blob: 95696bc3503c9f2480bead0e8c6765939d105723 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.util;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.solr.common.NonExistentCoreException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Pair;
import org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Allows random faults to be injected in running code during test runs.
* Set static strings to "true" or "false" or "true:60" for true 60% of the time.
* All methods are No-Ops unless <code>LuceneTestCase</code> is loadable via the ClassLoader used
* to load this class. <code>LuceneTestCase.random()</code> is used as the source of all entropy.
* @lucene.internal
public class TestInjection {
public static class TestShutdownFailError extends OutOfMemoryError {
public TestShutdownFailError(String msg) {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
private static final Pattern ENABLED_PERCENT = Pattern.compile("(true|false)(?:\\:(\\d+))?$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private static final String LUCENE_TEST_CASE_FQN = "org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase";
* If null, then we are not being run as part of a test, and all TestInjection events should be No-Ops.
* If non-null, then this class should be used for accessing random entropy
* @see #random
private static final Class LUCENE_TEST_CASE;
static {
Class nonFinalTemp = null;
try {
ClassLoader classLoader = MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass().getClassLoader();
nonFinalTemp = classLoader.loadClass(LUCENE_TEST_CASE_FQN);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
log.debug("TestInjection methods will all be No-Ops since LuceneTestCase not found");
LUCENE_TEST_CASE = nonFinalTemp;
* Returns a random to be used by the current thread if available, otherwise
* returns null.
static Random random() { // non-private for testing
if (null == LUCENE_TEST_CASE) {
return null;
} else {
try {
Method randomMethod = LUCENE_TEST_CASE.getMethod("random");
return (Random) randomMethod.invoke(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to use reflection to invoke LuceneTestCase.random()", e);
public volatile static String nonGracefullClose = null;
public volatile static String failReplicaRequests = null;
public volatile static String failUpdateRequests = null;
public volatile static String nonExistentCoreExceptionAfterUnload = null;
public volatile static String updateLogReplayRandomPause = null;
public volatile static String updateRandomPause = null;
public volatile static String prepRecoveryOpPauseForever = null;
public volatile static String randomDelayInCoreCreation = null;
public volatile static int randomDelayMaxInCoreCreationInSec = 10;
public volatile static String splitFailureBeforeReplicaCreation = null;
public volatile static String splitFailureAfterReplicaCreation = null;
public volatile static CountDownLatch splitLatch = null;
public volatile static CountDownLatch directUpdateLatch = null;
public volatile static CountDownLatch reindexLatch = null;
public volatile static String reindexFailure = null;
public volatile static String failIndexFingerprintRequests = null;
public volatile static String wrongIndexFingerprint = null;
private volatile static Set<Timer> timers = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Timer>());
private volatile static AtomicInteger countPrepRecoveryOpPauseForever = new AtomicInteger(0);
public volatile static Integer delayBeforeFollowerCommitRefresh=null;
public volatile static Integer delayInExecutePlanAction=null;
public volatile static boolean failInExecutePlanAction = false;
* Defaults to <code>false</code>, If set to <code>true</code>,
* then {@link #injectSkipIndexWriterCommitOnClose} will return <code>true</code>
* @see #injectSkipIndexWriterCommitOnClose
* @see org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2#closeWriter
public volatile static boolean skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose = false;
public volatile static boolean uifOutOfMemoryError = false;
private volatile static CountDownLatch notifyPauseForeverDone = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void notifyPauseForeverDone() {
notifyPauseForeverDone = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void reset() {
nonGracefullClose = null;
failReplicaRequests = null;
failUpdateRequests = null;
nonExistentCoreExceptionAfterUnload = null;
updateLogReplayRandomPause = null;
updateRandomPause = null;
randomDelayInCoreCreation = null;
splitFailureBeforeReplicaCreation = null;
splitFailureAfterReplicaCreation = null;
splitLatch = null;
directUpdateLatch = null;
reindexLatch = null;
reindexFailure = null;
prepRecoveryOpPauseForever = null;
countPrepRecoveryOpPauseForever = new AtomicInteger(0);
failIndexFingerprintRequests = null;
wrongIndexFingerprint = null;
delayBeforeFollowerCommitRefresh = null;
delayInExecutePlanAction = null;
failInExecutePlanAction = false;
skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose = false;
uifOutOfMemoryError = false;
for (Timer timer : timers) {
public static boolean injectWrongIndexFingerprint() {
if (wrongIndexFingerprint != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(wrongIndexFingerprint);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean injectFailIndexFingerprintRequests() {
if (failIndexFingerprintRequests != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(failIndexFingerprintRequests);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Random test index fingerprint fail");
return true;
public static boolean injectRandomDelayInCoreCreation() {
if (randomDelayInCoreCreation != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(randomDelayInCoreCreation);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
int delay = rand.nextInt(randomDelayMaxInCoreCreationInSec);"Inject random core creation delay of {}s", delay);
try {
Thread.sleep(delay * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public static boolean injectNonGracefullClose(CoreContainer cc) {
if (cc.isShutDown() && nonGracefullClose != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(nonGracefullClose);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
throw new TestShutdownFailError("Test exception for non graceful close");
} else {
final Timer timer = new Timer();
final Thread cthread = Thread.currentThread();
TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
// as long as places that catch interruptedexception reset that
// interrupted status,
// we should only need to do it once
try {
// call random() again to get the correct one for this thread
Random taskRand = random();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
timer.schedule(task, rand.nextInt(500));
return true;
* Returns the value of {@link #skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose}.
