blob: 4d69c2f2c91c92d7c06f83623f54a4019727c05d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.util.RefCounted;
import org.apache.solr.util.TestHarness;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.verbose;
import static org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory.DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM;
public class TestRealTimeGet extends TestRTGBase {
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
// randomizeUpdateLogImpl();
public void testGetRealtime() throws Exception {
"a_f","-1.5", "a_fd","-1.5", "a_fdS","-1.5", "a_fs","1.0","a_fs","2.5", "a_fds","1.0","a_fds","2.5", "a_fdsS","1.0","a_fdsS","2.5",
"a_d","-1.2E99", "a_dd","-1.2E99", "a_ddS","-1.2E99", "a_ds","1.0","a_ds","2.5", "a_dds","1.0","a_dds","2.5", "a_ddsS","1.0","a_ddsS","2.5",
"a_i","-1", "a_id","-1", "a_idS","-1", "a_is","1","a_is","2", "a_ids","1","a_ids","2", "a_idsS","1","a_idsS","2",
"a_l","-9999999999", "a_ld","-9999999999", "a_ldS","-9999999999", "a_ls","1","a_ls","9999999999", "a_lds","1","a_lds","9999999999", "a_ldsS","1","a_ldsS","9999999999"
assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id, a_f,a_fd,a_fdS a_fs,a_fds,a_fdsS, a_d,a_dd,a_ddS, a_ds,a_dds,a_ddsS, a_i,a_id,a_idS a_is,a_ids,a_idsS, a_l,a_ld,a_ldS a_ls,a_lds,a_ldsS")
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1'" +
", a_f:-1.5, a_fd:-1.5, a_fdS:-1.5, a_fs:[1.0,2.5], a_fds:[1.0,2.5],a_fdsS:[1.0,2.5]" +
", a_d:-1.2E99, a_dd:-1.2E99, a_ddS:-1.2E99, a_ds:[1.0,2.5],a_dds:[1.0,2.5],a_ddsS:[1.0,2.5]" +
", a_i:-1, a_id:-1, a_idS:-1, a_is:[1,2],a_ids:[1,2],a_idsS:[1,2]" +
", a_l:-9999999999, a_ld:-9999999999, a_ldS:-9999999999, a_ls:[1,9999999999],a_lds:[1,9999999999],a_ldsS:[1,9999999999]" +
" }}"
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","ids","1", "fl","id")
,"=={" +
" 'response':{'numFound':1,'start':0,'numFoundExact':true,'docs':[" +
" {" +
" 'id':'1'}]" +
" }}}"
// a cut-n-paste of the first big query, but this time it will be retrieved from the index rather than the transaction log
assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id, a_f,a_fd,a_fdS a_fs,a_fds,a_fdsS, a_d,a_dd,a_ddS, a_ds,a_dds,a_ddsS, a_i,a_id,a_idS a_is,a_ids,a_idsS, a_l,a_ld,a_ldS a_ls,a_lds,a_ldsS")
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1'" +
", a_f:-1.5, a_fd:-1.5, a_fdS:-1.5, a_fs:[1.0,2.5], a_fds:[1.0,2.5],a_fdsS:[1.0,2.5]" +
", a_d:-1.2E99, a_dd:-1.2E99, a_ddS:-1.2E99, a_ds:[1.0,2.5],a_dds:[1.0,2.5],a_ddsS:[1.0,2.5]" +
", a_i:-1, a_id:-1, a_idS:-1, a_is:[1,2],a_ids:[1,2],a_idsS:[1,2]" +
", a_l:-9999999999, a_ld:-9999999999, a_ldS:-9999999999, a_ls:[1,9999999999],a_lds:[1,9999999999],a_ldsS:[1,9999999999]" +
" }}"
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","1", "fl","id")
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","ids","1", "fl","id")
,"=={" +
" 'response':{'numFound':1,'start':0,'numFoundExact':true,'docs':[" +
" {" +
" 'id':'1'}]" +
" }}}"
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","10", "fl","id")
assertU(delQ("id:10 foo_s:abcdef"));
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","11", "fl","id")
// multivalued field
assertU(adoc("id","12", "val_ls","1", "val_ls","2"));
assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","12", "fl","id,val_ls")
,"=={'doc':{'id':'12', 'val_ls':[1,2]}}"
assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","12", "fl","id,val_ls")
,"=={'doc':{'id':'12', 'val_ls':[1,2]}}"
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> realtimeHolder = req.getCore().getRealtimeSearcher();
// filters
assertU(adoc("id", "12"));
assertU(adoc("id", "13"));
// this should not need to open another realtime searcher
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","11", "fl","id", "fq","id:11")
// assert that the same realtime searcher is still in effect (i.e. that we didn't
// open a new searcher when we didn't have to).
