blob: 653afad45f86e7ded37eea9727d4de0dec7a0ffa [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.index;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Merges segments of approximately equal size, subject to
* an allowed number of segments per tier. This is similar
* to {@link LogByteSizeMergePolicy}, except this merge
* policy is able to merge non-adjacent segment, and
* separates how many segments are merged at once ({@link
* #setMaxMergeAtOnce}) from how many segments are allowed
* per tier ({@link #setSegmentsPerTier}). This merge
* policy also does not over-merge (ie, cascade merges).
* <p>For normal merging, this policy first computes a
* "budget" of how many segments are allowed by be in the
* index. If the index is over-budget, then the policy
* sorts segments by decresing size (pro-rating by percent
* deletes), and then finds the least-cost merge. Merge
* cost is measured by a combination of the "skew" of the
* merge (size of largest seg divided by smallest seg),
* total merge size and pct deletes reclaimed,
* so that merges with lower skew, smaller size
* and those reclaiming more deletes, are
* favored.
* <p>If a merge will produce a segment that's larger than
* {@link #setMaxMergedSegmentMB}, then the policy will
* merge fewer segments (down to 1 at once, if that one has
* deletions) to keep the segment size under budget.
* <p<b>NOTE</b>: this policy freely merges non-adjacent
* segments; if this is a problem, use {@link
* LogMergePolicy}.
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: This policy always merges by byte size
* of the segments, always pro-rates by percent deletes,
* and does not apply any maximum segment size during
* optimize (unlike {@link LogByteSizeMergePolicy}.
* @lucene.experimental
// - we could try to take into account whether a large
// merge is already running (under CMS) and then bias
// ourselves towards picking smaller merges if so (or,
// maybe CMS should do so)
public class TieredMergePolicy extends MergePolicy {
private int maxMergeAtOnce = 10;
private long maxMergedSegmentBytes = 5*1024*1024*1024L;
private int maxMergeAtOnceExplicit = 30;
private long floorSegmentBytes = 2*1024*1024L;
private double segsPerTier = 10.0;
private double expungeDeletesPctAllowed = 10.0;
private boolean useCompoundFile = true;
private double noCFSRatio = 0.1;
private double reclaimDeletesWeight = 2.0;
/** Maximum number of segments to be merged at a time
* during "normal" merging. For explicit merging (eg,
* optimize or expungeDeletes was called), see {@link
* #setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit}. Default is 10. */
public TieredMergePolicy setMaxMergeAtOnce(int v) {
if (v < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxMergeAtOnce must be > 1 (got " + v + ")");
maxMergeAtOnce = v;
return this;
/** @see #setMaxMergeAtOnce */
public int getMaxMergeAtOnce() {
return maxMergeAtOnce;
// TODO: should addIndexes do explicit merging, too? And,
// if user calls IW.maybeMerge "explicitly"
/** Maximum number of segments to be merged at a time,
* during optimize or expungeDeletes. Default is 30. */
public TieredMergePolicy setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit(int v) {
if (v < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxMergeAtOnceExplicit must be > 1 (got " + v + ")");
maxMergeAtOnceExplicit = v;
return this;
/** @see #setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit */
public int getMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit() {
return maxMergeAtOnceExplicit;
/** Maximum sized segment to produce during
* normal merging. This setting is approximate: the
* estimate of the merged segment size is made by summing
* sizes of to-be-merged segments (compensating for
* percent deleted docs). Default is 5 GB. */
public TieredMergePolicy setMaxMergedSegmentMB(double v) {
maxMergedSegmentBytes = (long) (v*1024*1024);
return this;
/** @see #getMaxMergedSegmentMB */
public double getMaxMergedSegmentMB() {
return maxMergedSegmentBytes/1024/1024.;
/** Controls how aggressively merges that reclaim more
* deletions are favored. Higher values favor selecting
* merges that reclaim deletions. A value of 0.0 means
* deletions don't impact merge selection. */
public TieredMergePolicy setReclaimDeletesWeight(double v) {
if (v < 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("reclaimDeletesWeight must be >= 0.0 (got " + v + ")");
reclaimDeletesWeight = v;
return this;
/** See {@link #setReclaimDeletesWeight}. */
public double getReclaimDeletesWeight() {
return reclaimDeletesWeight;
/** Segments smaller than this are "rounded up" to this
* size, ie treated as equal (floor) size for merge
* selection. This is to prevent frequent flushing of
* tiny segments from allowing a long tail in the index.
