blob: 91e590c3171c548037afc1fe299d3cecfb1fa54e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.index;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.InfoStream;
/** Tracks the stream of {@link FrozenBufferedUpdates}.
* When DocumentsWriterPerThread flushes, its buffered
* deletes and updates are appended to this stream and immediately
* resolved (to actual docIDs, per segment) using the indexing
* thread that triggered the flush for concurrency. When a
* merge kicks off, we sync to ensure all resolving packets
* complete. We also apply to all segments when NRT reader is pulled,
* commit/close is called, or when too many deletes or updates are
* buffered and must be flushed (by RAM usage or by count).
* Each packet is assigned a generation, and each flushed or
* merged segment is also assigned a generation, so we can
* track which BufferedDeletes packets to apply to any given
* segment. */
final class BufferedUpdatesStream implements Accountable {
private final Set<FrozenBufferedUpdates> updates = new HashSet<>();
// Starts at 1 so that SegmentInfos that have never had
// deletes applied (whose bufferedDelGen defaults to 0)
// will be correct:
private long nextGen = 1;
private final FinishedSegments finishedSegments;
private final InfoStream infoStream;
private final AtomicLong bytesUsed = new AtomicLong();
private final AtomicInteger numTerms = new AtomicInteger();
BufferedUpdatesStream(InfoStream infoStream) {
this.infoStream = infoStream;
this.finishedSegments = new FinishedSegments(infoStream);
// Appends a new packet of buffered deletes to the stream,
// setting its generation:
synchronized long push(FrozenBufferedUpdates packet) {
* The insert operation must be atomic. If we let threads increment the gen
* and push the packet afterwards we risk that packets are out of order.
* With DWPT this is possible if two or more flushes are racing for pushing
* updates. If the pushed packets get our of order would loose documents
* since deletes are applied to the wrong segments.
assert packet.any();
assert checkDeleteStats();
if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
infoStream.message("BD", String.format(Locale.ROOT, "push new packet (%s), packetCount=%d, bytesUsed=%.3f MB", packet, updates.size(), bytesUsed.get()/1024./1024.));
assert checkDeleteStats();
return packet.delGen();
synchronized int getPendingUpdatesCount() {
return updates.size();
/** Only used by IW.rollback */
synchronized void clear() {
nextGen = 1;
boolean any() {
return bytesUsed.get() != 0;
int numTerms() {
return numTerms.get();
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return bytesUsed.get();
static class ApplyDeletesResult {
// True if any actual deletes took place:
final boolean anyDeletes;
// If non-null, contains segments that are 100% deleted
final List<SegmentCommitInfo> allDeleted;
ApplyDeletesResult(boolean anyDeletes, List<SegmentCommitInfo> allDeleted) {
this.anyDeletes = anyDeletes;
this.allDeleted = allDeleted;
/** Waits for all in-flight packets, which are already being resolved concurrently
* by indexing threads, to finish. Returns true if there were any
* new deletes or updates. This is called for refresh, commit. */
void waitApplyAll(IndexWriter writer) throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(writer) == false;
Set<FrozenBufferedUpdates> waitFor;
synchronized (this) {
waitFor = new HashSet<>(updates);
waitApply(waitFor, writer);
/** Returns true if this delGen is still running. */
boolean stillRunning(long delGen) {
return finishedSegments.stillRunning(delGen);
void finishedSegment(long delGen) {
/** Called by indexing threads once they are fully done resolving all deletes for the provided
* delGen. We track the completed delGens and record the maximum delGen for which all prior
* delGens, inclusive, are completed, so that it's safe for doc values updates to apply and write. */
synchronized void finished(FrozenBufferedUpdates packet) {
// TODO: would be a bit more memory efficient to track this per-segment, so when each segment writes it writes all packets finished for
// it, rather than only recording here, across all segments. But, more complex code, and more CPU, and maybe not so much impact in
// practice?
