blob: 5e9de040ba64289acdfd4cb80d0d8029fcedba5f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.index;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex.Status.DocValuesStatus;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo.IndexOptions;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Accountables;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CommandLineUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LongBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
* Basic tool and API to check the health of an index and
* write a new segments file that removes reference to
* problematic segments.
* <p>As this tool checks every byte in the index, on a large
* index it can take quite a long time to run.
* @lucene.experimental Please make a complete backup of your
* index before using this to exorcise corrupted documents from your index!
public class CheckIndex implements Closeable {
private PrintStream infoStream;
private Directory dir;
private Lock writeLock;
private volatile boolean closed;
* Returned from {@link #checkIndex()} detailing the health and status of the index.
* @lucene.experimental
public static class Status {
Status() {
/** True if no problems were found with the index. */
public boolean clean;
/** True if we were unable to locate and load the segments_N file. */
public boolean missingSegments;
/** True if we were unable to open the segments_N file. */
public boolean cantOpenSegments;
/** True if we were unable to read the version number from segments_N file. */
public boolean missingSegmentVersion;
/** Name of latest segments_N file in the index. */
public String segmentsFileName;
/** Number of segments in the index. */
public int numSegments;
/** Empty unless you passed specific segments list to check as optional 3rd argument.
* @see CheckIndex#checkIndex(List) */
public List<String> segmentsChecked = new ArrayList<>();
/** True if the index was created with a newer version of Lucene than the CheckIndex tool. */
public boolean toolOutOfDate;
/** List of {@link SegmentInfoStatus} instances, detailing status of each segment. */
public List<SegmentInfoStatus> segmentInfos = new ArrayList<>();
/** Directory index is in. */
public Directory dir;
* SegmentInfos instance containing only segments that
* had no problems (this is used with the {@link CheckIndex#exorciseIndex}
* method to repair the index.
SegmentInfos newSegments;
/** How many documents will be lost to bad segments. */
public int totLoseDocCount;
/** How many bad segments were found. */
public int numBadSegments;
/** True if we checked only specific segments ({@link
* #checkIndex(List)}) was called with non-null
* argument). */
public boolean partial;
/** The greatest segment name. */
public int maxSegmentName;
/** Whether the SegmentInfos.counter is greater than any of the segments' names. */
public boolean validCounter;
/** Holds the userData of the last commit in the index */
public Map<String, String> userData;
/** Holds the status of each segment in the index.
* See {@link #segmentInfos}.
* @lucene.experimental
public static class SegmentInfoStatus {
SegmentInfoStatus() {
/** Name of the segment. */
public String name;
/** Codec used to read this segment. */
public Codec codec;
/** Document count (does not take deletions into account). */
public int docCount;
/** True if segment is compound file format. */
public boolean compound;
/** Number of files referenced by this segment. */
public int numFiles;
/** Net size (MB) of the files referenced by this
* segment. */
public double sizeMB;
/** True if this segment has pending deletions. */
public boolean hasDeletions;
/** Current deletions generation. */
public long deletionsGen;
/** True if we were able to open an LeafReader on this
* segment. */
public boolean openReaderPassed;
/** Map that includes certain
* debugging details that IndexWriter records into
* each segment it creates */
public Map<String,String> diagnostics;
/** Status for testing of livedocs */
public LiveDocStatus liveDocStatus;
/** Status for testing of field infos */
public FieldInfoStatus fieldInfoStatus;
/** Status for testing of field norms (null if field norms could not be tested). */
public FieldNormStatus fieldNormStatus;
/** Status for testing of indexed terms (null if indexed terms could not be tested). */
public TermIndexStatus termIndexStatus;
/** Status for testing of stored fields (null if stored fields could not be tested). */
public StoredFieldStatus storedFieldStatus;
/** Status for testing of term vectors (null if term vectors could not be tested). */
public TermVectorStatus termVectorStatus;
/** Status for testing of DocValues (null if DocValues could not be tested). */
public DocValuesStatus docValuesStatus;
* Status from testing livedocs
public static final class LiveDocStatus {
private LiveDocStatus() {
/** Number of deleted documents. */
public int numDeleted;
/** Exception thrown during term index test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
* Status from testing field infos.
public static final class FieldInfoStatus {
private FieldInfoStatus() {
/** Number of fields successfully tested */
public long totFields = 0L;
/** Exception thrown during term index test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
* Status from testing field norms.
public static final class FieldNormStatus {
private FieldNormStatus() {
/** Number of fields successfully tested */
public long totFields = 0L;
/** Exception thrown during term index test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
* Status from testing term index.
public static final class TermIndexStatus {
TermIndexStatus() {
/** Number of terms with at least one live doc. */
public long termCount = 0L;
/** Number of terms with zero live docs docs. */
public long delTermCount = 0L;
/** Total frequency across all terms. */
public long totFreq = 0L;
/** Total number of positions. */
public long totPos = 0L;
/** Exception thrown during term index test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
/** Holds details of block allocations in the block
* tree terms dictionary (this is only set if the
* {@link PostingsFormat} for this segment uses block
* tree. */
public Map<String,Object> blockTreeStats = null;
* Status from testing stored fields.
public static final class StoredFieldStatus {
StoredFieldStatus() {
/** Number of documents tested. */
public int docCount = 0;
/** Total number of stored fields tested. */
public long totFields = 0;
/** Exception thrown during stored fields test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
* Status from testing stored fields.
public static final class TermVectorStatus {
TermVectorStatus() {
/** Number of documents tested. */
public int docCount = 0;
/** Total number of term vectors tested. */
public long totVectors = 0;
/** Exception thrown during term vector test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
* Status from testing DocValues
public static final class DocValuesStatus {
DocValuesStatus() {
/** Total number of docValues tested. */
public long totalValueFields;
/** Total number of numeric fields */
public long totalNumericFields;
/** Total number of binary fields */
public long totalBinaryFields;
/** Total number of sorted fields */
public long totalSortedFields;
/** Total number of sortednumeric fields */
public long totalSortedNumericFields;
/** Total number of sortedset fields */
public long totalSortedSetFields;
/** Exception thrown during doc values test (null on success) */
public Throwable error = null;
/** Create a new CheckIndex on the directory. */
public CheckIndex(Directory dir) throws IOException {
this(dir, dir.makeLock(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_NAME));
* Expert: create a directory with the specified lock.
* This should really not be used except for unit tests!!!!
