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= Monitoring Solr with Prometheus and Grafana
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You can monitor Solr using solr-exporter that exposes Solr's metrics to[Prometheus], and visualize metrics using[Grafana].
It allows users to monitor not only Solr metrics which come from <<metrics-reporting.adoc#metrics-api,Metrics API>> but also facet counts which come from <<searching.adoc#searching,Searching>>.
.solr-exporter Diagram
This feature is experimental status.
== Running solr-exporter
You can start solr-exporter by running `./bin/solr-exporter` from the solr-exporter directory.
$ cd ./contrib/prometheus-exporter
$ ./bin/solr-exporter -p 9983 -b http://localhost:8983/solr -f ./conf/solr-exporter-config.xml -n 8
If you are on Windows platform, you can start solr-exporter by running `.\bin\solr-exporter.cmd` instead.
> cd .\contrib\prometheus
> .\bin\solr-exporter.cmd -p 9983 -b http://localhost:8983/solr -f .\conf\solr-exporter-config.xml -n 8
You can also connect to Solr in SolrCloud mode like this.
$ cd ./contrib/prometheus
$ ./bin/solr-exporter -p 9983 -z localhost:2181/solr -f ./conf/solr-exporter-config.xml -n 16
See command help:
$ ./bin/solr-exporter -h
usage: SolrCollector [-h] [-v] [-p PORT] [-b BASE_URL] [-z ZK_HOST] [-f CONFIG]
Prometheus exporter for Apache Solr.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT solr-exporter listen port
-b BASE_URL, --baseurl BASE_URL
specify Solr base URL when connecting to Solr in standalone mode (for
example 'http://localhost:8983/solr')
-z ZK_HOST, --zkhost ZK_HOST
specify ZooKeeper connection string when connecting to Solr in
SolrCloud mode (for example 'localhost:2181/solr')
-f CONFIG, --config-file CONFIG
specify configuration file
-n NUM_THREADS, --num-thread NUM_THREADS
specify number of threads
The Solr's metrics exposed by solr-exporter can see at the following URL.
== solr-exporter Configuration
The configuration is in `./config/solr-exporter-config.xml`. An example with all possible options:
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/ping</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
. as $object | $object |
(if $object.status == "OK" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_ping",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/metrics</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="group">all</str>
<str name="type">all</str>
<str name="prefix"></str>
<str name="property"></str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
jetty metrics
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler")) | select(.key | endswith("xx-responses")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $status |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_response_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["status"],
label_values : [$status],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/collections</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="action">CLUSTERSTATUS</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.cluster.live_nodes | length as $value|
name : "solr_collections_live_nodes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="collection">collection1</str>
<str name="path">/select</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="q">*:*</str>
<str name="start">0</str>
<str name="rows">0</str>
<str name="json.facet">
category: {
type: terms,
field: cat
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.facets.category.buckets[] as $object |
$object.val as $term |
$object.count as $value |
name : "solr_facets_category",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "Category facets",
label_names : ["term"],
label_values : [$term],
value : $value
|ping|Scrape <<ping.adoc#ping,Ping>> response.
|metrics|Scrape <<metrics-reporting.adoc#metrics-api,Metrics API>> response.
|collections|Scrape <<collections-api.adoc#collections-api,Collections API>> response.
|search|Scrape <<searching.adoc#searching,Search API>> response.
|*.query|Query parameter for each features. You can specify `collection`, `core`, `path`, and `params`.
|*.jsonQueries|JSON Query that is jq syntax. For more details, see[].
jq query has to output JSON in the following format.
name : "solr_ping",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["base_url","core"],
label_values : ["http://localhost:8983/solr","collection1"],
value : 1.0
It will be converted to the following exposition format.
# TYPE solr_ping gauge
# HELP solr_ping See following URL:
solr_ping{base_url="http://localhost:8983/solr",core="collection1"} 1.0
|name|The metric name to set. For more details, see[].
|type|The type of the metric, can be `COUNTER`, `GAUGE`, `SUMMARY`, `HISTOGRAM` or `UNTYPED`. For more detauils, see[].
|help|Help text for the metric.
|label_names|Label names for the metric. For more details, see[].
|label_values|Label values for the metric. For more details, see[].
|value|Value for the metric. Value must be set to Double type.
== Prometheus Configuration
You need to specify the solr-exporter listen address into `scrape_configs` in `prometheus.yml`. See following example:
- job_name: 'solr'
- targets: ['localhost:9983']
When you apply the above settings to prometheus, it will start to pull Solr's metrics from solr-exporter.
== Grafana Dashboard
A Grafana sample dashboard is provided at the following JSON file.
.Grafana Dashboard