blob: f64a0a89d2f342cbdb91bf8fa5c3f8f0120497f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.After;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
/** Inspired by LUCENE-5790 */
public class TestMissingGroups extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public void beforeTests() throws Exception {
initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema15.xml");
public void cleanup() throws Exception {
public void testGroupsOnMissingValues() throws Exception {
final int numDocs = SolrTestUtil.atLeast(500);
// setup some key values for some random docs in our index
// every other doc will have no values for these fields
// NOTE: special values may be randomly assigned to the *same* docs
final List<SpecialField> specials = new ArrayList<SpecialField>(7);
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_s1", "xxx","yyy"));
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_ti", "42","24"));
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_td", "34.56","12.78"));
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_tl", "66666666","999999999"));
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_tf", "56.78","78.45"));
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_b", "true", "false"));
specials.add(new SpecialField(numDocs, "group_tdt",
// build up our index of docs
for (int i = 1; i < numDocs; i++) { // NOTE: start at 1, doc#0 is below...
SolrInputDocument d = sdoc("id", i);
if (SpecialField.special_docids.contains(i)) {
for (SpecialField f : specials) {
if (f.docX == i) {
d.addField(f.field, f.valueX);
} else if (f.docY == i) {
d.addField(f.field, f.valueY);
} else {
// doc isn't special, give it a random chances of being excluded from some queries
d.addField("filter_b", random().nextBoolean());
if (LuceneTestCase.rarely()) {
assertU(commit()); // mess with the segment counts
// doc#0: at least one doc that is guaranteed not special and has no chance of being filtered
// sanity check
assertQ(req("q", "*:*"), "//result[@numFound="+numDocs+"]");
for (SpecialField special : specials) {
// sanity checks
assertQ(req("q", "{!term f=" + special.field + "}" + special.valueX),
assertQ(req("q", "{!term f=" + special.field + "}" + special.valueY),
// group on special field, and confirm all docs w/o group field get put into a single group
final String xpre = "//lst[@name='grouped']/lst[@name='"+special.field+"']";
assertQ(req("q", (random().nextBoolean() ? "*:*" : "special_s:special id:[0 TO 400]"),
"fq", (random().nextBoolean() ? "*:*" : "-filter_b:"+random().nextBoolean()),
"group.ngroups", "true")
// basic grouping checks
, xpre + "/int[@name='ngroups'][.='3']"
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups'][count(lst)=3]"
// sanity check one group is the missing values
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups']/lst/null[@name='groupValue']"
// check we have the correct groups for the special values with a single doc
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups']/lst/*[@name='groupValue'][.='"+special.valueX+"']/following-sibling::result[@name='doclist'][@numFound=1]/doc/str[@name='id'][.="+special.docX+"]"
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups']/lst/*[@name='groupValue'][.='"+special.valueY+"']/following-sibling::result[@name='doclist'][@numFound=1]/doc/str[@name='id'][.="+special.docY+"]"
// now do the same check, but exclude one special doc to force only 2 groups
final int doc = random().nextBoolean() ? special.docX : special.docY;
final Object val = (doc == special.docX) ? special.valueX : special.valueY;
assertQ(req("q", (random().nextBoolean() ? "*:*" : "special_s:special id:[0 TO 400]"),
"fq", (random().nextBoolean() ? "*:*" : "-filter_b:"+random().nextBoolean()),
"fq", "-id:" + ((doc == special.docX) ? special.docY : special.docX),
"group.ngroups", "true")
// basic grouping checks
, xpre + "/int[@name='ngroups'][.='2']"
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups'][count(lst)=2]"
// sanity check one group is the missing values
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups']/lst/null[@name='groupValue']"
// check we have the correct group for the special value with a single doc
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups']/lst/*[@name='groupValue'][.='"+val+"']/following-sibling::result[@name='doclist'][@numFound=1]/doc/str[@name='id'][.="+doc+"]"
// one last check, exclude both docs and verify the only group is the missing value group
assertQ(req("q", (random().nextBoolean() ? "*:*" : "special_s:special id:[0 TO 400]"),
"fq", (random().nextBoolean() ? "*:*" : "-filter_b:"+random().nextBoolean()),
"fq", "-id:" + special.docX,
"fq", "-id:" + special.docY,
"group.ngroups", "true")
// basic grouping checks
, xpre + "/int[@name='ngroups'][.='1']"
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups'][count(lst)=1]"
// the only group should be the missing values
, xpre + "/arr[@name='groups']/lst/null[@name='groupValue']"
private static final class SpecialField {
// fast lookup of which docs are special
public static final Set<Integer> special_docids = new HashSet<>();
public final String field;
public final int docX;
public final Object valueX;
public final int docY;
public final Object valueY;
public SpecialField(int numDocs, String field, Object valueX, Object valueY) {
this.field = field;
this.valueX = valueX;
this.valueY = valueY;
this.docX = TestUtil.nextInt(random(),1,numDocs-1);
this.docY = (docX < (numDocs / 2))
? TestUtil.nextInt(random(),docX+1,numDocs-1)
: TestUtil.nextInt(random(),1,docX-1);