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= Loading Data
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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Streaming Expressions has support for reading, parsing, transforming, visualizing
and loading CSV and TSV formatted data. These functions are designed to cut down the
time spent on data preparation and allow users to begin data exploration before the data is
loaded into Solr.
<<Reading Files, Reading>> -
<<Parsing CSV and TSV Files, Parsing>> -
<<Visualizing, Visualizing>> -
<<Selecting Fields and Field Types, Selecting Fields and Types>> -
<<Loading, Loading >> -
<<Transforming Data, Transforming>>
== Reading Files
The `cat` function can be used to read files under the *userfiles* directory in
$SOLR_HOME. The `cat` function takes two parameters. The first parameter is a comma
delimited list of paths. If the path list contains directories, `cat` will crawl
all the files in the directory and sub-directories. If the path list contains only
files `cat` will read just the specific files.
The second parameter, *maxLines*, tells `cat` how many lines to read in total. If
*maxLines* is not provided, `cat` will read all lines from each file it crawls.
The `cat` function reads each line (up to maxLines) in the crawled files and for each line
emits a tuple with two fields:
* line: The text in the line.
* file: The relative path of the file under $SOLR_HOME.
Below is an example of `cat` on the iris.csv file with a maxLines of 5:
cat("iris.csv", maxLines="5")
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"line": "sepal_length,sepal_width,petal_length,petal_width,species",
"file": "iris.csv"
"line": "5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,setosa",
"file": "iris.csv"
"line": "4.9,3,1.4,0.2,setosa",
"file": "iris.csv"
"line": "4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2,setosa",
"file": "iris.csv"
"line": "4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2,setosa",
"file": "iris.csv"
"EOF": true,
== Parsing CSV and TSV Files
The `parseCSV` and `parseTSV` functions wrap the `cat` function and parse CSV
(comma separated values) and TSV (tab separated values). Both of these functions
expect a CSV or TSV header record at the beginning of each file.
Both `parseCSV` and `parseTSV` emit tuples with the header values mapped to their
corresponding values in each line.
parseCSV(cat("iris.csv", maxLines="5"))
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"sepal_width": "3.5",
"species": "setosa",
"petal_width": "0.2",
"sepal_length": "5.1",
"id": "iris.csv_2",
"petal_length": "1.4"
"sepal_width": "3",
"species": "setosa",
"petal_width": "0.2",
"sepal_length": "4.9",
"id": "iris.csv_3",
"petal_length": "1.4"
"sepal_width": "3.2",
"species": "setosa",
"petal_width": "0.2",
"sepal_length": "4.7",
"id": "iris.csv_4",
"petal_length": "1.3"
"sepal_width": "3.1",
"species": "setosa",
"petal_width": "0.2",
"sepal_length": "4.6",
"id": "iris.csv_5",
"petal_length": "1.5"
"EOF": true,
== Visualizing
Once that data has been parsed into tuples with `parseCSV` or `parseTSV` it can be
visualized using Zeppelin-Solr.
The example below shows the output of the `parseCSV` function visualized as a table.
Columns from the table can then be visualized using one of Apache Zeppelins
visualizations. The example below shows a scatter plot of the petal_length and petal_width
grouped by species.
== Selecting Fields and Field Types
The `select` function can be used to select specific fields from
the CSV file and map them to new field names for indexing.
Fields in the CSV file can be mapped to field names with
dynamic field suffixes. This approach allows for fine grain
control over schema field types without having to make any
changes to schema files.
Below is an example of selecting fields and mapping them
to specific field types.
== Loading
When the data is ready to load, the `update` function can be used to send the
data to a Solr Cloud collection for indexing. The `update` function adds documents to Solr in batches
and returns a tuple for each batch with summary information about the batch and load.
In the example below the update expression is run using Zeppelin-Solr because the
data set is small. For larger loads its best to run the load from a curl command
where the output of the `update` function can be spooled to disk.
= Transforming Data
Streaming Expressions and Math Expression provide a powerful set of functions
for transforming data. The section below shows some useful transformations that
can be applied while analyzing, visualizing and loading CSV and TSV files.
== Unique IDs
Both `parseCSV` and `parseTSV` emit an *id* field if one is not present in the data already.
The *id* field is a concatenation of the file path and the line number. This is a
convenient way to ensure that records have consistent ids if an id
is not present in the file.
You can also map any fields in the file to the id field using the `select` function.
The `concat` function can be used to concatenate two or more fields in the file
to create an id. Or the `uuid` function can be used to create a random unique id. If
the `uuid` function is used the data cannot be reloaded without first deleting
the data, as the `uuid` function does not produce the same id for each document
on subsequent loads.
Below is an example using the `concat` function to create a new id.
Below is an example using the `uuid` function to create a new id.
== Record Numbers
The `recNum` function can be used inside of a `select` function to add a record number
to each tuple. The record number is useful for tracking location in the result set
and can be used for filtering strategies such as skipping, paging and striding described in
the *filtering* section below.
The example below shows the syntax of the `recNum` function:
== Parsing Dates
The `dateTime` function can be used to parse dates into ISO 8601 format
needed for loading into a Solr date time field.
We can first inspect the format of the data time field in the CSV file:
select(parseCSV(cat("yr2017.csv", maxLines="2")),
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"id": "yr2017.csv_2",
"Created.Date": "01/01/2017 12:00:00 AM"
"EOF": true,
Then we can use the dateTime function to format the datetime and
map it to a Solr datetime field.
The `dateTime` function takes three parameters. The field in the data
with the date string, a template to parse the date using a Java SimpleDateFormat template,
and an optional time zone.