* @param indexWriter used only for logging
* @see #skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose
* @see org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2#closeWriter
public static boolean injectSkipIndexWriterCommitOnClose(Object indexWriter) {
if (skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose) {"Inject failure: skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose={}: {}",
skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose, indexWriter);
return skipIndexWriterCommitOnClose;
public static boolean injectFailReplicaRequests() {
if (failReplicaRequests != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(failReplicaRequests);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Random test update fail");
return true;
public static boolean injectFailUpdateRequests() {
if (failUpdateRequests != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(failUpdateRequests);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Random test update fail");
return true;
public static boolean injectNonExistentCoreExceptionAfterUnload(String cname) {
if (nonExistentCoreExceptionAfterUnload != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(nonExistentCoreExceptionAfterUnload);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
throw new NonExistentCoreException("Core not found to unload: " + cname);
return true;
public static boolean injectUpdateLogReplayRandomPause() {
if (updateLogReplayRandomPause != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(updateLogReplayRandomPause);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
long rndTime = rand.nextInt(1000);"inject random log replay delay of {}ms", rndTime);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public static boolean injectUpdateRandomPause() {
if (updateRandomPause != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(updateRandomPause);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {
long rndTime;
if (rand.nextInt(10) > 2) {
rndTime = rand.nextInt(300);
} else {
rndTime = rand.nextInt(1000);
}"inject random update delay of {}ms", rndTime);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public static boolean injectPrepRecoveryOpPauseForever() {
String val = prepRecoveryOpPauseForever;
if (val != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(val);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
// Prevent for continuous pause forever
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100) && countPrepRecoveryOpPauseForever.get() < 1) {
countPrepRecoveryOpPauseForever.incrementAndGet();"inject pause forever for prep recovery op");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} else {
return true;
private static boolean injectSplitFailure(String probability, String label) {
if (probability != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(probability);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {"Injecting failure: {}", label);
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error: " + label);
return true;
public static boolean injectSplitFailureBeforeReplicaCreation() {
return injectSplitFailure(splitFailureBeforeReplicaCreation, "before creating replica for sub-shard");
public static boolean injectSplitFailureAfterReplicaCreation() {
return injectSplitFailure(splitFailureAfterReplicaCreation, "after creating replica for sub-shard");
public static boolean injectSplitLatch() {
if (splitLatch != null) {
try {"Waiting in ReplicaMutator for up to 60s");
return splitLatch.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public static boolean injectDirectUpdateLatch() {
if (directUpdateLatch != null) {
try {"Waiting in DirectUpdateHandler2 for up to 60s");
return directUpdateLatch.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public static boolean injectReindexFailure() {
if (reindexFailure != null) {
Random rand = random();
if (null == rand) return true;
Pair<Boolean,Integer> pair = parseValue(reindexFailure);
boolean enabled = pair.first();
int chanceIn100 = pair.second();
if (enabled && rand.nextInt(100) >= (100 - chanceIn100)) {"Test injection failure");
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Test injection failure");
return true;
public static boolean injectReindexLatch() {
if (reindexLatch != null) {
try {"Waiting in ReindexCollectionCmd for up to 60s");
return reindexLatch.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
private static Pair<Boolean,Integer> parseValue(final String raw) {
if (raw == null) return new Pair<>(false, 0);
Matcher m = ENABLED_PERCENT.matcher(raw);
if (!m.matches()) {
throw new RuntimeException("No match, probably bad syntax: " + raw);
String val =;
String percent = "100";
if (m.groupCount() == 2) {
percent =;
return new Pair<>(Boolean.parseBoolean(val), Integer.parseInt(percent));
public static boolean injectDelayBeforeFollowerCommitRefresh() {
if (delayBeforeFollowerCommitRefresh!=null) {
try {"Pausing IndexFetcher for {}ms", delayBeforeFollowerCommitRefresh);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public static boolean injectUIFOutOfMemoryError() {
if (uifOutOfMemoryError ) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError("Test Injection");
return true;
static Set<Hook> newSearcherHooks = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
public interface Hook {
public void newSearcher(String collectionName);
public void waitForSearcher(String collection, int cnt, int timeoutms, boolean failOnTimeout) throws InterruptedException;
public static boolean newSearcherHook(Hook hook) {
return true;
public static boolean injectSearcherHooks(String collectionName) {
for (Hook hook : newSearcherHooks) {
return true;