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> realtimeHolder2 = req.getCore().getRealtimeSearcher();
assertEquals(realtimeHolder.get(), realtimeHolder2.get()); // Autocommit could possibly cause this to fail?
// filter most likely different segment
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","12", "fl","id", "fq","id:11")
// filter most likely same different segment
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","12", "fl","id", "fq","id:13")
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","12", "fl","id", "fq","id:12")
assertU(adoc("id", "14"));
assertU(adoc("id", "15"));
// id list, with some in index and some not, first id from index. Also test mutiple fq params.
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","ids","12,14,13,15", "fl","id", "fq","id:[10 TO 14]", "fq","id:[13 TO 19]")
assertU(adoc("id", "16"));
assertU(adoc("id", "17"));
// id list, with some in index and some not, first id from tlog
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","ids","17,16,15,14", "fl","id", "fq","id:[15 TO 16]")
// more complex filter
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","ids","17,16,15,14", "fl","id", "fq","{!frange l=15 u=16}id")
public void testVersions() throws Exception {
long version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1") , null);
// test version is there from rtg
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// test version is there from the index
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// simulate an update from the leader
version += 10;
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","1", "_version_",Long.toString(version))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
// test version is there from rtg
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// simulate reordering: test that a version less than that does not take affect
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","1", "_version_",Long.toString(version - 1))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
// test that version hasn't changed
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// simulate reordering: test that a delete w/ version less than that does not take affect
// TODO: also allow passing version on delete instead of on URL?
updateJ(jsonDelId("1"), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER, "_version_",Long.toString(version - 1)));
// test that version hasn't changed
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// make sure reordering detection also works after a commit
// simulate reordering: test that a version less than that does not take affect
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","1", "_version_",Long.toString(version - 1))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
// test that version hasn't changed
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// simulate reordering: test that a delete w/ version less than that does not take affect
updateJ(jsonDelId("1"), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER, "_version_",Long.toString(version - 1)));
// test that version hasn't changed
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + version + "}}"
// now simulate a normal delete from the leader
version += 5;
updateJ(jsonDelId("1"), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER, "_version_",Long.toString(version)));
// make sure a reordered add doesn't take affect.
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","1", "_version_",Long.toString(version - 1))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
// test that it's still deleted
// test that we can remember the version of a delete after a commit
// make sure a reordered add doesn't take affect.
