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= JSON Faceting Domain Changes
:solr-root-path: ../../
:example-source-dir: {solr-root-path}solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/client/ref_guide_examples/
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Facet computation operates on a "domain" of documents. By default, this domain consists of the documents matched by the main query. For sub-facets, the domain consists of all documents placed in their bucket by the parent facet.
Users can also override the "domain" of a facet that partitions data, using an explicit `domain` attribute whose value is a JSON object that can support various options for restricting, expanding, or completely changing the original domain before the buckets are computed for the associated facet.
`domain` changes can only be specified on individual facets that do data partitioning -- not statistical/metric facets, or groups of facets.
A `\*:*` query facet with a `domain` change can be used to group multiple sub-facets of any type, for the purpose of applying a common domain change.
== Adding Domain Filters
The simplest example of a domain change is to specify an additional filter which will be applied to the existing domain. This can be done via the `filter` keyword in the `domain` block of the facet.
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/query -d '
"query": "*:*",
"facet": {
"categories": {
"type": "terms",
"field": "cat",
"limit": 3,
"domain": {
"filter": "popularity:[5 TO 10]"
The value of `filter` can be a single query to treat as a filter, or a JSON list of filter queries. Each query can be:
* a string containing a query in Solr query syntax.
* a reference to a request parameter containing Solr query syntax, of the form: `{param: <request_param_name>}`.
The referred parameter might have 0 (absent) or many values.
** When no values are specified, no filter is applied and no error is thrown.
** When many values are specified, each value is parsed and used as filters.
When a `filter` option is combined with other `domain` changing options, the filtering is applied _after_ the other domain changes take place.
== Filter Exclusions
Domains can also be expanded by using the `excludeTags` keyword to discard or ignore particular tagged query filters.
This is used in the example below to show the top two manufacturers matching a search. The search results match the filter `manu_id_s:apple`, but the computed facet discards this filter and operates a domain widened by discarding the `manu_id_s` filter.
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/query -d '
"query": "cat:electronics",
"filter": "{!tag=MANU}manu_id_s:apple",
"facet": {
"stock": {"type": "terms", "field": "inStock", "limit": 2},
"manufacturers": {
"type": "terms",
"field": "manu_id_s",
"limit": 2,
"domain": { "excludeTags":"MANU" }
The value of `excludeTags` can be a single string tag, an array of string tags, or comma-separated tags in the single string.
When an `excludeTags` option is combined with other `domain` changing options, it expands the domain _before_ any other domain changes take place.
See also the section on <<faceting.adoc#tagging-and-excluding-filters,multi-select faceting>>.
== Arbitrary Domain Query
A `query` domain can be specified when you wish to compute a facet against an arbitrary set of documents, regardless of the original domain. The most common use case would be to compute a top level facet against a specific subset of the collection, regardless of the main query. But it can also be useful on nested facets when building <<json-facet-api.adoc#relatedness-and-semantic-knowledge-graphs,Semantic Knowledge Graphs>>.
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/query -d '
"query": "apple",
"facet": {
"popular_categories": {
"type": "terms",
"field": "cat",
"domain": { "query": "popularity:[8 TO 10]" },
"limit": 3
The value of `query` can be a single query, or a JSON list of queries. Each query can be:
* a string containing a query in Solr query syntax.
* a reference to a request parameter containing Solr query syntax, of the form: `{param: <request_param_name>}`.
The referred parameter might have 0 (absent) or many values.
** When no values are specified, no error is thrown.
** When many values are specified, each value is parsed and used as queries.
NOTE: While a `query` domain can be combined with an additional domain `filter`, It is not possible to also use `excludeTags`, because the tags would be meaningless: The `query` domain already completely ignores the top-level query and all previous filters.
== Block Join Domain Changes
When a collection contains <<indexing-nested-documents.adoc#indexing-nested-documents, Nested Documents>>, the `blockChildren` or `blockParent` domain options can be used transform an existing domain containing one type of document, into a domain containing the documents with the specified relationship (child or parent of) to the documents from the original domain.
Both of these options work similarly to the corresponding <<other-parsers.adoc#block-join-query-parsers,Block Join Query Parsers>> by taking in a single String query that exclusively matches all parent documents in the collection. If `blockParent` is used, then the resulting domain will contain all parent documents of the children from the original domain. If `blockChildren` is used, then the resulting domain will contain all child documents of the parents from the original domain.
"colors": { // <1>
"type": "terms",
"field": "sku_color", // <2>
"facet" : {
"brands" : {
"type": "terms",
"field": "product_brand", // <3>
"domain": {
"blockParent": "doc_type:product"
<1> This example assumes we parent documents corresponding to Products, with child documents corresponding to individual SKUs with unique colors, and that our original query was against SKU documents.
<2> The `colors` facet will be computed against all of the original SKU documents matching our search.
<3> For each bucket in the `colors` facet, the set of all matching SKU documents will be transformed into the set of corresponding parent Product documents. The resulting `brands` sub-facet will count how many Product documents (that have SKUs with the associated color) exist for each Brand.
== Join Query Domain Changes
A `join` domain change option can be used to specify arbitrary `from` and `to` fields to use in transforming from the existing domain to a related set of documents.
This works very similar to the <<other-parsers.adoc#join-query-parser,Join Query Parser>>, and has the same limitations when dealing with multi-shard collections.
"colors": {
"type": "terms",
"field": "sku_color",
"facet": {
"brands": {
"type": "terms",
"field": "product_brand",
"domain" : {
"join" : {
"from": "product_id_of_this_sku",
"to": "id"
"filter": "doc_type:product"
== Graph Traversal Domain Changes
A `graph` domain change option works similarly to the `join` domain option, but can do traversal multiple hops `from` the existing domain `to` other documents.
This works very similar to the <<other-parsers.adoc#graph-query-parser,Graph Query Parser>>, supporting all of it's optional parameters, and has the same limitations when dealing with multi-shard collections.
"related_brands": {
"type": "terms",
"field": "brand",
"domain": {
"graph": {
"from": "related_product_ids",
"to": "id",
"maxDepth": 3