blob: 7b759d01913a57d3bdfd06c55fae465fb9a04bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.solr;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.Slow;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4.SuppressPointFields;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
* TODO? perhaps use:
* rather then open a real connection?
* @since solr 4.0
public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
public TestDistributedGrouping() {
// SOLR-10844: Even with points suppressed, this test breaks if we (randomize) docvalues="true" on trie fields?!?!?!!?
String t1="a_t";
String i1dv="a_idv";
String i1="a_i1";
String s1="a_s";
String s1dv = "a_s_dvo";
String b1dv = "a_b_dvo";
String tlong = "other_tl1";
String tdate_a = "a_n_tdt1"; // use single-valued date field
String tdate_b = "b_n_tdt1";
String oddField="oddField_s1";
public void test() throws Exception {
handle.put("timestamp", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("_version_", SKIP);
handle.put("grouped", UNORDERED); // distrib grouping doesn't guarantee order of top level group commands
// Test distributed grouping with empty indices
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "hl","true","hl.fl",t1);
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "facet", "true", "facet.field", t1);
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "stats", "true", "stats.field", i1);
query("q", "kings", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "spellcheck", "true", "", "true", "qt", "spellCheckCompRH", "df", "subject");
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.truncate", "true", "facet", "true", "facet.field", t1);
indexr(id,1, i1, 100, tlong, 100, i1dv, 100, t1,"now is the time for all good men",
tdate_a, "2010-04-20T11:00:00Z", b1dv, true,
tdate_b, "2009-08-20T11:00:00Z", s1dv, "Trillian",
"foo_f", 1.414f, "foo_b", "true", "foo_d", 1.414d);
indexr(id,2, i1, 50 , tlong, 50, i1dv, 50, t1,"to come to the aid of their country.",
tdate_a, "2010-05-02T11:00:00Z", b1dv, false,
tdate_b, "2009-11-02T11:00:00Z");
indexr(id,3, i1, 2, tlong, 2,t1,"how now brown cow",
tdate_a, "2010-05-03T11:00:00Z");
indexr(id,4, i1, -100 ,tlong, 101, i1dv, 101,
t1,"the quick fox jumped over the lazy dog", b1dv, true, s1dv, "Zaphod",
tdate_a, "2010-05-03T11:00:00Z",
tdate_b, "2010-05-03T11:00:00Z");
indexr(id,5, i1, 500, tlong, 500 , i1dv, 500,
t1,"the quick fox jumped way over the lazy dog",
tdate_a, "2010-05-05T11:00:00Z");
indexr(id,6, i1, -600, tlong, 600 , i1dv, 600, t1,"humpty dumpy sat on a wall");
indexr(id,7, i1, 123, tlong, 123 ,i1dv, 123, t1,"humpty dumpy had a great fall");
indexr(id,8, i1, 876, tlong, 876,
tdate_b, "2010-01-05T11:00:00Z",
t1,"all the kings horses and all the kings men");
indexr(id,9, i1, 7, tlong, 7, i1dv, 7, t1,"couldn't put humpty together again");
indexr(id,10, i1, 4321, tlong, 4321, i1dv, 4321, t1,"this too shall pass");
indexr(id,11, i1, -987, tlong, 987, i1dv, 2015,
t1,"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.");
indexr(id,12, i1, 379, tlong, 379, i1dv, 379,
t1,"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.");
indexr(id, 14, "SubjectTerms_mfacet", new String[] {"mathematical models", "mathematical analysis"});
indexr(id, 15, "SubjectTerms_mfacet", new String[] {"test 1", "test 2", "test3"});
indexr(id, 16, "SubjectTerms_mfacet", new String[] {"test 1", "test 2", "test3"});
String[] vals = new String[100];
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
vals[i] = "test " + i;
indexr(id, 17, "SubjectTerms_mfacet", vals);
id, 18, i1, 232, tlong, 332, i1dv, 150,
t1,"no eggs on wall, lesson learned", b1dv, true, s1dv, "dent",
oddField, "odd man out"
id, 19, i1, 232, tlong, 432, i1dv, 300,
t1, "many eggs on wall", b1dv, false, s1dv, "dent",
oddField, "odd man in"
id, 20, i1, 232, tlong, 532, i1dv, 150,
t1, "some eggs on wall", b1dv, false, s1dv, "author",
oddField, "odd man between"
id, 21, i1, 232, tlong, 632, i1dv, 120,
t1, "a few eggs on wall", b1dv, true, s1dv, "ford prefect",
oddField, "odd man under"
id, 22, i1, 232, tlong, 732, i1dv, 120,
t1, "any eggs on wall", b1dv, false, s1dv, "ford prefect",
oddField, "odd man above"
id, 23, i1, 233, tlong, 734, i1dv, 120,
t1, "dirty eggs", b1dv, true, s1dv, "Marvin",
oddField, "odd eggs"
for (int i = 100; i < 150; i++) {
indexr(id, i);
int[] values = new int[]{9999, 99999, 999999, 9999999};
for (int shard = 0; shard < clients.size(); shard++) {
int groupValue = values[shard];
for (int i = 500; i < 600; i++) {
i1, groupValue,
s1, "a",
id, i * (shard + 1),
t1, random().nextInt(7));
// test grouping
// The second sort = id asc . The sorting behaviour is different in dist mode. See TopDocs#merge
// The shard the result came from matters in the order if both document sortvalues are equal
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 0, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", "id asc, _docid_ asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", "{!func}add(" + i1 + ",5) asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "facet", "true", "facet.field", t1);