If the time zone is not present the time zone defaults to GMT time unless
its included in the date string itself.
Below is an example of the `dateTime` function applied to the date format
in the example above.
select(parseCSV(cat("yr2017.csv", maxLines="2")),
dateTime(Created.Date, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "EST") as cdate_dt)
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"cdate_dt": "2017-01-01T05:00:00Z",
"id": "yr2017.csv_2"
"EOF": true,
== String Manipulation
The `upper`, `lower`, `split`, `valueAt`, `trim` and `concat` functions can be used to manipulate
strings inside of the `select` function.
The example below shows the `upper` function used to upper case the *species*
The example below shows the `split` function which splits a field on
a delimiter. This can be used to create multi-value fields from fields
with an internal delimiter.
The example below demonstrates this with a direct call to
the /stream handler:
split(id, "_") as parts_ss,
species as species_s,
sepal_length as sepal_length_d,
sepal_width as sepal_width_d,
petal_length as petal_length_d,
petal_width as petal_width_d)
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"petal_width_d": "0.2",
"sepal_width_d": "3.5",
"id": "iris.csv_2",
"petal_length_d": "1.4",
"species_s": "setosa",
"sepal_length_d": "5.1",
"parts_ss": [
"petal_width_d": "0.2",
"sepal_width_d": "3",
"id": "iris.csv_3",
"petal_length_d": "1.4",
"species_s": "setosa",
"sepal_length_d": "4.9",
"parts_ss": [
The `valueAt` function can be used to select a specific index from
a split array.
== Filtering Results
The `having` function can be used to filter records. Filtering can be used to systematically
explore specific record sets before indexing or to filter records that are sent for indexing.
The `having` function wraps another stream and applies
a boolean function to each tuple. If the boolean logic function returns true the tuple is returned.
The following boolean functions are supported: `eq`, `gt`, `gteq`, `lt`, `lteq`, `matches`, `and`, `or`,
`not`, `notNull`, `isNull`.
Below are some strategies for using the `having` function to filter records.
=== Finding a Specific Id or Record Number
The `eq` (equals) function can be used with the `having` expression to filter the result set
to a single record number:
=== Skipping
The `gt` (greater than) function can be used on the `recNum` field to filter the result set to
records with a recNum greater then a specific value:
=== Paging
The `and` function with nested `lt` and `gt` functions can be used to select records within a specific
record number range:
=== Striding
The `eq` and nested `mod` function can be used to stride through the data at specific
record number intervals. This allows for a sample to be taken at different intervals in the data
in a systematic way.
=== Regex Matching
The `matches` function can be used to test if a field in the record matches a specific
regular expression. This provides a powerful *grep* like capability over the record set.
== Handling Nulls
In most cases nulls do not need to be handled directly unless there is specific logic needed
to handle nulls during the load.
The `select` function does not output fields that contain a null value. This means
as nulls are encountered in the data the fields are not included in the tuples.
The string manipulation functions all return null if they encounter a null. This means
the null will be passed through to the `select` function and the fields with nulls
will simply be left off the record.
In certain scenarios it can be important to directly filter or replace nulls. The sections below cover these
=== Filtering Nulls
The `having` and `isNull`, `notNull` functions can be combined to filter records that can contain null
In the example below the `having` function returns zero documents because the `notNull` function is applied to
*field_a* in each tuple.
In the example below the `having` function returns all documents because the `isNull` function is applied to
*field_a* in each tuple.
=== Replacing Nulls
The `if` function and `isNull`, `notNull` functions can be combined to replace null values inside a `select` function.
In the example below the `if` function applies the `isNull` boolean expression to two different fields.
In the first example it replaces null *patel_width* values with 0, and returns the *petal_width* if present.
In the second example it replace null *field1* values with the string literal "NA" and returns *field1* if present.
== Text Analysis
The `analyze` function can be used from inside a `select` function to analyze
a text field with a Lucene/Solr analyzer. The output of `analyze` is a
list of analyzed tokens which can be added to each tuple as a multi-valued field.
The multi-value field can then be sent to Solr for indexing or the `cartesianProduct`
function can be used to expand the list of tokens to a stream of tuples.
There are a number of interesting use cases for the `analyze` function:
- Previewing the output of different analyzers before indexing.
- Annotating documents with NLP generated tokens (entity extraction, noun phrases etc...)
before the documents reach the indexing pipeline.
This removes heavy NLP processing from the servers that may also be handling queries. It also allows
more compute resources to be applied to the NLP indexing then is available on the search cluster.
- Using the `cartesianProduct` function the analyzed tokens can be indexed as individual documents which allows
analyzed tokens to be searched and analyzed with Solr's aggregation and graph expressions.
- Also using `cartesianProduct` the analyzed tokens can be aggregated, analyzed and visualized using
Streaming Expressions directly before indexing occurs.
Below is an example of the `analyze` function being applied to the *Resolution.Description*
field in the tuples. The *\_text_* fields analyzer is used to analyze the text and the
analyzed tokens are added to the documents in the *token_ss* field.
select(parseCSV(cat("yr2017.csv", maxLines="2")),
analyze(Resolution.Description, _text_) as tokens_ss)
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"Resolution.Description": "The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will review your complaint to determine appropriate action. Complaints of this type usually result in an inspection. Please call 311 in 30 days from the date of your complaint for status",
"tokens_ss": [
"EOF": true,
The example below shows the `cartesianProduct` function expanding the analyzed terms in the *term_s* field into
their own documents. Notice that the other fields from the document are maintained with each term. This allows each term
to be indexed in a separate document so the relationships between terms and the other fields can be explored through
graph expressions or aggregations.