blob: 22476e777b6b1705d8544da3716c765efed5700a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
/** Scorer for conjunctions, sets of queries, all of which are required. */
class ConjunctionScorer extends Scorer {
protected int lastDoc = -1;
protected final DocsAndFreqs[] docsAndFreqs;
private final DocsAndFreqs lead;
private final float coord;
ConjunctionScorer(Weight weight, Scorer[] scorers) {
this(weight, scorers, 1f);
ConjunctionScorer(Weight weight, Scorer[] scorers, float coord) {
this.coord = coord;
this.docsAndFreqs = new DocsAndFreqs[scorers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < scorers.length; i++) {
docsAndFreqs[i] = new DocsAndFreqs(scorers[i]);
// Sort the array the first time to allow the least frequent DocsEnum to
// lead the matching.
ArrayUtil.timSort(docsAndFreqs, new Comparator<DocsAndFreqs>() {
public int compare(DocsAndFreqs o1, DocsAndFreqs o2) {
return, o2.cost);
lead = docsAndFreqs[0]; // least frequent DocsEnum leads the intersection
private int doNext(int doc) throws IOException {
for(;;) {
// doc may already be NO_MORE_DOCS here, but we don't check explicitly
// since all scorers should advance to NO_MORE_DOCS, match, then
// return that value.
advanceHead: for(;;) {
for (int i = 1; i < docsAndFreqs.length; i++) {
// invariant: docsAndFreqs[i].doc <= doc at this point.
// docsAndFreqs[i].doc may already be equal to doc if we "broke advanceHead"
// on the previous iteration and the advance on the lead scorer exactly matched.
if (docsAndFreqs[i].doc < doc) {
docsAndFreqs[i].doc = docsAndFreqs[i].scorer.advance(doc);
if (docsAndFreqs[i].doc > doc) {
// DocsEnum beyond the current doc - break and advance lead to the new highest doc.
doc = docsAndFreqs[i].doc;
break advanceHead;
// success - all DocsEnums are on the same doc
return doc;
// advance head for next iteration
doc = lead.doc = lead.scorer.advance(doc);
public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
lead.doc = lead.scorer.advance(target);
return lastDoc = doNext(lead.doc);
public int docID() {
return lastDoc;
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
lead.doc = lead.scorer.nextDoc();
return lastDoc = doNext(lead.doc);
public float score() throws IOException {
// TODO: sum into a double and cast to float if we ever send required clauses to BS1
float sum = 0.0f;
for (DocsAndFreqs docs : docsAndFreqs) {
sum += docs.scorer.score();
return sum * coord;
public int freq() {
return docsAndFreqs.length;
public long cost() {
return lead.scorer.cost();
public Collection<ChildScorer> getChildren() {
ArrayList<ChildScorer> children = new ArrayList<ChildScorer>(docsAndFreqs.length);
for (DocsAndFreqs docs : docsAndFreqs) {
children.add(new ChildScorer(docs.scorer, "MUST"));
return children;
static final class DocsAndFreqs {
final long cost;
final Scorer scorer;
int doc = -1;
DocsAndFreqs(Scorer scorer) {
this.scorer = scorer;
this.cost = scorer.cost();