blob: b2df8d2c330d53c6d32f0d4d685bb7280c595391 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntHashSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseUtil;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.response.ResultContext;
import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.NumberType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.StrField;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
@LuceneTestCase.Nightly // MRM TODO: slow
public class TestRangeQuery extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
private final static long DATE_START_TIME_RANDOM_TEST = 1499797224224L;
private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", Locale.ROOT);
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema11.xml");
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// if you override setUp or tearDown, you better call
// the super classes version
void addInt(SolrInputDocument doc, int l, int u, String... fields) {
int v=0;
if (0==l && l==u) {
} else {
for (String field : fields) {
doc.addField(field, v);
interface DocProcessor {
public void process(SolrInputDocument doc);
public void createIndex(int nDocs, DocProcessor proc) {
for (int i=0; i<nDocs; i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", ""+i);
public void testRangeQueries() throws Exception {
// ensure that we aren't losing precision on any fields in addition to testing other non-numeric fields
// that aren't tested in testRandomRangeQueries()
int i=2000000000;
long l=500000000000000000L;
double d=0.3333333333333333;
// first 3 values will be indexed, the last two won't be
String[] ints = {""+(i-1), ""+(i), ""+(i+1), ""+(i-2), ""+(i+2)};
String[] longs = {""+(l-1), ""+(l), ""+(l+1), ""+(l-2), ""+(l+2)};
String[] doubles = {""+(d-1e-16), ""+(d), ""+(d+1e-16), ""+(d-2e-16), ""+(d+2e-16)};
String[] strings = {"aaa","bbb","ccc", "aa","cccc" };
String[] dates = {"0299-12-31T23:59:59.999Z","2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","2000-01-01T00:00:00.001Z", "0299-12-31T23:59:59.998Z","2000-01-01T00:00:00.002Z" };
// fields that normal range queries should work on
Map<String,String[]> norm_fields = new HashMap<>();
norm_fields.put("foo_i", ints);
norm_fields.put("foo_l", longs);
norm_fields.put("foo_d", doubles);
norm_fields.put("foo_ti", ints);
norm_fields.put("foo_tl", longs);
norm_fields.put("foo_td", doubles);
norm_fields.put("foo_tdt", dates);
norm_fields.put("foo_s", strings);
norm_fields.put("foo_dt", dates);
// fields that frange queries should work on
Map<String,String[]> frange_fields = new HashMap<>();
frange_fields.put("foo_i", ints);
frange_fields.put("foo_l", longs);
frange_fields.put("foo_d", doubles);
frange_fields.put("foo_ti", ints);
frange_fields.put("foo_tl", longs);
frange_fields.put("foo_td", doubles);
frange_fields.put("foo_tdt", dates);
frange_fields.put("foo_s", strings);
frange_fields.put("foo_dt", dates);
Map<String,String[]> all_fields = new HashMap<>();
for (int j=0; j<ints.length-2; j++) {
List<String> fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> entry : all_fields.entrySet()) {
assertU(adoc(fields.toArray(new String[fields.size()])));
// simple test of a function rather than just the field
assertQ(req("{!frange l=0 u=2}id"), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange l=0 u=2}product(id_i,2)"), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req("{!frange l=100 u=102}sum(id_i,100)"), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> entry : norm_fields.entrySet()) {
String f = entry.getKey();
String[] v = entry.getValue();
assertQ(req(f + ":[* TO *]" ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[0]+" TO "+v[2]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[1]+" TO "+v[2]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[0]+" TO "+v[1]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[0]+" TO "+v[0]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[1]+" TO "+v[1]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[2]+" TO "+v[2]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[3]+" TO "+v[3]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[4]+" TO "+v[4]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[0]+" TO "+v[2]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[1]+" TO "+v[2]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[0]+" TO "+v[1]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[3]+" TO "+v[4]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> entry : frange_fields.entrySet()) {
String f = entry.getKey();
String[] v = entry.getValue();
assertQ(req("{!frange}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=true incu=true" + " l=" +v[0] +" u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false incu=false" + " l=" +v[0] +" u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]");
assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false incu=false" + " l=" +v[3] +" u="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]");
// now pick a random range to use to delete (some of) the docs...
