be replaced with
* the new value.
public String putAttribute(String key, String value) {
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = new HashMap<>();
return attributes.put(key, value);
* Returns internal codec attributes map. May be null if no mappings exist.
public Map<String,String> attributes() {
return attributes;