long version2 = deleteByQueryAndGetVersion("id:2", null);
// test that it's still deleted
version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","2"), null);
version2 = deleteByQueryAndGetVersion("id:2", null);
assertTrue(Math.abs(version2) > version );
// test that it's deleted
version2 = Math.abs(version2) + 1000;
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","3", "_version_",Long.toString(version2+100))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","4", "_version_",Long.toString(version2+200))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
// this should only affect id:3 so far
deleteByQueryAndGetVersion("id:(3 4 5 6)", params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER, "_version_",Long.toString(-(version2+150))) );
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","4", "fl","id"),"=={'doc':{'id':'4'}}");
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","5", "_version_",Long.toString(version2+201))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
updateJ(jsonAdd(sdoc("id","6", "_version_",Long.toString(version2+101))), params(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM,FROM_LEADER));
// the DBQ should also have caused id:6 to be removed
assertJQ(req("qt","/get","id","5", "fl","id"),"=={'doc':{'id':'5'}}");
public void testOptimisticLocking() throws Exception {
final long version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1") , null);
long version2;
// try version added directly on doc
SolrException se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "version should cause an error", () -> addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id", "1", "_version_", Long.toString(version - 1)), null));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try version added as a parameter on the request
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "version should cause an error", () -> addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id", "1"), params("_version_", Long.toString(version - 1))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try an add specifying a negative version
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "negative version should cause a conflict", () -> addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id", "1"), params("_version_", Long.toString(-version))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try an add with a greater version
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "greater version should cause a conflict",
() -> addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id", "1"), params("_version_", Long.toString(version + random().nextInt(1000) + 1))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// deletes
// try a delete with version on the request
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "version should cause an error", () -> deleteAndGetVersion("1", params("_version_", Long.toString(version - 1))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try a delete with a negative version
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "negative version should cause an error", () -> deleteAndGetVersion("1", params("_version_", Long.toString(-version))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try a delete with a greater version
se = SolrTestCaseUtil
.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "greater version should cause an error", () -> deleteAndGetVersion("1", params("_version_", Long.toString(version + random().nextInt(1000) + 1))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try a delete of a document that doesn't exist, specifying a specific version
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "document does not exist should cause an error", () -> deleteAndGetVersion("I_do_not_exist", params("_version_", Long.toString(version))));
assertEquals("version should cause a conflict", 409, se.code());
// try a delete of a document that doesn't exist, specifying that it should not
version2 = deleteAndGetVersion("I_do_not_exist", params("_version_", Long.toString(-1)));
assertTrue(version2 < 0);
// overwrite the document
version2 = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "_version_", Long.toString(version)), null);
assertTrue(version2 > version);
// overwriting the previous version should now fail
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "overwriting previous version should fail", () -> addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id", "1"), params("_version_", Long.toString(version))));
assertEquals(409, se.code());
// deleting the previous version should now fail
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "deleting the previous version should now fail", () -> deleteAndGetVersion("1", params("_version_", Long.toString(version))));
assertEquals(409, se.code());
final long prevVersion = version2;
// deleting the current version should work
version2 = deleteAndGetVersion("1", params("_version_", Long.toString(prevVersion)));
// overwriting the previous existing doc should now fail (since it was deleted)
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "overwriting the previous existing doc should now fail (since it was deleted)",
() -> addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id", "1"), params("_version_", Long.toString(prevVersion))));
assertEquals(409, se.code());
// deleting the previous existing doc should now fail (since it was deleted)
se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "deleting the previous existing doc should now fail (since it was deleted)",
() -> deleteAndGetVersion("1", params("_version_", Long.toString(prevVersion))));
assertEquals(409, se.code());
// overwriting a negative version should work
version2 = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1"), params("_version_", Long.toString(-(prevVersion-1))));
assertTrue(version2 > version);
long lastVersion = version2;
// sanity test that we see the right version via rtg
,"=={'doc':{'id':'1','_version_':" + lastVersion + "}}"
public void testGetRealtime() throws Exception {
SolrQueryRequest sr1 = req("q","foo");
IndexReader r1 = sr1.getCore().getRealtimeReader();
IndexReader r2 = sr1.getCore().getRealtimeReader();
assertNotSame(r1, r2);
int refcount = r2.getRefCount();
// make sure a new reader wasn't opened
IndexReader r3 = sr1.getCore().getRealtimeReader();
assertSame(r2, r3);
assertEquals(refcount+1, r3.getRefCount());
// this is not critical, but currently a commit does not refresh the reader
// if nothing has changed
IndexReader r4 = sr1.getCore().getRealtimeReader();
assertEquals(refcount+2, r4.getRefCount());
public void testStressGetRealtime() throws Exception {
// req().getCore().getUpdateHandler().getIndexWriterProvider().getIndexWriter(req().getCore()).setInfoStream(System.out);
final int commitPercent = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 5 + random().nextInt(20) : 2;
final int softCommitPercent = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 30+random().nextInt(75) : 10; // what percent of the commits are soft
final int deletePercent = 4+random().nextInt(25);
final int deleteByQueryPercent = 1+random().nextInt(5);
final int optimisticPercent = 1+random().nextInt(50); // percent change that an update uses optimistic locking
final int optimisticCorrectPercent = 25+random().nextInt(70); // percent change that a version specified will be correct
final int filteredGetPercent = random().nextInt( random().nextInt(20)+1 ); // percent of time that a get will be filtered... we normally don't want too high.
