blob: a6bb5d28fac71f68b983e7c937be245bb96d90dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.solr.update.processor;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand;
* Adds fields to nested documents to support some nested search requirements.
* It can even generate uniqueKey fields for nested docs.
* @see IndexSchema#NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME
* @since 7.5.0
public class NestedUpdateProcessorFactory extends UpdateRequestProcessorFactory {
public UpdateRequestProcessor getInstance(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, UpdateRequestProcessor next ) {
boolean storeParent = shouldStoreDocParent(req.getSchema());
boolean storePath = shouldStoreDocPath(req.getSchema());
if(!(storeParent || storePath)) {
return next;
return new NestedUpdateProcessor(req, storeParent, storePath, next);
private static boolean shouldStoreDocParent(IndexSchema schema) {
return schema.getFields().containsKey(IndexSchema.NEST_PARENT_FIELD_NAME);
private static boolean shouldStoreDocPath(IndexSchema schema) {
return schema.getFields().containsKey(IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME);
private static class NestedUpdateProcessor extends UpdateRequestProcessor {
private static final String PATH_SEP_CHAR = "/";
private static final String NUM_SEP_CHAR = "#";
private static final String SINGULAR_VALUE_CHAR = "";
private boolean storePath;
private boolean storeParent;
private String uniqueKeyFieldName;
NestedUpdateProcessor(SolrQueryRequest req, boolean storeParent, boolean storePath, UpdateRequestProcessor next) {
this.storeParent = storeParent;
this.storePath = storePath;
this.uniqueKeyFieldName = req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField().getName();
public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
SolrInputDocument doc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument();
cmd.isNested = processDocChildren(doc, null);
private boolean processDocChildren(SolrInputDocument doc, String fullPath) {
boolean isNested = false;
for(SolrInputField field: doc.values()) {
int childNum = 0;
boolean isSingleVal = !(field.getValue() instanceof Collection);
for(Object val: field) {
if (!(val instanceof SolrInputDocument)) {
// either all collection items are child docs or none are.
final String fieldName = field.getName();
if (fieldName.contains(PATH_SEP_CHAR)) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Field name: '" + fieldName
+ "' contains: '" + PATH_SEP_CHAR + "' , which is reserved for the nested URP");
final String sChildNum = isSingleVal ? SINGULAR_VALUE_CHAR : String.valueOf(childNum);
SolrInputDocument cDoc = (SolrInputDocument) val;
if (!cDoc.containsKey(uniqueKeyFieldName)) {
String parentDocId = doc.getField(uniqueKeyFieldName).getFirstValue().toString();
cDoc.setField(uniqueKeyFieldName, generateChildUniqueId(parentDocId, fieldName, sChildNum));
if (!isNested) {
isNested = true;
final String lastKeyPath = PATH_SEP_CHAR + fieldName + NUM_SEP_CHAR + sChildNum;
// concat of all paths children.grandChild => /children#1/grandChild#
final String childDocPath = fullPath == null ? lastKeyPath : fullPath + lastKeyPath;
processChildDoc(cDoc, doc, childDocPath);
return isNested;
private void processChildDoc(SolrInputDocument sdoc, SolrInputDocument parent, String fullPath) {
if(storePath) {
setPathField(sdoc, fullPath);
if (storeParent) {
setParentKey(sdoc, parent);
processDocChildren(sdoc, fullPath);
private String generateChildUniqueId(String parentId, String childKey, String childNum) {
// combines parentId with the child's key and childNum. e.g. "10/footnote#1"
return parentId + PATH_SEP_CHAR + childKey + NUM_SEP_CHAR + childNum;
private void setParentKey(SolrInputDocument sdoc, SolrInputDocument parent) {
sdoc.setField(IndexSchema.NEST_PARENT_FIELD_NAME, parent.getFieldValue(uniqueKeyFieldName));
private void setPathField(SolrInputDocument sdoc, String fullPath) {
sdoc.setField(IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME, fullPath);