assert packet.applied.getCount() == 1: "packet=" + packet;
assert numTerms.get() >= 0: "numTerms=" + numTerms + " packet=" + packet;
/** All frozen packets up to and including this del gen are guaranteed to be finished. */
long getCompletedDelGen() {
return finishedSegments.getCompletedDelGen();
/** Waits only for those in-flight packets that apply to these merge segments. This is
* called when a merge needs to finish and must ensure all deletes to the merging
* segments are resolved. */
void waitApplyForMerge(List<SegmentCommitInfo> mergeInfos, IndexWriter writer) throws IOException {
long maxDelGen = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (SegmentCommitInfo info : mergeInfos) {
maxDelGen = Math.max(maxDelGen, info.getBufferedDeletesGen());
Set<FrozenBufferedUpdates> waitFor = new HashSet<>();
synchronized (this) {
for (FrozenBufferedUpdates packet : updates) {
if (packet.delGen() <= maxDelGen) {
// We must wait for this packet before finishing the merge because its
// deletes apply to a subset of the segments being merged:
if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
infoStream.message("BD", "waitApplyForMerge: " + waitFor.size() + " packets, " + mergeInfos.size() + " merging segments");
waitApply(waitFor, writer);
private void waitApply(Set<FrozenBufferedUpdates> waitFor, IndexWriter writer) throws IOException {
long startNS = System.nanoTime();
int packetCount = waitFor.size();
if (waitFor.isEmpty()) {
if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
infoStream.message("BD", "waitApply: no deletes to apply");
if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
infoStream.message("BD", "waitApply: " + waitFor.size() + " packets: " + waitFor);
long totalDelCount = 0;
for (FrozenBufferedUpdates packet : waitFor) {
// Frozen packets are now resolved, concurrently, by the indexing threads that
// create them, by adding a DocumentsWriter.ResolveUpdatesEvent to the events queue,
// but if we get here and the packet is not yet resolved, we resolve it now ourselves:
totalDelCount += packet.totalDelCount;
if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "waitApply: done %d packets; totalDelCount=%d; totBytesUsed=%d; took %.2f msec",
(System.nanoTime() - startNS) / 1000000.));
synchronized long getNextGen() {
return nextGen++;
/** Holds all per-segment internal state used while resolving deletions. */
static final class SegmentState implements Closeable {
final long delGen;
final ReadersAndUpdates rld;
final SegmentReader reader;
final int startDelCount;
private final IOUtils.IOConsumer<ReadersAndUpdates> onClose;
TermsEnum termsEnum;
PostingsEnum postingsEnum;
BytesRef term;
SegmentState(ReadersAndUpdates rld, IOUtils.IOConsumer<ReadersAndUpdates> onClose, SegmentCommitInfo info) throws IOException {
this.rld = rld;
reader = rld.getReader(IOContext.READ);
startDelCount = rld.getDelCount();
delGen = info.getBufferedDeletesGen();
this.onClose = onClose;
public String toString() {
return "SegmentState(" + + ")";
public void close() throws IOException {
IOUtils.close(() -> rld.release(reader), () -> onClose.accept(rld));
// only for assert
private boolean checkDeleteStats() {
int numTerms2 = 0;
long bytesUsed2 = 0;
for(FrozenBufferedUpdates packet : updates) {
numTerms2 += packet.numTermDeletes;
bytesUsed2 += packet.bytesUsed;
assert numTerms2 == numTerms.get(): "numTerms2=" + numTerms2 + " vs " + numTerms.get();
assert bytesUsed2 == bytesUsed.get(): "bytesUsed2=" + bytesUsed2 + " vs " + bytesUsed;
return true;
/** Tracks the contiguous range of packets that have finished resolving. We need this because the packets
* are concurrently resolved, and we can only write to disk the contiguous completed
* packets. */
private static class FinishedSegments {
/** Largest del gen, inclusive, for which all prior packets have finished applying. */
private long completedDelGen;
/** This lets us track the "holes" in the current frontier of applying del
* gens; once the holes are filled in we can advance completedDelGen. */
private final Set<Long> finishedDelGens = new HashSet<>();
private final InfoStream infoStream;
FinishedSegments(InfoStream infoStream) {
this.infoStream = infoStream;
synchronized void clear() {
completedDelGen = 0;
synchronized boolean stillRunning(long delGen) {
return delGen > completedDelGen && finishedDelGens.contains(delGen) == false;
synchronized long getCompletedDelGen() {
return completedDelGen;
synchronized void finishedSegment(long delGen) {
while (true) {
if (finishedDelGens.contains(completedDelGen + 1)) {
finishedDelGens.remove(completedDelGen + 1);
} else {
if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
infoStream.message("BD", "finished packet delGen=" + delGen + " now completedDelGen=" + completedDelGen);