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= Post Tool
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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Solr includes a simple command line tool for POSTing various types of content to a Solr server.
The tool is `bin/post`. The bin/post tool is a Unix shell script; for Windows (non-Cygwin) usage, see the section <<Post Tool Windows Support>> below.
To run it, open a window and enter:
bin/post -c gettingstarted example/films/films.json
This will contact the server at `localhost:8983`. Specifying the `collection/core name` is *mandatory*. The `-help` (or simply `-h`) option will output information on its usage (i.e., `bin/post -help)`.
== Using the bin/post Tool
Specifying either the `collection/core name` or the full update `url` is *mandatory* when using `bin/post`.
The basic usage of `bin/post` is:
$ bin/post -h
Usage: post -c <collection> [OPTIONS] <files|directories|urls|-d ["...",...]>
or post -help
collection name defaults to DEFAULT_SOLR_COLLECTION if not specified
Solr options:
-url <base Solr update URL> (overrides collection, host, and port)
-host <host> (default: localhost)
-p or -port <port> (default: 8983)
-commit yes|no (default: yes)
-u or -user <user:pass> (sets BasicAuth credentials)
Web crawl options:
-recursive <depth> (default: 1)
-delay <seconds> (default: 10)
Directory crawl options:
-delay <seconds> (default: 0)
stdin/args options:
-type <content/type> (default: application/xml)
Other options:
-filetypes <type>[,<type>,...] (default: xml,json,csv,pdf,doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,odt,odp,ods,ott,otp,ots,rtf,htm,html,txt,log)
-params "<key>=<value>[&<key>=<value>...]" (values must be URL-encoded; these pass through to Solr update request)
-out yes|no (default: no; yes outputs Solr response to console)
== Examples Using bin/post
There are several ways to use `bin/post`. This section presents several examples.
=== Indexing XML
Add all documents with file extension `.xml` to collection or core named `gettingstarted`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted *.xml
Add all documents with file extension `.xml` to the `gettingstarted` collection/core on Solr running on port `8984`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted -p 8984 *.xml
Send XML arguments to delete a document from `gettingstarted`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted -d '<delete><id>42</id></delete>'
=== Indexing CSV
Index all CSV files into `gettingstarted`:
bin/post -c gettingstarted *.csv
Index a tab-separated file into `gettingstarted`:
bin/post -c signals -params "separator=%09" -type text/csv data.tsv
The content type (`-type`) parameter is required to treat the file as the proper type, otherwise it will be ignored and a WARNING logged as it does not know what type of content a .tsv file is. The <<uploading-data-with-index-handlers.adoc#csv-formatted-index-updates,CSV handler>> supports the `separator` parameter, and is passed through using the `-params` setting.
=== Indexing JSON
Index all JSON files into `gettingstarted`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted *.json
=== Indexing Rich Documents (PDF, Word, HTML, etc.)
Index a PDF file into `gettingstarted`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted a.pdf
Automatically detect content types in a folder, and recursively scan it for documents for indexing into `gettingstarted`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted afolder/
Automatically detect content types in a folder, but limit it to PPT and HTML files and index into `gettingstarted`.
bin/post -c gettingstarted -filetypes ppt,html afolder/
=== Indexing to a Password Protected Solr (Basic Auth)
Index a PDF as the user "solr" with password "SolrRocks":
bin/post -u solr:SolrRocks -c gettingstarted a.pdf
== Post Tool Windows Support
`bin/post` exists currently only as a Unix shell script, however it delegates its work to a cross-platform capable Java program. The <<SimplePostTool>> can be run directly in supported environments, including Windows.
== SimplePostTool
The `bin/post` script currently delegates to a standalone Java program called `SimplePostTool`.
This tool, bundled into a executable JAR, can be run directly using `java -jar example/exampledocs/post.jar`. See the help output and take it from there to post files, recurse a website or file system folder, or send direct commands to a Solr server.
$ java -jar example/exampledocs/post.jar -h
SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
Usage: java [SystemProperties] -jar post.jar [-h|-] [<file|folder|url|arg> [<file|folder|url|arg>...]]