blob: 4aac46aa1cb59fd72d4eaa3f86af2d879265f602 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.RoutedAliasTypes;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CollectionsHandler;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST;
import static org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionAdminParams.ROUTER_PREFIX;
public abstract class RoutedAlias {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
public static final String ROUTER_TYPE_NAME = ROUTER_PREFIX + "name";
public static final String ROUTER_FIELD = ROUTER_PREFIX + "field";
public static final String CREATE_COLLECTION_PREFIX = "create-collection.";
public static final Set<String> MINIMAL_REQUIRED_PARAMS = Sets.newHashSet(ROUTER_TYPE_NAME, ROUTER_FIELD);
public static final String ROUTED_ALIAS_NAME_CORE_PROP = "routedAliasName"; // core prop
private static final String DIMENSIONAL = "Dimensional[";
// This class is created once per request and the overseer methods prevent duplicate create requests
// from creating extra copies via locking on the alias name. All we need to track here is that we don't
// spam preemptive creates to the overseer multiple times from *this* request.
boolean preemptiveCreateOnceAlready = false;
public static SolrException newAliasMustExistException(String aliasName) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
"Routed alias " + aliasName + " appears to have been removed during request processing.");
* Factory method for implementations of this interface. There should be no reason to construct instances
* elsewhere, and routed alias types are encouraged to have package private constructors.
* @param aliasName The alias name (will be returned by {@link #getAliasName()}
* @param props The properties from an overseer message.
* @return An implementation appropriate for the supplied properties, or null if no type is specified.
* @throws SolrException If the properties are invalid or the router type is unknown.
public static RoutedAlias fromProps(String aliasName, Map<String, String> props) throws SolrException {
String typeStr = props.get(ROUTER_TYPE_NAME);
if (typeStr == null) {
return null; // non-routed aliases are being created
List<RoutedAliasTypes> routerTypes = new ArrayList<>();
// check for Dimensional[foo,bar,baz]
if (typeStr.startsWith(DIMENSIONAL)) {
// multi-dimensional routed alias
typeStr = typeStr.substring(DIMENSIONAL.length(), typeStr.length() - 1);
String[] types = typeStr.split(",");
java.util.List<String> fields = new ArrayList<>();
if (types.length > 2) {
throw new SolrException(BAD_REQUEST,"More than 2 dimensions is not supported yet. " +
"Please monitor SOLR-13628 for progress");
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
String type = types[i];
addRouterTypeOf(type, routerTypes);
// v2 api case - the v2 -> v1 mapping mechanisms can't handle this conversion because they expect
// strings or arrays of strings, not lists of objects.
if (props.containsKey("router.routerList")) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // working around solrparams inability to express lists of objects
HashMap tmp = new HashMap(props);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // working around solrparams inability to express lists of objects
List<Map<String, Object>> v2RouterList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) tmp.get("router.routerList");
Map<String, Object> o = v2RouterList.get(i);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : o.entrySet()) {
props.put(ROUTER_PREFIX + i + "." + entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()));
// Here we need to push the type into each dimension's params. We could have eschewed the
// "Dimensional[dim1,dim2]" style notation, to simplify this case but I think it's nice
// to be able to understand the dimensionality at a glance without having to hunt for name properties
// in the list of properties for each dimension.
String typeName = ROUTER_PREFIX + i + ".name";
// can't use computeIfAbsent because the non-dimensional case where typeName is present
// happens to be an unmodifiable map and will fail.
if (!props.containsKey(typeName)) {
props.put(typeName, type);
fields.add(props.get(ROUTER_PREFIX + i + ".field"));
// this next remove is checked for key because when we build from aliases.json's data it we get an
// immutable map which would cause UnsupportedOperationException to be thrown. This remove is here
// to prevent this property from making it into aliases.json
//noinspection RedundantCollectionOperation
if (props.containsKey("router.routerList")) {
// Keep code that handles single dimensions happy by providing this value, otherwise ignored.
