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= Solr Upgrade Notes
:page-children: major-changes-in-solr-8, major-changes-in-solr-7, major-changes-from-solr-5-to-solr-6
:page-toclevels: 3
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The following notes describe changes to Solr in recent releases that you should be aware of before upgrading.
These notes highlight the biggest changes that may impact the largest number of implementations. It is not a comprehensive list of all changes to Solr in any release.
When planning your Solr upgrade, consider the customizations you have made to your system and review the {solr-javadocs}/changes/Changes.html[`CHANGES.txt`] file found in your Solr package. That file includes all the changes and updates that may effect your existing implementation.
Detailed steps for upgrading a Solr cluster are in the section <<upgrading-a-solr-cluster.adoc#upgrading-a-solr-cluster,Upgrading a Solr Cluster>>.
== Upgrading to 8.0 from 7.x Releases
The upgrade from 7.x to Solr 8.0 introduces several major changes that you should be aware of before upgrading.
These changes are described in the section <<major-changes-in-solr-8.adoc#major-changes-in-solr-8,Major Changes in Solr 8>>.
It's strongly recommended that you do a thorough review of that section before starting your upgrade.
If you are running in SolrCloud mode, you must be on Solr 7.3 or higher in order to upgrade to 8.0.
== Upgrading to 8.0 from pre-7.x Versions
Users upgrading from versions of Solr prior to 7.x are strongly encouraged to consult {solr-javadocs}/changes/Changes.html[`CHANGES.txt`] for the details of _all_ changes since the version they are upgrading from.
The upgrade from Solr 6.x to Solr 7.0 introduced several *major* changes that you should be aware of before upgrading. Please do a thorough review of the section <<major-changes-in-solr-7.adoc#major-changes-in-solr-7,Major Changes in Solr 7>> before starting your upgrade.
A summary of the significant changes between Solr 5.x and Solr 6.0 is in the section <<major-changes-from-solr-5-to-solr-6.adoc#major-changes-from-solr-5-to-solr-6,Major Changes from Solr 5 to Solr 6>>.