* Default is 2 MB. */
public TieredMergePolicy setFloorSegmentMB(double v) {
if (v <= 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("floorSegmentMB must be >= 0.0 (got " + v + ")");
floorSegmentBytes = (long) (v*1024*1024);
return this;
/** @see #setFloorSegmentMB */
public double getFloorSegmentMB() {
return floorSegmentBytes/1024*1024.;
/** When expungeDeletes is called, we only merge away a
* segment if its delete percentage is over this
* threshold. Default is 10%. */
public TieredMergePolicy setExpungeDeletesPctAllowed(double v) {
if (v < 0.0 || v > 100.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expungeDeletesPctAllowed must be between 0.0 and 100.0 inclusive (got " + v + ")");
expungeDeletesPctAllowed = v;
return this;
/** @see #setExpungeDeletesPctAllowed */
public double getExpungeDeletesPctAllowed() {
return expungeDeletesPctAllowed;
/** Sets the allowed number of segments per tier. Smaller
* values mean more merging but fewer segments.
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: this value should be >= the {@link
* #setMaxMergeAtOnce} otherwise you'll force too much
* merging to occur.</p>
* <p>Default is 10.0.</p> */
public TieredMergePolicy setSegmentsPerTier(double v) {
if (v < 2.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("segmentsPerTier must be >= 2.0 (got " + v + ")");
segsPerTier = v;
return this;
/** @see #setSegmentsPerTier */
public double getSegmentsPerTier() {
return segsPerTier;
/** Sets whether compound file format should be used for
* newly flushed and newly merged segments. Default
* true. */
public TieredMergePolicy setUseCompoundFile(boolean useCompoundFile) {
this.useCompoundFile = useCompoundFile;
return this;
/** @see #setUseCompoundFile */
public boolean getUseCompoundFile() {
return useCompoundFile;
/** If a merged segment will be more than this percentage
* of the total size of the index, leave the segment as
* non-compound file even if compound file is enabled.
* Set to 1.0 to always use CFS regardless of merge
* size. Default is 0.1. */
public TieredMergePolicy setNoCFSRatio(double noCFSRatio) {
if (noCFSRatio < 0.0 || noCFSRatio > 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("noCFSRatio must be 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive; got " + noCFSRatio);
this.noCFSRatio = noCFSRatio;
return this;
/** @see #setNoCFSRatio */
public double getNoCFSRatio() {
return noCFSRatio;
private class SegmentByteSizeDescending implements Comparator<SegmentInfo> {
public int compare(SegmentInfo o1, SegmentInfo o2) {
try {
final long sz1 = size(o1);
final long sz2 = size(o2);
if (sz1 > sz2) {
return -1;
} else if (sz2 > sz1) {
return 1;
} else {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
private final Comparator<SegmentInfo> segmentByteSizeDescending = new SegmentByteSizeDescending();
protected static abstract class MergeScore {
abstract double getScore();
abstract String getExplanation();
public MergeSpecification findMerges(SegmentInfos infos) throws IOException {
if (verbose()) {
message("findMerges: " + infos.size() + " segments");
if (infos.size() == 0) {
return null;
final Collection<SegmentInfo> merging = writer.get().getMergingSegments();
final Collection<SegmentInfo> toBeMerged = new HashSet<SegmentInfo>();