final boolean incl = random().nextBoolean();
final boolean incu = random().nextBoolean();
final int expected = 0 + (incl ? 0 : 1) + (incu ? 0 : 1);
String dbq = null;
if (random().nextBoolean()) { // regular range
String field = randomKey(norm_fields);
String[] values = norm_fields.get(field);
dbq = field + ":" + (incl ? "[" : "{") + values[0] + " TO " + values[2] + (incu ? "]" : "}");
} else { // frange
String field = randomKey(frange_fields);
String[] values = frange_fields.get(field);
dbq = "{!frange incl=" + incl + " incu=" + incu + " l=" + values[0] + " u=" + values[2] + "}" + field;
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
// wrap in a BQ
String field = randomKey(norm_fields);
String value = norm_fields.get(field)[1];
// wraping shouldn't affect expected
dbq = "("+field+":\""+value+"\" OR " + dbq + ")";
"*[count(//doc)=" + expected + "]");
public void testRandomRangeQueries() throws Exception {
String handler="";
final String[] fields = {"foo_s","foo_i","foo_l","foo_f","foo_d",
"foo_ti","foo_tl","foo_tf","foo_td" };
// NOTE: foo_s supports ranges, but for the arrays below we are only
// interested in fields that support *equivalent* ranges -- strings
// are not ordered the same as ints/longs, so we can't test the ranges
// for equivilence across diff fields.
// fields that a normal range query will work correctly on
String[] norm_fields = {"foo_i","foo_l","foo_f","foo_d",
"foo_ti","foo_tl","foo_tf","foo_td" };
// fields that a value source range query should work on
String[] frange_fields = {"foo_i","foo_l","foo_f","foo_d"};
final int l= -1 * SolrTestUtil.atLeast(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 50 : 5);
final int u= SolrTestUtil.atLeast(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 250 : 15);
// sometimes a very small index, sometimes a very large index
final int numDocs = random().nextBoolean() ? random().nextInt(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 1000 : 5) : SolrTestUtil.atLeast(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 1000 : 10);
createIndex(numDocs, new DocProcessor() {
public void process(SolrInputDocument doc) {
// 10% of the docs have missing values
if (random().nextInt(10)!=0) addInt(doc, l,u, fields);
final int numIters = SolrTestUtil.atLeast(1000);
for (int i=0; i < numIters; i++) {
int lower = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 2 * l, u);
int upper = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), lower, 2 * u);
boolean lowerMissing = random().nextInt(10)==1;
boolean upperMissing = random().nextInt(10)==1;
boolean inclusive = lowerMissing || upperMissing || random().nextBoolean();
// lower=2; upper=2; inclusive=true;
// inclusive=true; lowerMissing=true; upperMissing=true;
List<String> qs = new ArrayList<>();
for (String field : norm_fields) {
String q = field + ':' + (inclusive?'[':'{')
+ (lowerMissing?"*":lower)
+ " TO "
+ (upperMissing?"*":upper)
+ (inclusive?']':'}');
for (String field : frange_fields) {
String q = "{!frange v="+field
+ (lowerMissing?"":(" l="+lower))
+ (upperMissing?"":(" u="+upper))
+ (inclusive?"":" incl=false")
+ (inclusive?"":" incu=false")
+ "}";
String lastQ = null;
SolrQueryResponse last=null;
for (String q : qs) {
// System.out.println("QUERY="+q);
SolrQueryRequest req = req("q",q,"rows",""+numDocs);
SolrQueryResponse qr = h.queryAndResponse(handler, req);
if (last != null) {
// we only test if the same docs matched since some queries will include factors like idf, etc.