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "stats", "true", "stats.field", tlong);
query("q", "kings", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "spellcheck", "true", "", "true", "qt", "spellCheckCompRH", "df", "subject");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "facet", "true", "hl","true","hl.fl",t1);
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.sort", "id desc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.offset", 5, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "offset", 5, "rows", 5, "group.offset", 5, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "offset", 5, "rows", 5, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.format", "simple");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "offset", 5, "rows", 5, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.main", "true");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.offset", 5, "group.limit", 5, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.format", "simple", "offset", 5, "rows", 5);
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.offset", 5, "group.limit", 5, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.main", "true", "offset", 5, "rows", 5);
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "fl", "id," + i1dv, "group", "true", "group.field", i1dv, "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// SOLR-4150: what if group.query has no matches,
// or only matches on one shard
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs",
"group.query", "id:5", // single doc, so only one shard will have it
"group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs",
"group.query", t1 + ":this_will_never_match",
"group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// SOLR-4164: main query matches nothing, or only matches on one shard
query("q", "bogus_s:nothing", // no docs match
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":this_will_never_match",
"group.field", i1,
"fl", "id", "group.limit", "2", "group.format", "simple");
query("q", "id:5", // one doc matches, so only one shard
"rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs",
"group.field", i1,
"group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// SOLR-13404
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs",
"fl", "id", "group.format", "grouped", "group.limit", "2", "group.offset", "2",
"sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs",
"fl", "id", "group.format", "grouped", "group.limit", "-12",
"sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
ignoreException("'group.offset' parameter cannot be negative");
SolrException exception = expectThrows(SolrException.class, () -> query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.offset", "-1")
assertEquals(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code, exception.code());
assertThat(exception.getMessage(), containsString("'group.offset' parameter cannot be negative"));
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", "3",
"fl", "id", "group.format", "simple", "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs",
"fl", "id", "group.main", "true", "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "rows", "13", "start", "2",
"fl", "id", "group.main", "true", "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// SOLR-9802
query("q", "*:*", "group", "true", "group.field", tdate_a, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "fl", "id");
// SOLR-3109
query("q", t1 + ":eggs", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 10, "sort", tlong + " asc, id asc");
query("q", i1 + ":232", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 10, "sort", tlong + " asc, id asc");
// SOLR-12248
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + s1dv, "group", "true", "group.field", s1dv, "group.limit", -1, "sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc", "group.sort", "id desc");
query("q", "*:*", "fl", "id," + b1dv, "group", "true", "group.field", b1dv, "group.limit", 10, "sort", s1dv + " asc, id asc");
query("q", s1dv + ":dent", "fl", "id," + b1dv, "group", "true", "group.field", b1dv, "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// In order to validate this we need to make sure that during indexing that all documents of one group only occur on the same shard
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.ngroups", "true");
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.truncate", "true");
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.truncate", "true", "facet", "true", "facet.field", t1);
for (String gfacet : new String[] { "true", "false" }) {
for (String flimit : new String[] { "-100","-1", "1", "2", "10000" }) {
for (String foffset : new String[] { "0","1", "2", "1000" }) {
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1+":a",
"rows", 100, "fl", "id,"+i1, "sort", i1+" asc, id asc",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", 10,