final List<SegmentInfo> infosSorted = new ArrayList<SegmentInfo>(infos.asList());
Collections.sort(infosSorted, segmentByteSizeDescending);
// Compute total index bytes & print details about the index
long totIndexBytes = 0;
long minSegmentBytes = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for(SegmentInfo info : infosSorted) {
final long segBytes = size(info);
if (verbose()) {
String extra = merging.contains(info) ? " [merging]" : "";
if (segBytes >= maxMergedSegmentBytes/2.0) {
extra += " [skip: too large]";
} else if (segBytes < floorSegmentBytes) {
extra += " [floored]";
message(" seg=" + writer.get().segString(info) + " size=" + String.format("%.3f", segBytes/1024/1024.) + " MB" + extra);
minSegmentBytes = Math.min(segBytes, minSegmentBytes);
// Accum total byte size
totIndexBytes += segBytes;
// If we have too-large segments, grace them out
// of the maxSegmentCount:
int tooBigCount = 0;
while (tooBigCount < infosSorted.size() && size(infosSorted.get(tooBigCount)) >= maxMergedSegmentBytes/2.0) {
totIndexBytes -= size(infosSorted.get(tooBigCount));
minSegmentBytes = floorSize(minSegmentBytes);
// Compute max allowed segs in the index
long levelSize = minSegmentBytes;
long bytesLeft = totIndexBytes;
double allowedSegCount = 0;
while(true) {
final double segCountLevel = bytesLeft / (double) levelSize;
if (segCountLevel < segsPerTier) {
allowedSegCount += Math.ceil(segCountLevel);
allowedSegCount += segsPerTier;
bytesLeft -= segsPerTier * levelSize;
levelSize *= maxMergeAtOnce;
int allowedSegCountInt = (int) allowedSegCount;
MergeSpecification spec = null;
// Cycle to possibly select more than one merge:
while(true) {
long mergingBytes = 0;
// Gather eligible segments for merging, ie segments
// not already being merged and not already picked (by
// prior iteration of this loop) for merging:
final List<SegmentInfo> eligible = new ArrayList<SegmentInfo>();
for(int idx = tooBigCount; idx<infosSorted.size(); idx++) {
final SegmentInfo info = infosSorted.get(idx);
if (merging.contains(info)) {
mergingBytes += info.sizeInBytes(true);
} else if (!toBeMerged.contains(info)) {
final boolean maxMergeIsRunning = mergingBytes >= maxMergedSegmentBytes;
message(" allowedSegmentCount=" + allowedSegCountInt + " vs count=" + infosSorted.size() + " (eligible count=" + eligible.size() + ") tooBigCount=" + tooBigCount);
if (eligible.size() == 0) {
return spec;
if (eligible.size() >= allowedSegCountInt) {
// OK we are over budget -- find best merge!
MergeScore bestScore = null;
List<SegmentInfo> best = null;
boolean bestTooLarge = false;
long bestMergeBytes = 0;
// Consider all merge starts:
for(int startIdx = 0;startIdx <= eligible.size()-maxMergeAtOnce; startIdx++) {
long totAfterMergeBytes = 0;
final List<SegmentInfo> candidate = new ArrayList<SegmentInfo>();
boolean hitTooLarge = false;
for(int idx = startIdx;idx<eligible.size() && candidate.size() < maxMergeAtOnce;idx++) {
final SegmentInfo info = eligible.get(idx);
final long segBytes = size(info);
if (totAfterMergeBytes + segBytes > maxMergedSegmentBytes) {
hitTooLarge = true;
// NOTE: we continue, so that we can try
// "packing" smaller segments into this merge
// to see if we can get closer to the max
// size; this in general is not perfect since
// this is really "bin packing" and we'd have
// to try different permutations.