* It exists only to support special tests (such as TestIndexWriterExceptions*),
* that would otherwise be more complicated to debug if they had to close the writer
* for each check.
public CheckIndex(Directory dir, Lock writeLock) throws IOException {
this.dir = dir;
this.writeLock = writeLock;
this.infoStream = null;
if (!writeLock.obtain(IndexWriterConfig.WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT)) { // obtain write lock
throw new LockObtainFailedException("Index locked for write: " + writeLock);
private void ensureOpen() {
if (closed) {
throw new AlreadyClosedException("this instance is closed");
public void close() throws IOException {
closed = true;
private boolean crossCheckTermVectors;
/** If true, term vectors are compared against postings to
* make sure they are the same. This will likely
* drastically increase time it takes to run CheckIndex! */
public void setCrossCheckTermVectors(boolean v) {
crossCheckTermVectors = v;
/** See {@link #setCrossCheckTermVectors}. */
public boolean getCrossCheckTermVectors() {
return crossCheckTermVectors;
private boolean failFast;
/** If true, just throw the original exception immediately when
* corruption is detected, rather than continuing to iterate to other
* segments looking for more corruption. */
public void setFailFast(boolean v) {
failFast = v;
/** See {@link #setFailFast}. */
public boolean getFailFast() {
return failFast;
private boolean verbose;
/** Set infoStream where messages should go. If null, no
* messages are printed. If verbose is true then more
* details are printed. */
public void setInfoStream(PrintStream out, boolean verbose) {
infoStream = out;
this.verbose = verbose;
/** Set infoStream where messages should go. See {@link #setInfoStream(PrintStream,boolean)}. */
public void setInfoStream(PrintStream out) {
setInfoStream(out, false);
private static void msg(PrintStream out, String msg) {
if (out != null)
/** Returns a {@link Status} instance detailing
* the state of the index.
* <p>As this method checks every byte in the index, on a large
* index it can take quite a long time to run.
* <p><b>WARNING</b>: make sure
* you only call this when the index is not opened by any
* writer. */
public Status checkIndex() throws IOException {
return checkIndex(null);
/** Returns a {@link Status} instance detailing
* the state of the index.
* @param onlySegments list of specific segment names to check
* <p>As this method checks every byte in the specified
* segments, on a large index it can take quite a long
* time to run. */
public Status checkIndex(List<String> onlySegments) throws IOException {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ROOT);
SegmentInfos sis = null;
Status result = new Status();
result.dir = dir;
String[] files = dir.listAll();
String lastSegmentsFile = SegmentInfos.getLastCommitSegmentsFileName(files);
if (lastSegmentsFile == null) {
throw new IndexNotFoundException("no segments* file found in " + dir + ": files: " + Arrays.toString(files));
try {
// Do not use since the spooky
// retrying it does is not necessary here (we hold the write lock):
sis = SegmentInfos.readCommit(dir, lastSegmentsFile);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR: could not read any segments file in directory");
result.missingSegments = true;
if (infoStream != null)
return result;
// find the oldest and newest segment versions
Version oldest = null;
Version newest = null;
String oldSegs = null;
for (SegmentCommitInfo si : sis) {
Version version =;
if (version == null) {
// pre-3.1 segment
oldSegs = "pre-3.1";
} else {
if (oldest == null || version.onOrAfter(oldest) == false) {
oldest = version;
if (newest == null || version.onOrAfter(newest)) {
newest = version;
final int numSegments = sis.size();
final String segmentsFileName = sis.getSegmentsFileName();
// note: we only read the format byte (required preamble) here!
IndexInput input = null;
try {
input = dir.openInput(segmentsFileName, IOContext.READONCE);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR: could not open segments file in directory");
if (infoStream != null)
result.cantOpenSegments = true;
return result;
int format = 0;
try {
format = input.readInt();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR: could not read segment file version in directory");
if (infoStream != null)
result.missingSegmentVersion = true;
return result;
} finally {
if (input != null)
String sFormat = "";
boolean skip = false;
result.segmentsFileName = segmentsFileName;
result.numSegments = numSegments;
result.userData = sis.getUserData();
String userDataString;
if (sis.getUserData().size() > 0) {
userDataString = " userData=" + sis.getUserData();
} else {
userDataString = "";
String versionString = "";
if (oldSegs != null) {
if (newest != null) {
versionString = "versions=[" + oldSegs + " .. " + newest + "]";
} else {
versionString = "version=" + oldSegs;
} else if (newest != null) { // implies oldest != null
versionString = oldest.equals(newest) ? ( "version=" + oldest ) : ("versions=[" + oldest + " .. " + newest + "]");
msg(infoStream, "Segments file=" + segmentsFileName + " numSegments=" + numSegments
+ " " + versionString + " id=" + StringHelper.idToString(sis.getId()) + " format=" + sFormat + userDataString);
if (onlySegments != null) {
result.partial = true;
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print("\nChecking only these segments:");
for (String s : onlySegments) {
infoStream.print(" " + s);
msg(infoStream, ":");
if (skip) {
msg(infoStream, "\nERROR: this index appears to be created by a newer version of Lucene than this tool was compiled on; please re-compile this tool on the matching version of Lucene; exiting");
result.toolOutOfDate = true;
return result;
result.newSegments = sis.clone();
result.maxSegmentName = -1;
for(int i=0;i<numSegments;i++) {
final SegmentCommitInfo info =;
int segmentName = Integer.parseInt(, Character.MAX_RADIX);
if (segmentName > result.maxSegmentName) {
result.maxSegmentName = segmentName;
if (onlySegments != null && !onlySegments.contains( {
Status.SegmentInfoStatus segInfoStat = new Status.SegmentInfoStatus();
msg(infoStream, " " + (1+i) + " of " + numSegments + ": name=" + + " docCount=" +; =;
segInfoStat.docCount =;
final Version version =;
if ( <= 0 && version != null && version.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_4_5_0)) {
throw new RuntimeException("illegal number of documents: maxDoc=" +;
int toLoseDocCount =;
SegmentReader reader = null;
try {
msg(infoStream, " version=" + (version == null ? "3.0" : version));
msg(infoStream, " id=" + StringHelper.idToString(;
final Codec codec =;
msg(infoStream, " codec=" + codec);
segInfoStat.codec = codec;
msg(infoStream, " compound=" +;
segInfoStat.compound =;
msg(infoStream, " numFiles=" + info.files().size());
segInfoStat.numFiles = info.files().size();
segInfoStat.sizeMB = info.sizeInBytes()/(1024.*1024.);
msg(infoStream, " size (MB)=" + nf.format(segInfoStat.sizeMB));
Map<String,String> diagnostics =;
segInfoStat.diagnostics = diagnostics;
if (diagnostics.size() > 0) {
msg(infoStream, " diagnostics = " + diagnostics);
if (!info.hasDeletions()) {
msg(infoStream, " no deletions");
segInfoStat.hasDeletions = false;
msg(infoStream, " has deletions [delGen=" + info.getDelGen() + "]");
segInfoStat.hasDeletions = true;
segInfoStat.deletionsGen = info.getDelGen();
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.print(" test: open reader.........");
reader = new SegmentReader(info, IOContext.DEFAULT);
msg(infoStream, "OK");
segInfoStat.openReaderPassed = true;
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.print(" test: check integrity.....");
msg(infoStream, "OK");