if (!props.containsKey(ROUTER_FIELD)) {
props.put(ROUTER_FIELD, String.join(",", fields));
} else {
// non-dimensional case
addRouterTypeOf(typeStr, routerTypes);
if (routerTypes.size() == 1) {
RoutedAliasTypes routerType = routerTypes.get(0);
return routedAliasForType(aliasName, props, routerType);
} else {
List<RoutedAlias> dimensions = new ArrayList<>();
// this array allows us to get past the chicken/egg problem of needing access to the
// DRA inside the dimensions, but needing the dimensions to create the DRA
DimensionalRoutedAlias[] dra = new DimensionalRoutedAlias[1];
for (int i = 0; i < routerTypes.size(); i++) {
RoutedAliasTypes routerType = routerTypes.get(i);
// NOTE setting the name to empty string is very important here, as that allows us to simply
// concatenate the "names" of the parts to get the correct collection name for the DRA
dimensions.add(DimensionalRoutedAlias.dimensionForType( selectForIndex(i, props), routerType, i, () -> dra[0]));
return dra[0] = new DimensionalRoutedAlias(dimensions, props.get(CommonParams.NAME), props);
private static void addRouterTypeOf(String type, List<RoutedAliasTypes> routerTypes) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new SolrException(BAD_REQUEST, "Router name: " + type + " is not in supported types, "
+ Arrays.asList(RoutedAliasTypes.values()));
private static Map<String, String> selectForIndex(int i, Map<String, String> original) {
return original.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getKey().matches("(((?!^router\\.).)*$|(^router\\." + i + ".*$))"))
.map(e -> new SimpleEntry<>(e.getKey().replaceAll("(.*\\.)" + i + "\\.(.*)", "$1$2"), e.getValue()))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(SimpleEntry::getKey, SimpleEntry::getValue));
private static RoutedAlias routedAliasForType(String aliasName, Map<String, String> props, RoutedAliasTypes routerType) {
// this switch must have a case for every element of the RoutedAliasTypes enum EXCEPT DIMENSIONAL
switch (routerType) {
case TIME:
return new TimeRoutedAlias(aliasName, props);
return new CategoryRoutedAlias(aliasName, props);
// if we got a type not handled by the switch there's been a bogus implementation.
throw new SolrException(SERVER_ERROR, "Router " + routerType + " is not fully implemented. If you see this" +
"error in an official release please file a bug report. Available types were:"
+ Arrays.asList(RoutedAliasTypes.values()));
* Ensure our parsed version of the alias collection list is up to date. If it was modified, return true.
* Note that this will return true if some other alias was modified or if properties were modified. These
* are spurious and the caller should be written to be tolerant of no material changes.
public abstract boolean updateParsedCollectionAliases(ZkStateReader zkStateReader, boolean conextualize);
List<String> getCollectionList(Aliases aliases) {
return aliases.getCollectionAliasListMap().get(getAliasName());
* Create the initial collection for this RoutedAlias if applicable.
* <p>
* Routed Aliases do not aggregate existing collections, instead they create collections on the fly. If the initial
* collection can be determined from initialization parameters it should be calculated here.
* @return optional string of initial collection name
abstract String computeInitialCollectionName();
abstract String[] formattedRouteValues(SolrInputDocument doc) ;
* The name of the alias. This name is used in place of a collection name for both queries and updates.
* @return The name of the Alias.
public abstract String getAliasName();
abstract String getRouteField();
abstract RoutedAliasTypes getRoutedAliasType();
* Check that the value we will be routing on is legal for this type of routed alias.
* @param cmd the command containing the document
public abstract void validateRouteValue(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws SolrException;
* Create any required collections and return the name of the collection to which the current document should be sent.
* @param cmd The command that might cause collection creation
* @return The name of the proper destination collection for the document which may or may not be a
* newly created collection
public String createCollectionsIfRequired(AddUpdateCommand cmd) {
// Even though it is possible that multiple requests hit this code in the 1-2 sec that
// it takes to create a collection, it's an established anti-pattern to feed data with a very large number
// of client connections. This in mind, we only guard against spamming the overseer within a batch of
// updates. We are intentionally tolerating a low level of redundant requests in favor of simpler code. Most
// super-sized installations with many update clients will likely be multi-tenant and multiple tenants
// probably don't write to the same alias. As such, we have deferred any solution to the "many clients causing
// collection creation simultaneously" problem until such time as someone actually has that problem in a
// real world use case that isn't just an anti-pattern.
CandidateCollection candidateCollectionDesc = findCandidateGivenValue(cmd);
try {
// It's important not to add code between here and the prior call to findCandidateGivenValue()
// in processAdd() that invokes updateParsedCollectionAliases(). Doing so would update parsedCollectionsDesc
// and create a race condition. When Routed aliases have an implicit sort for their collections we
// are relying on the fact that collectionList.get(0) is returning the head of the parsed collections that
// existed when the collection list was consulted for the candidate value. If this class updates it's notion
// of the list of collections since candidateCollectionDesc was chosen, we could create collection n+2
// instead of collection n+1.
return createAllRequiredCollections( cmd, candidateCollectionDesc);
} catch (SolrException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);
* @return get alias related metadata
abstract Map<String, String> getAliasMetadata();
public abstract Set<String> getRequiredParams();
public abstract Set<String> getOptionalParams();
abstract CandidateCollection findCandidateGivenValue(AddUpdateCommand cmd);
class CandidateCollection {
private final CreationType creationType;
private final String destinationCollection;
private final String creationCollection;
CandidateCollection(CreationType creationType, String destinationCollection, String creationCollection) {
this.creationType = creationType;
this.destinationCollection = destinationCollection;
this.creationCollection = creationCollection;
CandidateCollection(CreationType creationType, String collection) {
this.creationType = creationType;
this.destinationCollection = collection;
this.creationCollection = collection;
CreationType getCreationType() {
return creationType;
String getDestinationCollection() {
return destinationCollection;
String getCreationCollection() {
return creationCollection;
* Create as many collections as required. This method loops to allow for the possibility that the route value
* requires more than one collection to be created. Since multiple threads may be invoking maintain on separate
* requests to the same alias, we must pass in a descriptor that details what collection is to be created.