final int ndocs = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 5 + (random().nextBoolean() ? random().nextInt(25) : random().nextInt(200)) : 7;
int nWriteThreads = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 5 + random().nextInt(25) : 2;
final int maxConcurrentCommits = nWriteThreads; // number of committers at a time...
// query variables
final int percentRealtimeQuery = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 60 : 10;
final AtomicLong operations = new AtomicLong(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 50000 : 5000); // number of query operations to perform in total
int nReadThreads = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 5 + random().nextInt(25) : 3;
verbose("commitPercent=", commitPercent);
verbose("deleteByQueryPercent=", deleteByQueryPercent);
verbose("ndocs=", ndocs);
verbose("nWriteThreads=", nWriteThreads);
verbose("nReadThreads=", nReadThreads);
verbose("percentRealtimeQuery=", percentRealtimeQuery);
verbose("maxConcurrentCommits=", maxConcurrentCommits);
verbose("operations=", operations);
final AtomicInteger numCommitting = new AtomicInteger();
List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<nWriteThreads; i++) {
Thread thread = new Thread("WRITER" + i) {
Random rand = new Random(random().nextInt());
public void run() {
try {
while (operations.get() > 0) {
int oper = rand.nextInt(100);
if (oper < commitPercent) {
if (numCommitting.incrementAndGet() <= maxConcurrentCommits) {
Map<Integer,DocInfo> newCommittedModel;
long version;
synchronized (TestRealTimeGet.this) {
newCommittedModel = new HashMap<>(
model); // take a snapshot
version = snapshotCount++;
verbose("took snapshot version=", version);
if (rand.nextInt(100) < softCommitPercent) {
verbose("softCommit start");
assertU(TestHarness.commit("softCommit", "true"));
verbose("softCommit end");
} else {
verbose("hardCommit start");
verbose("hardCommit end");
synchronized (TestRealTimeGet.this) {
// install this model snapshot only if it's newer than the current one
if (version >= committedModelClock) {
if (VERBOSE) {
verbose("installing new committedModel version="
+ committedModelClock);
committedModel = newCommittedModel;
committedModelClock = version;
int id = rand.nextInt(ndocs);
Object sync = syncArr[id];
// set the lastId before we actually change it sometimes to try and
// uncover more race conditions between writing and reading
boolean before = rand.nextBoolean();
if (before) {
lastId = id;
// We can't concurrently update the same document and retain our invariants of increasing values
// since we can't guarantee what order the updates will be executed.
// Even with versions, we can't remove the sync because increasing versions does not mean increasing vals.
synchronized (sync) {
DocInfo info = model.get(id);
long val = info.val;
long nextVal = Math.abs(val) + 1;
if (oper < commitPercent + deletePercent) {
boolean opt = rand.nextInt() < optimisticPercent;
boolean correct = opt ?
rand.nextInt() < optimisticCorrectPercent :
long badVersion = correct ?