if (reader.maxDoc() != {
throw new RuntimeException("SegmentReader.maxDoc() " + reader.maxDoc() + " != SegmentInfos.docCount " +;
final int numDocs = reader.numDocs();
toLoseDocCount = numDocs;
if (reader.hasDeletions()) {
if (reader.numDocs() != - info.getDelCount()) {
throw new RuntimeException("delete count mismatch: info=" + ( - info.getDelCount()) + " vs reader=" + reader.numDocs());
if (( - reader.numDocs()) > reader.maxDoc()) {
throw new RuntimeException("too many deleted docs: maxDoc()=" + reader.maxDoc() + " vs del count=" + ( - reader.numDocs()));
if ( - reader.numDocs() != info.getDelCount()) {
throw new RuntimeException("delete count mismatch: info=" + info.getDelCount() + " vs reader=" + ( - reader.numDocs()));
} else {
if (info.getDelCount() != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("delete count mismatch: info=" + info.getDelCount() + " vs reader=" + ( - reader.numDocs()));
// Test Livedocs
segInfoStat.liveDocStatus = testLiveDocs(reader, infoStream, failFast);
// Test Fieldinfos
segInfoStat.fieldInfoStatus = testFieldInfos(reader, infoStream, failFast);
// Test Field Norms
segInfoStat.fieldNormStatus = testFieldNorms(reader, infoStream, failFast);
// Test the Term Index
segInfoStat.termIndexStatus = testPostings(reader, infoStream, verbose, failFast);
// Test Stored Fields
segInfoStat.storedFieldStatus = testStoredFields(reader, infoStream, failFast);
// Test Term Vectors
segInfoStat.termVectorStatus = testTermVectors(reader, infoStream, verbose, crossCheckTermVectors, failFast);
segInfoStat.docValuesStatus = testDocValues(reader, infoStream, failFast);
// Rethrow the first exception we encountered
// This will cause stats for failed segments to be incremented properly
if (segInfoStat.liveDocStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Live docs test failed");
} else if (segInfoStat.fieldInfoStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field Info test failed");
} else if (segInfoStat.fieldNormStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field Norm test failed");
} else if (segInfoStat.termIndexStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Term Index test failed");
} else if (segInfoStat.storedFieldStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Stored Field test failed");
} else if (segInfoStat.termVectorStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Term Vector test failed");
} else if (segInfoStat.docValuesStatus.error != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("DocValues test failed");
msg(infoStream, "");
if (verbose) {
msg(infoStream, "detailed segment RAM usage: ");
msg(infoStream, Accountables.toString(reader));
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "FAILED");
String comment;
comment = "exorciseIndex() would remove reference to this segment";
msg(infoStream, " WARNING: " + comment + "; full exception:");
if (infoStream != null)
msg(infoStream, "");
result.totLoseDocCount += toLoseDocCount;
} finally {
if (reader != null)
// Keeper
if (0 == result.numBadSegments) {
result.clean = true;
} else
msg(infoStream, "WARNING: " + result.numBadSegments + " broken segments (containing " + result.totLoseDocCount + " documents) detected");
if ( ! (result.validCounter = (result.maxSegmentName < sis.counter))) {
result.clean = false;
result.newSegments.counter = result.maxSegmentName + 1;
msg(infoStream, "ERROR: Next segment name counter " + sis.counter + " is not greater than max segment name " + result.maxSegmentName);
if (result.clean) {
msg(infoStream, "No problems were detected with this index.\n");
return result;
* Test live docs.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.LiveDocStatus testLiveDocs(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean failFast) throws IOException {
final Status.LiveDocStatus status = new Status.LiveDocStatus();
try {
if (infoStream != null)
infoStream.print(" test: check live docs.....");
final int numDocs = reader.numDocs();
if (reader.hasDeletions()) {
Bits liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs();
if (liveDocs == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("segment should have deletions, but liveDocs is null");
} else {
int numLive = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < liveDocs.length(); j++) {
if (liveDocs.get(j)) {
if (numLive != numDocs) {
throw new RuntimeException("liveDocs count mismatch: info=" + numDocs + ", vs bits=" + numLive);
status.numDeleted = reader.numDeletedDocs();
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + (status.numDeleted) + " deleted docs]");
} else {
Bits liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs();
if (liveDocs != null) {
// its ok for it to be non-null here, as long as none are set right?
for (int j = 0; j < liveDocs.length(); j++) {
if (!liveDocs.get(j)) {
throw new RuntimeException("liveDocs mismatch: info says no deletions but doc " + j + " is deleted.");
msg(infoStream, "OK");
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + String.valueOf(e.getMessage()) + "]");
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
* Test field infos.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.FieldInfoStatus testFieldInfos(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean failFast) throws IOException {
final Status.FieldInfoStatus status = new Status.FieldInfoStatus();
try {
// Test Field Infos
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: field infos.........");
FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.getFieldInfos();
for (FieldInfo f : fieldInfos) {
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + fieldInfos.size() + " fields]");
status.totFields = fieldInfos.size();
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + String.valueOf(e.getMessage()) + "]");
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
* Test field norms.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.FieldNormStatus testFieldNorms(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean failFast) throws IOException {
final Status.FieldNormStatus status = new Status.FieldNormStatus();
try {
// Test Field Norms
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: field norms.........");
for (FieldInfo info : reader.getFieldInfos()) {
if (info.hasNorms()) {
checkNorms(info, reader, infoStream);
} else {
if (reader.getNormValues( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("field: " + + " should omit norms but has them!");
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.totFields + " fields]");
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + String.valueOf(e.getMessage()) + "]");
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
* checks Fields api is consistent with itself.
* searcher is optional, to verify with queries. Can be null.
private static Status.TermIndexStatus checkFields(Fields fields, Bits liveDocs, int maxDoc, FieldInfos fieldInfos, boolean doPrint, boolean isVectors, PrintStream infoStream, boolean verbose) throws IOException {
// TODO: we should probably return our own stats thing...?!
final Status.TermIndexStatus status = new Status.TermIndexStatus();
int computedFieldCount = 0;
if (fields == null) {
msg(infoStream, "OK [no fields/terms]");
return status;
DocsEnum docs = null;
DocsEnum docsAndFreqs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;
String lastField = null;
for (String field : fields) {
// MultiFieldsEnum relies upon this order...
if (lastField != null && field.compareTo(lastField) <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("fields out of order: lastField=" + lastField + " field=" + field);
lastField = field;
// check that the field is in fieldinfos, and is indexed.