* This assumption is checked when the command is executed in the overseer. When this method
* finds that all collections required have been created it returns the (possibly new) destination collection
* for the document that caused the creation cycle.
* @param cmd the update command being processed
* @param targetCollectionDesc the descriptor for the presently selected collection .
* @return The destination collection, possibly created during this method's execution
private String createAllRequiredCollections(AddUpdateCommand cmd, CandidateCollection targetCollectionDesc) {
SolrQueryRequest req = cmd.getReq();
SolrCore core = req.getCore();
CoreContainer coreContainer = core.getCoreContainer();
do {
switch (targetCollectionDesc.getCreationType()) {
case NONE:
return targetCollectionDesc.destinationCollection; // we don't need another collection
targetCollectionDesc = doSynchronous( cmd, targetCollectionDesc, coreContainer);
return doPreemptive(targetCollectionDesc, core, coreContainer);
throw unknownCreateType();
} while (true);
private CandidateCollection doSynchronous(AddUpdateCommand cmd, CandidateCollection targetCollectionDesc, CoreContainer coreContainer) {
ensureCollection(targetCollectionDesc.getCreationCollection(), coreContainer); // *should* throw if fails for some reason but...
ZkController zkController = coreContainer.getZkController();
updateParsedCollectionAliases(zkController.zkStateReader, true);
List<String> observedCols = zkController.zkStateReader.aliasesManager.getAliases().getCollectionAliasListMap().get(getAliasName());
if (!observedCols.contains(targetCollectionDesc.creationCollection)) {
// if collection creation did not occur we've failed. Bail out.
throw new SolrException(SERVER_ERROR, "After we attempted to create " + targetCollectionDesc.creationCollection + " it did not exist");
// then recalculate the candiate, which may result in continuation or termination the loop calling this method
targetCollectionDesc = findCandidateGivenValue(cmd);
return targetCollectionDesc;
private String doPreemptive(CandidateCollection targetCollectionDesc, SolrCore core, CoreContainer coreContainer) {
if (!this.preemptiveCreateOnceAlready) {
preemptiveAsync(() -> {
try {
ensureCollection(targetCollectionDesc.creationCollection, coreContainer);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Async creation of a collection for routed Alias " + this.getAliasName() + " failed!", e);
}, core);
return targetCollectionDesc.destinationCollection;
* Calculate the head collection (i.e. the most recent one for a TRA) if this routed alias has an
* implicit order, or if the collection is unordered return the appropriate collection name
* for the value in the current document. This method should never return null.
abstract protected String getHeadCollectionIfOrdered(AddUpdateCommand cmd);
private void preemptiveAsync(Runnable r, SolrCore core) {
preemptiveCreateOnceAlready = true;
private SolrException unknownCreateType() {
return new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unknown creation type while adding " +
"document to a Time Routed Alias! This is a bug caused when a creation type has been added but " +
"not all code has been updated to handle it.");
void ensureCollection(String targetCollection, CoreContainer coreContainer) {
CollectionsHandler collectionsHandler = coreContainer.getCollectionsHandler();
// Invoke MANINTAIN_ROUTED_ALIAS (in the Overseer, locked by alias name). It will create the collection
// and update the alias contingent on the requested collection name not already existing.
// otherwise it will return (without error).
try {
MaintainRoutedAliasCmd.remoteInvoke(collectionsHandler, getAliasName(), targetCollection);
// we don't care about the response. It's possible no collection was created because
// of a race and that's okay... we'll ultimately retry any way.
// Ensure our view of the aliases has updated. If we didn't do this, our zkStateReader might
// not yet know about the new alias (thus won't see the newly added collection to it), and we might think
// we failed.
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);
* Determine the combination of adds/deletes implied by the arrival of a document destined for the
* specified collection.
* @param targetCol the collection for which a document is destined.
* @return A list of actions across the DRA.
protected abstract List<Action> calculateActions(String targetCol);
protected static class Action {
final RoutedAlias sourceAlias;
final ActionType actionType;
final String targetCollection; // dra's need to edit this so not final
public Action(RoutedAlias sourceAlias, ActionType actionType, String targetCollection) {
this.sourceAlias = sourceAlias;
this.actionType = actionType;
this.targetCollection = targetCollection;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Action action = (Action) o;
return Objects.equals(sourceAlias, action.sourceAlias) &&
actionType == action.actionType &&
Objects.equals(targetCollection, action.targetCollection);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(sourceAlias, actionType, targetCollection);
enum ActionType {
enum CreationType {