blob: 090d2e02d5901dcc9ba7cca31c364fe9888de55f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.core;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.logging.LogWatcherConfig;
import org.apache.solr.update.UpdateShardHandlerConfig;
public class NodeConfig {
// all Path fields here are absolute and normalized.
private final String nodeName;
private final Path coreRootDirectory;
private final Path solrDataHome;
private final Integer booleanQueryMaxClauseCount;
private final Path configSetBaseDirectory;
private final Set<Path> allowPaths;
private final String sharedLibDirectory;
private final PluginInfo shardHandlerFactoryConfig;
private final UpdateShardHandlerConfig updateShardHandlerConfig;
private final String coreAdminHandlerClass;
private final String collectionsAdminHandlerClass;
private final String healthCheckHandlerClass;
private final String infoHandlerClass;
private final String configSetsHandlerClass;
private final LogWatcherConfig logWatcherConfig;
private final CloudConfig cloudConfig;
private final Integer coreLoadThreads;
private final int replayUpdatesThreads;
private final int collectorsPoolSize;
// This should be part of the transientCacheConfig, remove in 7.0
private final int transientCacheSize;
private final boolean useSchemaCache;
private final String managementPath;
private final PluginInfo[] backupRepositoryPlugins;
private final MetricsConfig metricsConfig;
private final PluginInfo transientCacheConfig;
private final PluginInfo tracerConfig;
// Track if this config was loaded from zookeeper so that we can skip validating the zookeeper connection later
// If it becomes necessary to track multiple potential sources in the future, replace this with an Enum
private final boolean fromZookeeper;
private NodeConfig(String nodeName, Path coreRootDirectory, Path solrDataHome, Integer booleanQueryMaxClauseCount,
Path configSetBaseDirectory, String sharedLibDirectory,
PluginInfo shardHandlerFactoryConfig, UpdateShardHandlerConfig updateShardHandlerConfig,
String coreAdminHandlerClass, String collectionsAdminHandlerClass,
String healthCheckHandlerClass, String infoHandlerClass, String configSetsHandlerClass,
LogWatcherConfig logWatcherConfig, CloudConfig cloudConfig, Integer coreLoadThreads, int replayUpdatesThreads,
int collectorsPoolSize, int transientCacheSize, boolean useSchemaCache, String managementPath,
Path solrHome, SolrResourceLoader loader,
Properties solrProperties, PluginInfo[] backupRepositoryPlugins,
MetricsConfig metricsConfig, PluginInfo transientCacheConfig, PluginInfo tracerConfig,
boolean fromZookeeper, Set<Path> allowPaths) {
// all Path params here are absolute and normalized.
this.nodeName = nodeName;
this.coreRootDirectory = coreRootDirectory;
this.solrDataHome = solrDataHome;
this.booleanQueryMaxClauseCount = booleanQueryMaxClauseCount;
this.configSetBaseDirectory = configSetBaseDirectory;
this.sharedLibDirectory = sharedLibDirectory;
this.shardHandlerFactoryConfig = shardHandlerFactoryConfig;
this.updateShardHandlerConfig = updateShardHandlerConfig;
this.coreAdminHandlerClass = coreAdminHandlerClass;
this.collectionsAdminHandlerClass = collectionsAdminHandlerClass;
this.healthCheckHandlerClass = healthCheckHandlerClass;
this.infoHandlerClass = infoHandlerClass;
this.configSetsHandlerClass = configSetsHandlerClass;
this.logWatcherConfig = logWatcherConfig;
this.cloudConfig = cloudConfig;
this.coreLoadThreads = coreLoadThreads;
this.replayUpdatesThreads = replayUpdatesThreads;
this.collectorsPoolSize = collectorsPoolSize;
this.transientCacheSize = transientCacheSize;
this.useSchemaCache = useSchemaCache;
this.managementPath = managementPath;
this.solrHome = solrHome;
this.loader = loader;
this.solrProperties = solrProperties;
this.backupRepositoryPlugins = backupRepositoryPlugins;
this.metricsConfig = metricsConfig;
this.transientCacheConfig = transientCacheConfig;
this.tracerConfig = tracerConfig;
this.fromZookeeper = fromZookeeper;
this.allowPaths = allowPaths;
if (this.cloudConfig != null && this.getCoreLoadThreadCount(false) < 2) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"SolrCloud requires a value of at least 2 for coreLoadThreads (configured value = " + this.coreLoadThreads + ")");
public String getNodeName() {
return nodeName;
/** Absolute. */
public Path getCoreRootDirectory() {
return coreRootDirectory;
/** Absolute. */
public Path getSolrDataHome() {
return solrDataHome;
* If null, the lucene default will not be overridden
* @see IndexSearcher#setMaxClauseCount
public Integer getBooleanQueryMaxClauseCount() {
return booleanQueryMaxClauseCount;
public PluginInfo getShardHandlerFactoryPluginInfo() {
return shardHandlerFactoryConfig;
public UpdateShardHandlerConfig getUpdateShardHandlerConfig() {
return updateShardHandlerConfig;
public int getCoreLoadThreadCount(boolean zkAware) {
return coreLoadThreads == null ?