// TODO: add a separate test to check this for different reader impls
FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
if (fieldInfo == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, no fieldInfos for: " + field);
if (!fieldInfo.isIndexed()) {
throw new RuntimeException("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, isIndexed == false for: " + field);
// TODO: really the codec should not return a field
// from FieldsEnum if it has no Terms... but we do
// this today:
// assert fields.terms(field) != null;
final Terms terms = fields.terms(field);
if (terms == null) {
final boolean hasFreqs = terms.hasFreqs();
final boolean hasPositions = terms.hasPositions();
final boolean hasPayloads = terms.hasPayloads();
final boolean hasOffsets = terms.hasOffsets();
BytesRef bb = terms.getMin();
BytesRef minTerm;
if (bb != null) {
assert bb.isValid();
minTerm = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bb);
} else {
minTerm = null;
BytesRef maxTerm;
bb = terms.getMax();
if (bb != null) {
assert bb.isValid();
maxTerm = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bb);
if (minTerm == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" has null minTerm but non-null maxTerm");
} else {
maxTerm = null;
if (minTerm != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" has non-null minTerm but null maxTerm");
// term vectors cannot omit TF:
final boolean expectedHasFreqs = (isVectors || fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0);
if (hasFreqs != expectedHasFreqs) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasFreqs=" + expectedHasFreqs + " but got " + hasFreqs);
if (hasFreqs == false) {
if (terms.getSumTotalTermFreq() != -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but Terms.getSumTotalTermFreq()=" + terms.getSumTotalTermFreq() + " (should be -1)");
if (!isVectors) {
final boolean expectedHasPositions = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0;
if (hasPositions != expectedHasPositions) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPositions=" + expectedHasPositions + " but got " + hasPositions);
final boolean expectedHasPayloads = fieldInfo.hasPayloads();
if (hasPayloads != expectedHasPayloads) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPayloads=" + expectedHasPayloads + " but got " + hasPayloads);
final boolean expectedHasOffsets = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0;
if (hasOffsets != expectedHasOffsets) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasOffsets=" + expectedHasOffsets + " but got " + hasOffsets);
final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);
boolean hasOrd = true;
final long termCountStart = status.delTermCount + status.termCount;
BytesRefBuilder lastTerm = null;
long sumTotalTermFreq = 0;
long sumDocFreq = 0;
long upto = 0;
FixedBitSet visitedDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
while(true) {
final BytesRef term =;
if (term == null) {
assert term.isValid();
// make sure terms arrive in order according to
// the comp
if (lastTerm == null) {
lastTerm = new BytesRefBuilder();
} else {
if (lastTerm.get().compareTo(term) >= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("terms out of order: lastTerm=" + lastTerm + " term=" + term);
if (minTerm == null) {
// We checked this above:
assert maxTerm == null;
throw new RuntimeException("field=\"" + field + "\": invalid term: term=" + term + ", minTerm=" + minTerm);
if (term.compareTo(minTerm) < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("field=\"" + field + "\": invalid term: term=" + term + ", minTerm=" + minTerm);
if (term.compareTo(maxTerm) > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("field=\"" + field + "\": invalid term: term=" + term + ", maxTerm=" + maxTerm);
final int docFreq = termsEnum.docFreq();
if (docFreq <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("docfreq: " + docFreq + " is out of bounds");
sumDocFreq += docFreq;
docs =, docs);
postings = termsEnum.docsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);
if (hasFreqs == false) {
if (termsEnum.totalTermFreq() != -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but TermsEnum.totalTermFreq()=" + termsEnum.totalTermFreq() + " (should be -1)");
if (hasOrd) {
long ord = -1;
try {
ord = termsEnum.ord();
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
hasOrd = false;
if (hasOrd) {
final long ordExpected = status.delTermCount + status.termCount - termCountStart;
if (ord != ordExpected) {
throw new RuntimeException("ord mismatch: TermsEnum has ord=" + ord + " vs actual=" + ordExpected);
final DocsEnum docs2;
if (postings != null) {
docs2 = postings;
} else {
docs2 = docs;
int lastDoc = -1;
int docCount = 0;
long totalTermFreq = 0;
while(true) {
final int doc = docs2.nextDoc();
if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
int freq = -1;
if (hasFreqs) {
freq = docs2.freq();
if (freq <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
status.totPos += freq;
totalTermFreq += freq;
} else {
// When a field didn't index freq, it must
// consistently "lie" and pretend that freq was
// 1:
if (docs2.freq() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " != 1 when Terms.hasFreqs() is false");
if (doc <= lastDoc) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " <= lastDoc " + lastDoc);
if (doc >= maxDoc) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " >= maxDoc " + maxDoc);
lastDoc = doc;
int lastPos = -1;
int lastOffset = 0;
if (hasPositions) {
for(int j=0;j<freq;j++) {
final int pos = postings.nextPosition();
if (pos < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " is out of bounds");
if (pos < lastPos) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " < lastPos " + lastPos);
lastPos = pos;
BytesRef payload = postings.getPayload();
if (payload != null) {
assert payload.isValid();
if (payload != null && payload.length < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " payload length is out of bounds " + payload.length);
if (hasOffsets) {
int startOffset = postings.startOffset();
int endOffset = postings.endOffset();
// NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
// but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
if (!isVectors) {
if (startOffset < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (startOffset < lastOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
if (endOffset < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (endOffset < startOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
lastOffset = startOffset;
if (docCount != 0) {
} else {
final long totalTermFreq2 = termsEnum.totalTermFreq();
final boolean hasTotalTermFreq = hasFreqs && totalTermFreq2 != -1;
// Re-count if there are deleted docs:
if (liveDocs != null) {
if (hasFreqs) {
final DocsEnum docsNoDel =, docsAndFreqs);
docCount = 0;
totalTermFreq = 0;
while(docsNoDel.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
totalTermFreq += docsNoDel.freq();
} else {
final DocsEnum docsNoDel =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
docCount = 0;
totalTermFreq = -1;
while(docsNoDel.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (docCount != docFreq) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + " docFreq=" + docFreq + " != tot docs w/o deletions " + docCount);
if (hasTotalTermFreq) {
if (totalTermFreq2 <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("totalTermFreq: " + totalTermFreq2 + " is out of bounds");
sumTotalTermFreq += totalTermFreq;
if (totalTermFreq != totalTermFreq2) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + " totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq2 + " != recomputed totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq);