totAfterMergeBytes += segBytes;
final MergeScore score = score(candidate, hitTooLarge, mergingBytes);
message(" maybe=" + writer.get().segString(candidate) + " score=" + score.getScore() + " " + score.getExplanation() + " tooLarge=" + hitTooLarge + " size=" + String.format("%.3f MB", totAfterMergeBytes/1024./1024.));
// If we are already running a max sized merge
// (maxMergeIsRunning), don't allow another max
// sized merge to kick off:
if ((bestScore == null || score.getScore() < bestScore.getScore()) && (!hitTooLarge || !maxMergeIsRunning)) {
best = candidate;
bestScore = score;
bestTooLarge = hitTooLarge;
bestMergeBytes = totAfterMergeBytes;
if (best != null) {
if (spec == null) {
spec = new MergeSpecification();
final OneMerge merge = new OneMerge(best);
for(SegmentInfo info : merge.segments) {
if (verbose()) {
message(" add merge=" + writer.get().segString(merge.segments) + " size=" + String.format("%.3f MB", bestMergeBytes/1024./1024.) + " score=" + String.format("%.3f", bestScore.getScore()) + " " + bestScore.getExplanation() + (bestTooLarge ? " [max merge]" : ""));
} else {
return spec;
} else {
return spec;
/** Expert: scores one merge; subclasses can override. */
protected MergeScore score(List<SegmentInfo> candidate, boolean hitTooLarge, long mergingBytes) throws IOException {
long totBeforeMergeBytes = 0;
long totAfterMergeBytes = 0;
long totAfterMergeBytesFloored = 0;
for(SegmentInfo info : candidate) {
final long segBytes = size(info);
totAfterMergeBytes += segBytes;
totAfterMergeBytesFloored += floorSize(segBytes);
totBeforeMergeBytes += info.sizeInBytes(true);
// Measure "skew" of the merge, which can range
// from 1.0/numSegsBeingMerged (good) to 1.0
// (poor):
final double skew;
if (hitTooLarge) {
// Pretend the merge has perfect skew; skew doesn't
// matter in this case because this merge will not
// "cascade" and so it cannot lead to N^2 merge cost
// over time:
skew = 1.0/maxMergeAtOnce;
} else {
skew = ((double) floorSize(size(candidate.get(0))))/totAfterMergeBytesFloored;
// Strongly favor merges with less skew (smaller
// mergeScore is better):
double mergeScore = skew;
// Gently favor smaller merges over bigger ones. We
// don't want to make this exponent too large else we
// can end up doing poor merges of small segments in
// order to avoid the large merges:
mergeScore *= Math.pow(totAfterMergeBytes, 0.05);
// Strongly favor merges that reclaim deletes:
final double nonDelRatio = ((double) totAfterMergeBytes)/totBeforeMergeBytes;
mergeScore *= Math.pow(nonDelRatio, reclaimDeletesWeight);
final double finalMergeScore = mergeScore;
return new MergeScore() {
public double getScore() {
return finalMergeScore;
public String getExplanation() {
return "skew=" + String.format("%.3f", skew) + " nonDelRatio=" + String.format("%.3f", nonDelRatio);
public MergeSpecification findMergesForOptimize(SegmentInfos infos, int maxSegmentCount, Map<SegmentInfo,Boolean> segmentsToOptimize) throws IOException {
if (verbose()) {
message("findMergesForOptimize maxSegmentCount=" + maxSegmentCount + " infos=" + writer.get().segString(infos) + " segmentsToOptimize=" + segmentsToOptimize);
List<SegmentInfo> eligible = new ArrayList<SegmentInfo>();
boolean optimizeMergeRunning = false;
final Collection<SegmentInfo> merging = writer.get().getMergingSegments();
boolean segmentIsOriginal = false;
for(SegmentInfo info : infos) {
final Boolean isOriginal = segmentsToOptimize.get(info);
if (isOriginal != null) {
segmentIsOriginal = isOriginal;
if (!merging.contains(info)) {
} else {
optimizeMergeRunning = true;
if (eligible.size() == 0) {
return null;
if ((maxSegmentCount > 1 && eligible.size() <= maxSegmentCount) ||
(maxSegmentCount == 1 && eligible.size() == 1 && (!segmentIsOriginal || isOptimized(eligible.get(0))))) {
if (verbose()) {
message("already optimized");
return null;
Collections.sort(eligible, segmentByteSizeDescending);
if (verbose()) {
message("eligible=" + eligible);
message("optimizeMergeRunning=" + optimizeMergeRunning);
int end = eligible.size();
MergeSpecification spec = null;
// Do full merges, first, backwards:
while(end >= maxMergeAtOnceExplicit + maxSegmentCount - 1) {