DocList rA = ((ResultContext)qr.getResponse()).getDocList();
DocList rB = ((ResultContext)last.getResponse()).getDocList();
sameDocs(q + " vs " + lastQ, rA, rB );
last = qr;
lastQ = q;
// now build some random queries (against *any* field) and validate that using it in a DBQ changes
// the index by the expected number of docs
long numDocsLeftInIndex = numDocs;
final int numDBQs= SolrTestUtil.atLeast(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 10 : 1);
for (int i=0; i < numDBQs; i++) {
int lower = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 2 * l, u);
int upper = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), lower, 2 * u);
boolean lowerMissing = random().nextInt(10)==1;
boolean upperMissing = random().nextInt(10)==1;
boolean inclusive = lowerMissing || upperMissing || random().nextBoolean();
String dbq = null;
if (random().nextBoolean()) { // regular range
String field = fields[random().nextInt(fields.length)];
dbq = field + ':' + (inclusive?'[':'{')
+ (lowerMissing?"*":lower)
+ " TO "
+ (upperMissing?"*":upper)
+ (inclusive?']':'}');
} else { // frange
String field = frange_fields[random().nextInt(frange_fields.length)];
dbq = "{!frange v="+field
+ (lowerMissing?"":(" l="+lower))
+ (upperMissing?"":(" u="+upper))
+ (inclusive?"":" incl=false")
+ (inclusive?"":" incu=false")
+ "}";
try (SolrQueryRequest req = req("q",dbq,"rows","0")) {
SolrQueryResponse qr = h.queryAndResponse(handler, req);
numDocsLeftInIndex -= ((ResultContext)qr.getResponse()).getDocList().matches();
try (SolrQueryRequest req = req("q","*:*","rows","0","_trace_after_dbq",dbq)) {
SolrQueryResponse qr = h.queryAndResponse(handler, req);
final long allDocsFound = ((ResultContext)qr.getResponse()).getDocList().matches();
assertEquals(dbq, numDocsLeftInIndex, allDocsFound);
public void testRangeQueryEndpointTO() throws Exception {
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[to TO to]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[to TO TO]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[TO TO to]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[TO TO TO]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[\"TO\" TO \"TO\"]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[\"TO\" TO TO]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO to]", QParser.getParser("[TO TO \"TO\"]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO xx]", QParser.getParser("[to TO xx]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO xx]", QParser.getParser("[\"TO\" TO xx]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[to TO xx]", QParser.getParser("[TO TO xx]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[xx TO to]", QParser.getParser("[xx TO to]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[xx TO to]", QParser.getParser("[xx TO \"TO\"]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[xx TO to]", QParser.getParser("[xx TO TO]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
public void testRangeQueryRequiresTO() throws Exception {
assertEquals("{a TO b}", QParser.getParser("{A TO B}", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[a TO b}", QParser.getParser("[A TO B}", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("{a TO b]", QParser.getParser("{A TO B]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
assertEquals("[a TO b]", QParser.getParser("[A TO B]", req("df", "text")).getQuery().toString("text"));
// " TO " is required between range endpoints
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("{A B}", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("[A B}", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("{A B]", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("[A B]", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("{TO B}", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("[TO B}", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("{TO B]", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("[TO B]", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("{A TO}", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("[A TO}", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("{A TO]", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
SolrTestCaseUtil.expectThrows(SyntaxError.class, () -> QParser.getParser("[A TO]", req("df", "text")).getQuery());
public void testCompareTypesRandomRangeQueries() throws Exception {
int cardinality = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 10000 : 100;
Map<NumberType,String[]> types = new HashMap<>(); //single and multivalued field types
Map<NumberType,String[]> typesMv = new HashMap<>(); // multivalued field types only