// Test skipping
if (hasPositions) {
for(int idx=0;idx<7;idx++) {
final int skipDocID = (int) (((idx+1)*(long) maxDoc)/8);
postings = termsEnum.docsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);
final int docID = postings.advance(skipDocID);
if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
} else {
if (docID < skipDocID) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
final int freq = postings.freq();
if (freq <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("termFreq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
int lastPosition = -1;
int lastOffset = 0;
for(int posUpto=0;posUpto<freq;posUpto++) {
final int pos = postings.nextPosition();
if (pos < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("position " + pos + " is out of bounds");
if (pos < lastPosition) {
throw new RuntimeException("position " + pos + " is < lastPosition " + lastPosition);
lastPosition = pos;
if (hasOffsets) {
int startOffset = postings.startOffset();
int endOffset = postings.endOffset();
// NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
// but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
if (!isVectors) {
if (startOffset < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (startOffset < lastOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
if (endOffset < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
if (endOffset < startOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
lastOffset = startOffset;
final int nextDocID = postings.nextDoc();
if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (nextDocID <= docID) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);
} else {
for(int idx=0;idx<7;idx++) {
final int skipDocID = (int) (((idx+1)*(long) maxDoc)/8);
docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
final int docID = docs.advance(skipDocID);
if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
} else {
if (docID < skipDocID) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
final int nextDocID = docs.nextDoc();
if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (nextDocID <= docID) {
throw new RuntimeException("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);
if (minTerm != null && status.termCount + status.delTermCount == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("field=\"" + field + "\": minTerm is non-null yet we saw no terms: " + minTerm);
final Terms fieldTerms = fields.terms(field);
if (fieldTerms == null) {
// Unusual: the FieldsEnum returned a field but
// the Terms for that field is null; this should
// only happen if it's a ghost field (field with
// no terms, eg there used to be terms but all
// docs got deleted and then merged away):
} else {
final Object stats = fieldTerms.getStats();
assert stats != null;
if (status.blockTreeStats == null) {
status.blockTreeStats = new HashMap<>();
status.blockTreeStats.put(field, stats);
if (sumTotalTermFreq != 0) {
final long v = fields.terms(field).getSumTotalTermFreq();
if (v != -1 && sumTotalTermFreq != v) {
throw new RuntimeException("sumTotalTermFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumTotalTermFreq=" + sumTotalTermFreq);
if (sumDocFreq != 0) {
final long v = fields.terms(field).getSumDocFreq();
if (v != -1 && sumDocFreq != v) {
throw new RuntimeException("sumDocFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumDocFreq=" + sumDocFreq);
if (fieldTerms != null) {
final int v = fieldTerms.getDocCount();
if (v != -1 && visitedDocs.cardinality() != v) {
throw new RuntimeException("docCount for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed docCount=" + visitedDocs.cardinality());
// Test seek to last term:
if (lastTerm != null) {
if (termsEnum.seekCeil(lastTerm.get()) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND) {
throw new RuntimeException("seek to last term " + lastTerm + " failed");
int expectedDocFreq = termsEnum.docFreq();
DocsEnum d =, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
int docFreq = 0;
while (d.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (docFreq != expectedDocFreq) {
throw new RuntimeException("docFreq for last term " + lastTerm + "=" + expectedDocFreq + " != recomputed docFreq=" + docFreq);
// check unique term count
long termCount = -1;
if ((status.delTermCount+status.termCount)-termCountStart > 0) {
termCount = fields.terms(field).size();
if (termCount != -1 && termCount != status.delTermCount + status.termCount - termCountStart) {
throw new RuntimeException("termCount mismatch " + (status.delTermCount + termCount) + " vs " + (status.termCount - termCountStart));
// Test seeking by ord
if (hasOrd && status.termCount-termCountStart > 0) {
int seekCount = (int) Math.min(10000L, termCount);
if (seekCount > 0) {
BytesRef[] seekTerms = new BytesRef[seekCount];
// Seek by ord
for(int i=seekCount-1;i>=0;i--) {
long ord = i*(termCount/seekCount);
seekTerms[i] = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(termsEnum.term());
// Seek by term
long totDocCount = 0;
for(int i=seekCount-1;i>=0;i--) {
if (termsEnum.seekCeil(seekTerms[i]) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND) {
throw new RuntimeException("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");
docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
if (docs == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);
while(docs.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
long totDocCountNoDeletes = 0;
long totDocFreq = 0;
for(int i=0;i<seekCount;i++) {
if (!termsEnum.seekExact(seekTerms[i])) {
throw new RuntimeException("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");
totDocFreq += termsEnum.docFreq();
docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
if (docs == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);
while(docs.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (totDocCount > totDocCountNoDeletes) {
throw new RuntimeException("more postings with deletes=" + totDocCount + " than without=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);
if (totDocCountNoDeletes != totDocFreq) {
throw new RuntimeException("docfreqs=" + totDocFreq + " != recomputed docfreqs=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);
int fieldCount = fields.size();
if (fieldCount != -1) {
if (fieldCount < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("invalid fieldCount: " + fieldCount);
if (fieldCount != computedFieldCount) {
throw new RuntimeException("fieldCount mismatch " + fieldCount + " vs recomputed field count " + computedFieldCount);
if (doPrint) {
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.termCount + " terms; " + status.totFreq + " terms/docs pairs; " + status.totPos + " tokens]");
if (verbose && status.blockTreeStats != null && infoStream != null && status.termCount > 0) {
for(Map.Entry<String, Object> ent : status.blockTreeStats.entrySet()) {
infoStream.println(" field \"" + ent.getKey() + "\":");
infoStream.println(" " + ent.getValue().toString().replace("\n", "\n "));
return status;
* Test the term index.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.TermIndexStatus testPostings(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream) throws IOException {
return testPostings(reader, infoStream, false, false);
* Test the term index.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.TermIndexStatus testPostings(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean verbose, boolean failFast) throws IOException {
// TODO: we should go and verify term vectors match, if
// crossCheckTermVectors is on...