"facet", "true", "facet.field", t1, "group.facet", gfacet,
"facet.limit", flimit, "facet.offset", foffset);
// SOLR-3316
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 0, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "facet", "true", "facet.field", t1);
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 0, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.truncate", "true", "facet", "true", "facet.field", t1);
// SOLR-3436
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.ngroups", "true");
query("q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 0, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", "group.ngroups", "true");
// SOLR-3960 - include a postfilter
for (String facet : new String[] { "false", "true"}) {
for (String fcache : new String[] { "", " cache=false cost=200"}) {
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1,
"group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1,
"fq", "{!frange l=50 "+fcache+"}"+tlong,
"facet.field", t1,
"facet", facet
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
Object[] q = {"q", "*:*", "fq", s1 + ":a", "rows", 1, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "group.ngroups", "true"};
for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i += 2) {
params.add(q[i].toString(), q[i + 1].toString());
int which = r.nextInt(clients.size());
SolrClient client = clients.get(which);
QueryResponse rsp = client.query(params);
NamedList nl = (NamedList<?>) rsp.getResponse().get("grouped");
nl = (NamedList<?>) nl.getVal(0);
int matches = (Integer) nl.getVal(0);
int groupCount = (Integer) nl.get("ngroups");
assertEquals(100 * shardsArr.length, matches);
assertEquals(shardsArr.length, groupCount);
// We validate distributed grouping with scoring as first sort.
// note: this 'q' matches all docs and returns the 'id' as the score, which is unique and so our results should be deterministic.
handle.put("maxScore", SKIP);// TODO see SOLR-6612
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", "score,id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", i1 + " desc", "group.sort", "score desc"); // SOLR-2955
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", "score,id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", "score desc, _docid_ asc, id asc");
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", "score,id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1);
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", "3",
"fl", "id,score", "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", "3",
"fl", "id,score", "group.format", "simple", "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
query("q", "*:*",
"group", "true",
"group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", "3",
"fl", "id,score", "group.main", "true", "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// grouping shouldn't care if there are multiple fl params, or what order the fl field names are in
variantQuery(params("q", "*:*",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1dv, "group.limit", "10",
"sort", i1 + " asc, id asc")
, params("fl", "id," + i1dv)
, params("fl", i1dv + ",id")
, params("fl", "id", "fl", i1dv)
, params("fl", i1dv, "fl", "id")
variantQuery(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", s1dv, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc",
"group.sort", "id desc")
, params("fl", "id," + s1dv + "," + tdate_a)
, params("fl", "id", "fl", s1dv, "fl", tdate_a)
, params("fl", tdate_a, "fl", s1dv, "fl", "id")
variantQuery(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", s1dv, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc",
"group.sort", "id desc")
, params("fl", s1dv + "," + tdate_a)
, params("fl", s1dv, "fl", tdate_a)
, params("fl", tdate_a, "fl", s1dv)
variantQuery(params("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", tlong+" asc, id desc")
, params("fl", t1 + ",score," + i1dv)
, params("fl", t1, "fl", "score", "fl", i1dv)
, params("fl", "score", "fl", t1, "fl", i1dv)
// some explicit checks of non default sorting, and sort/group.sort with diff clauses
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", tlong + ",id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1,
"sort", tlong+" asc, id desc");
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", tlong + ",id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1,
"sort", "id asc",
"group.sort", tlong+" asc, id desc");
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", tlong + ",id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1,
"sort", tlong+" asc, id desc",
"group.sort", "id asc");
for (boolean withFL : new boolean[] {true, false}) {
if (withFL) {
rsp = variantQuery(params("q", "{!func}id_i1", "fq", oddField+":[* TO *]",
"rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", tlong+" asc", "group.sort", oddField+" asc")
, params("fl", tlong + ",id," + i1)
, params("fl", tlong, "fl", "id", "fl", i1)
, params("fl", "id", "fl", i1, "fl", tlong)
} else {
// special check: same query, but empty fl...