types.put(NumberType.INTEGER, new String[]{"ti", "ti_dv", "ti_ni_dv", "i_p", "i_ni_p", "i_ndv_p", "tis", "tis_dv", "tis_ni_dv", "is_p", "is_ni_p", "is_ndv_p"});
types.put(NumberType.LONG, new String[]{"tl", "tl_dv", "tl_ni_dv", "l_p", "l_ni_p", "l_ndv_p", "tls", "tls_dv", "tls_ni_dv", "ls_p", "ls_ni_p", "ls_ndv_p"});
types.put(NumberType.FLOAT, new String[]{"tf", "tf_dv", "tf_ni_dv", "f_p", "f_ni_p", "f_ndv_p", "tfs", "tfs_dv", "tfs_ni_dv", "fs_p", "fs_ni_p", "fs_ndv_p"});
types.put(NumberType.DOUBLE, new String[]{"td", "td_dv", "td_ni_dv", "d_p", "d_ni_p", "d_ndv_p", "tds", "tds_dv", "tds_ni_dv", "ds_p", "ds_ni_p", "ds_ndv_p"});
types.put(NumberType.DATE, new String[]{"tdt", "tdt_dv", "tdt_ni_dv", "dt_p", "dt_ni_p", "dt_ndv_p", "tdts", "tdts_dv", "tdts_ni_dv", "dts_p", "dts_ni_p", "dts_ndv_p"});
typesMv.put(NumberType.INTEGER, new String[]{"tis", "tis_dv", "tis_ni_dv", "is_p", "is_ni_p", "is_ndv_p"});
typesMv.put(NumberType.LONG, new String[]{"tls", "tls_dv", "tls_ni_dv", "ls_p", "ls_ni_p", "ls_ndv_p"});
typesMv.put(NumberType.FLOAT, new String[]{"tfs", "tfs_dv", "tfs_ni_dv", "fs_p", "fs_ni_p", "fs_ndv_p"});
typesMv.put(NumberType.DOUBLE, new String[]{"tds", "tds_dv", "tds_ni_dv", "ds_p", "ds_ni_p", "ds_ndv_p"});
typesMv.put(NumberType.DATE, new String[]{"tdts", "tdts_dv", "tdts_ni_dv", "dts_p", "dts_ni_p", "dts_ndv_p"});
for (int i = 0; i < SolrTestUtil.atLeast(TEST_NIGHTLY ? 500 : 50); i++) {
if (random().nextInt(50) == 0) {
//have some empty docs
assertU(adoc("id", String.valueOf(i)));
if (random().nextInt(100) == 0 && i > 0) {
//delete some docs
assertU(delI(String.valueOf(i - 1)));
SolrInputDocument document = new SolrInputDocument();
document.setField("id", i);
for (Map.Entry<NumberType,String[]> entry:types.entrySet()) {
NumberType type = entry.getKey();
String val = null;
List<String> vals = null;
switch (type) {
case DATE:
val = randomDate(cardinality);
vals = getRandomDates(random().nextInt(10), cardinality);
case DOUBLE:
val = String.valueOf(randomDouble(cardinality));
vals = toStringList(getRandomDoubles(random().nextInt(10), cardinality));
case FLOAT:
val = String.valueOf(randomFloat(cardinality));
vals = toStringList(getRandomFloats(random().nextInt(10), cardinality));
val = String.valueOf(randomInt(cardinality));
vals = toStringList(getRandomInts(random().nextInt(10), cardinality));
case LONG:
val = String.valueOf(randomLong(cardinality));
vals = toStringList(getRandomLongs(random().nextInt(10), cardinality));
throw new AssertionError();
// SingleValue
for (String fieldSuffix:entry.getValue()) {
document.setField("field_sv_" + fieldSuffix, val);
// MultiValue
for (String fieldSuffix:typesMv.get(type)) {
for (String value:vals) {
document.addField("field_mv_" + fieldSuffix, value);
if (random().nextInt(50) == 0) {
String[][] possibleTypes = new String[types.size()][];
String[][] possibleTypesMv = new String[typesMv.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < SolrTestUtil.atLeast(1000); i++) {
doTestQuery(cardinality, false, SolrTestCaseUtil.pickRandom(possibleTypes));
doTestQuery(cardinality, true, SolrTestCaseUtil.pickRandom(possibleTypesMv));
private void doTestQuery(int cardinality, boolean mv, String[] types) throws Exception {
String[] startOptions = new String[]{"{", "["};
String[] endOptions = new String[]{"}", "]"};
String[] qRange = getRandomRange(cardinality, types[0]);
String start = SolrTestCaseUtil.pickRandom(startOptions);
String end = SolrTestCaseUtil.pickRandom(endOptions);
long expectedHits = doRangeQuery(mv, start, end, types[0], qRange);
for (int i = 1; i < types.length; i++) {
assertEquals("Unexpected results from query when comparing " + types[0] + " with " + types[i] + " and query: " +
start + qRange[0] + " TO " + qRange[1] + end + "\n",
expectedHits, doRangeQuery(mv, start, end, types[i], qRange));
private long doRangeQuery(boolean mv, String start, String end, String field, String[] qRange) throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.set("q", "field_" + (mv?"mv_":"sv_") + field + ":" + start + qRange[0] + " TO " + qRange[1] + end);
SolrQueryRequest req = req(params);
try {
return (long) h.queryAndResponse("", req).getToLog().get("hits");
} finally {
private String[] getRandomRange(int max, String fieldName) {
Number[] values = new Number[2];
FieldType ft;
try (SolrCore core = h.getCore()) {
ft = core.getLatestSchema().getField("field_" + fieldName).getType();
if (ft.getNumberType() == null) {
assert ft instanceof StrField;
values[0] = randomInt(max);
values[1] = randomInt(max);
Arrays.sort(values, (o1, o2) -> String.valueOf(o1).compareTo(String.valueOf(o2)));
} else {
switch (ft.getNumberType()) {
case DOUBLE:
values[0] = randomDouble(max);
values[1] = randomDouble(max);
case FLOAT:
values[0] = randomFloat(max);
values[1] = randomFloat(max);