Status.TermIndexStatus status;
final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();
final Bits liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs();
try {
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: terms, freq, prox...");
final Fields fields = reader.fields();
final FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.getFieldInfos();
status = checkFields(fields, liveDocs, maxDoc, fieldInfos, true, false, infoStream, verbose);
if (liveDocs != null) {
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test (ignoring deletes): terms, freq, prox...");
checkFields(fields, null, maxDoc, fieldInfos, true, false, infoStream, verbose);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR: " + e);
status = new Status.TermIndexStatus();
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
* Test stored fields.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.StoredFieldStatus testStoredFields(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean failFast) throws IOException {
final Status.StoredFieldStatus status = new Status.StoredFieldStatus();
try {
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: stored fields.......");
// Scan stored fields for all documents
final Bits liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs();
for (int j = 0; j < reader.maxDoc(); ++j) {
// Intentionally pull even deleted documents to
// make sure they too are not corrupt:
StoredDocument doc = reader.document(j);
if (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.get(j)) {
status.totFields += doc.getFields().size();
// Validate docCount
if (status.docCount != reader.numDocs()) {
throw new RuntimeException("docCount=" + status.docCount + " but saw " + status.docCount + " undeleted docs");
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.totFields + " total field count; avg " +
NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ROOT).format((((float) status.totFields)/status.docCount)) + " fields per doc]");
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + String.valueOf(e.getMessage()) + "]");
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
* Test docvalues.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.DocValuesStatus testDocValues(LeafReader reader,
PrintStream infoStream,
boolean failFast) throws IOException {
final Status.DocValuesStatus status = new Status.DocValuesStatus();
try {
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: docvalues...........");
for (FieldInfo fieldInfo : reader.getFieldInfos()) {
if (fieldInfo.hasDocValues()) {
checkDocValues(fieldInfo, reader, infoStream, status);
} else {
if (reader.getBinaryDocValues( != null ||
reader.getNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedSetDocValues( != null ||
reader.getDocsWithField( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("field: " + + " has docvalues but should omit them!");
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.totalValueFields + " docvalues fields; "
+ status.totalBinaryFields + " BINARY; "
+ status.totalNumericFields + " NUMERIC; "
+ status.totalSortedFields + " SORTED; "
+ status.totalSortedNumericFields + " SORTED_NUMERIC; "
+ status.totalSortedSetFields + " SORTED_SET]");
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + String.valueOf(e.getMessage()) + "]");
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
private static void checkBinaryDocValues(String fieldName, LeafReader reader, BinaryDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField) {
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
final BytesRef term = dv.get(i);
assert term.isValid();
if (docsWithField.get(i) == false && term.length > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has value=" + term + " for doc: " + i);
private static void checkSortedDocValues(String fieldName, LeafReader reader, SortedDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField) {
checkBinaryDocValues(fieldName, reader, dv, docsWithField);
final int maxOrd = dv.getValueCount()-1;
FixedBitSet seenOrds = new FixedBitSet(dv.getValueCount());
int maxOrd2 = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
int ord = dv.getOrd(i);
if (ord == -1) {
if (docsWithField.get(i)) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has -1 ord but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
} else if (ord < -1 || ord > maxOrd) {
throw new RuntimeException("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
} else {
if (!docsWithField.get(i)) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has ord=" + ord + " for doc: " + i);
maxOrd2 = Math.max(maxOrd2, ord);
if (maxOrd != maxOrd2) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
if (seenOrds.cardinality() != dv.getValueCount()) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.getValueCount() + " but only used: " + seenOrds.cardinality());
BytesRef lastValue = null;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++) {
final BytesRef term = dv.lookupOrd(i);
assert term.isValid();
if (lastValue != null) {
if (term.compareTo(lastValue) <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + term);
lastValue = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term);
private static void checkSortedSetDocValues(String fieldName, LeafReader reader, SortedSetDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField) {
final long maxOrd = dv.getValueCount()-1;
LongBitSet seenOrds = new LongBitSet(dv.getValueCount());
long maxOrd2 = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
long lastOrd = -1;
long ord;
if (docsWithField.get(i)) {
int ordCount = 0;
while ((ord = dv.nextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
if (ord <= lastOrd) {
throw new RuntimeException("ords out of order: " + ord + " <= " + lastOrd + " for doc: " + i);
if (ord < 0 || ord > maxOrd) {
throw new RuntimeException("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
if (dv instanceof RandomAccessOrds) {
long ord2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).ordAt(ordCount);
if (ord != ord2) {
throw new RuntimeException("ordAt(" + ordCount + ") inconsistent, expected=" + ord + ",got=" + ord2 + " for doc: " + i);
lastOrd = ord;
maxOrd2 = Math.max(maxOrd2, ord);
if (ordCount == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has no ordinals but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
if (dv instanceof RandomAccessOrds) {
long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).cardinality();
if (ordCount != ordCount2) {
throw new RuntimeException("cardinality inconsistent, expected=" + ordCount + ",got=" + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
} else {
long o = dv.nextOrd();
if (o != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has ord=" + o + " for doc: " + i);
if (dv instanceof RandomAccessOrds) {
long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).cardinality();
if (ordCount2 != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has cardinality " + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
if (maxOrd != maxOrd2) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
if (seenOrds.cardinality() != dv.getValueCount()) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.getValueCount() + " but only used: " + seenOrds.cardinality());
BytesRef lastValue = null;
for (long i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++) {
final BytesRef term = dv.lookupOrd(i);
assert term.isValid();
if (lastValue != null) {
if (term.compareTo(lastValue) <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + term);
lastValue = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term);
private static void checkSortedNumericDocValues(String fieldName, LeafReader reader, SortedNumericDocValues ndv, Bits docsWithField) {
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
int count = ndv.count();
if (docsWithField.get(i)) {
if (count == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is not marked missing but has zero count for doc: " + i);
long previous = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
long value = ndv.valueAt(j);
if (value < previous) {
throw new RuntimeException("values out of order: " + value + " < " + previous + " for doc: " + i);
previous = value;
} else {
if (count != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has count=" + count + " for doc: " + i);
private static void checkNumericDocValues(String fieldName, LeafReader reader, NumericDocValues ndv, Bits docsWithField) {
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
long value = ndv.get(i);
if (docsWithField.get(i) == false && value != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has value=" + value + " for doc: " + i);
private static void checkDocValues(FieldInfo fi, LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, DocValuesStatus status) throws Exception {
Bits docsWithField = reader.getDocsWithField(;
if (docsWithField == null) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " docsWithField does not exist");
} else if (docsWithField.length() != reader.maxDoc()) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " docsWithField has incorrect length: " + docsWithField.length() + ",expected: " + reader.maxDoc());
switch(fi.getDocValuesType()) {
case SORTED:
checkSortedDocValues(, reader, reader.getSortedDocValues(, docsWithField);
if (reader.getBinaryDocValues( != null ||
reader.getNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedSetDocValues( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
checkSortedNumericDocValues(, reader, reader.getSortedNumericDocValues(, docsWithField);
if (reader.getBinaryDocValues( != null ||
reader.getNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedSetDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedDocValues( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
checkSortedSetDocValues(, reader, reader.getSortedSetDocValues(, docsWithField);
if (reader.getBinaryDocValues( != null ||
reader.getNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedDocValues( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
case BINARY:
checkBinaryDocValues(, reader, reader.getBinaryDocValues(, docsWithField);
if (reader.getNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedSetDocValues( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
checkNumericDocValues(, reader, reader.getNumericDocValues(, docsWithField);
if (reader.getBinaryDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedNumericDocValues( != null ||
reader.getSortedSetDocValues( != null) {
throw new RuntimeException( + " returns multiple docvalues types!");
throw new AssertionError();
private static void checkNorms(FieldInfo fi, LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream) throws IOException {
if (fi.hasNorms()) {
checkNumericDocValues(, reader, reader.getNormValues(, new Bits.MatchAllBits(reader.maxDoc()));
* Test term vectors.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.TermVectorStatus testTermVectors(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream) throws IOException {
return testTermVectors(reader, infoStream, false, false, false);
* Test term vectors.
* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.TermVectorStatus testTermVectors(LeafReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean verbose, boolean crossCheckTermVectors, boolean failFast) throws IOException {
final Status.TermVectorStatus status = new Status.TermVectorStatus();
final FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.getFieldInfos();
final Bits onlyDocIsDeleted = new FixedBitSet(1);
try {
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: term vectors........");
DocsEnum docs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;
// Only used if crossCheckTermVectors is true:
DocsEnum postingsDocs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postingsPostings = null;
final Bits liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs();
final Fields postingsFields;
// TODO: testTermsIndex
if (crossCheckTermVectors) {
postingsFields = reader.fields();
} else {
postingsFields = null;
TermsEnum termsEnum = null;
TermsEnum postingsTermsEnum = null;
for (int j = 0; j < reader.maxDoc(); ++j) {
// Intentionally pull/visit (but don't count in
// stats) deleted documents to make sure they too
// are not corrupt:
Fields tfv = reader.getTermVectors(j);
// TODO: can we make a IS(FIR) that searches just
// this term vector... to pass for searcher?
if (tfv != null) {
// First run with no deletions:
checkFields(tfv, null, 1, fieldInfos, false, true, infoStream, verbose);
// Again, with the one doc deleted:
checkFields(tfv, onlyDocIsDeleted, 1, fieldInfos, false, true, infoStream, verbose);
// Only agg stats if the doc is live:
final boolean doStats = liveDocs == null || liveDocs.get(j);
if (doStats) {
for(String field : tfv) {
if (doStats) {
// Make sure FieldInfo thinks this field is vector'd:
final FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
if (!fieldInfo.hasVectors()) {
throw new RuntimeException("docID=" + j + " has term vectors for field=" + field + " but FieldInfo has storeTermVector=false");
if (crossCheckTermVectors) {
Terms terms = tfv.terms(field);
termsEnum = terms.iterator(termsEnum);
final boolean postingsHasFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0;
final boolean postingsHasPayload = fieldInfo.hasPayloads();
final boolean vectorsHasPayload = terms.hasPayloads();
Terms postingsTerms = postingsFields.terms(field);
if (postingsTerms == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector field=" + field + " does not exist in postings; doc=" + j);
postingsTermsEnum = postingsTerms.iterator(postingsTermsEnum);
final boolean hasProx = terms.hasOffsets() || terms.hasPositions();
BytesRef term = null;
while ((term = != null) {
if (hasProx) {
postings = termsEnum.docsAndPositions(null, postings);
assert postings != null;
docs = null;
} else {
docs =, docs);
assert docs != null;
postings = null;
final DocsEnum docs2;
if (hasProx) {
assert postings != null;
docs2 = postings;
} else {
assert docs != null;
docs2 = docs;
final DocsEnum postingsDocs2;
if (!postingsTermsEnum.seekExact(term)) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " does not exist in postings; doc=" + j);
postingsPostings = postingsTermsEnum.docsAndPositions(null, postingsPostings);
if (postingsPostings == null) {
// Term vectors were indexed w/ pos but postings were not
postingsDocs =, postingsDocs);
if (postingsDocs == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " does not exist in postings; doc=" + j);
if (postingsPostings != null) {
postingsDocs2 = postingsPostings;
} else {
postingsDocs2 = postingsDocs;
final int advanceDoc = postingsDocs2.advance(j);
if (advanceDoc != j) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + ": doc=" + j + " was not found in postings (got: " + advanceDoc + ")");
final int doc = docs2.nextDoc();
if (doc != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector for doc " + j + " didn't return docID=0: got docID=" + doc);
if (postingsHasFreq) {
final int tf = docs2.freq();
if (postingsHasFreq && postingsDocs2.freq() != tf) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": freq=" + tf + " differs from postings freq=" + postingsDocs2.freq());
if (hasProx) {
for (int i = 0; i < tf; i++) {
int pos = postings.nextPosition();
if (postingsPostings != null) {
int postingsPos = postingsPostings.nextPosition();
if (terms.hasPositions() && pos != postingsPos) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": pos=" + pos + " differs from postings pos=" + postingsPos);
// Call the methods to at least make
// sure they don't throw exc:
final int startOffset = postings.startOffset();
final int endOffset = postings.endOffset();
// TODO: these are too anal...?
if (endOffset < startOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector startOffset=" + startOffset + " is > endOffset=" + endOffset);
if (startOffset < lastStartOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector startOffset=" + startOffset + " is < prior startOffset=" + lastStartOffset);
lastStartOffset = startOffset;
if (postingsPostings != null) {
final int postingsStartOffset = postingsPostings.startOffset();
final int postingsEndOffset = postingsPostings.endOffset();
if (startOffset != -1 && postingsStartOffset != -1 && startOffset != postingsStartOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": startOffset=" + startOffset + " differs from postings startOffset=" + postingsStartOffset);
if (endOffset != -1 && postingsEndOffset != -1 && endOffset != postingsEndOffset) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + ": endOffset=" + endOffset + " differs from postings endOffset=" + postingsEndOffset);
BytesRef payload = postings.getPayload();
if (payload != null) {
assert vectorsHasPayload;
if (postingsHasPayload && vectorsHasPayload) {
assert postingsPostings != null;
if (payload == null) {
// we have payloads, but not at this position.