rsp = query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "fq", oddField+":[* TO *]",
"rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", tlong+" asc", "group.sort", oddField+" asc");
nl = (NamedList<?>) rsp.getResponse().get("grouped");
nl = (NamedList<?>) nl.get(i1);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 6, nl.get("matches"));
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 2, ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).size());
nl = ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).get(0);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 232, nl.get("groupValue"));
SolrDocumentList docs = (SolrDocumentList) nl.get("doclist");
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 5, docs.getNumFound());
assertEquals(docs.toString(), "22", docs.get(0).getFirstValue("id"));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 732L, docs.get(0).getFirstValue(tlong));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 232, docs.get(0).getFirstValue(i1));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), "21", docs.get(4).getFirstValue("id"));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 632L, docs.get(4).getFirstValue(tlong));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 232, docs.get(4).getFirstValue(i1));
if (withFL == false) {
// exact number varies based on test randomization, but there should always be at least the 8
// explicitly indexed in these 2 docs...
assertTrue(docs.toString(), 8 <= docs.get(0).getFieldNames().size());
assertTrue(docs.toString(), 8 <= docs.get(4).getFieldNames().size());
// grouping on boolean non-stored docValued enabled field
rsp = query("q", b1dv + ":*", "fl", "id," + b1dv, "group", "true", "group.field",
b1dv, "group.limit", 10, "sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc");
nl = (NamedList<?>) rsp.getResponse().get("grouped");
nl = (NamedList<?>) nl.get(b1dv);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 9, nl.get("matches"));
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 2, ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).size());
nl = ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).get(0);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), false, nl.get("groupValue"));
SolrDocumentList docs = (SolrDocumentList) nl.get("doclist");
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 4, docs.getNumFound());
// Can't validate the response, but can check if no errors occur.
simpleQuery("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, 1);
simpleQuery("q", "*:*", "rows", 10, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "debug", "true");
private void simpleQuery(Object... queryParams) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
for (int i = 0; i < queryParams.length; i += 2) {
params.add(queryParams[i].toString(), queryParams[i + 1].toString());
params.set("shards", shards);
* Special helper method for verifying that multiple queries behave the same as each other,
* both in distributed and single node queries
* @param commonParams params that are common to all queries
* @param variantParams params that will be appended to the common params to create a variant query
* @return the last response returned by the last variant
* @see #query
* @see #compareResponses
* @see SolrParams#wrapAppended
protected QueryResponse variantQuery(final SolrParams commonParams,
final SolrParams... variantParams) throws Exception {
QueryResponse lastResponse = null;
for (SolrParams extra : variantParams) {
final QueryResponse rsp = query(SolrParams.wrapAppended(commonParams, extra));
if (null != lastResponse) {
compareResponses(rsp, lastResponse);
lastResponse = rsp;
return lastResponse;