values[0] = randomInt(max);
values[1] = randomInt(max);
case LONG:
values[0] = randomLong(max);
values[1] = randomLong(max);
case DATE:
values[0] = randomMs(max);
values[1] = randomMs(max);
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected number type");
if (random().nextInt(100) >= 1) {// sometimes don't sort the values. Should result in 0 hits
String[] stringValues = new String[2];
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
stringValues[0] = "*";
} else {
if (ft.getNumberType() == NumberType.DATE) {
stringValues[0] = dateFormat.format(values[0]);
} else {
stringValues[0] = String.valueOf(values[0]);
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
stringValues[1] = "*";
} else {
if (ft.getNumberType() == NumberType.DATE) {
stringValues[1] = dateFormat.format(values[1]);
} else {
stringValues[1] = String.valueOf(values[1]);
return stringValues;
// Helper methods
private String randomDate(int cardinality) {
return dateFormat.format(new Date(randomMs(cardinality)));
private List<String> getRandomDates(int numValues, int cardinality) {
List<String> vals = new ArrayList<>(numValues);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues;i++) {
return vals;
private List<Double> getRandomDoubles(int numValues, int cardinality) {
List<Double> vals = new ArrayList<>(numValues);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues;i++) {
return vals;
private List<Float> getRandomFloats(int numValues, int cardinality) {
List<Float> vals = new ArrayList<>(numValues);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues;i++) {
return vals;
private List<Integer> getRandomInts(int numValues, int cardinality) {
List<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<>(numValues);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues;i++) {
return vals;
private List<Long> getRandomLongs(int numValues, int cardinality) {
List<Long> vals = new ArrayList<>(numValues);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues;i++) {
return vals;
<T> List<String> toStringList(List<T> input) {
List<String> newList = new ArrayList<>(input.size());
for (T element:input) {
return newList;
long randomMs(int cardinality) {
return DATE_START_TIME_RANDOM_TEST + random().nextInt(cardinality) * 1000 * (random().nextBoolean()?1:-1);
double randomDouble(int cardinality) {
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
int num = random().nextInt(8);
if (num == 0) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (num == 1) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (num == 2) return Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (num == 3) return Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (num == 4) return -Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (num == 5) return -Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (num == 6) return 0.0d;
if (num == 7) return -0.0d;
Double d = Double.NaN;
while (d.isNaN()) {
d = random().nextDouble();
return d * cardinality * (random().nextBoolean()?1:-1);
float randomFloat(int cardinality) {
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
int num = random().nextInt(8);
if (num == 0) return Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (num == 1) return Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (num == 2) return Float.MIN_VALUE;
if (num == 3) return Float.MAX_VALUE;
if (num == 4) return -Float.MIN_VALUE;
if (num == 5) return -Float.MAX_VALUE;
if (num == 6) return 0.0f;
if (num == 7) return -0.0f;
Float f = Float.NaN;
while (f.isNaN()) {
f = random().nextFloat();
return f * cardinality * (random().nextBoolean()?1:-1);
int randomInt(int cardinality) {
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
int num = random().nextInt(2);
if (num == 0) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (num == 1) return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return random().nextInt(cardinality) * (random().nextBoolean()?1:-1);
long randomLong(int cardinality) {
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
int num = random().nextInt(2);
if (num == 0) return Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (num == 1) return Long.MIN_VALUE;
return randomInt(cardinality);
static boolean sameDocs(String msg, DocList a, DocList b) {
assertEquals(msg, a.size(), b.size());
IntHashSet bIds = new IntHashSet(b.size());
DocIterator bIter = b.iterator();
while (bIter.hasNext()) {
DocIterator aIter = a.iterator();
while (aIter.hasNext()) {
int doc = aIter.nextDoc();
assertTrue(msg, bIds.contains(doc));
return true;
private static <X extends Comparable<? super X>,Y> X randomKey(Map<X,Y> map) {
assert ! map.isEmpty();
List<X> sortedKeys = new ArrayList<>(map.keySet());
return sortedKeys.get(random().nextInt(sortedKeys.size()));