// postings has payloads too, it should not have one at this position
if (postingsPostings.getPayload() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + " has no payload but postings does: " + postingsPostings.getPayload());
} else {
// we have payloads, and one at this position
// postings should also have one at this position, with the same bytes.
if (postingsPostings.getPayload() == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + " has payload=" + payload + " but postings does not.");
BytesRef postingsPayload = postingsPostings.getPayload();
if (!payload.equals(postingsPayload)) {
throw new RuntimeException("vector term=" + term + " field=" + field + " doc=" + j + " has payload=" + payload + " but differs from postings payload=" + postingsPayload);
float vectorAvg = status.docCount == 0 ? 0 : status.totVectors / (float)status.docCount;
msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.totVectors + " total vector count; avg " +
NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ROOT).format(vectorAvg) + " term/freq vector fields per doc]");
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (failFast) {
msg(infoStream, "ERROR [" + String.valueOf(e.getMessage()) + "]");
status.error = e;
if (infoStream != null) {
return status;
/** Repairs the index using previously returned result
* from {@link #checkIndex}. Note that this does not
* remove any of the unreferenced files after it's done;
* you must separately open an {@link IndexWriter}, which
* deletes unreferenced files when it's created.
* <p><b>WARNING</b>: this writes a
* new segments file into the index, effectively removing
* all documents in broken segments from the index.
public void exorciseIndex(Status result) throws IOException {
if (result.partial)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can only exorcise an index that was fully checked (this status checked a subset of segments)");
private static boolean assertsOn;
private static boolean testAsserts() {
assertsOn = true;
return true;
private static boolean assertsOn() {
assert testAsserts();
return assertsOn;
/** Command-line interface to check and exorcise corrupt segments from an index.
Run it like this:
java -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex pathToIndex [-exorcise] [-verbose] [-segment X] [-segment Y]
<li><code>-exorcise</code>: actually write a new segments_N file, removing any problematic segments. *LOSES DATA*
<li><code>-segment X</code>: only check the specified
segment(s). This can be specified multiple times,
to check more than one segment, eg <code>-segment _2
-segment _a</code>. You can't use this with the -exorcise
<p><b>WARNING</b>: <code>-exorcise</code> should only be used on an emergency basis as it will cause
documents (perhaps many) to be permanently removed from the index. Always make
a backup copy of your index before running this! Do not run this tool on an index
that is actively being written to. You have been warned!
<p> Run without -exorcise, this tool will open the index, report version information
and report any exceptions it hits and what action it would take if -exorcise were
specified. With -exorcise, this tool will remove any segments that have issues and
write a new segments_N file. This means all documents contained in the affected
segments will be removed.
This tool exits with exit code 1 if the index cannot be opened or has any
corruption, else 0.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
int exitCode = doMain(args);
// actual main: returns exit code instead of terminating JVM (for easy testing)
private static int doMain(String args[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
boolean doExorcise = false;
boolean doCrossCheckTermVectors = false;
boolean verbose = false;
List<String> onlySegments = new ArrayList<>();
String indexPath = null;
String dirImpl = null;
int i = 0;
while(i < args.length) {
String arg = args[i];
if ("-exorcise".equals(arg)) {
doExorcise = true;
} else if ("-crossCheckTermVectors".equals(arg)) {
doCrossCheckTermVectors = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-verbose")) {
verbose = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-segment")) {
if (i == args.length-1) {
System.out.println("ERROR: missing name for -segment option");
return 1;
} else if ("-dir-impl".equals(arg)) {
if (i == args.length - 1) {
System.out.println("ERROR: missing value for -dir-impl option");
return 1;
dirImpl = args[i];
} else {
if (indexPath != null) {
System.out.println("ERROR: unexpected extra argument '" + args[i] + "'");
return 1;
indexPath = args[i];
if (indexPath == null) {
System.out.println("\nERROR: index path not specified");
System.out.println("\nUsage: java org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex pathToIndex [-exorcise] [-crossCheckTermVectors] [-segment X] [-segment Y] [-dir-impl X]\n" +
"\n" +
" -exorcise: actually write a new segments_N file, removing any problematic segments\n" +
" -crossCheckTermVectors: verifies that term vectors match postings; THIS IS VERY SLOW!\n" +
" -codec X: when exorcising, codec to write the new segments_N file with\n" +
" -verbose: print additional details\n" +
" -segment X: only check the specified segments. This can be specified multiple\n" +
" times, to check more than one segment, eg '-segment _2 -segment _a'.\n" +
" You can't use this with the -exorcise option\n" +
" -dir-impl X: use a specific " + FSDirectory.class.getSimpleName() + " implementation. " +
"If no package is specified the " + FSDirectory.class.getPackage().getName() + " package will be used.\n" +
"\n" +
"**WARNING**: -exorcise *LOSES DATA*. This should only be used on an emergency basis as it will cause\n" +
"documents (perhaps many) to be permanently removed from the index. Always make\n" +
"a backup copy of your index before running this! Do not run this tool on an index\n" +
"that is actively being written to. You have been warned!\n" +
"\n" +
"Run without -exorcise, this tool will open the index, report version information\n" +
"and report any exceptions it hits and what action it would take if -exorcise were\n" +
"specified. With -exorcise, this tool will remove any segments that have issues and\n" +
"write a new segments_N file. This means all documents contained in the affected\n" +
"segments will be removed.\n" +
"\n" +
"This tool exits with exit code 1 if the index cannot be opened or has any\n" +
"corruption, else 0.\n");
return 1;
if (!assertsOn())
System.out.println("\nNOTE: testing will be more thorough if you run java with '-ea:org.apache.lucene...', so assertions are enabled");
if (onlySegments.size() == 0)
onlySegments = null;
else if (doExorcise) {
System.out.println("ERROR: cannot specify both -exorcise and -segment");
return 1;
System.out.println("\nOpening index @ " + indexPath + "\n");
Directory directory = null;
Path path = Paths.get(indexPath);
try {
if (dirImpl == null) {
directory =;
} else {
directory = CommandLineUtil.newFSDirectory(dirImpl, path);
} catch (Throwable t) {
System.out.println("ERROR: could not open directory \"" + indexPath + "\"; exiting");
return 1;
try (Directory dir = directory;
CheckIndex checker = new CheckIndex(dir)) {
checker.setInfoStream(System.out, verbose);
Status result = checker.checkIndex(onlySegments);
if (result.missingSegments) {
return 1;
if (!result.clean) {
if (!doExorcise) {
System.out.println("WARNING: would write new segments file, and " + result.totLoseDocCount + " documents would be lost, if -exorcise were specified\n");
} else {
System.out.println("WARNING: " + result.totLoseDocCount + " documents will be lost\n");
System.out.println("NOTE: will write new segments file in 5 seconds; this will remove " + result.totLoseDocCount + " docs from the index. YOU WILL LOSE DATA. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO CTRL+C!");
for(int s=0;s<5;s++) {
System.out.println(" " + (5-s) + "...");
System.out.println("Wrote new segments file \"" + result.newSegments.getSegmentsFileName() + "\"");
if (result.clean == true) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;