if (spec == null) {
spec = new MergeSpecification();
final OneMerge merge = new OneMerge(eligible.subList(end-maxMergeAtOnceExplicit, end));
if (verbose()) {
message("add merge=" + writer.get().segString(merge.segments));
end -= maxMergeAtOnceExplicit;
if (spec == null && !optimizeMergeRunning) {
// Do final merge
final int numToMerge = end - maxSegmentCount + 1;
final OneMerge merge = new OneMerge(eligible.subList(end-numToMerge, end));
if (verbose()) {
message("add final merge=" + merge.segString(writer.get().getDirectory()));
spec = new MergeSpecification();
return spec;
public MergeSpecification findMergesToExpungeDeletes(SegmentInfos infos)
throws CorruptIndexException, IOException {
if (verbose()) {
message("findMergesToExpungeDeletes infos=" + writer.get().segString(infos) + " expungeDeletesPctAllowed=" + expungeDeletesPctAllowed);
final List<SegmentInfo> eligible = new ArrayList<SegmentInfo>();
final Collection<SegmentInfo> merging = writer.get().getMergingSegments();
for(SegmentInfo info : infos) {
double pctDeletes = 100.*((double) writer.get().numDeletedDocs(info))/info.docCount;
if (pctDeletes > expungeDeletesPctAllowed && !merging.contains(info)) {
if (eligible.size() == 0) {
return null;
Collections.sort(eligible, segmentByteSizeDescending);
if (verbose()) {
message("eligible=" + eligible);
int start = 0;
MergeSpecification spec = null;
while(start < eligible.size()) {
long totAfterMergeBytes = 0;
int upto = start;
boolean done = false;
while(upto < start + maxMergeAtOnceExplicit) {
if (upto == eligible.size()) {
done = true;
final SegmentInfo info = eligible.get(upto);
final long segBytes = size(info);
if (totAfterMergeBytes + segBytes > maxMergedSegmentBytes) {
// TODO: we could be smarter here, eg cherry
// picking smaller merges that'd sum up to just
// around the max size
totAfterMergeBytes += segBytes;
if (upto == start) {
// Single segment is too big; grace it
if (spec == null) {
spec = new MergeSpecification();
final OneMerge merge = new OneMerge(eligible.subList(start, upto));
if (verbose()) {
message("add merge=" + writer.get().segString(merge.segments));
start = upto;
if (done) {
return spec;
public boolean useCompoundFile(SegmentInfos infos, SegmentInfo mergedInfo) throws IOException {
final boolean doCFS;
if (!useCompoundFile) {
doCFS = false;
} else if (noCFSRatio == 1.0) {
doCFS = true;
} else {
long totalSize = 0;
for (SegmentInfo info : infos)
totalSize += size(info);
doCFS = size(mergedInfo) <= noCFSRatio * totalSize;
return doCFS;
public void close() {
private boolean isOptimized(SegmentInfo info)
throws IOException {
IndexWriter w = writer.get();
assert w != null;
boolean hasDeletions = w.numDeletedDocs(info) > 0;
return !hasDeletions &&
!info.hasSeparateNorms() &&
info.dir == w.getDirectory() &&
(info.getUseCompoundFile() == useCompoundFile || noCFSRatio < 1.0);
// Segment size in bytes, pro-rated by % deleted
private long size(SegmentInfo info) throws IOException {
final long byteSize = info.sizeInBytes(true);
final int delCount = writer.get().numDeletedDocs(info);
final double delRatio = (info.docCount <= 0 ? 0.0f : ((double)delCount / (double)info.docCount));
assert delRatio <= 1.0;
return (long) (byteSize * (1.0-delRatio));
private long floorSize(long bytes) {
return Math.max(floorSegmentBytes, bytes);
private boolean verbose() {
IndexWriter w = writer.get();
return w != null && w.verbose();
private void message(String message) {
if (verbose()) {
writer.get().message("TMP: " + message);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ": ");
sb.append("maxMergeAtOnce=").append(maxMergeAtOnce).append(", ");
sb.append("maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=").append(maxMergeAtOnceExplicit).append(", ");
sb.append("maxMergedSegmentMB=").append(maxMergedSegmentBytes/1024/1024.).append(", ");
sb.append("floorSegmentMB=").append(floorSegmentBytes/1024/1024.).append(", ");
sb.append("expungeDeletesPctAllowed=").append(expungeDeletesPctAllowed).append(", ");
sb.append("segmentsPerTier=").append(segsPerTier).append(", ");
sb.append("useCompoundFile=").append(useCompoundFile).append(", ");
return sb.toString();