: coreLoadThreads;
public int getReplayUpdatesThreads() {
return replayUpdatesThreads;
public int getCollectorsPoolSize() {
return collectorsPoolSize;
* Returns a directory, optionally a comma separated list of directories
* that will be added to Solr's class path for searching for classes and plugins.
* The path is either absolute or relative to SOLR_HOME. Note that SOLR_HOME/lib
* will always be added to the search path even if not included in this list.
* @return a comma separated list of path strings or null if no paths defined
public String getSharedLibDirectory() {
return sharedLibDirectory;
public String getCoreAdminHandlerClass() {
return coreAdminHandlerClass;
public String getCollectionsHandlerClass() {
return collectionsAdminHandlerClass;
public String getHealthCheckHandlerClass() {
return healthCheckHandlerClass;
public String getInfoHandlerClass() {
return infoHandlerClass;
public String getConfigSetsHandlerClass() {
return configSetsHandlerClass;
public boolean hasSchemaCache() {
return useSchemaCache;
public String getManagementPath() {
return managementPath;
/** Absolute. */
public Path getConfigSetBaseDirectory() {
return configSetBaseDirectory;
public LogWatcherConfig getLogWatcherConfig() {
return logWatcherConfig;
public CloudConfig getCloudConfig() {
return cloudConfig;
public int getTransientCacheSize() {
return transientCacheSize;
protected final Path solrHome;
protected final SolrResourceLoader loader;
protected final Properties solrProperties;
public Properties getSolrProperties() {
return solrProperties;
public Path getSolrHome() {
return solrHome;
public SolrResourceLoader getSolrResourceLoader() {
return loader;
public PluginInfo[] getBackupRepositoryPlugins() {
return backupRepositoryPlugins;
public MetricsConfig getMetricsConfig() {
return metricsConfig;
public PluginInfo getTransientCachePluginInfo() { return transientCacheConfig; }
public PluginInfo getTracerConfiguratorPluginInfo() {
return tracerConfig;
public boolean isFromZookeeper() {
return fromZookeeper;
* Extra file paths that will be allowed for core creation, in addition to
public Set<Path> getAllowPaths() { return allowPaths; }
public static class NodeConfigBuilder {
// all Path fields here are absolute and normalized.
private SolrResourceLoader loader;
private Path coreRootDirectory;
private Path solrDataHome;
private Integer booleanQueryMaxClauseCount;
private Path configSetBaseDirectory;
private String sharedLibDirectory;
private PluginInfo shardHandlerFactoryConfig;
private UpdateShardHandlerConfig updateShardHandlerConfig = UpdateShardHandlerConfig.DEFAULT;
private String coreAdminHandlerClass = DEFAULT_ADMINHANDLERCLASS;
private String collectionsAdminHandlerClass = DEFAULT_COLLECTIONSHANDLERCLASS;
private String healthCheckHandlerClass = DEFAULT_HEALTHCHECKHANDLERCLASS;
private String infoHandlerClass = DEFAULT_INFOHANDLERCLASS;
private String configSetsHandlerClass = DEFAULT_CONFIGSETSHANDLERCLASS;
private LogWatcherConfig logWatcherConfig = new LogWatcherConfig(true, null, null, 50);
private CloudConfig cloudConfig;
private int coreLoadThreads = DEFAULT_CORE_LOAD_THREADS;
private int replayUpdatesThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
private int collectorsPoolSize = DEFAULT_COLLECTORS_POOL_SIZE;
//Remove in 7.0 and put it all in the transientCache element in solrconfig.xml
private int transientCacheSize = DEFAULT_TRANSIENT_CACHE_SIZE;
private boolean useSchemaCache = false;
private String managementPath;
private Properties solrProperties = new Properties();
private PluginInfo[] backupRepositoryPlugins;
private MetricsConfig metricsConfig;
private PluginInfo transientCacheConfig;
private PluginInfo tracerConfig;
private boolean fromZookeeper = false;
private Set<Path> allowPaths = Collections.emptySet();
private final Path solrHome;
private final String nodeName;
public static final int DEFAULT_CORE_LOAD_THREADS = 3;
public static final int DEFAULT_COLLECTORS_POOL_SIZE = 32768;
//No:of core load threads in cloud mode is set to a default of 8
public static final int DEFAULT_CORE_LOAD_THREADS_IN_CLOUD = 8;
public static final int DEFAULT_TRANSIENT_CACHE_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static final String DEFAULT_ADMINHANDLERCLASS = "org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CoreAdminHandler";
private static final String DEFAULT_INFOHANDLERCLASS = "org.apache.solr.handler.admin.InfoHandler";
private static final String DEFAULT_COLLECTIONSHANDLERCLASS = "org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CollectionsHandler";
private static final String DEFAULT_HEALTHCHECKHANDLERCLASS = "org.apache.solr.handler.admin.HealthCheckHandler";
private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGSETSHANDLERCLASS = "org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ConfigSetsHandler";
public static final Set<String> DEFAULT_HIDDEN_SYS_PROPS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
public NodeConfigBuilder(String nodeName, Path solrHome) {
this.nodeName = nodeName;
this.solrHome = solrHome.toAbsolutePath();
this.coreRootDirectory = solrHome;
// always init from sysprop because <solrDataHome> config element may be missing