0 :
badVersion(rand, info.version);
if (VERBOSE) {
if (!opt) {
verbose("deleting id", id, "val=", nextVal);
} else {
verbose("deleting id", id, "val=", nextVal,
"existing_version=", info.version,
(correct ? "" : (" bad_version=" + badVersion)));
// assertU("<delete><id>" + id + "</id></delete>");
Long version = null;
if (opt) {
if (correct) {
version = deleteAndGetVersion(Integer.toString(id),
params("_version_", Long.toString(info.version)));
} else {
SolrException se = SolrTestCaseUtil
.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "should not get random version", () -> deleteAndGetVersion(Integer.toString(id), params("_version_", Long.toString(badVersion))));
assertEquals(409, se.code());
} else {
version = deleteAndGetVersion(Integer.toString(id), null);
if (version != null) {
model.put(id, new DocInfo(version, -nextVal));
if (VERBOSE) {
verbose("deleting id", id, "val=", nextVal, "DONE");
} else if (oper
< commitPercent + deletePercent + deleteByQueryPercent) {
if (VERBOSE) {
verbose("deleteByQuery id ", id, "val=", nextVal);
assertU("<delete><query>id:" + id + "</query></delete>");
model.put(id, new DocInfo(-1L, -nextVal));
if (VERBOSE) {
verbose("deleteByQuery id", id, "val=", nextVal, "DONE");
} else {
boolean opt = rand.nextInt() < optimisticPercent;
boolean correct = opt ?
rand.nextInt() < optimisticCorrectPercent :
long badVersion = correct ?
0 :
badVersion(rand, info.version);
if (VERBOSE) {
if (!opt) {
verbose("adding id", id, "val=", nextVal);
} else {
verbose("adding id", id, "val=", nextVal,
"existing_version=", info.version,
(correct ? "" : (" bad_version=" + badVersion)));
Long version = null;
SolrInputDocument sd = sdoc("id", Integer.toString(id), FIELD,
if (opt) {
if (correct) {
version = addAndGetVersion(sd,
params("_version_", Long.toString(info.version)));
} else {
SolrException se = SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SolrException.class, "should not get bad version", () -> addAndGetVersion(sd, params("_version_", Long.toString(badVersion))));
assertEquals(409, se.code());
} else {
version = addAndGetVersion(sd, null);
if (version != null) {
model.put(id, new DocInfo(version, nextVal));
if (VERBOSE) {
verbose("adding id", id, "val=", nextVal, "DONE");
} // end sync
if (!before) {
lastId = id;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (int i=0; i<nReadThreads; i++) {
Thread thread = new Thread("READER" + i) {
Random rand = new Random(random().nextInt());
public void run() {
try {
while (operations.decrementAndGet() >= 0) {
// bias toward a recently changed doc
int id = rand.nextInt(100) < 25 ? lastId : rand.nextInt(ndocs);
// when indexing, we update the index, then the model
// so when querying, we should first check the model, and then the index
boolean realTime = rand.nextInt(100) < percentRealtimeQuery;
DocInfo info;
if (realTime) {
info = model.get(id);
} else {
synchronized (TestRealTimeGet.this) {
info = committedModel.get(id);
if (VERBOSE) {
verbose("querying id", id);
boolean filteredOut = false;
SolrQueryRequest sreq;
if (realTime) {
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("wt", "json", "qt", "/get",
"ids", Integer.toString(id));
if (rand.nextInt(100) < filteredGetPercent) {
int idToFilter = rand.nextBoolean() ?
id :
filteredOut = idToFilter != id;
p.add("fq", "id:" + idToFilter);
sreq = req(p);
} else {
sreq = req("wt", "json", "q", "id:" + Integer.toString(id),
"omitHeader", "true");
String response = h.query(sreq);
Map rsp = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString(response);
List doclist = (List) (((Map) rsp.get("response")).get("docs"));
if (doclist.size() == 0) {
// there's no info we can get back with a delete, so not much we can check without further synchronization
// This is also correct when filteredOut==true
} else {
assertEquals(1, doclist.size());
long foundVal = (Long) (((Map) doclist.get(0)).get(FIELD));
long foundVer = (Long) (((Map) doclist.get(0))
if (filteredOut || foundVal < Math.abs(info.val) || (
foundVer == info.version && foundVal
!= info.val)) { // if the version matches, the val must
verbose("ERROR, id=", id, "found=", response, "model", info);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (Thread thread : threads) {
for (Thread thread : threads) {