this.metricsConfig = new MetricsConfig.MetricsConfigBuilder().build();
public NodeConfigBuilder setCoreRootDirectory(String coreRootDirectory) {
this.coreRootDirectory = solrHome.resolve(coreRootDirectory).normalize();
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setSolrDataHome(String solrDataHomeString) {
// keep it null unless explicitly set to non-empty value
if (solrDataHomeString != null && !solrDataHomeString.isEmpty()) {
this.solrDataHome = solrHome.resolve(solrDataHomeString).normalize();
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setBooleanQueryMaxClauseCount(Integer booleanQueryMaxClauseCount) {
this.booleanQueryMaxClauseCount = booleanQueryMaxClauseCount;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setConfigSetBaseDirectory(String configSetBaseDirectory) {
this.configSetBaseDirectory = solrHome.resolve(configSetBaseDirectory);
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setSharedLibDirectory(String sharedLibDirectory) {
this.sharedLibDirectory = sharedLibDirectory;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setShardHandlerFactoryConfig(PluginInfo shardHandlerFactoryConfig) {
this.shardHandlerFactoryConfig = shardHandlerFactoryConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setUpdateShardHandlerConfig(UpdateShardHandlerConfig updateShardHandlerConfig) {
this.updateShardHandlerConfig = updateShardHandlerConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setCoreAdminHandlerClass(String coreAdminHandlerClass) {
this.coreAdminHandlerClass = coreAdminHandlerClass;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setCollectionsAdminHandlerClass(String collectionsAdminHandlerClass) {
this.collectionsAdminHandlerClass = collectionsAdminHandlerClass;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setHealthCheckHandlerClass(String healthCheckHandlerClass) {
this.healthCheckHandlerClass = healthCheckHandlerClass;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setInfoHandlerClass(String infoHandlerClass) {
this.infoHandlerClass = infoHandlerClass;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setConfigSetsHandlerClass(String configSetsHandlerClass) {
this.configSetsHandlerClass = configSetsHandlerClass;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setLogWatcherConfig(LogWatcherConfig logWatcherConfig) {
this.logWatcherConfig = logWatcherConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setCloudConfig(CloudConfig cloudConfig) {
this.cloudConfig = cloudConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setCoreLoadThreads(int coreLoadThreads) {
this.coreLoadThreads = coreLoadThreads;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setReplayUpdatesThreads(int replayUpdatesThreads) {
this.replayUpdatesThreads = replayUpdatesThreads;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setCollectorsPoolSize(int collectorsPoolSize) {
this.collectorsPoolSize = collectorsPoolSize;
return this;
// Remove in Solr 7.0
public NodeConfigBuilder setTransientCacheSize(int transientCacheSize) {
this.transientCacheSize = transientCacheSize;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setUseSchemaCache(boolean useSchemaCache) {
this.useSchemaCache = useSchemaCache;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setManagementPath(String managementPath) {
this.managementPath = managementPath;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setSolrProperties(Properties solrProperties) {
this.solrProperties = solrProperties;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setBackupRepositoryPlugins(PluginInfo[] backupRepositoryPlugins) {
this.backupRepositoryPlugins = backupRepositoryPlugins;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setMetricsConfig(MetricsConfig metricsConfig) {
this.metricsConfig = metricsConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setSolrCoreCacheFactoryConfig(PluginInfo transientCacheConfig) {
this.transientCacheConfig = transientCacheConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setTracerConfig(PluginInfo tracerConfig) {
this.tracerConfig = tracerConfig;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setFromZookeeper(boolean fromZookeeper) {
this.fromZookeeper = fromZookeeper;
return this;
public NodeConfigBuilder setAllowPaths(Set<Path> paths) {
this.allowPaths = paths;
return this;
public NodeConfig build() {
// if some things weren't set then set them now. Simple primitives are set on the field declaration
if (loader == null) {
loader = new SolrResourceLoader(solrHome);
return new NodeConfig(nodeName, coreRootDirectory, solrDataHome, booleanQueryMaxClauseCount,
configSetBaseDirectory, sharedLibDirectory, shardHandlerFactoryConfig,
updateShardHandlerConfig, coreAdminHandlerClass, collectionsAdminHandlerClass, healthCheckHandlerClass, infoHandlerClass, configSetsHandlerClass,
logWatcherConfig, cloudConfig, coreLoadThreads, replayUpdatesThreads, collectorsPoolSize, transientCacheSize, useSchemaCache, managementPath,
solrHome, loader, solrProperties,
backupRepositoryPlugins, metricsConfig, transientCacheConfig, tracerConfig, fromZookeeper, allowPaths);
public NodeConfigBuilder setSolrResourceLoader(SolrResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
this.loader = resourceLoader;
return this;